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青少年球员的训练效果决定着其成年后的竞技能力,要提高青少年球员的训练水平,首先要完善青少年足球训练理念及其球员的管理理念。文章综述了青少年足球训练理念的核心内涵,对青少年的训练管理进行了评价,对青少年教练员的执教提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

在足球比赛中,球员的各种技战术行为都是受其意识支配,而思维意识又是建立在对比赛的各种信息的感知基础上的。对运动员在比赛中对足球场上信息的获取的主要方式:视觉观察、场上队友呼应及教练指导、直觉式思维及预判能力进行分析总结,并对影响因素进行探讨。  相似文献   

我国足球甲级队主教练领导行为对其队员影响力的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
运用管理心理学和社会心理学的研究方法,对我国足球甲级队主教练的领导行为进行了深入的研究。结果发现:我国足球甲级队主教练对其队员影响力的主要因素是,道德品质因素、资历因素、感情因素。而宽容精神、创新精神和体育基础知识因素对队员影响较小。同时还发现,教练员对自身的评价并不客观,在影响力各因素的得分与队员理想得分相差甚远。由于教练员的管理能力、足球业务能力、感情因素、体育基础知识、创新精神诸因素的得分较低,影响了足球队的凝聚力和训练水平的提高。  相似文献   

中国优秀女子足球运动员16项个性因素的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用心理学和统计学方法对中国优秀女子足球运动员 1 6项个性进行诊断 ,比较不同年龄组、不同训练年限组及不同位置间 1 6项个性因素的差异性 ,为教练员选材、训练提供依据  相似文献   

女足运动员在经期训练时心里情绪不是很稳定,容易神经过敏,影响队内的团结,训练时不够集中,易受伤.因此教练员应该根据队员的月经周期的心理状况制定适合的训练计划,同时也应该注意观察队员的心理变化,以便做好队员的思想工作。  相似文献   

The development of life skills has been associated with participation in sport, football and other physical activities. A factor in enabling this ambition to be realized is the actions and behaviours of sports coaches. Drawing on the concept of positive youth development through sport, the first part of this paper considers the types of environments coaches need to create in order for players to develop life skills. The second part of this paper discusses formal coach education and its role in developing coaches’ knowledge of life skills development. The third and final section of this paper offers an alternative explanation of how people’s exposure to certain social contexts results in the development of life skills. A review of literature in these areas reveals that the role sport and football has played in players’ development of life skills is unclear and in need of future research attention.  相似文献   

对新疆培养青少年男子足球运动员中的训练管理体制、培养模式、队伍数量、队员人数及其分布、民族比例、基础设施、教练员、比赛等方面进行分析。研究表明,新疆青少年培养存在训练管理体制不健全,队伍及人数分布不均匀,队伍结构不合理,科学选材力度不够,地器场材等基础设施缺乏,缺乏高水平足球教练员,青少年足球比赛欠缺等问题。  相似文献   


The history and issues surrounding elite football in Japan have been addressed by a number of scholars. However, grassroots football, although fundamental to the development of the code, has rarely been explored in the academic literature. In Japan, the importance of grassroots football has received heightened attention by the Japanese Football Association (JFA) since 2003, with 20% growth in the number of registered players under 12 years old from 2003 (262,956 players) to 2014 (315,178 players) a result of the JFA’s initiatives in this area. Japan is currently one of the most successful countries in Asia in terms of grassroots football development and the JFA won the Asian Football Confederation’s award, namely ‘The Best Member Association of the Year 2013 for Grassroots Football’. This paper explores the key driver behind the development of grassroots football development, namely the 47 Prefectural Football Associations, which provide programmes and technical, physical and promotional services which include activities to increase opportunities, facilities, coach education, elite pathways, and competitions for grassroots football. The paper concludes that the factors which have resulted in the success of Japan’s grassroots football revolve around governance of Prefectural Football Associations, coach education programmes, increased opportunities by clubs, leagues and schools, and collaboration with stakeholders within and outside of Prefectural Football Associations.  相似文献   

