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大学生心理安全是大学德育必须高度关注的现实问题,大众文化环境则是考察大学生心理安全状况的重要视角,特别是大学生心理历程、个性心理、个性心理的社会平衡等三个关键点在大众文化全面而持续的影响之下危机四伏,如应对不当,会严重阻碍大学人才培养目标的实现。  相似文献   

Reflection on events at work, including errors is often as a means to learn effectively through work. In a cross-sectional field study in the banking sector, we investigated attitudes towards workplace errors (i.e. error orientation) as predictors of reflective activity. We assumed the organisational climate for psychological safety to have a mediating effect. The study participants were 84 client advisors from the retail banking departments in branches of a German bank. The client advisors’ were being affected by a range of changes in their workplaces at the time of the data collection. This situation afforded these workers opportunity for learning but also involved the risk of error by these staff. Regression analyses identified that error competence and learning from errors were significant predictors of reflection. The results confirmed the mediating role of psychological safety on the association between attitudes towards errors and reflective working behaviour.  相似文献   

学习时间管理是指学生运用一定策略,对用于学习活动的时间进行有效支配,涉及学生对学习时间的态度、计划、调控与效能等。有效的学习时间管理对学生的有效学习具有重要意义。近年来学习时间管理的研究进展主要集中于:时间管理量表研究、学生时间管理的相关心理因素研究、影响学生学习时间管理的客观因素研究、学生时间管理与学习成绩的相关研究...  相似文献   

Errors constitute a major source of information for the learner while practising an unfamiliar task The main principles of the proposed theory of learning from error are that (1) actions are always the result of (possibly implicit) choices among relevant options, (2) initial task knowledge is overly general, (3) errors occur because incorrectly activated options displace the correct ones, (4) the detection of errors requires task-specific knowledge, (5) error correction requires blame assignment, and (6) erroneous task knowledge is corrected through specialization. Two realistic errors are analyzed in detail, one from a symbolic task in chemistry and one from a concrete household task. Four implications for the design of training and performance environments are derived from the theory. Differences and similarities to a leading alternative theory are discussed.  相似文献   

危险化学品数量众多,性质各异,在中小型化工企业生产、管理过程中广泛使用,因其具有易燃、易爆、易中毒、腐蚀性等特点,且中小型化工企业生产条件简陋、技术管理落后、人员素质低、安全管理基础薄弱,导致事故经常发生.加强中小型化工企业的危险化学品安全管理是企业安全管理工作的一项重要内容.针对中小型化工企业的生产特点,结合国家对危险化学品安全管理的要求,中小型化工企业应切实做好危险化学品的安全管理工作.  相似文献   

Errors are an integral part of the learning process and an opportunity to increase skills and knowledge, but they are often discouraged, sanctioned and derided in the classroom. This study tests whether students' perceptions of being part of an error-friendly classroom context (i.e., a positive classroom error climate) is positively related to students' learning outcomes via students' adaptive reactions towards errors. A total of 563 Italian middle school students from 32 mathematics classes completed a questionnaire on their perceptions of classroom error climate and their reactions towards errors. Students' math grades were used as indicators of their level of learning outcomes. A multilevel model showed that perceived classroom error climate was positively related to math grades via increased adaptive reactions towards errors. Our findings revealed that an error-friendly classroom context is associated with students’ adaptive adjustment to errors and to better learning outcomes in mathematics.  相似文献   

Information processing interpretation of errors in college science learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article begins with a brief summary of mental models from the information processing perspective. A model of prototypical college learning is then presented. Next, some of the links between mental models and cognitive errors are examined. Finally, studies of one category of cognitive errors, misconceptions and preconceptions of college science students are reviewed. Six factors contributing to error production are identified: four involve spontaneous cognitive mechanisms (strong word associations; non-verbal, intuitive knowledge; tendency to minimize mental effort; untimely triggering of natural language processing mechanisms) and two involve imperfect knowledge (alternative belief systems; fuzzy concepts).  相似文献   

企业安全文化是企业发展的重要基础,在安全生产、管理一线基层,如何开展企业安全文化建设,从哪些方面体现安全文化,如何在工作实践中体现安全文化理论中的深层文化、中层文化和表层文化,各个层次的安全文化通过具体的管理工作体现是安全文化建设有效与否的关键,本文通过对安全帽的颜色和标识管理,探讨企业安全文化形态体系理论在实践中的运用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify dynamic relationships among organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and learning organization culture in a Korean private company. Using a sample of 669 employees from five subsidiaries of a Korean conglomerate, this research found that learning organization culture is moderately and positively related to job satisfaction. In addition, organizational commitment, except for continuance commitment, was found to be moderately and positively related to learning organization culture and job satisfaction. This research enables CEOs and HR practitioners to view organizational commitment, learning organization culture, and job satisfaction as important variables that can be applied in their management, interventions, and practices.  相似文献   

Research on learning from errors gives reason to assume that errors provide a high potential to facilitate deep learning if students are willing and able to take these learning opportunities. The first aim of this study was to analyse whether beliefs about errors as learning opportunities can be theoretically and empirically distinguished from adaptive reactions to errors in an affective-motivational sense (including the maintenance of motivation and activating emotions), and in terms of learning behaviour and metacognitive activities specifically adjusted in response to a specific error. The second aim was to validate the proposed distinction across different domains. The third aim was to investigate the added value of beliefs about errors besides domain-specific self-concept and mastery goal orientation for understanding the preconditions for adaptive reactions to errors at school. We assessed all variables in three different school subjects (N = 614 students, Grades 5–7). Confirmatory factor analyses indicated distinctness and a moderate domain specificity of error-related reactions. Positive error-related beliefs predicted students’ affective-motivational and action adaptivity of error reactions, above and beyond self-concepts and goal orientations. Taken together, the current findings provide a more complete understanding of the intra-personal mechanisms of adaptive responses to errors in different school subjects.  相似文献   

