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在重大疫情应对中,必须根据重大疫情的实际影响、不同主体的防控责任、疫情防控的整体需要等,积极改进和创新思想教育的内容、方法和原则。根据重大疫情的实际影响,通过加快信息引导教育、普及医疗救治知识、疏导社会不良舆情、加强心理干预疏导等内容创新,引导公众进行自我教育、缓解非理性情绪;根据不同主体的防控责任,通过强化党员宗旨教育、提高政府责任意识、开展基层特色教育、进行反面典型教育等方法创新,有效推动疫情应对措施的落实,坚定公众攻坚克难的信心;根据疫情防控的整体需要,通过坚持党的全面领导、塑造正确价值观念、树立依法治国思维、提振经济发展信心等原则创新,推动“后疫情时代”的国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

2020年是极不平凡的一年。这一年,全疫情防控阻击战取得重大胜利;这一年,教育"十三五"规划圆满收官,决战决胜教育扶贫,取得了让世界瞩目的辉煌成就。本文利用中国教育科学研究院教育网络舆情监测系统,对国内20万个网站采集点、5,000万个微博、200万个微信公众号、800个资讯APP等社交媒体进行了实时监测,分析总结出2020年十大教育舆情热点,并对教育改革发展形势进行前瞻性分析。  相似文献   

<正>技术人员应尽量向前多想一步,考虑未来会有什么样的新需求出现,哪些参数可能会改变,哪些模块可以整体配置。疫情防控中,北京大学自主研发智慧抗疫系统,包括核酸检测登记、历史、进展以及校园出入、轨迹台账等29个项目功能,全面构筑了北京大学疫情防控数字防线。谈及疫情期间的系统研发,计算中心副主任李庭晏表示,“若想实现业务功能的快速开发与功能迭代,必须充分利用敏捷、低代码的开发框架。同时,合理运用建设经验与提前预测管理需求也十分重要。”  相似文献   

疫情防控需要重视社会教育,这是社会教育发展史留给我们的重要经验。从教育视角来看,许多疫情灾害都与民众的愚昧、长期的恶习、家庭与学校的教育缺陷有关。从近代历史经验来看,社会教育起源于“解决社会问题的教育对策”,发展社会教育,有助于“开启民智”、有助于“化民成俗”、有助于“得民心”、有助于改良家庭和学校的“大弊”。推动社会教育立法、推动社会教育统一行政管理、推动社会教育进行专业与学科建设是解决教育问题、预防疫情灾害的重要举措。  相似文献   

后疫情时期,社会教育具有承担疫情防控相应责任的必要性和可能性。疫情防控中社会教育的具体责任表现为两个方面,就社会层面而言,社会教育主体要承担疫情防控的宣传责任、管理责任和排查责任等;就教育层面而言,社会教育主体要承担社会公众的疫情防控知识教育责任、生活习惯养成教育责任、心理健康教育责任、道德教育责任以及学生的自我教育责任等。后疫情时期,社会教育承担责任的实现策略主要有:社会教育主体责任意识的树立、责任能力的培育、责任行为的落实、责任的法律和制度保障以及责任的成果巩固等。  相似文献   

从2020年突发疫情至今,人类社会对新冠病毒的研究不断深入,病毒防治体系逐步完善,疫情防控进入防疫政策调整优化阶段。疫情给教育教学方式带来了深刻变化,推动了教育数字化转型,凸显了民众对高质量数字教育资源建设与应用的迫切需求。基于吉林省教育资源公共服务平台,针对疫情防控期间线上数字教育资源服务中的现实困境和需求,提出疫情防控背景下吉林省数字教育资源公共服务体系建设与应用策略。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒疫情引发了线上教学的应急性革命,进入"后疫情时代"的我们需要重新思考学校知识教学的变革问题。基于此,文章首先回顾了历史上围绕知识教学所进行的争论和重大变革,分析了疫情防控期间线上教学革命发生的背景及其走势;随后,文章剖析了技术变革知识教学传统的有限性;最后,文章提出在"后疫情时代"知识教学变革应遵循教学和知识的双重逻辑。从教学逻辑和知识逻辑的角度而非技术的角度进行知识教学变革,对于认识"后疫情时代"学校知识教学变革的走向乃至学校教育变革的趋势具有启示意义。  相似文献   