Derived from Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT) is the notion that the social environment may promote athletes’ basic psychological needs, which are considered important for positive development and optimal motivational functioning. The present study investigated the predictive value of perceived justice and coach feedback on basic needs satisfaction in the context of youth football. Participants were Norwegian youth football players (N?=?532) participating in a national tournament. During the initial stage of the tournament, players completed the Coaching Feedback Questionnaire, Perceived Justice in Sport Questionnaire and Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale under supervision. Regression analysis showed that perceived justice and positive/instructive coaching feedback positively predicted players’ needs satisfaction, while negative feedback and non-reinforcement/ignoring mistakes were not significant predictors of needs satisfaction. Together, perceptions of justice and coach feedback explained 24% of the variance in athletes’ needs satisfaction. The findings thereby indicate that athletes’ perceptions of fairness and coach feedback are important in understanding youth athletes’ needs satisfaction.  相似文献   

揭示武汉男子职业足球运动员有氧能力现状及对不同水平足球运动员有氧能力差异性的研讨,旨在为科学评定我国足球运动员专项有氧能力训练方法的实用价值及我国职业足球运动员有氧能力的现状水平提供理论参考依据.以湖北武汉职业足球俱乐部一队(2004年度中国甲级职业联赛冠军已晋升为中国超级职业联赛球队)的18名球员为研究对象,采用递增负荷跑台运动方式,测定反映最大有氧能力的相关生理指标.武汉男子职业足球运动员递增强度运动时有氧能力的测定及分析比较.武汉男子职业足球运动员递增负荷运动时测定的反映有氧能力的生理指标数值低于大量文献报道的国内、外优秀球员水平.  相似文献   

This research focuses on coworker learning and knowledge sharing amongst elite footballers. The authors provide an in-depth understanding on how elite footballers learn from their peers and which channels are used to share their knowledge. The authors also analyze how peer learning impacts an elite footballer’s development and performance and to what extent elite football clubs actively support peer learning. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 12 elite footballers from first and second division German Bundesliga clubs. The findings demonstrate that peers are very important sources of knowledge for elite footballers. There are four main knowledge sharing channels: observing/imitating, peer exchange/peer communication, labor mobility and knowledge brokers. The findings highlight the positive impact of knowledge sharing on elite players’ development and performance and call for future (knowledge) management tactics to specifically use this untapped potential.  相似文献   

在现代足球比赛中,经常会出现一场比赛没有几次射门、传球失误或防守频频出现漏洞等情况,我们经常会把这类问题的主要原因归咎于技战术训练、身体训练不科学不合理等等,其实这些恰恰就是足球的表面现象,其实真正起作用的是运动员的无球跑位。运动员要想在场上斗智斗勇占据优势、整体配合更加完善更加流畅就只有通过运动员积极有效的无球跑位才能得以体现,才能提高自己的攻防成功率。笔者对此问题进行一些初步分析研究,为教练员、运动员及科研工作人员提供参考。  相似文献   

我国足球运动教练员培训体系的现状及对策研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
采用文献资料调研、专家访谈、数理统计等方法对我国足球运动教练员培训体系的现状进行研究。结果表明:我国足球教练员的培训体系已与国际接轨;教练员数量猛增但质量不高,培训时间短、知识结构不完善和更新不快,缺乏严格的监督机制和晋级制度。对策:应加强教练员培训的监督;严格晋级制度;启动教练员继续教育机制;建立一支高水平的讲师队伍;成立足球教练员培训学校。  相似文献   

对于中外少儿足球运动训练的指导思想系统分析与比较的结果表明:中国少儿足球运动训练应从基本技术入手,注意技术的规格;练习要有明确的目的性和针对性,练习内容应难度适宜;战术训练不宜过早,注意培养少儿球员的综合素质和多方面的能力。  相似文献   

