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一、引言所谓面称 ,就是面对面交谈时所使用的直接称呼语。在陌生人的言语交往中 ,由于听话人和说话人的陌生性 ,从而带来了面称上的独特性。而本文的目的也就在于通过对陌生人言语交往中的面称的分类、影响和面称选择的因素以及面称的功能的分析探讨 ,来揭示其具体的语用特点。二、陌生人言语交往中的面称的分类在综合考察了各种面称分类方法后 ,笔者根据陌生人言语交往中的面称的特点 ,以语义内容和语用情况为划分标准 ,将其分为 :1 反映性别和年辈的称呼主要是特殊亲属称呼语。它包括“爷爷”、“奶奶”、“叔叔”、“阿姨”等可用于非亲…  相似文献   

男性配偶称呼语作为亲属称谓系统的重要组成部分,是人们日常交际的重要手段。随着社会的变迁和发展,男性对配偶的称呼也随之改变,有的从古一直沿用至今,有的则被社会的洪流淹没,不再使用。本文简要的描述了男性配偶称呼语的演变,同时也从内外两方面探究导致这种称呼语变化的原因。  相似文献   

委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象,它不仅是一种社会语言现象,更是一种化现象,本试从委婉语的交际功能-“避讳”、“礼貌”、“掩饰”等功能谈英语委婉语的用法,以帮助英语学习更好地进行跨化交际。  相似文献   

孙丽秀 《文教资料》2011,(10):38-39
委婉语是人们在社会交际过程中为了实现预期的交际效果而创造出的一种有效的表达方式,是调剂人际关系和社会关系的重要手段。因此,委婉语的主要交际功能有三种“避讳”功能、“礼貌”功能和“掩饰”功能。本文先从委婉语的定义出发,指出委婉语是适应社会交际生活需要而产生的.然后结合“面子”理论和GeoffreyN.Leech提出的“礼貌”原则.运用大量的实例重点分析了委婉语的礼貌功能。通过分析,我们更进一步理解了委婉语,它用婉转含蓄的表达美化了语言,使我们的社会生活更加和谐。  相似文献   

“校园交际中的语码转换”现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“语码转换”是指具备双语或多语的交际根据不同的交际场合的要求,转换并运用不同的语言进行交流。校园交际中的“语码转换”现象主要发生在课堂上和社交场合中,具有一定的社会功能和情感功能。而每一次的“语码转换”,都有其发生的种种原因?  相似文献   

在日常生活中,交际双方对称呼语的选择不仅反映了交际参与者之间的“权势”与“等同”关系,而且也是“表敬准则”与“示近准则”竞争与互动的结果。称呼语序列在常态下顺应交际双方的“权势”与“等同”关系,是“表敬---示近”过程的正应用;而当称呼语序列违背了交际双方的“权势”与“等同”关系时,是称呼语“称呼转换”语用功能的体现,是“表敬---示近”过程的逆应用。  相似文献   

体态语言又称“态势语”、“身势语”、或称“动作语 言”、“行为语言”、“非言语行为”等。它是用体态动作的变化来传递信息、表达情感的特殊的语言系统。与有声语言不同,它具有明显的伴随性、直观性和情境性特征。也就是说,在言语交际中,它往往不是代替言语而是伴随言语出现,是以体态动作的变化直接作用于对方的视觉神经和触觉神经来传递信息、交流思想的。而  相似文献   

“静默语”是一种能传达丰富信息的非语言交际行为,章依据“静默语”的交际功能,探讨了“静默语”的类别,从不同化背景下的人对“静默语”的不同理解、态度,以及东西方不同的语言观,剖析了“静默语”的化依附性。  相似文献   

指示语是语用学研究的一个重要部分。第一人称指示语看似简单、实则复杂,其用法及语用功能因英汉文化的差异、交际的场合、交际的目的意图、交际双方的关系等因素的不同而有所不同。从语用学的角度对第一人称指示语的各种用法和语用功能进行探讨,旨在揭示英汉人称指示语在语用上的共性和差异。  相似文献   

英语委婉语的交际功能与实现手法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
委婉作为一种修辞手段在语言交往中运用极为广泛,有些具有足够活力的委婉语早已成为全社会通用的交际手段。本文阐述英语委婉语的“避讳”、“礼貌”及“掩饰”等三种主要交际功能与实现这些功能的多种手法。  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to investigate perceived similarities and differences in parenting styles between mothers and fathers in the same family. The 56 parents of 28 preschool children independently completed the parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire (PSDQ) [Robinson, C. C., Mandleco, B., Frost Olsen, S., & Hart, C. H. (2001). The parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire (PSDQ). In B. F. Perlmutter, J. Touliatos, & G. W. Holden (Eds.), Handbook of family measurement techniques. Vol. 2: Instruments and index (p. 190). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage]. Results reveal only modest similarity in parenting styles used by two parents within the same home. Permissive (and to a lesser extent, authoritarian) parenting was somewhat positively associated across parents but no cross-informant association was found for authoritative parenting. Fathers perceive their spouses to be more authoritative, more permissive, and less authoritarian than themselves, whereas mothers only perceive themselves to be more authoritative than fathers. Parents who share similar parenting styles are more accurate at reporting on their spouses’ parenting styles than are parents with differing styles. Correspondence in parenting style across both parents in the home is important as are parental perceptions of similarity and differences in styles. Independent assessment of both mother's and father's parenting styles, and each parent's perception of their spouse's parenting appears needed in research and practical settings.  相似文献   

姓名称谓是整个称谓系统中的重要组成部分。姓名称谓在汉语表达中常以其特定的变称形式出现,且每种变称形式都各有其表意特色,外来语姓名称谓也受此影响而“汉化”。姓名称谓的汉语表达具有鲜明的时代性和民族性,文化心态、语体风格等都对它有着一定的影响。  相似文献   

