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学习困难儿童的心理特点与教育策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
儿童学习困难的问题是学校、教师、家长、学生共同关心的话题。在系统地分析学习困难儿童的神经心理、认知心理、社会性发展和心理健康等特点的基础上,提出训练学习困难儿童的学习策略。归因策略和认知监控策略的教育对策。  相似文献   

学习困难儿童学习策略训练模式的比较与研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本在对国外大量有关学习困难儿童学习策略训练模式分析的基础上,介绍了当今较为流行的三类学习策略训练模式,根据笔多年研究与实践的经验,结合这三类训练模式的主要特点,提出了“认知与监控”训练模式,并对该模式及内容作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

数学学习过程是一个由输入、相互作用、输出三个阶段组成,它的优化和有效是一种超越于程序化学习之上的,使学生作为主体随时监控与调节自身的学习过程。本文针对数学学习中的问题,提出数学学习过程中的自我监控策略:强化认知性自我指导,促进思维发展;提高数学学习的自我效能感,增强主动学习;运用适当的归因训练,转变学习态度,并进行相关的实验研究。  相似文献   

调查显示,高校英语学习困难学生不善于使用元认知策略和社交/情感策略,而频繁使用认知策略,忽视元认知策略的使用是造成学习困难的主要原因。因此,英语教师要引导学困生学会自我监控和反思,增强元认知学习的策略意识,关注他们的情感态度,指导他们合理使用认知策略,提高有效运用学习策略的意识。  相似文献   

认知策略是直接运用于学习语言活动之中的学习策略,它是对学习者的语言学习过程产生直接影响的策略。比重对楚雄市城区小学生英语学习的认知策略运用现状的调查分析,旨在改进学生的学习,提高学生的学习质量,在一定程度上减小他们学习的困难。再者能有效地促进教师的教。教师通过认知策略的教学,可减少教学和训练时间,达到减轻学生学习负担的目的。  相似文献   

儿童学习不良的问题是学校,教师、家长、学生共同关心的话题。在系统分析学习不良儿童的社会交往,自我概念,社会行为等特点的基础上,提出了对学习困难儿童进行归因训练和心理辅导的教育策略。  相似文献   

学习策略的执行与监控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究学习策略,涉及到其主要尬发,构成以及与学科学习的关系,本根据现代教育心理学理论以及本人多年研究,实践的体会与经验,拟对上述问题做进一步阐述与归纳,具体叙述了学习策略与学科学习之间的关系。介绍了策略评价矩阵(SEM),学科学习中的认知监控策略。并提出与讨论了学习策略教与学的有关问题。  相似文献   

根据《英语课程标准(实验)》,小学阶段的儿童只需要养成基本的学习策略,中学阶段英语学习过程中学生要培养的学习策略才明确表述为认知策略、调控策略/元认知策略、交际策略和资源策略。其实,培养儿童学生学习策略重点应该培养儿童的认知策略和资源策略,这两项学习策略的提升能够带动调控策略和交际策略的提高。“寓教于嬉”有利于培养儿童的认知策略;“动画世界中的英语启蒙教育”有助于培养英语资源策略。这两大途径都是儿童喜闻乐见的,具有较强的可操作性。  相似文献   

杜淑虹  徐玲 《海外英语》2011,(13):59-60
听力学习策略在听力教学中起着重要的作用,因此,对学习策略进行训练就成为了必要。听力策略训练能提高英语学习者的听力理解能力,而结合教学进行策略训练是提高听力理解能力的有效途径。该文试从学习策略的三个方面介绍了一些具体的策略训练方法,如认知策略训练方法中的记笔记、预测等,元认知策略训练方法中的监控、评估等,以及社交情感策略训练方法。  相似文献   