我国于2005年修订通过的公司法受到了学界的广泛好评,与原《公司法》相比,新《公司法》的修改内容主要集中在公司法的两大支柱制度上,即公司治理结构和资本制度。这些修改对进一步健全和完善我国的公司制度,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,起到了重要的作用。新《公司法》在很多方面的确回应了来自于理论和实践两方面的诸多要求。然而新公司法仍然存在一些缺陷,诸如:股东出资分期缴纳制度,股权转让,转投资,异议股东的股权回购,独立董事制度以及股东派生诉讼,关联企业等等,建议有关部门对其尽快修改完善。  相似文献   

化学实验室是高校实验室的重要组成部分,化学实验室的安全管理直接关系到师生员工的人身安全及学校实验教学和科研的开展,本文主要讨论了在化学实验室中存在的危险因素,并提出了建立和完善化学实验室安全管理的具体措施。  相似文献   

公司利益相关者是指对公司有重大合法权益,从而对公司有重大影响或公司对其重大合法权益有重大影响的自然人或组织体,如公司债权人、公司职工以其对公司享有的重大、合法的债权权益而成为公司的主要利益相关者。根据公司契约理念、公司社会责任理念、公司民主理念、公司自体理念,公司所有的利益相关者都是公司治理的主体,现代公司治理应是利益相关者共同治理。  相似文献   

Achieving organisational development through the enhancement of workplace learning is a popular recent strategy advocated in the management and business literatures. Yet what is learned is highly dependent on the workplace context. A lean production/just-in-time manufacturing environment is characterised by extreme time pressures. This paper outlines findings on how action learning was experienced in a manufacturing company employing lean production practices. An action learning program was implemented to foster learning in this company. Using a sociocultural framework, we describe how the production discourse surrounding lean production interacted with attempts to introduce reflective action and learning into that environment. The findings are that action learning practices were accommodated to a certain extent into the work routine during times of production stability, but were largely abandoned during times of crisis. Our analysis demonstrates that the cultural meaning of "work" in this lean production environment excluded all forms of "meaning" that were not visible, physical and targeted at immediate production needs. While there was evidence of individual personal and professional development achieved in this setting, there was little evidence to date of organisational development. The cultural hostility to non-urgent work hindered the reflective activity that could address the systemic issues that in turn could generate organisational development.  相似文献   

本研究考查了意大利学生习得汉语两字调的偏误情况,统计其偏误类型,并分析了偏误出现的原因,对意大利学生的汉语声调教学提出了相应的策略。  相似文献   

对外汉语教学已经成为国内外一门显学,但目前各种类型的教学组织都没有将汉语方言考虑进教学内容,也没有提出相应的教学策略,更谈不上方言偏误的分析。任何语言都包括标准语和方言,二者相互依存,对立统一。掌握任何一门语言均不可偏废方言,汉语也不例外。既要重视对外汉语标准语教学,也要重视对外汉语方言教学。运用偏误理论将标准语的消错和方言的消错置于同等地位。偏误理论是一种事后的管辖,应该在对外汉语方言教学过程开始时就预见偏误点,提出相应的消错策略。预应理论的核心是由普到方,找出对应规律,为高级阶段的对外汉语方言教学奠定基础。  相似文献   

大学生英语作文错误分析及其归因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
写作能力是人的认识能力、思考能力和文字运用能力的综合反映。本文试图用错误分析理论,对厦门大学一二年级随机采集的作文错误进行统计归类,并结合学生“大学英语作文学习与教学”的问卷调查,从教与学的角度全面地分析学生写作能力薄弱的原因,提出改进作文教与学的希望和要求。  相似文献   

徐锐 《海外英语》2012,(10):286-288
The purpose of this paper is to review the relationships between marketing culture and leadership, highlight the importance of market knowledge to organizational learning and recommend ways in adopting a market-based approach to organizational learning. Orga nizational behavior scholars have devoted a lot attention on the factors and conditions affecting organizational learning. The paper provides a fresh perspective on how marketing culture lead the company, disseminating and utilizing market knowledge that is externally focused on customers and competitors.  相似文献   

在我国家族企业发展中传统“家”文化的封闭性与企业追求开放性的内在冲突,企业治理中“家”文化宗法思想与市场文化平等思想的内在冲突,企业行为中人伦道德与市场道德的内在冲突,企业经营中的政治依附性与“经济人”的独立性的内在冲突,共同构成家族企业发展的内在文化冲突,成为转型期家族企业发展的严重制约因素。要促进家族企业健康发展,就要促使企业努力克服这些不利于自身发展的文化因素,实现传统与现代在文化上的内在整合。  相似文献   

企业化是企业在各自生产经营过程中培育、发展起来的,由员工共同的心理品质、精神风貌和与之相应的管理特征所构成的一种微观化。这样把握企业化,不仅避免了把企业化等同于企业一切要素之和,或知识、观念、精神之和可能导致的认识上的种种混乱,而且,知实践上将更加有利于加企业化建设和管理,提高企业积极生存和不断发展自我的能力。  相似文献   

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