Educators are seeking to meet student needs in increasingly diverse university classrooms. Two contrasting ways of responding to cultural difference are planning instruction on the basis of cultural styles or repertoires of culturally-based experiences (Gutiérrez & Rogoff, 2003). Use of learning styles to address individual differences in learning is relatively commonplace (Young, 2008). More controversial is the use of cultural styles that assume commonalities in approaches to learning based on cultural background. There are benefits and problems with using individual or cultural learning styles. Gutiérrez and Rogoff (2003) proposed that we abandon the use of the styles construct in favour of working with students’ repertoires of culturally-based experiences. This cultural historical approach has different views of the learner and his or her relationship to cultural communities, the learning process, and the appropriate instructional practices to address diversity. After contrasting the styles and cultural historical approaches, a compromise position is presented along with recommendations for further research and the optimal use of both the styles and cultural-historical approaches.  相似文献   

应用性文体的功能具有三种不同的特性.即区域使用功能、文类语体功能和本体功能.文体的功能是发展变化的.新文体不断产生,旧文体不断消失,现行文体的功能也在不断发生变化.应用文要以用为依据.要用得合适、用得得法、用得合体,用是应用文的灵魂.  相似文献   

A Threefold Model of Intellectual Styles   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The field of styles presents three major controversial issues: styles as value-laden versus value-free, styles as traits versus states, and styles as different constructs versus similar constructs with different labels. We address these issues by proposing an integrative model of styles—the Threefold Model of Intellectual Styles—which divides all styles into three basic kinds. The foundation of this model is Sternberg and Zhangs body of empirical investigations into the thinking styles proposed in the theory of mental self-government. The model also draws upon others previous empirical findings in the literature. The model argues that most styles are value-laden rather than value-free; that they have both trait-like and state-like aspects, but for the most part are modifiable and hence more state-like; and that they overlap highly across theories.  相似文献   

This research focused on use of power, decision‐making and communication styles of spouses in marital dyads, and the level of marital satisfaction of the partners in these relationships. Drawing primarily on previous work involving Management Communication Style and decision‐making styles in organizational and instructional communication contexts, but also examining directly relevant work within the marital context, three hypotheses and five research questions were advanced. Marital satisfaction for members of 136 marital dyads was examined to determine its relationship with self‐ and spouse‐reported communication and decision‐making styles and use of various power bases in communication designed to influence marital partner. The three hypotheses were supported by the findings: 1) Self‐reported satisfaction as a member of a marital dyad was positively related to the spouse's use of a more co‐active style of communication and decision‐making; 2) Such satisfaction was positively related to one's spouse's communication of referent power; and 3) Such satisfaction was negatively related to one's spouse's communication of coercive power. Use of reward power was also found to be negatively associated with a spouse's marital satisfaction. With only one meaningful exception, results for husbands and wives were very similar.  相似文献   

In order to advance understanding of the phenomenon of coparenting, naturalistic observations of firstborn sons were undertaken when they were 15 months of age at a time when both parents were home and family life was demanding. Narrative records of coparenting events were scored to determine the frequency with which parents supported and undermined each other and to test two hypotheses pertaining to individual differences in coparenting: that greater differences between spouses in demographic factors, personality, styles of relatedness and child-rearing attitudes would forecast more unsupportive and less supportive coparenting; and that the adverse effects of such spousal differences would be amplified by high levels of family stress, as indexed by frequency and intensity of daily hassles. Both hypotheses received support and are discussed in turn.  相似文献   

语言中的性别歧视现象已经受到人们越来越广泛的关注。日语中夫妻间的称谓语不仅能够反应语言中的差异现象,更能够体现日本女性在家庭甚至是在社会中所处的不平等地位,其存在有着深刻的历史和文化背景。对该语言现象进行分析与研究能够进一步了解日本的语言与文化。  相似文献   

The characteristic profile of Millennial Generation students, driving many educational reforms, can be challenged by research in a number of fields including cognition, learning style, neurology, and psychology. This evidence suggests that the current aggregate view of the Millennial student may be less than accurate. Statistics show that Millennial students are considerably diverse in backgrounds, personalities, and learning styles. Data are presented regarding technological predilection, multitasking, reading, critical thinking, professional behaviors, and learning styles, which indicate that students in the Millennial Generation may not be as homogenous in fundamental learning strategies and attitudes as is regularly proposed. Although their common character traits have implications for instruction, no available evidence demonstrates that these traits impact their fundamental process of learning. Many curricular strategies have been implemented to address alleged changes in the manner by which Millennial students learn. None has clearly shown superior outcomes in academic accomplishments or developing expertise for graduating students and concerns persist related to the successful engagement of Millennial students in the process of learning. Four factors for consideration in general curricular design are proposed to address student engagement and optimal knowledge acquisition for 21st century learners.  相似文献   


This research is specifically concerned with whether or not students who tend not to shift cognitive styles are capable of achieving equally as high on verbal and quantitative tasks as students who shift cognitive styles, The Kagan Cognitive Style test was used to identify flexibility and rigidity of cognitive styles. The California Achievement Test was used as our index of verbal and math achievement. Sixty-two fourth grade students and fifty-nine sixth grade students from a north Georgia elementary school constituted the example. Of the thirty-one subjects, twenty-five identified as inflexible and were performing below grade level, only six were performing at grade level, and none were performing above grade level, Data suggest it is inappropriate to consider one cognitive style superior to another. It is evident in the light of the findings of this study to consider academic performance a function of the interaction of cognitive flexibility and cognitive fluency, and the specific task requirements.  相似文献   

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