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2 4月22日,2010年中国游泳协会反兴奋剂会议在绍兴召开。据会议透露,去年中国泳协共查处两例兴奋剂事件,均发生在地方和体校等基层单位.有的是因为在使用药物时不懂常识,有的是因为错过了检测时间。总体而言,泳协对去年的反兴奋剂工作比较满意。  相似文献   

广东肇庆市游泳协会第18分队,是泳协群众业余游泳活动中较活跃的分队之一。分队坚持发展游泳活动要为我国社会主义现代化建设服务的指导思想,开展群众性、经常性和文明健康的业余游泳活动,曾被肇庆市泳协评为先进分队。  相似文献   

春雪你好!我国游泳名将欧阳鲲鹏的近况如何?为何看不到他的消息?春雪:欧阳鲲鹏在北京奥运会前因药检呈阳性被世界反兴奋剂组织禁赛,由于中国在北京奥运会前强调执行兴奋剂零容忍的严政,欧阳鲲鹏被中国泳协施以“极刑”——终身禁赛。  相似文献   

危机事件的发生是任何组织或个人都无法避免的,危机公关作为有效处理危机事件的手段更应该受到每个组织的重视。我国体育事业发展迅速,由各个项目优秀运动员组成的国家队作为一个成熟的国家组织,危机公关必不可少。本文对我国优秀运动员危机公关运作的重要性进行分析,并提出运作方面的有效建议。  相似文献   

以2012年伦敦奥会上叶诗文被疑服用兴奋剂事件和中国羽毛球女双"消极比赛"风波为案例,概括了我国在国际体育赛事中危机公关的现状,分析了目前存在的问题,并阐释其产生的原因,最后针对现状与问题,在借鉴一些西方国家的经验的基础上,提出了改进的可能途径。  相似文献   

中国游泳运动协会召开反兴奋剂工作会议泳讯1998年5月14日中国游泳运动协会在河北保定市召开了全国游泳反兴奋剂工作会议。来自全国29个省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市体委、解放军和火车头体协主管游泳工作的领导,以及参加全国游泳冠军赛的各游泳队领队,教练...  相似文献   

4月18日~19日,5月9~10日,广州市游泳协会在解放军体院游泳馆举办4天、8场青少儿游泳系列赛。市游泳协会领导陈德胜,吴象图、欧阳狮、吴明春、黄建新、李挚与会,广州市游协副主席吴象图称,广州市泳协自1997年开始举办市少儿游泳系列赛。2008年对青少儿游泳系列赛体制进行改革,广泛发动社会各界组建俱乐部参赛,参赛规模从最早的以12名教练员为单位,各自带领16名队员,共计192人参赛,增加到今天32个俱乐部、57支队伍,1335名队员参赛。  相似文献   

俄将召开游泳科学研讨会据俄泳网4月21日报道,俄体育、旅游和青年政策部、俄泳协和俄国立体育大学拟于今年9月5~7日,在莫斯科召开高级游泳运动员训练面临的最迫切问题科学实践会议。该次会议将就竞技游泳运动的发展史,  相似文献   

据俄媒2009年11月7日报道,俄罗斯游泳协会主席纳雷什金主动提出辞去俄游泳协会主席职务,并转任俄泳协监委会主席。纳雷什金的前副手,4枚奥运会金牌获得者萨尔尼科夫已被任命为俄泳协主席,任期至2010年2月,届时,俄泳协将进行换届选举。  相似文献   

体育明星危机公关管理策略   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
危机公关是体育明星公共关系管理的重要方面。通过负责、有效的危机管理,公众将对体育明星有更深的了解和更大的认同,良好的社会形象便会脱颖而出。通过对田亮、刘翔、高峰等在危机出现后采取的应对措施,说明了快速反应和危机公关的重要性。同时也表明,体育明星对危机事件的不当处理会给他们的形象和发展带来不利影响。  相似文献   

Football as a generic game-form was a feature of the sporting culture of the settlers of Australia. As the various codes emerged in Britain they were ‘exported’ to the colonies throughout the Empire. In Australia this cultural imposition was not complete for the British games faced significant cultural resistance, most notably from Australian Rules football. The first formal club was founded circa 1865 and by the time a governing body was formed in 1874, the game had acquired distinctive playing and administrative traits and a sporting ethos, These were aberrant to the British form as pragmatic modifications were made in response to the social, cultural and environmental exigencies and demands of the frontier-like context: the game of Rugby immediately became Australianized. This analysis traces the development of the game's culture in Australia through the initial 75 years of its institutionalization and demonstrates that despite its transit through the colonial era, urbanization, nationalism, federation and the travails of two World Wars, aspects of the residual culture remained. Rugby football, established in NSW and Queensland as a feature of the cultural hegemony of British Imperialism, prevailed largely unchanged in terms of power relations, ideology, finances and success over its first 75 years. This discussion reflects upon the critical influences, incidents and individuals that impacted upon and shaped Rugby union football in NSW and Queensland up to the founding of the Australian Rugby Football Union, which took until 1949 to occur.  相似文献   