研究语言学习策略一直是语言学和教育心理学领域的热点课题,其最终目的是使学习者能够掌握有效的学习策略。而强化学习策略训练,可以促进学生英语学习效率,提高学习动力,改进学习方法,增强自信心,从而实现自主学习和个性化学习。因此,教师要唤起学生的学习策略意识,把策略训练贯穿在教学的各个环节,运用多种方法和策略激发学生的内在学习动机,帮助他们找到最适合自己特点的学习策略,并学会运用学习策略以便在今后的自主学习中自由翱翔,使他们的自主学习意识、自我监控与评估能力得到进一步的提升,启发他们进行创新性思维学习,从而达到学生更好的学习能力。  相似文献   


Impulsivity is an important and co‐determining factor in the arising of learning difficulties. Impulsive children make many mistakes in arithmetic because of inattention and because they don't use the selfcontrol necessary to correct possible mistakes. In this investigation we examine whether a self‐instructional training program, applied in the teaching of arithmetic, has influences on the impulsivity (measured with help of the MFFT) of pupils who have a quick reaction time and who make many errors. The study involved 52 pupils selected from schools providing special education to children with learning disabilities and educable mentally retarded children. Sixteen of them could be categorized as impulsive children.

The effectiveness of the training program is statistically investigated by means of t‐tests for correlated samples. The results show that training with a self‐instruction strategy can be effectively employed in teaching addition and substraction to educable mentally retarded and learning disabled children with arithmetic deficits. Besides, the impulsive children show after the training a more reflective cognitive style when compared to their cognitive style before the training was started.  相似文献   

Children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) experience difficulty coping with everyday demands due to difficulties in performing motor tasks. Recently, a cognitive learning paradigm has been applied to studying the nature of the problems experienced by children with DCD, which assumes that these children have fewer cognitive and metacognitive skills with which to acquire motor skills. However, despite the emergence of such cognitive models, individual differences in children’s use of self-regulatory and metacognitive skill during motor learning have received little research attention. The aim of this review article was to examine the roots of this emerging field of research, locate it within the larger body of metacognitive and self-regulation literature, and examine some of the preliminary work that has been conducted on the role of self-regulation and metacognition in motor learning and in the motor performance difficulties of children with DCD.  相似文献   


The aim of the current study was to investigate to what extent children’s potential for learning is related to their level of cognitive flexibility. Potential for learning was measured through a dynamic testing procedure that aimed to measure how much a child can profit from a training procedure integrated into the testing process, including the amount and type of feedback the children required during this training procedure. The study followed a pre-test–training–post-test control group design. Participants were 153 6–7-year-old children. Half of this group of children were provided with a standardised graduated prompts procedure. The other half of the participants performed a non-inductive cognitive task. Children’s cognitive flexibility was measured through a card sorting test and a test of verbal fluency. Results show that cognitive flexibility was positively related to children’s performance, but only for children in the practice-only condition who received no training. These outcomes suggest that dynamic testing, and more in particular, the graduated prompting procedure, supports children’s cognitive flexibility, thereby giving children with weaker flexibility the opportunity to show more of their cognitive potential as measured through inductive reasoning.


本研究基于听写障碍儿童存在视觉辨别、形音联结缺陷的研究结果,对听写障碍儿童进行有针对性的认知干预训练,并进行实验比较.研究表明:视觉辨别、形音联结的干预能相应地提高听写障碍儿童的视觉辨别能力和形音联结能力;对于汉字学习来说,形音联结、视觉辨别相结合的综合干预训练比单一的视觉辨别、形音联结干预训练效果好.视觉辨别与形音联结相结合的综合认知干预方案更能提高听写障碍儿童相应的认知能力,促进听写障碍儿童的汉字学习质量.  相似文献   

学习困难儿童观看图片的眼动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了学习困难儿童(学困儿童)观看图片过程的认知加工及眼动特性。要求被试观看图片后回答相关问题,并对观看过程中的眼动情况进行记录。结果发现,与学习优秀儿童、学习一般儿童相比,学困儿童提取图片信息的效率低,完成认知任务的质量差;在眼动参数上,学困儿童的注视次数多,眼跳距离小,与其他两组儿童相比差异显著。结果提示,学困儿童认知加工效率低与眼动模式差关系密切。  相似文献   

