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(南京师范大学 体育科学学院,南京 210023)
关键词:  江苏省  体医融合  政策文本  政策工具  协同主体  NVivo分析
基金项目:2019年度江苏省体育局重大体育科研课题项目 “江苏省体医融合发展政策研究”(ST194104);2021年江苏省研究生科研创新项目 “推进体育与医疗融合发展的政策体系研究”(KYCX21_1253)
A Policy Analysis of the Integration of Sports and HealthCare in Jiangsu Province Based on Policy Tools
JIANG Lingwang,CHEN Jiaqi,YANG Jixing
(College of Sports Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023 ,China)
Policy tools are an important means for the government to achieve policy objectives. Taking the policy texts related to the development of the integration of sports and health care in Jiangsu Province as an object, this paper constructs an analysis framework from the dimension of policy tools and the collaborative subject of the integration of sports and health care and makes a quantitative analysis. From the perspective of policy tools, it is found that the use of environmental policy tools is excessive and strategic measures are highly used; The use of supply-oriented policy tools is appropriate, and the cultivation of professionals is highly valued; There is a serious lack of demand-based policy tools and insufficient application of government procurement. From the perspective of collaborative subject, it is found that we attach great importance to the development of the main fields of government, health care and sports, as well as the talent training in the main field of education, but the supply of policy tools in the main field of society is insufficient. It is proposed that we should constantly optimize the structure of policy tools for the integration of sports and health care and improve the effectiveness of the policy, balance the use of policy tools of various collaborators to ensure rational distribution, accelerate the construction of the evaluation system of policy tools for the integration of sports and health care, and improve the scientificity of policy tools.
Key words:  Jiangsu Province  integration of sports and health care  policy text  policy tools  collaboration subject  NVivo analysis

