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本文采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对茶藨子属Ribes L. 植物19种、2变种的花粉形态进行了观 察。根据本属植物的花粉,在内萌发孔周围有一外萌发孔,有别于广义的虎耳草科Saxifragaceae(s. lato各类群的特点,结合本属其它形态特征,作者支持将茶藨子属独立为科的意见。从观察材料看,可 将其归之为4个花粉类型:即醋栗型(Grossularia-type)、茶藨子型(Ribes-type)、拟醋栗型(Grossu- larioidestype)和单性花茶藨子型(Berisia-type),这正好与分类学家根据形态划分的4个亚属相吻合, 而且它们之间存在着密切的联系,是一个不可分割的自然群。据此,作者认为过去划分的亚属是合理的,醋栗类群不独立成属,似更自然。  相似文献   

睡莲科的系统发育:核糖体DNA ITS区序列证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以金鱼藻Ceratophyllum demersum为外类群,使用PAUP4.0b4A软件对睡莲科Nymphaeaceae植物7属11个代表种的ITS区序列进行了系统发育分析。采用最大简约法分析获得了3个最简约树,步长为1125,一致性指数(CI)和维持性指数(RI)值分别为0.7618和0.7214。利用3个最简约树获取严格一致树。结果表明:(1)莲属Nelumbo位于系统树的基部,自展支持率为100%,可从睡莲科中独立出来成立莲科Nelumbonaceae和莲目Nelumbonales;(2)萍蓬草属Nuphar是一单系类群,位于分支Ⅱ的基部,并和睡莲科其他属(不包括莲属)植物聚在一起构成姐妹群,故萍蓬草属仍应置于睡莲科中;(3)水盾草属Cabomba和莼菜属Brasenia聚成一小支并构成姐妹群,自展支持率为99%,说明这两属之间亲缘关系较近;(4)睡莲属和芡实属Euryale、王莲属Victoria聚成一小支并构成姐妹群,自展支持率为94%,说明三者亲缘关系较近,仍应置于睡莲科中。  相似文献   

以金鱼藻Ceratophyllum demersum为外类群,使用PAUP4.0b4A软件对睡莲科Nymphaeaceae植物7属11个代表种的ITS区序列进行了系统发育分析。采用最大简约法分析获得了3个最简约树,步长为1125,一致性指数(CI)和维持性指数(RI)值分别为0.7618和0.7214。利用3个最简约树获取严格一致树。结果表明:(1)莲属Nelumbo位于系统树的基部,自展支持率为100%,可从睡莲科中独立出来成立莲科Nelumbonaceae和莲目Nelumbonales;(2)萍蓬草属Nuphar是一单系类群,位于分支Ⅱ的基部,并和睡莲科其他属(不包括莲属)植物聚在一起构成姐妹群,故萍蓬草属仍应置于睡莲科中;(3)水盾草属Cabomba和莼菜属Brasenia聚成一小支并构成姐妹群,自展支持率为99%,说明这两属之间亲缘关系较近;(4)睡莲属和芡实属Euryale、王莲属Victoria聚成一小支并构成姐妹群,自展支持率为94%,说明三者亲缘关系较近,仍应置于睡莲科中。  相似文献   

运用核糖体DNA内转录间隔区ITS序列对狭蕊龙胆属Metagentiana10种及其近缘属22种植物进行了系统发育分析。ITS分析结果表明狭蕊龙胆属是一个多系群:在系统发育树上,双蝴蝶属Tripterospermum和蔓龙胆属Crawfurdia的种类位于狭蕊龙胆属各分支中,而且双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属的种类也相互交叉;这一结果不支持将3个属各自独立为属。但是,在所有分析中,3个属共同形成一单系分支,是龙胆属Gentiana的姊妹群;这一结果与形态学、花部解剖学、细胞学、孢粉学和胚胎学等证据基本一致,狭蕊龙胆属应该从龙胆属中分离出来,它与双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属有更为密切的亲缘关系。根据分支图,在狭蕊龙胆属、双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属组成的复合群中,现已知的染色体基数x=17、21和23可能存在网状和平行进化。  相似文献   

以杜鹃花属叶状苞亚属Rhododendron subg. Therorhodion (Maxim.) Gray 的叶状苞杜鹃R. redowskianum Maxim.为外类群,使用PAUP4.0b8软件对马银花亚属sub g. Azaleastrum Planch.的马银花组sect. Azaleastrum (Planch.) Maxim. 7种1 变种和长蕊杜鹃组sect. Choniastrum Planch. 2种及2个相关的单型亚属(异蕊杜鹃 亚属subg. Mumeazalea Max  相似文献   