日前,2021年全国教育工作会议在京召开,教育部党组书记、部长陈宝生同志作工作报告.会议指出,刚刚过去的2020年,是极不平凡的一年,给教育系统带来了一场大考、连环考和压茬考.教育系统坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,在党中央、国务院坚强领导下,迎难而上、砥砺奋进,统筹疫情防控和教育改革发展,推进教育"十三五"规划圆满收官,疫情防控取得重大战果,教育脱贫攻坚取得重大胜利,全面落实立德树人根本任务取得重大进展,教育改革开放实现重大突破,扛过了大疫大考,经受了大风大浪,为党和国家工作大局作出了重要贡献,进一步增强了教育自信,推动中国教育站在了新的历史起点上.  相似文献   

2021年是我国现代化建设进程中具有重要历史意义的一年。在全球疫情和经济走势趋于复杂的背景下,中国积极统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,"中国号"巨轮沿着高质量发展的方向破浪前行。这一年,教育系统在加快构建新发展格局中也不断展现新气象、取得新成效。  相似文献   

从新冠肺炎疫情爆发开始,在中国人民同心抗疫的过程中产生了丰富的疫情资料,这些资料具有历史价值,将疫情防控下的文献、音频等资料进行收集和管理,整理成档案,这对于保存历史文献,发掘疫情防控下档案的价值具有重要意义。本文以内蒙古赤峰市疫情防控下档案的收集与管理工作为例,探求当前疫情资料档案的收集与管理现状,分析疫情文献档案的意义与价值,以及如何做好疫情防控下的档案收集与管理工作,从而加强我国各部门对抗疫材料的重视,推动档案的收集与管理工作,以史为鉴,为后人提供抗疫经验。  相似文献   

This article explores young mothers’ experiences of turbulent pathways in and out of education and work in Northern England. Data are drawn from an ethnography conducted between 2010 and 2013 that incorporated participant observation, life-story maps, photographs and interviews carried out in young mothers’ homes, parenting classes and employment-based education and training programmes. These particular young women were sometimes directed into inappropriate education and training courses based on their ‘young unemployed mother’ status rather than encouraged to embark upon an individualised pathway relevant to their particular needs and career aspirations. Pathways are explored using Bourdieu's concept of capital to expose how these women expressed agency and navigated their own way through the different and sometimes competing fields of education, family and work.  相似文献   

以往的工作中,思想政治教育往往强调教的方面,并在一定程度上忽视受众的反应。新时代,为适应主要矛盾的转变,思想政治教育活动应更加强调受众的感受与体验。为此,在实践活动中,思想政治教育者应当以提升受众的满意度作为切入点,以提升思想政治教育的效果。具体来看,思想政治教育者应以受众需求作为施教的出发点,使教育活动有贯穿始终的线索;以改善受众体验度作为施教过程的重点,使教育过程的主要任务得以明确;以增强受众获得感作为施教的落脚点,使施教活动的努力有处安放。  相似文献   

疫情防控下,广大师生面临"停课不停学"的新考验,而超大规模开展在线教学从多方面给中小学教师带来了巨大挑战。为了解中小学教师在线教学的现状及其对在线培训的需求,文章面向23个省市地区的中小学教师进行了网络问卷调查,并对收集的15438份有效问卷进行了整理分析,重点分析了疫情防控下中小学教师对在线教学的态度、准备情况、平台使用和效果预期等,以及中小学教师对在线培训的具体需求。在调查分析的基础上,文章针对中小学教师在线培训提出了相关建议。通过在线培训提升中小学教师的在线教学能力,不仅仅是疫情防控下的权宜之计,也将是提高教师信息素养、促进教育信息化长远发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

As school systems strive to support students with special education needs in inclusive schools, there has been a persistent lack of scholarly literature that addresses the ways in which school principals are engaged in this process. This article is a response to this gap and aims to examine the question: What types of experiences do school principals identify as formational in their support of students with special education needs and fostering inclusive schools? Based on the analysis of data collected from 285 school principals from six provinces in Canada, four key themes are identified including: relationships, modelling behaviours, communication and principal isolation and lack of preparation. These themes are examined with consideration for how to support principals’ professional leadership in fostering inclusive schools. As a result, this article’s significance is in its examination of the experiences of principals and how these influence their leadership practice for supporting students with special education needs and fostering inclusive schools.  相似文献   

