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供应链中的最终产品价格影响市场需求,需求的变化进而影响订货批量.从供应链的集成和协调的角度出发,考虑了制造环节的设备调整因素和物流环节的订货及仓储因素,建立供应链价格均衡模型.文中给出了计算经济订货批量和产品市场价格的方法.指出传统的Stackelberg博弈模型是文中模型的一个特例.  相似文献   

根据快递员送货的特点,以快递员送货总路程最短为目标,以商州区为研究对象,对快递公司所配送的区域进行了分析,在考察实际路线的基础上,利用图论的相关知识和谷歌软件的测量功能,将所要研究的实际路线转化成赋权路线图,建立了商州区快递员送货路线模型,最后根据Fluery算法得到了快递员配送的最优路线。  相似文献   

多车送货属于物流统筹管理,目的是对并行运作问题进行分析,提供任务分配方法和最佳运作方案,最终提出科学省力和节约的问题处理策略。详尽地描述了多车送货问题技术思路以及其中起关键作用的优化算法。  相似文献   

合理地确定经济批量订货时间和批量对于提高企业库存管理的经济性非常重要。依据缺货成本,建立了瞬间供货和匀速供货两种情况下的经济批量订货模型,确定了最佳订货周期、缺货时间和经济订货批量,并对模型进行了系统灵敏度分析和实例应用。  相似文献   

本文探讨了电子商务网站的建立以实现对商业零售企业提供信息化管理.着重论述了系统功能与实现、数据存储,包括商品目录、会员注册、网上订货与购物、库存查询、后台数据库管理等,以及研究了网络安全和ASP技术在电子商务网站中的运用.建立了基于B2B的网络订货系统和B2C的网络销售系统.  相似文献   

由供应商和零售商组成的二级供应链中,给出基于最低免运费的连续报童模型,一方面讨论对于供应商制定的最低免运费订货批量,零售商应采取怎样的策略使的自己的利润最大化;另一方面,讨论供应商应考虑制定怎样的最优的最低免运费订货批量,以保证利润最大化.  相似文献   

我和先生自营一家超市,先生成天忙于下乡送货,我一个人既带孩子又顾店面,忙得团团转.女儿放暑假了,我和她商量是到超市里帮忙还是照看小弟弟,两者选其一.女儿眨巴着眼睛,自告奋勇地要到超市里做收银.  相似文献   

菜花又名花椰菜,为一年生十字花科植物,其色泽美观,肉质细嫩、味甘鲜美,具有抗癌防癌、清化血管等作用,是人们日常所喜爱的食物之一.本文从环境要求、种子选择、播种育苗、定植、田间管理和采收送货等方面进行了规范和指导.  相似文献   

建材配送是建筑企业运营、生产的一个重要环节,配送的及时性和准确性关系到建筑企业的发展,甚至影响到城市建设和发展,因此做好建材配送工作至关重要.配送中心为了做好建材配送,应重点完成以下工作:做好预测、决策,搞好事前规划,做好日常的订单处理、货物验收及库存管理,确定订货点,确定经济订货批量,引入责任会计制度,建立完善考核机制,利用现代化技术.  相似文献   

研究了供应链系统中的牛鞭效应.不同于通常研究采用的量化公式模型,建立计算机模型模拟当供应链成员采用需求预测技术进行订货决策时的订货过程.利用模拟过程产生的数据进行研究分析,比较不同需求预测方法下产生的牛鞭效应.并得出与指数平滑法比,最小均方差法对抑制牛鞭效应更有效,在某些情况下,采用最小均方差法可以消除牛鞭效应.  相似文献   


This article examines the impact of reductionist discourses of the market upon the management and delivery of teacher education. The author draws on observations of the delivery of both in England and Wales and in Australia. Of particular concern is the drive towards academic uniformity through manufactured panics about educational standards and effectiveness and the risk that such policy imperatives imply for inclusive education. The politics of identity and difference are relegated to the status of minor agenda items in the new order of higher educational management  相似文献   

