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当代优秀女子篮球中锋个人进攻特点分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过时第13、14届世界女子篮球锦标赛的研究,发现优秀中锋具备很强的近篮强攻能 力和抢篮板球能力;中锋、前锋技术相互渗透,在新的高度上进行综合;优秀中锋还具备较强的 控球、支配球能力,能够更多地融入到全队集体打法中去。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、观察统计和对比分析等方法,对WCBA联赛强队中、外籍主力中锋若干问题进行对比分析。探讨中国籍主力中锋的差距,并提出改进培养的建议,以期为中国女子篮球中锋的培养以及中国女子篮球运动的发展服务。主要结论:中国籍主力中锋主要差距是平均年龄偏小,平均体重相差明显;上场时间偏少,拼抢篮板球能力差,投篮技术差,"杀伤力"小;部分中国籍中锋外线进攻所占比例偏高。建议:重视中锋队员的选材,注意运动员的饮食结构;加强篮球基本功和专项体能的训练,注意篮球意识培养;加强中锋队员位置意识,养成内线牵制、强攻习惯。  相似文献   

在篮球比赛中,内线进攻是全队获得胜利的重要保证,中锋在内线得球后,不仅能直接进攻得分,还能凭借身高和位置的优势造成对方犯规,得分后再罚球,有时可得三分,这种带杀伤力的三分,比远投的三分要更有威慑力。同时,中锋还能给同伴策应、掩护,创造更多的得分机会。但是,中锋,在内线得球,除了依靠自己抢获篮板球外,主要靠外围队员供球,而外围队员供中锋球最多的主要是前锋队员,故本文对前锋供中锋球技术及其训练问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

中国女子水球队与世界一流强队的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合2008北京奥运会女子水球比赛、2008世界女子水球联赛总决赛和2008欧锦赛女子水球比赛中的相关数据,来综合比较分析中国女子水球队和世界女子水球强队的差距,分析得出中国女子水球队需要加强关键球处理的训练;加强扩大防守、破扩大防守的训练,以及加强防守阵型的应变性;进一步提高"6打5"、"5防6"的成功率;重点提高中锋的门前拿球射门能力和外线队员中远距离的射门能力;加强队员得球后下快攻的意识和防反意识;提高队员比赛时对裁判员判罚的阅读能力。  相似文献   

本文结合2008北京奥运会女子水球比赛、2008世界女子水球联赛总决赛和2008欧锦赛女子水球比赛中的相关数据,来综合比较分析中国女子水球队和世界女子水球强队的差距,分析得出中国女子水球队需要加强关键球处理的训练;加强扩大防守,破扩大防守的训练,以及加强防守阵型的应变性;进一步提高"6打5"、"5防6"的成功率;重点提高中锋的门前拿球射门能力和外线队员中远距离的射门能力:加强队员得球后下快攻的意识和防反意识;提高队员比赛时对裁判员判罚的阅读能力.  相似文献   

篮球场上中锋队员一种自己的身体素质、技术特点、生理结构占据于限制区附近,构建了一个坚不可摧的防守堡垒。对对手无情的封盖、快速真确的断球;凶狠的冲抢篮板球;集市、有效的补防空位,这都是中锋队员强悍防守技术的表现。这也是决定这场上的雌雄。中锋的防守起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

基于前人的研究成果和收集近几年比赛的相关资料,包括笔者参加的2001年在江苏苏州、南京、常州赛区的世界锦标赛,2001年亚洲锦标赛、2000年奥运会和2002亚运会,收集了各场比赛的各项技术资料并进行了分析,比较了优秀篮球中锋队员的个人技术特点,旨在对女篮中锋的培养起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法,录像观察法和数据统计法,对十四届世界女篮锦标赛以及28届奥运会女子篮球赛中优秀中锋进攻技术进行研究,发现优秀中锋具备很强的近篮强攻能力和抢篮板能力;优秀中锋还具备很强的控球、支配球的能力,能够更多地融入到全队集体打法中去,并针对我国女篮存在的问题提出了今后训练措施与建议。  相似文献   