The study examined the “micro-structure” of football practice and the “macro-structure” of participation history of female professional football players. Participants were 29 German 1st league (Bundesliga) players, 14 of whom played on the senior national team (Olympic Champion in 2016). A questionnaire recorded the players’ positions, proportions of physical conditioning, drill-type skill exercises and playing forms within coach-led football practice, and the volume of coach-led practice and peer-led play, in both football and other sports, from childhood to adulthood. Analyses revealed that most athletes played various attacker and defender positions during development. National team players differed from their Bundesliga peers by less physical conditioning and greater proportions of playing forms within football practice. National team players also accumulated less total football practice until age 18 years, but more peer-led football and coach-led practice in other sports compared to their Bundesliga counterparts. Based on these variables, a binary logistic regression classified 93% of the national team and Bundesliga players correctly. Conclusion: A combination of long-term coach-led football practice involving a relatively large proportion of playing forms with considerable childhood/adolescent peer-led football play and coach-led practice in other sports may have facilitated adult performance among German female world-class football players.  相似文献   

对足球甲级联赛赛中重度损伤的成因进行追踪,通过对部分损伤实例的报道及对其机制的分析发现:加强足球运动员全面身体素质的平衡发展及技术动作的合理应用,开展对运动员的职业道德和文明精神教育,提高球队医务人员的业务素质和专业技术水平是防止足球运动员重度损伤的重要因素。  相似文献   

足球有广泛的认知维度,足球的游戏之美来自分享。人们在足球中获得的快感也大多与分享相关。足球有很强的节庆狂欢寓意,它旨在降低民众的沟通门槛,并预设出一种无阻力的交际场域。足球中的胜利仪式与失败记忆都会化作一种积极的文化符号。足球是高度融合原始野性、科学性与演剧性的竞技种类。球员在扮演生活中的极限事件,并虚拟出一种社会极端景象,足球再度将其仿生性价值推到更高的维度,进而展示出脚的极限意义,足球也因此完成了对史前游戏的现代性诠释。足球的外在意义主要体现在其为阳刚气质为主导的领域,它散发出来的是一种自然竞争的快感,足球也因此而成为后工业时代的另类叙事形态。足球无需有形的剧本,足球的剧本隐藏在自然进化的规律之中。  相似文献   

以超大资金投入,大力引进名气大、实力强的球员,聘请著名教练,组建超群的阵容为手段,要求快出成绩,追求轰动效应为目标的"恒大模式"被一些人视为中国足球的救世主大加推崇,也有人提出质疑认为"恒大模式"既不可持续也难被模仿,不具有持续性。"恒大模式"到底对中国职业足球的发展是福还是祸?必须根据不同的发展阶段辩证的看待一问题,本文着力从从中国传统哲学思想"祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏"的理念去阐释本论题,以求对中国职业足球的发展有所启发。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was twofold, namely (i) to determine the prevalence of symptoms of common mental disorders (CMDs) among current and retired professional football and handball players and (ii) to explore the relationship of psychosocial stressors with the outcome measures under study. A total of 1155 players were enrolled in an observational study based on a cross-sectional design. Questionnaires based on validated scales were set up and distributed among current and retired professional football and handball players by the Danish football and handball players’ union. In professional football, the highest prevalence (4 weeks) of symptoms of CMDs was 18% and 19% for anxiety/depression among current and retired players, respectively. In professional handball, the highest prevalence (4 weeks) of symptoms of CMDs was 26% and 16% for anxiety/depression among current and retired players, respectively. For both the current and retired professional football and handball players, a higher number of severe injuries and recent adverse life events (LE) were related to the presence of symptoms of CMD. Players exposed to severe injuries and/or recent adverse LE were 20–50% times more likely to report symptoms of CMD. The results suggest that it is possible to recognize the population of professional athletes that are more likely to develop symptoms of CMD. This could create the opportunity to intervene preventively on athletes that suffered from severe injury and/or recent adverse LE that could lead to a faster and safer recovery and psychological readiness to return to play.  相似文献   

职业足球运动本质上是市场经济的商业行为,职业足球主要利益主体是处于法律平等地位的职业足球俱乐部、球员、行业管理协会等社会组织团体和自然人主体。在我国,职业足球俱乐部与球员之间是劳动合同的法律关系;职业足球俱乐部之间是合伙型联营的法律关系;职业足球俱乐部与足球协会之间既可能表现为平等主体之间的民事法律关系,又可能是不平等主体之间的行政管理关系。  相似文献   

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