In the past decade Ireland has witnessed substantial changes in policy and provision for children with general learning difficulties as government policies and legislation increasingly underpin the move towards more inclusive provision. Despite this series of policy initiatives parents of children who experience Down syndrome and general learning difficulties can encounter serious obstacles in gaining access to mainstream education for their children.
This research project was a study of the experiences of a small sample of parents of children who experience Down syndrome and general learning difficulties in relation to their efforts to access appropriate education and education supports for their child in the mainstream school setting. These parents had to invest extraordinary levels of time, energy, and resources in their struggle to get these children into mainstream school and to support their progress there. At local school level these parents and children had positive experiences, but life has taught them that society offers acceptance as a favour, so they cannot confidently expect acceptance by schools and teachers as a right.  相似文献   

篮球运动作为非隅网的同场对抗的集体项目,提高学生在对抗中施展技、战术能力,是我们教学的最终目的.采用实验对比方法,对“4人制”篮球比赛在普通高校中的推广进行论证.结果显示,学生通过参加“4人制”篮球比赛,培养了学习的兴趣和自信心,“4人制”篮球比赛易于组织与开展,运动强度适中,更优于“3人制”与“5人制”比赛,更适合作为篮球专项课中的教学手段之一.  相似文献   

Children with general learning difficulties commonly show lower school success and have a slower rate of learning. They show limited and inefficient strategy use in all kinds of tasks. Efficient strategy use requires a certain degree of metacognitive knowledge and executive control. A sample of 16 children (ages 8 to 12) with learning difficulties participated in a 3-month metacognitive training intervention that alternated between curriculum-related and curriculum-unrelated tasks. The children were indirectly taught cognitive and metacognitive strategies by means of guided prompting. The application of the strategies and the children's metacognitive knowledge were evaluated through observation of their behavior and verbalizations. Children showed progress in strategy use and metacognitive knowledge in both types of tasks, but it was only in the more concrete strategies that a positive correlation was found between application and quality of reflection. It is hypothesized that children perceived these concrete strategies to be of most practical value and they were therefore able to reflect most accurately on their use.  相似文献   

The authors of this article, Garry Hornby and Chrystal Witte, conducted a follow-up study with adult graduates of a residential special school for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties in New Zealand. Twenty-one graduates were located and interviewed ten to 14 years after they had left the residential school. The interviews focused on various factors related to the graduates' quality of life (reported elsewhere) and on their views of their education, both at the residential school and at mainstream schools, which are reported in this paper. It was found that these adult graduates were overwhelmingly positive about the support they received while at the residential school. They talked, for example, about the help they received in addressing their learning and behavioural difficulties. However, they were consistently negative with regard to their experiences of mainstreaming. For example, respondents noted the lack of understanding that they experienced from mainstream teachers. In drawing out the implications of the findings from this study, Garry Hornby and Chrystal Witte suggest that one factor which could result in improving outcomes for these students is better special needs training for teachers in mainstream schools.  相似文献   

Peer acceptance is an important facilitator for the success of inclusive education. The aim of the current study is twofold: (1) to examine how classroom goal orientation is associated with children’s acceptance of peers with learning difficulties; and (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of a storytelling programme with drama techniques on children’s acceptance of peers with learning difficulties. The participants were 86 Grade 3 students from a Hong Kong primary school, randomly assigned to an experimental group (n = 45) and a control group (n = 41). The findings indicated that the more the students perceived that their classroom was performance-approach oriented, the less they would accept their peers with learning difficulties in doing things together. After the intervention, the students in the experimental condition, compared to their counterparts in the control group, were more likely to render financial assistance and have affective acceptance to their peers with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

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