中国女子篮球是世界公认的强队之一.中国女子篮球能否继续保持世界强队或有重大突破,主要看中国女子篮球后备力量.通过对参加2010年全国青年女子篮球联赛仪陇赛区的六支球队,30场比赛,79名青年女子篮球运动员身高、年龄、身体素质、主要技术、战术指标的测试统计分析,结果表明;我国女子青年篮球队队员身高上基本具备国际强队身体高度,年龄较轻,速度素质普遍较好,极具培养潜质和优势.但缺少2米以上绝对高度队员,耐力素质差.投篮命中率较低,抢篮板球能力差,基础配合成功率低,个人防守能力不强,战术配合意识急待提高.  相似文献   

现代篮球技术水平正在迅猛地向前发展。在防守技战术上,由于个人防守技术与全队防守能力的提高,“人、球、区”三者兼顾关系的掌握与运用,极大地丰富了现代篮球防守技术的内容。中锋队员,在全队的防守中应  相似文献   

中外优秀女篮运动员的身高、体重、年龄特征比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张志  邓飞 《体育学刊》2002,9(5):129-131
通过对世界女子篮球优秀运动员的身高、体重、年龄等的统计分析表明:优秀女子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄等有其基本特点和规律。与之相比,我国优秀女子篮球运动员及运动队存在不足,应引起注意并采取有针对性的措施加以解决,尽快提高我国女子篮球运动的水平。  相似文献   

现代足球运动员的身高、体重、年龄特征及我国现状   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对世界优秀足球运动员的身高、体重、年龄等的统计分析表明 :优秀足球运动员的身高、体重和年龄有其特点和规律。欧洲、美洲和非洲球队各有所长 ,相比之下亚洲球队有明显不足 ,特别是在体重和年龄方面的差距较大 ,这是亚洲及中国足球落后于世界的最主要原因之一。  相似文献   

以辽宁青年男篮和沈阳体育学院男篮为研究对象,采用8通道ME6000型肌电测量仪、Footscaninsole足底压力测量仪,对不同水平运动员跳投时核心区肌肉的IEMG、肌肉做功负荷百分比、肌肉的激活顺序以及足底压力参数进行对比分析,研究结果显示:IEGM随着运动员水平的升高而降低,这是长期运动训练使机能节省化的表现。省队运动员肌肉的做功/负荷百分比具有一定的均衡性,是注重核心区肌肉训练的结果。不同水平运动员跳投时肌肉激活顺序不同,运动水平越高的运动员其神经调节肌肉运动的模式越成熟,核心区肌肉可以将下肢蹬地、伸髋的力量有效的传递到上肢。省队的足底压力波形是一个光滑的波峰曲线,说明省队控制身体稳定性的能力比院队运动员的能力强.不同水平运动员垂直方向受力值与体重值的比值具有显著性差异,说明核心区良好的肌肉力量可以使中枢神经系统得到良好的适应,提高对肌肉的控制能力。因此,教练员在训练中应重视核心区肌肉的力量训练,以此来加强跳投时身体各部位的协调用力,增加腾空的稳定性,以此提高投篮的命中率。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the throwing velocity and kinematics of overarm throwing in team handball of elite female and male handball players. Kinematics and ball velocity of a 7 metre-throw in eleven elite male (age 23.6 ± 5.2 yr, body mass 87.0 ± 6.8 kg, height 1.85 ± 0.05 m) and eleven elite female (age 20.3 ± 1.8 yr, body mass 69.9 ± 5.5 kg, height 1.75 ± 0.05 m) team handball players were recorded. The analysis consisted of maximal joint angles, angles at ball release, maximal angular velocities of the joint movements, and maximal linear velocities of the distal endpoints of segments and their timing during the throw. The ball release velocity of the male handball players was significantly higher than the females (21.1 vs. 19.2 m · s(-1); p < 0.05). No major differences in kinematics were found, except for the maximal endpoint velocities of the hand and wrist segment, indicating that male and female handball players throw with the same technique. It was concluded that differences in throwing velocity in elite male and female handball players are generally not the result of changes in kinematics in the joint movements.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to assess (a) the prevalence of disordered eating (DE) in elite female team sports players compared to non-athletes and (b) to compare DE prevalence in elite female players in basketball, volleyball and water polo. One hundred and seventy-five females were recruited (age 23.10?±?5.4, BMI 21.85?±?2.3?kg/m2), 53 were elite basketball players, 42 were elite volleyball players, 34 were elite water polo players and 46 were non-athletes. Participants completed the Eating Disorders Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and a physical activity questionnaire. The EDE-Q incorporates 36 statements which relate to the occurrence and frequency of key behaviours of eating disorders, under the following four subscales: Restraint, eating concern, shape concern and weight concern and a global score of disordered eating. No differences were found in the EDE-Q subscale score and global score between athletes and non-athletes. Only 6.2% of the total number of participants exhibited DE using the global score >2.3. Water polo players had significantly higher scores in the ‘eating concern’ subscale and in the frequency of key behavioural features of DE such as binge eating episodes and objective and subjective bulimic episodes, compared to volleyball and basketball players. In conclusion, team sport elite female players do not exhibit greater prevalence of DE compared to non-athletes. Water polo, a sport that emphasises leanness and control of body weight for international distinctions, is associated with a higher tendency to exhibit DE, when compared to other team sports.  相似文献   

