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中国共产党成立以来的奋斗历程和伟大成就,闪耀着历史主动精神的光辉。历史主动精神作为中国共产党的鲜明精神标识,其意蕴极为丰富深刻。中国共产党立志于千秋伟业,将历史主动精神转化为当代青年的责任担当具有十分重要的历史意义和现实意义:既是实现伟大复兴中国梦的必然要求,也是推进人才强国战略实施的时代要求;既是树立青年正确价值观的现实需要,也是培养青年攻坚克难能力的实践需要。使历史主动精神转化为青年的责任担当意识和本领,非一己之力和一时之功所能够实现,它需要个人、家庭、学校、社会和国家等多个层面协同发力,进而使当代青年成长为堪当历史重任的人。  相似文献   

传统文化与青年责任意识教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在博大精深的中国传统文化中,先人们关注自然,关注生命,关注生命,关注社会,体现了强烈的社会责任意识,这种责任意识,理应在当代青年身上得以传承和体现。在当代,责任意识具体表现为参与意识,忧患意识,伦理意识和自强意识,社会应重视对青年进行责任意识教育。  相似文献   

郁达夫是一具有浓重悲剧意识的作家;家庭、个人、时代、社会多方面的因素,形成了他的悲剧意识;其作品主要表现为“青年忧郁病”;郁达夫通过大自然和酒,使他浓重的悲剧意识得以消解。  相似文献   

政治意识与我国当代青年的成长方向、政治行为、政治理想的形成与发展密不可分,青年政治意识培育关系到国家的前途命运。当代青年无论是从政治信息获取到政治参与实践都与互联网息息相关,网络环境既激发了青年参与政治生活的热情,又冲击着青年正在形成和发展的政治意识。因此,在网络环境下,青年政治意识培育应该以党校家三者联动,坚持主流意识形态引领,培育中国青年在网络环境下的政治理性。  相似文献   

当代审美文化中的网络游戏   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当代审美化中的青年化异彩纷呈、形式多样。以网络游戏为个案对其加以审视和分析,可看出其三个主要特征:狂热的政治热情、戏说与虚拟性、历史意识的深度消失。网络游戏的发展使青年进化朝非正常方向发展,应引起社会的高度重视。  相似文献   

中华民族的伟大复兴,是当代中国的主旋律。中国梦的可持续发展,是青年学生的青春梦想。中国梦希望在青年,当代青年是中国梦的力量所在、命运所系。中国梦这个主流意识下的当代大学生的人生追求和贡献社会,要从时代、个体、价值、现实和践行五个视角,重申、强调、坚守、提升大学生青春理想的理论和实践自觉。  相似文献   

网络对当代青年的影响表现在:(1)互联网将从根本上改变当代青年的思想、行为和生存方式;(2)网络的传播特性造成信息泛滥,多种信息垃圾(例如黄色信息、暴力信息、反动言论)会弱化青少年的首先意识;(3)网络文化的直接化、形象化对青少年的思维方式造成极大影响,一定程度上妨碍其整体素质的提高;(4)网络的隐蔽性将导致青少年不首先行为和违法犯罪行为增我;(5)互联网的全球性使文化网络传播成为青年人生观、价值观冲突的主要原因;(6)“网络上瘾症”、“网络孤独症”等网络传播的伴生品对青少年的身心健康和学习构成危害和威胁;(7)互联网的示范性将对青少年的恋爱、婚姻产生负面影响(例如,网恋、早恋、同时与几个人恋等)。  相似文献   

创新思维是当代青年必须具备的思维品质,也是创新品质的核心。应从以下四方面着手训练:强化问题意识,鼓励学生质疑;充分发展求异思维,勇于打破消极的思维定势;努力培养发散思维,扩展思维的广度;注意发挥特异思维的作用。  相似文献   

新时代青年政治信仰是当代青年基于对习近平中国特色社会主义思想的高度信服,自觉践行社会主义核心价值观的最高意识形式.社会主义核心价值观是当代青年共同追求的主流价值观.新时代青年政治信仰呈现出多元化特点.培育青年政治信仰的路径有政府引领、教育引导、信仰自觉、行动自觉等方式.  相似文献   

社会变革期青年存在方式的思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
社会变革促进了当代青年生存方式的变化,呈现出许多新的特点。针对这些特点,教育工作者要以良好的精神状态激励青年,培养青年的主动进取精神;以全面提高青年能力水平的发展,通过各种措施聚拢青年“能”源;以准确到位的思想工作保护青年,不断降低青年成长中的挫折成本;以科学的思想武装青年,为青年提供必要的价值标准和判断依据。  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志对中国青年成长成才和青年工作提出了诸多精辟的观点,开拓了马克思主义青年观的新境界.本文就其中青年成长成才和青年工作的指导思想、核心、努力目标和历史使命等问题进行了简要阐述,充分展现胡锦涛同志青年观的理论品格.  相似文献   

文革结束后,回到城市的知青群体是失落的一代。心理的失衡,产生了寻求补偿的愿望。作为知青一代的代言人,知青作家通过前知青文学、知青文学、寻根文学,成功地扭转了知青在人们心目中的形象,提升了知青的社会地位,并且最终占据了八十年代中国文学的话语中心,改变了文坛格局。  相似文献   

