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关键词:  科技类博物馆  特殊儿童及其家庭  科普教育
基金项目:2018年上海市教育科学研究项目“基于上海市博物馆资源的中小学STEAM教育研究”,编号:C18086。 ② 〖ZK
Research on the Current Situation of Education for Special Children and their Families in Science and Technology Museums in the United Kingdom and the United States
Zhang Jiayi,Gu Yiwen,Bao Xianqing
As an important position of public science education, science and technology museum has the social responsibility and mission to provide all citizens with equal, diversified, and inclusive science education. In view of this, special children and their families have gradually become the focus of science and technology museums. The development of the ‘demassification’ of museum education in China started relatively late, so the educational services for special children and their families have not been popularized. Therefore, this article uses the case analysis method. Through data collection, sorting and filtering, the authors finally choose to take several cases of science and technology museums in the United Kingdom and the United States as examples for analysis and comparison. The author concludes that there are two types of specify audiences (action disabled children and their families and learning disabled children and their families) and undefined audiences, and makes a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences of educational services provided for action disabled, learning disabled children and their families. This article hopes to provide some experience and inspiration for science and technology museums in China.
Key words:  science and technology museum, special children and their families, science popularization education