对参加第15届世界篮球锦标赛的中国队与竞赛对手6场比赛各位置主力人数、得分、助攻、篮板、罚球、失误等技术指标,采用文献资料、录像观察、对比分析、数理统计等方法进行比较与分析。结果表明:中国队后卫得分、助攻、篮板、罚球、失误等进攻技术指标相比竞赛对手有相当差距;前锋队员只在3分球投篮及命中率、罚球次数及命中率的技术指标高于对手,其它技术数据统计都比竞赛对手差;中锋队员得分、罚球、篮板指标优于对手,失误略高于对手,助攻略低对手,针对以上差距提出训练的具体对策。  相似文献   

Reliability and validity of two tests of soccer skill   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Twenty-four players from the 1st/2nd (elite) and 24 players from the 3rd/4th (non-elite) university football teams were recruited to evaluate the Loughborough Soccer Passing Test (LSPT) and Loughborough Soccer Shooting Test (LSST) as tools to assess soccer skill. The LSPT requires players to complete 16 passes as quickly as possible. The LSST requires players to pass, control, and shoot the ball to targets on a full-sized goal. Participants completed two main trials each separated by at least one day. During both trials, the participants were given practice efforts before recording the mean of the next two (LSPT) or 10 (LSST) attempts as the performance score. For the LSPT, the mean time taken, added penalty time, and overall performance time were less in the elite players (elite: 43.6 s, s = 3.8; non-elite: 52.5 s, s= 7.4; P= 0.0001). For the LSST, there was no difference in the mean points scored per shot between groups (elite: 1.34, s = 0.46; non-elite: 1.28, s = 0.53). However, the elite players had higher mean shot speed (elite: 80 km h(-1), s = 4.5; non-elite: 74 km h(-1), s = 4.2; P < 0.0001) and performed each shot sequence faster (elite: 7.87 s, s= 0.29; non-elite: 8.07 s, s= 0.35; P= 0.037) than the non-elite players. Performance on both tests was more repeatable in elite players. In conclusion, the LSPT and LSST are valid and reliable protocols to assess differences in soccer skill performance.  相似文献   

In order to maximise the potential for success, developing nations need to produce superior systems to identify and develop talent, which requires comprehensive and up-to-date values on elite players. This study examined the anthropometric and physical characteristics of youth female team handball players (16.07 ± 1.30 years) in non-elite (= 47), elite (= 37) and top-elite players (= 29). Anthropometric profiling included sum of eight skinfolds, body mass, stature, girths, breadths and somatotype. Performance tests included 20 m sprint, counter-movement jump, throwing velocity, repeated shuttle sprint and jump ability test, and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1. Youth top-elite players had greater body mass, lean mass, stature, limb girths and breadths than elite and non-elite players, while only stature and flexed arm were higher in elite compared to non-elite players (all P < 0.05). Sum of skinfolds and waist-to-hip ratio were similar between groups (> 0.05). Top-elite performed better in most performance tests compared to both elite and non-elite players (P < 0.05), although maximal and repeated 10 m sprints were similar between playing standards (P > 0.05). Elite outperformed non-elite players only in throwing velocity. The findings reveal that non-elite players compare unfavourably to top-elite international European players in many anthropometric and performance characteristics, and differ in a few characteristics compared to elite European club team players. This study is useful for emerging team handball nations in improving talent identification processes.  相似文献   

本文运用心理问卷方法对我国24支青年女子足球运动员进行了嫉妒心理的测试,结果表明:青年女足运动员的嫉妒心理普遍处在一个适当的水平,有利于球队团结;比较了不同年龄段、不同位置运动员嫉妒心理,结果显示:它们存在显著性差异,并且随着年龄的增长,青年女足队员表现出积极向上、勇于争先的思想品质。  相似文献   

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