双参属Triplostegia Wall.ex DC.由分布于东南亚地区的2个种组成,为多年生草本植物。它的归属一直存在争议,有时置于川续断科Dipsacaceae或败酱科Valerianaceae,有时单立一科,即双参科Triplostegiaceae。本研究对广义川续断目Dipsacales s.l.的21种植物(分别来自于败酱科、川续断科、双参属、刺参属Morina、广义忍冬科Caprifoliaceae s. l.、五福花科 Adoxaceae)和外类群人参Panax schin-seng Nees.的叶绿体 DNA trnL-F区进行了测序,并建立系统发育树状图。结果显示,败酱科、川续断科、双参属、刺参属和广义忍冬科的4个属(双盾木属Dipelta、虫胃实属Kolkwitzia、六道木属Abelia和北极花属Linnaea)形成 了一个单系群并得到了很强的支持(100% bootstrap);双参属与川续断科有更近的关系,建议作为一个亚科置于川续断科;广义忍冬科为一多系类群;而刺参属与其他广义川续断目类群之间的关系尚不能确定。  相似文献   

报道了青藏高原地区的点地梅属Androsace L.及羽叶点地梅属Pomatosace Maxim.共14种29个居群的ITS与trnL-F DNA序列各27与25条;并结合已报道相关种类的有关序列,构建了“点地梅群”的分子系统发育树。研究发现“点地梅群”的4个属为一单系类群,含有两个稳定的分支:一支全部由点地梅属的种类组成,另一支分别由羽叶点地梅属、Douglasia Lindley、Vitaliana Sesler和9种点地梅属植物组成;点地梅属裂叶组sect. Samuelia Schlechtd.的3个种与点地梅组sect. Androsace的2个种在3套序列分析中位于不同的系统位置。各分支基部的种都分布在中国东南部及青藏高原东部,分子地理标记的结果支持形态学提出该地区为“点地梅群”植物起源地的假设。从青藏高原东部地区向欧洲及其他北半球地区存在不同时期内多个进化支的多次扩散。粗略的时间估算表明该群植物可能是在第三纪的中新世以来才开始发生的。垫状种类分别在青藏高原和欧洲独立起源,而在青藏高原地区的分化要早于在欧洲的分化,在前一地区可能与青藏高原自中新世开始发生的造山运动、形成高海拔的山地有关,而在后一地区则是与第三纪末至第四纪的冰期气候反复波动有关。垫状植物在青藏高原上的大规模分布则可能较晚,与冰期结束后全新世晚期气候再次变冷有关。一些物种种内的遗传分化也可能部分反映了气候来回波动中它们在高原上的退缩和再扩张过程  相似文献   

本文作者首次观察了峨眉山凤仙花属Impatiens 13个野生种的花粉形态,发现3沟和4沟类型 花粉均出现在这一地区。其中3沟花粉与同科另一属水角属Hydrocera的花粉十分相似。同时注意到 花粉形态与其花的形态在某些方面具相关性,结合地理分布和生长习性等特性,得出以下结论:1.凤仙 花属3沟型花粉所指示的植物类群为一自然类群,并与水角属具有较密切的亲缘关系;2.凤仙花属4沟型花粉常具种水平上的差异,对属内类群划分具有系统学意义。  相似文献   

一般来讲,进化学派承认分支学派对系统学的研究作出了有意义的贡献,如应用分支分析方法重建系统发育,应用共有衍征确定分类群之间的分支关系以及应用外类群方法来判断性状的极性等,都对系统学的方法有所改进。但分支学派的致命缺点是拒绝接受并系类群。我们属于进化学派,认为并系类群是可以接受的。例如,根据分子资料分析,Zabelia属可以包括于Abelia属内。Zabelia属不但在花粉上和Abelia属不同,可能由于它占有了新的生态位,获得了新的特征,如叶柄基部膨大两两联合,并宿存以保护腋芽。有理由认为它们应独立成属,并不由于Zabelia属从Abelia属分出而使后者成为一个并系类群而把它们合并。分支学派的一些学者认为生物名称作为交流的工具和生物信息储存系统应有明晰的、唯一的和稳定的特性。但具等级的林奈命名系统并不具有这些特性来命名分支和种。最后,PhyloCode被提出。PhyloCode对分支的命名方法有3种,即分支结点定义、分支基干定义和衍征定义。我们认为林奈命名系统作为传媒系统在生物学界的应用已近250年,若要废弃它而采用PhyloCode,必然会在命名方面引起一片混乱。但我们并不是说PhyloCode的拥护者所提出的建议一无是处,我们建议他们宜继续进行研究。由于应用生物学种概念于植物界产生了许多问题,因此多为植物系统学家所抛弃。分支学派的兴起,推动了系统发育种概念的提出。该概念基于3个特征,即自征、区别特征和基本排它,因此分别命名为自征种概念、特征种概念和谱系种概念。事实上,目前大多数植物系统学家仍然应用着形态–地理学种概念,但我们在划分种时,必须有尽可能多的资料,特别是要将传粉、繁育系统、分子系统学资料和形态学资料结合起来。  相似文献   