体育赛事传播中的危机公关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
危机公关是体育赛事公共关系中的重要组成部分.能否对体育赛事中出现的危机事件实施有效的危机公关,关系体育赛事的成功举办.体育组织和赛事主办方要充分注重危机预警的作用,与媒体建立良好的关系;在危机发生时迅速反应,建立畅通的信息发布制度,根据不同的危机诱因采取相应的策略,引导舆论,促成正面的声音;在危机恢复阶段,要在消除负面影响的基础上评估危机处理,改善相关机制,促进体育赛事及体育组织的长远发展.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):62-83
Prior to 1953 Surf Life Saving Australia, the governing body of the Australian surf lifesaving movement, had limited success in winning international support for its methods and competition. The breakthrough occurred when Allan Kennedy, a public servant working at Australia House in London, spent consecutive summer vacations successfully instructing a team of surf lifesavers at Bude, north Cornwall. An Australian-style surf lifesaving club was formed, followed by others elsewhere, and then in 1955 the Surf Life Saving Association of Great Britain was established. A man of great energy and vision, as well as being a dynamic instructor, Kennedy convincingly demonstrated the superiority of Australian methods in Great Britain, the Channel Islands and elsewhere. At the same time his success soon became the catalyst in 1956 for the first international surf lifesaving competition, and the creation of a world-wide governing body, the predecessor of today's International Life Saving Federation.  相似文献   

Sport and the media have long served as arenas for the development of national identity, both of which are examined in this study of the newspaper coverage of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. This article reports on the findings of a content analysis of newspaper coverage of the FIFA World Cup; the newspaper data collected included all major daily Australian newspapers. Following an in-depth analysis, five themes emerged: patriotism; dealing with loss; celebrity; national identity; and ethnicity. This paper examines the related themes of dealing with loss and national identity. Analysis revealed that during the pre-event phase, a clearly articulated national identity was constructed through the media; this was then used as a reference point for subsequent media coverage following Australia’s loss to Germany, a significant turning point for the Australian team. The aim of this article is to investigate the role played by the mass media in the representation, production and construction of Australian national identity within the context of sporting loss in an international competition. Media representation of Australian sporting nationalism is used as a lens through which to examine how elements of Australian national identity were represented, reproduced and reinforced by the media following the Australian soccer team’s poor performance.  相似文献   

The creative writing thematising soccer in Australia, Australian soccer literature, is a marginal literary genre, though it is not as marginal as many critics and discussions would have it. Drawing on materials spanning from the late nineteenth century until the present, this paper examines the diversity of themes and sources found in Australian soccer literature. It attempts to establish a historical narrative based upon the extant texts, and in this context the paper unearths long-forgotten passages, often hidden within larger texts dealing with other issues. In short, this paper adds to the threadbare coverage of Australian soccer literature in the fields of Australian literature dealing with sport, as well to bibliographical listings found in critical works dealing with Australian soccer. While noting the apparent isolation between the various works of Australian soccer literature, this paper also notes the broader trends that the majority of the works contribute to.  相似文献   


This paper tells the history of the Borroloola Tour to the 2014 Brazil World Cup, when eight Aboriginal adolescent footballers from the remote town of Borroloola in Australia’s Northern Territory were selected to be part of a tour to Brazil. In Brazil they followed the Australian team from the stands, socialized with football idols such as Tim Cahill, and visited a Brazilian Indigenous tribe. John Moriarty, the first Aboriginal Australian to be selected to Australia’s national football team executed this excursion. Considering that race relations within the Australian sporting arena have historically, been tense and contested, this paper brings to light an under-explored aspect of football in Australia. It is timely too, given the insertion of Australian football within the Asian Football Confederation. The paper examines the historical meanings of the Borroloola Tour through the lens of its key participants; as well as by unveiling John Moriarty’s history as the first Aboriginal person to be selected to play for the Socceroos. In conclusion, it reveals that both the past and contemporary history of Aboriginal people’s involvement in Australian football has an emerging face that will shape football in Australia and in Asia in the coming years.  相似文献   

This article investigates Japan's readmission into the International Lawn Tennis Federation after World War II and its return to the Davis Cup in 1951. In seeking readmission, the Japanese Tennis Association sought support from Australia, where the animosity resulting from recent wartime conflict was particularly strong. The article examines particularly the ways in which the Council of the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia dealt with the proposal for Japan's readmission, and indicates how its strong opposition was initially respected by other national tennis bodies but ultimately mediated by their desire to readmit former enemy countries. The article suggests that tennis relations between Australia and Japan in the early post-war period provided a useful means for the respective governments to promote goodwill between the two countries once the diplomatic relationship was resumed and were an important facet of the history of Australia–Japan relations after World War II.  相似文献   


In light of the absence of living participants, this article extrapolates what the Australian cricketers departing on the inaugural cricket tour of India in 1935 may have known about late colonial-era India. This article argues that the depiction of India by the British Empire was a consciously evoked and celebrated construct perpetuated by orthodox ideology and popular culture. Through a close analysis of press reportage it is determined that the Australian public, and the departing cricketers, were ignorant of accurate knowledge of Indian culture and politics. The Australian media’s portrayal of Kipling’s writings, Indian religious practices and Indian cinema is compared with the cricketers’ response to these themes. Correspondingly, the Indian communities’ knowledge of Australia through evaluating the, at times, propagandistic promotional material generated for the tour is also critiqued. It is argued that representations of the Australian cricketers and the populist depiction of Indian culture are correspondingly implausible and driven by idealized expectations and stereotypes of national identity.  相似文献   

危机管理4R理论是一个较为全面的危机管理动态过程,符合突发海盗事件处理的客观规律。用希斯的危机管理4R理论对提高海员“防海盗”军体素质的几个维度进行解析,结合危机管理的理念特点,分析了在“防海盗”训练领域中运用4R理论的可接受性,明确认知可量性、整合反馈情况和导向性等问题。对主要维度进行实证研究,并对如何在新形势下提高海员职业安全能力进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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