疫情影响了学校正常教育教学,"停课不停学"要求学校和教师借助信息技术开展在线教学支持学生学习。疫情中的在线教学不能按照之前既定的、统一的教育教学计划进行,应结合疫情开展应时的在线教学。在线教学规范化必须综合考虑技术、理论、政策与教师等多方面因素。  相似文献   

因防控疫情的需要,我国所有大中小学都延期开学,并采用线上授课方式,启动"停课不停教、不停学"。文章分析了疫情防控带来的教育变化以及"停课不停教、不停学"出现的问题,分析了出现问题的原因,同时指出要构建新的教育生态,需要形成科学的教育发展观,并推进建设现代学校制度。  相似文献   

工程本质上是一种带有一定风险的赋能活动。旨在培养工程师的工程教育,在帮助学生实现这种能动性和可行能力的同时,不仅需要识别到工程教育以及工程中的风险,而且应通过有效防控确保参与者乃至公众的健康与安全,进而增进社会的福祉。当前,我国的工程教育正通过新工科的推进、工程专业认证等举措,系统修正着工程教育的某些痼疾,但不容否认的是工程实践的回归以及工程教育的再创新,也让技术的风险、组织的风险等随之而来,作为工程教育最直接受体的学生,将会直接面对或承担这些风险故必须以学生健康安全底线思维为首位透视工程教育中的风险。本文提出以风险/安全来建构底线意识、强化科学技术的禁忌、加强知识与信息的传递、严守质量关卡、推进社会保险介入、加强组织沟通和标准的制定,从而系统构建起工程教育的风险防控体系。  相似文献   


Inclusive education (IE), as a global movement, has been part of many nations’ policy agendas. As the global ideas travel across borders, the meaning of this term has taken various forms in local and national discourses. Thus, this study examines teachers’ conceptualizations and experiences of IE for students with dis/abilities (SwDs) in Turkey. SwDs are one of the largest groups who are marginalised and excluded from accessing education and participating in meaningful learning experiences. Cultural historical activity theory was used to understand the teachers’ meaning-making of IE in relation to their context. This qualitative study was conducted in four schools in a southwestern city in Turkey. Applying a photo elicitation approach, a classroom photo with a hypothetical vignette was used as a stimulus to generate focus group discussions and individual interviews. Classroom observations and document collections guided the exploration of SwDs’ experiences and the context of their schooling. Using constant-comparative data analysis, two themes were identified: ‘Who is in? Who is out? Challenges to access,’ and ‘What happens after placement?’ The findings revealed that SwDs had justice struggles in regard to misdistribution of access, misrecognition of their abilities and backgrounds, misrepresentation of their voices, and participation in learning activities.  相似文献   


Since the 1988 Education Reform Act, issues of curriculum differentiation, varied learning styles and teaching approaches relevant to the needs of individual pupils have maintained high priority on the education agenda. This article discusses the effects on pupils’ learning of using Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. It is based on explorations carried out in a project ‘using multiple intelligences in the classroom’, initiated by co-ordinators Brenda Hopper, Val Chamberlain and Barbara Jack in the School of Education at Edge Hill College of Higher Education. The project aimed to focus equally on teachers’ individual professional development, and the learning experiences and development of the pupils involved, and was carried out with teachers in local primary and secondary schools, across a wide range of subjects.  相似文献   

Over 30 years after HIV was first recognised in the USA, the epidemic continues to pose a disproportionate threat to vulnerable and marginalised populations. Increasing HIV incidence among young men who have sex with men has spurred debate around the content and approach to HIV prevention interventions directed towards this vulnerable population. A comprehensive model for conceptualising the content of sexual health education is described, which can be tailored to the unique needs and experiences of young men who have sex with men through the application of social theory. Vernacular knowledge is incorporated as a manner of nesting sexual health messages within the shared understandings of young men regarding same-sex sexual practices, gender roles and expectations, community mores and conventions and other shared knowledge of sex and sexuality. Critical pedagogy is then discussed as a way of guiding one’s pedagogical approach during intervention design and implementation that is most conducive to both individual empowerment and community solidarity. The paper concludes with strategies for turning the corner from theory to practice, beginning with formative research that culminates in the design of relevant, community-based sexual health education programmes for young men who have sex with men.  相似文献   

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