测定了红豆杉科、三尖杉科、罗汉松科及松科共9属13种植物的matK基因序列,发现3′端的单碱基插入造成mat k基因在这些类群间有较大的长度变异(1488∽1548bp),其它插入或缺失的长度为3、6或9bp(白豆杉中有一个长为27bp的缺失),且绝大多数插入或缺失事件具有系统发育信息。matK基因中,密码子第1、2及3位的变异率较为相近,平均同义替代率约为平均非同义替代率的2倍。以松科2属3种植物为外类群,运用PAUP软件进行的系统发育分析仅得到一棵最简约树(步长为895,CI=0.850,RI=0.876),该简约树的各分支均得到bootstrap分析的极强支持。结果表明:红豆杉科与三尖杉科均为单系群,二者互为姐妹群;白豆杉属与穗花杉属为红豆杉科中两个很自然的属,白豆杉属为红豆杉属的姐妹群,穗花杉属为榧树属的姐妹群。竹柏属与罗汉松属聚为一支,二者间的亲缘关系得到boot-strap分析的100%支持,从分支分类学及遗传距离角度,作者不赞同将竹柏属提升为科。  相似文献   

Almost no differences are seen in habit and infrescence between the gene- ra Vladimiria and Dolomiaea; the former that was founded on the basis of Jurinea sal- winensis Hand.-Mazz. by Iljin should be transferred to the later that was earlier found- ed on the basis of D. macrocephala DC. by De Candolle.  But considering the style which has fine, spreading and apex-acute branches in the group Vladimiria, it is reasonable to treat the group Vladimiria as a section in the genus Dolomiaea, i.e. Dolomiaea sect. Vladimiria (Iljin) Shih. Therefore, the genus Dolomiaea is expanded in the circums- cription in the present paper, not only including the primary group with short, com- pact and apex-rounded style branches, i.e. Dolomiaea sect. Dolomiaea, but also sect. Vla- dimiria (Iljin) shih with different characters of style-arms.       Nine species and 1 variety as new combinations are listed in the sect.  Vladimiria (Iljin) Shih as following: D. denticulata (Ling) Shih, D. forrestii (Diels) Shih, D. scabrida (Shih et S. Y. Jin) Shih, D. souliei(Franch.) Shih, D. souliei (Franch) Shih var. mirabilis (Anth.) Shih, D. berardioidea (Franch.) Shih, D. georgii (Anth.) Shih, D. edulis (Franch.) Shih, D. salwinensis (Hand.-Mazz.) Shih and D. platylepis (Hand. -Mazz.) Shih.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对国产冰岛蓼属Koenigia L. 9种植物的花粉形态进行了观察。结果表明:花粉均为球形;直径为17.0-32.5 μm(包括刺长);萌发孔有7(-8)赤道环沟、散沟、散孔;外壁纹饰均为刺状。根据萌发孔类型和外壁纹饰,将该属花粉划分为3种类型,即细冰岛蓼型(Delicatulum-type)、大连线冰岛蓼型(Forrestii-type)及冰岛蓼型(Koenigia-type)。细冰岛蓼型花粉的主要特征是具7(-8)赤道环沟,覆盖层无穿孔,外壁纹饰为显著的长刺状,此种类型的植物有细冰岛蓼K. delicatula (Meisn.) Hara。大连线冰岛蓼型花粉的主要特征是具12散沟,覆盖层无穿孔,外壁纹饰为显著的长刺状,此种类型的植物有大连线冰岛蓼K. forrestii (Diels) Měsíek & Soják 及连线冰岛蓼K. nummularifolia (Meisn.) Měsíek & Soják。冰岛蓼型花粉的主要特征是具15,20(-30)散孔,覆盖层无穿孔,外壁纹饰为显著的长刺状,此种类型的植物有冰岛蓼K. islandica L.、蓝蕊冰岛蓼K. cyanandra (Diels) Měsíek & Soják、线茎冰岛蓼K. nepalensis D. Don、柔毛蓼K. pilosa Maxim.、陕甘蓼K. hubertii (Lingelsh.) Měsíek & Soják及青藏蓼K. fertilis Maxim.。结果表明冰岛蓼属的花粉形态具有重要的分类学意义,研究结果支持Koenigia的属的地位,大铜钱叶蓼Polygonum forrestii Diels和铜钱叶蓼P. nummularifolium Meisn.应从蓼属分叉蓼组Polygonum L. sect. Aconogonon Meisn.中移入冰岛蓼属中,细冰岛蓼、蓝蕊冰岛蓼、青藏蓼、陕甘蓼、线茎冰岛蓼和柔毛蓼应从蓼属头状蓼组Polygonum L. sect. Cephalophilon Meisn.中移入冰岛蓼属中。  相似文献   

