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孟令武 《教育探索》2000,(12):70-70
当前,在基础教育中,存在一批被称之为“薄弱校”的学校。这一现象,是学校建设中的一个引起人们关注的现实问题。薄弱校由于办学条件、领导力量、师资水平比较差,直接影响着学校的教育教学质量。薄弱校的现状与学生家长的期望产生了尖锐的矛盾,由此出现了沸沸扬扬的择校现象。择校现象又引发出基础教育收取高额学费等诸多弊端,阻碍了应试教育向素质教育的转轨。不言而喻,加强薄弱校的建设,是制止择校现象的有力措施,是实现社会主义教育平等原则,充分发挥我国现有教育资源的潜力,是提高我国基础教育水平,乃至提高全民族的思想道…  相似文献   

地区经济发展差异与高等教育成本补偿属地化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据我国地区经济发展差异 ,对经济发展水平和高等教育成本补偿水平进行的理论和实证研究表明 ,我国各地区间高等教育的生均教育经费与人均国内生产总值成正相关 ,学费水平与人均国内生产总值成正相关 ,学费水平与高等教育生均成本成正相关 ,学费水平与人均可支配收入成正相关。实施高等教育成本补偿属地化是我国现阶段不可避免的政策选择  相似文献   

高校学费标准的困境与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育是准公共产品,学费标准的形成要依据社会效益和市场效益.我国公立高校学费标准对社会效益和市场效益的体现,存在着理论缺失和实践困境.政府确立合理的学费标准区间,完善学费延迟支付制度,学校按照市场机制在学费标准区间内制定学费标准,是破解学费标准困境的途径.  相似文献   

我国普通公立高校收费制度经历了由免费到收取少量学费再到如今较高学费水平的历史嬗变。通过对当前高校学费现状的考察发现,学费标准过高和差异化不明显是目前我国高校收费制度中存在的较为突出的问题,已经在一定程度上损害了公平与效率原则。国内外关于高等学校学费差异化定价的研究给了我们众多的启示,国内理论界对此问题还有待更深层次的全面研究。  相似文献   

文章针对我国现行高等教育学费政策存在政府单一定价、学费标准确定依据缺乏科学性和助学贷款制度不完善等问题,提出了高等教育学费定价主体应从政府统一定价,逐步转向政府定价与学校自主定价相结合;依据基本理论,尊重中国现实,促进学费标准制定的科学化;制定贷款相关法律,建构多层次的助学贷款系统,完善贷款回收机制的建议.  相似文献   

词典释义应该具有概括性、简洁性、系统性。本文通过比较现实用例和词典释文,认为在以上几个方面,《现代汉语词典》对“学费”“哑巴”二词的释义存在着不足之处,并提出了改进意见。  相似文献   

我国中等职业教育学费分析与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国中职学费总量不断增长、生均学费不断提高、地区差异较为显著、学费折扣逐年降低。比较上海、湖北、安徽三地的中职学费状况得出:地区间的中职学费水平与经济发展尚不匹配;农村居民学费压力过大的问题普遍存在;经济越不发达地区的奖贷助学金水平越低。建议:明确学费标准的制度依据及比例限制;加大政府投入以减轻中职学费在教育经费中的作用;建立健全完善的中职资助和奖励体系等。  相似文献   

高等学校实行收费政策是中国高等教育体制的一项重大改革。通过将高校学费标准的增长与城乡居民收入、人均GDP的增长进行比较分析,得出我国高校学费标准的增长大大高于人均收入水平及人均GDP的增长速度。  相似文献   

我国现有法律法规对中外合作办学的学费标准缺乏明确规定,存在学费水平过高、学费依据不透明、学校之间差异巨大、学费与教育效益联系不紧密等问题。本研究基于我国高等学校基本办学条件,运用数理统计方法,构建生均培养成本模型,从四个方面综合计算中外合作办学学费标准:明确中外合作办学定位、明晰培养成本项目、构建学费定价机制、结合办学效益等,以期最终制定出科学合理的中外合作办学学费标准。  相似文献   

目前,我国教育经费存在着较严重的问题,尤其是高等教育大众化不断推进的形势下,高校经费短缺问题愈演愈烈。为此,必须加大力度,多渠道筹措教育经费。筹措教育经费多元化有其理论基础和现实依据。本文从对受教育者收取学费、产学合作、发放教育彩票等七个方面,探讨教育经费筹措多元化,以解决我国教育经费短缺问题。  相似文献   

We exploit changes in student funding policies across the four UK nations and the Republic of Ireland to conduct a natural experiment investigating the marginal effect of differing tuition fee levels on students' enrolment behaviour. Whilst previous international research suggests increases in fees suppress demand and disincentivise cross‐border educational migration, some studies in North America and Germany find an element of inelasticity of demand. In the UK, various commentators have predicted marked shifts in student mobility in response to variation in tuition fee prices by country, trends expected to sharpen following substantial planned rises in tuition fees from 2012. After outlining tuition fee policies in the UK and Ireland, we analyse data on student enrolment destinations across the five countries for the period 2000–2010. We find little evidence to support the notion that student mobility is driven by economic ‘rationality’. Enrolment rates have risen despite increases in tuition fees and there is a long‐term trend for students to stay at home. Students seem not to be ‘pushed’ out‐of‐country by higher fees, but may be discouraged from moving if fees are lower in‐country. Student mobility within the UK and Ireland follows well‐worn paths from and to specific countries and institutions. Finally, we consider the implications of our findings for student mobility in general and forthcoming changes to UK student funding policies in particular.  相似文献   