This paper rethinks education’s reliance on knowing who queer and trans youth are. It suggests that both desires to ‘know’ who youth are and the processes by which curriculum, policy, and scholarship come to know what is thought to be known about youth flattens and diminishes youths’ life experiences and what they might be/come. By examining the ideas that are thought to be known about queer and trans youth, the paper explores how these ideas tend to excise the specifics of youths’ lives, particularly along racial lines. Moreover, this paper considers how queer and trans adults’ desires to place queer and trans youth within historical lineages, present-day conundrums, and future imaginings limits youths’ own explorations and determinations of their own gendered and sexual presentations, expressions, and identities. In total, this paper asks: how might we get to unknow queer and trans youth?  相似文献   

毛泽东与邓小平在对待青年和青年问题上都有过一些真知灼见 ,其青年观的基本点是一致的 :都非常重视青年的地位和作用 ;提倡大胆启用青年 ;正确概括了青年的个性特点 ;认为青年是需要培养教育的 ;青年应该把坚定的政治方向放在首位。不仅如此 ,邓小平还对毛泽东的青年观有所发展 ,这主要表现在 :实现了青年培养目标由“红”到“全面发展” ,青年成才道路由“学习与生产劳动相结合”到“产学研相结合” ,青年的引导力量由“榜样引导”到“是非利害观引导”这三个转变  相似文献   

知青作家群不是只由少数出名的作家支撑的,它是由为数众多的具有上山下乡经历的作家,经过一段时间共同创造一定质量的作品产生的。究竟这一群作家是如何崛起的呢?下乡地点的地理分布如何反映到作品上来呢?究竟有多少知青作家有大学教育背景呢?为什么那么多知青同龄人渴望写作成名呢?这一连串文学社会学的问题,都不是笼统的描述能够说清楚的。论文试图采用一些电脑数字库的数据来考察知青作家群,特别是他们在70年代末到80年代初崛起的现象,希望以此来纠正某些笼统描述的偏差,并且建立一个实证的研究角度,为这个特定历史环境之下产生的作家群,勾勒出比较清晰的图像。  相似文献   

This research examined why parents’ involvement in youth’s learning varies as youth progress through school. 3074 Chinese youths (M age = 13.89 years) in elementary, middle, and high school and their parents reported on parents’ homework assistance and academic socialization. Youth and parents also reported on potential mechanisms underlying variation in these two types of involvement over the school years. Parents’ homework assistance and academic socialization were both higher in elementary than middle school in which they were higher than high school. Youth’s invitations for involvement, along with parents’ involvement role beliefs, involvement self-efficacy, and perceived involvement norms contributed to the tendency for the two types of involvement to be higher in elementary than middle school. Only youth’s invitations and parents’ perceived norms contributed to the tendency for the two to be higher in middle than high school.  相似文献   

This paper describes an effort to develop a survey instrument capable of measuring important aspects of adolescents’ experiences of interest-related pursuits that are supported by technology. The measure focuses on youths’ experiences of connected learning (Ito et al. in Connected learning: an agenda for research and design. Digital Media and Learning Research Hub, Irvine, 2013), an emerging model of learning across settings supported by digital media. Specifically, the instrument aims to measure the depth with which youth are able to engage in an interest-related pursuit, the level of support and encouragement they receive from peers, and the degree to which their pursuit involves performance or media production as an essential feature. The survey also elicits information regarding the connections between youths’ interest-related pursuits and academic goals, the involvement of adults as co-participants in pursuits, and youths’ access to technology tools they deem necessary for their pursuits. The paper reports on results from a pilot study and two rounds of field-testing, in which we evaluated the validity and reliability of the instrument and compared results with evidence from interviews with youth. Our aim was to investigate the feasibility of an approach to measuring youths’ interest-related pursuits to inform future research and evaluation of initiatives focused on digital media and learning.  相似文献   

The historical under-representation of diverse youth in environmental science education is inextricably connected to access and identity-related issues. Many diverse youth with limited previous experience to the outdoors as a source for learning and/or leisure may consider environmental science as ‘unthinkable’. This is an ethnographic study of 16 diverse high school youths’ participation, none of who initially fashioned themselves as ‘outdoorsy’ or ‘animal people’, in a four-week summer enrichment program focused on herpetology (study of reptiles and amphibians). To function as ‘good’ participants, youth acted in ways that placed them well outside their comfort zones, which we labeled as identity boundary work. Results highlight the following cultural tools, norms, and practices that enabled youths’ identity boundary work: (1) boundary objects (tools regularly used in the program that facilitated youths’ engagement with animals and nature and helped them work through fear or discomfort); (2) time and space (responsive, to enable adaptation to new environments, organisms, and scientific field techniques); (3) social support and collective agency; and (4) scientific and anecdotal knowledge and skills. Findings suggest challenges to commonly held beliefs about equitable pedagogy, which assumes that scientific practices must be thinkable and/or relevant before youth engage meaningfully. Further, findings illustrate the ways that fear, in small doses and handled with empathy, may become a resource for youths’ connections to animals, nature, and science. Finally, we propose that youths’ situated identity boundary work in the program may have the potential to spark more sustained identity work, given additional experiences and support.  相似文献   

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