物联网环境下物流配送一贯化作业管理模式新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物联网作为一种新兴技术,对物流配送有重要影响。针对物流配送作业中存在订单处理不规范、货物盘点效率低、仓库装卸搬运人力需求高、配送线路不合理、实时跟踪货物配送情况能力差等问题,构建基于物联网环境下物流配送一贯化作业管理模式,实现从订单处理、配货理货、搬运装卸、储存、运输送货、送达服务等连贯化的智能配送作业过程,加快货物在物流过程中的流通速度,减少人工操作失误,对提高物流配送效率和降低物流成本具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the management of NVQs by colleges of further and higher education ten years after their initial introduction to colleges in Northern Ireland. In-depth interviews were carried out with middle and senior college management. The interview protocol was developed to obtain contemporary insights into NVQ management in the further and higher education sector. The findings report a positive experience at management level and the benefits of working in collaboration with employers, but frustrations remain at the pace of progress during this period. The study also shows that due to this pace and the limited level of development during the early part of the past decade of NVQ delivery, more work remains to improve the working relationships between colleges and employers at all levels of NVQ delivery. It also provides a foundation upon which to monitor developments periodically as NVQs have now become fully embedded within the further and higher education sector.  相似文献   

由于电大办学的系统性和开放性,省级电大教材管理有别于普通高校教材管理模式,日常管理工作流程除常规教材库管理功能之外,还包含基层电大订购、发货、调剂等内容。教材管理系统的设计要基于互联网,根据实用性、安全性、开放性原则,具备教材信息管理、教材征订管理、教材仓库管理、财务结算、系统维护等功能模块。  相似文献   

After reviewing previous work on the economics of distance education, which has been based on the large scale operation of the U.K. Open University, the economics of smaller systems are analyzed. It is shown that models used in conventional education are unhelpful and a new cost model based on the functions of course development and services delivery is described. This model is then employed, using data from Athabasca University, to explore the importance of factors such as course life and institutional costs. It is then used to examine the economic impact of policy alternatives such as changes in ratio of student numbers to credits offered and in the mix of programming of the institution.

The second part of the paper argues the thesis that small distance education systems require tighter management than conventional institutions. It examines the four main activities of management: planning, organizing, leading and evaluating in order to highlight areas of administration requiring special attention.  相似文献   

从电子商务业务量的季节性波动、快递企业的管理问题以及电子商务和快递业信息不对称等几个方面分析了电子商务与快递这对供应链上相互依存的两个环节的矛盾出现的原因,并从外部环境的改善、内部管理的加强、行业协作的深入等几个方面探讨了解决电子商务与快递业年底困境的途径。  相似文献   

This case study examines the use of computer-assisted grading rubrics using Blackboard’s ? Rubric Evaluation Report to compare expected performance for each criterion of an assignment to the students’ level of achievement. Several studies have reported on the innovative and effective delivery of how learning management systems (LMS) can deliver real-time (immediate data delivery) antecedents that inform students of performance requirements (Atkinson & Lim, 2013; Goomas, in press). The impetus, then, is to perform an analysis on each criterion of the assignment in order to determine how closely student performance matched the requirements of the rubric. Used as an analytical tool, the instructor was able to direct students to particular learning activities and to adjust teaching tactics in order to meet or exceed the rubric requirements.  相似文献   

论人力资源管理的难以模仿性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人力资源管理的实践中,人们往往要借鉴绩优组织成功人力资源管理的经验。但是,由于具有隐蔽性、系统性和路径依赖性,人力资源管理又是难以模仿的。而对绩优组织成功人力资源管理模仿的价值的实现,则在于借鉴其理念和思路,针对本组织的特点,进行本组织个性化的人力资源管理制度和政策的设计和实施。  相似文献   

为了探寻适合高校发展的人才模式和决策方法,文章提出了一种基于知识供应链的人才供应决策框架,探讨了人才积累和人才挖掘过程,通过知识与推理机制的集成和人类智慧与枯燥数据之间的无缝链接来提高供应链性能,增强了供应链的功能,可实现独立地、自动地、实时地及时决策以缩短人才供应周期,减少人才浪费,提高人才水平和人才利用效率。  相似文献   

In a time where the Internet becomes the platform, the browsers become the operating system, and applications become services, a digital library project set in the performing arts has to define new methods of storing and distributing time‐based data to be able to serve quality and quantity information across wide area networks. The future information services will have to bear the weight of extensive metadata management of time‐based media (see Fig. 1) in order to facilitate intelligent access and delivery for the performing arts user community.  相似文献   

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