在高等学校中实施收学费、住宿费制度和收费标准、收费办法是全社会关注的热点问题之一,为此国家相继出台了一系列规范高等教育收费的若干规定。但社会指责高等学校乱收费、收费标准高等呼声仍然比较强烈。对此我们就高等学校收费的相关问题提出几点建议。  相似文献   

在我国的专利许可市场中,主要障碍就是对专利许可费的合理性难以确定。专利许可在专利法中存在的问题有:对专利费用的许可问题不详细,也缺乏灵活性,对其实践性的指导意义不大。实施专利技术许可要有具体的专利许可法规条文,要做到专利双方互惠互利,要完善专利合同法,对”平衡利益”进行细化,并运用到专利的实践中,创建专利典型区与活跃区。  相似文献   

在物业费案件的审理中,被告业主往往会因为诸种原因抗辩物业费单价过高,认为接受物业合同中的价格标准系受胁迫之举;尤其是同档次小区同类住宅的物业费价格相对较低时,业主更觉显失公平。法院在审理中,认定物业公司构成胁迫、乘人之危或显失公平的门槛较高,被告业主很难以合同效力存在瑕疵为由撤销既定的价格条款。即便物业费单价确实不合理,法院也一般不会干预物业合同中的价格条款。业主要维护自身权益,更多应该依靠完善业委会机制继而通过行政路径来解决。  相似文献   

The essay deals with regional disparities in the average educational expenditure of every ordinary senior secondary student, including budget funds for education, the proportion appropriated to the ordinary senior high school by the government, tuition fee per student and the proportion of tuition fees of the total educational expenditure. By analyzing the relevant educational and economic indicators, we find that the average educational expenditure and tuition of every student in the western area are lower than those in the eastern and the middle area while the proportion of funds allocated by the government is the highest. However, in the middle area, both of the government appropriation of education funds for every student and its proportion of the total educational expenditure are the lowest in China, but on the other hand the proportion of tuition fee of the total educational expenditure and the income of the rural residents are the highest. Therefore, the aim of this essay is to look at the reasons why there are such differences.  相似文献   

取消农业税费、彻底减轻农民负担是社会发展的必然趋势,但由于现阶段我国城乡发展的严重失衡,完全取消农业税费还有种种的困难。本文在论证取消农业税必要性的基础上,从分析税费改革后农村出现的问题着手,试图说明合理收费在我国广大农村仍然具有其现实意义,去税留费将是今后一定时期内我国农村税费改革的必由之路。  相似文献   

More than 40 years of research has found a positive relationship between increases in the proportion of non-resident students enrolling in an institution and increases in the tuition prices this institution charges to these same students. Notably, this line of research has consistently treated this non-resident student body as if they constitute a homogeneous group in terms of their socioeconomic well-being, when in reality these students come from states with differing levels of socioeconomic prosperity. Notably, given that tuition and fee charges to non-resident students are market-based, institutions charge what out-of-state students are willing to pay. Under this rationale, it follows that the wealthier the student body of an institution is, the more institutions will be able to charge them in terms of tuition and fees for their education. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it offers a method to measure the level of wealth of the non-resident student body enrolling at an institution considering the level of wealth of these students’ home states, therefore creating a measure of heterogeneity of the non-resident student body. The second purpose is to evaluate whether this measure of heterogeneity is associated with larger increases in the net tuition and fee prices charged to these students compared to the increases related to the homogeneous structure that ignores these students’ home-state wealth. This twofold purpose was addressed utilizing a dataset built from regional, state, and institutional information of 1743 public and private not-for-profit 4-year institutions across the contiguous United States. Since all the outcome variables were found to be spatially dependent, spatial econometrics techniques were employed for model estimation. Results corroborated that treating non-resident students as a homogeneous structure rendered downwardly biased estimates of institutions’ abilities and/or decisions to set higher or lower tuition and fee prices compared to the estimates obtained using the heterogeneous structure. Considering current general disinvestment of states in higher education, the analysis of factors driving non-resident tuition and fee price-setting has become especially relevant for public policy officials and decision-makers at both the institution- and state-levels. Accordingly, this study examines a critical issue in the finance of higher education—the setting of institutional tuition and fees for non-resident students.  相似文献   

高校收费成为高等教育经费的重要来源,目前高校学生拖欠学费现象相当严重,影响了高校的建设和发展,以甘肃定西师范高等专科学校为例,针对学生欠费问题进行分析,提出解决问题的对策与措施.  相似文献   

结合市场经济条件下,高等教育发展的新形势分析了高校学生收费工作中存在的收费方式落后、管理制度不健全、拖欠现象严重等问题,提出了解决这些问题的具体措施,如及时公布收费信息、改革收费管理体系、建立健全收费管理制度、采用网络技术收费等。  相似文献   

我国现行高等教育成本分担政策评议   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国近年实施的高等教育成本分担政策,对高等教育大发展发挥了重要作用,功不可没。当前社会中存在的对高等教育成本分担政策的责难在于一种受剥夺的社会情绪。这种情绪产生于国家、社会、个体之间权利与义务的不平衡,学费偏高与学校经费浪费的对比,学费上涨过快与困难学生资助制度实施的滞后。应正确理解高等教育成本分担理论,采取切实措施消除这一政策实施过程中的负效应,继续发挥其促进高等教育发展的功能,以保证我国高等教育事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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