 首次记载了毛冠菊属2种4居群的核形态资料。两种植物的染色体间期和前期染色体为复杂型 和中间型。狭舌毛冠菊两居群的染色体数目与核型公式为2n=18=14m+2sm+2st(2SAT);毛冠菊两居  群的染色体数目与核型公式为2n=18=14m+2sm(2SAT)+2st。它们分别代表了整个毛冠菊属的两组  植物,并包含了形态学上最原始的种类,因此,该属的染色体基数可能为x=9。核形态证据表明毛冠菊属放在紫菀族比放在旋覆花族和千里光族中更为合理。  相似文献   

 In the present paper a new species of Lasallia Merat is described and placed under a new subgenus Pleiogyra, characterized by having econcentrical multi-gyrate apothecia. In consequence of this finding, the conception of plane disc in the genus Lasallia of Umbili- cariaceae becomes untenable.      As a result of careful examination of rich materials, the writer considers the dif- ference in disc found by Scholander among all species of the family is of certain signifi- cance for classification.  Unfortunately, Scholander’s classification is based solely on this rather variable morphological character.  If his view be adopted the new species will have to be inserted into the genus Gyrophora Ach. emend. Schol.  If accepting Llano’s division of Umbilicariaceae into five genera, namely Lasallia, Agyrophora, Omphalodiscus, Umbili- caria and Actinogyra, the new species will have to be considered a new  genus  of  the family.      The present writer considers both Scholander’s and Llano’s systems as being artificial, because the former author emphasizes too much the unstable morphological appearance of disc and the later simply divides the family into five genera simultaneously on the basis of the stable and unstable characters of the various groups.  In contrast with Scholander’s and Llano’s systems Frey’s classification neglects wholly the difference in the characters of disc.  Such treatment is likewise unsound.  The present writer supports the view held by Flotow, Koerber, Elenkin and Savicz (1950).  Nevertheless, he does not agree with Savicz in erecting the subgenus Gyrophoropsis (Elenk. et Savicz) Savicz, because muriform spores are present not only in the group having gyrate discs, but also in the groups having plane and omphalic discs of the Genus Umbilicaria Hoffm. emend. Vej.  The recognition of this subgenus must therefore deny the basis on which the other four subgenera are established.       The system of Umbilicariaceae held by the writer is as follows: I. Genus Lasallia Merat emend. Vej  ......  Thallus pustulate; disc plane to econcentrical multi-gyrate; spores     1(2) per ascus, quite large, muriform.     1. Subgenus Lasallia...Disc plane.    2. Subgenus Pleiogyra Vej  ......  Disc econcentrical multigyrate. II. Genus Umbilicaria Hoffm. emend. Vej (syn. Gyrophora Ach. emend. Savicz)* ...Thallus non-pustulate;    disc plane and smooth or plane with central sterile column (or fissure) or with gyri; spores 8 per ascus,    simple, hyaline or becoming brown muriform, small. 1. Subgenns Agyrophora (Nyl.) Savicz  ......  Disc plane.    (1) Section Agyrophora (syn. sect. Anthracinae emend. Llano). .....  Spores simple and hyaline.    (2) Section Dichroae Llano  ......  Spores becoming brown muriform. 2. Subgenus Omphalodiscus (Schol.) Savicz  ......  Disc with central sterile column or fissure.    (1) Section Omphalodiscus (syn. sect. Decussatae Schol.)  ......  Spores simple and hyaline.    (2) Section Spodochroae Schol.  .....  Spores becoming muriform. 3. Subgenus Umbilicaria...Disc with concentrical gyri; spores simple and hyaline or becoming muriform.    (1) Section Umbilicaria (syn. sect. Simplices Llano)  ......  Spores simple and hyaline.    (2) Section Gyrophoropsis (Elenk. et Savicz) A. Zahlbr. (syn. sect. Muriformes Llano)  ......  Spores          becoming muriform.4. Subgenus Actinogyra (Schol.) Savicz  ......  Disc with radial gyri, proper margin absent.  相似文献   

 The fern genus Diplaziopsis C. Chr. of Index Filicum has long been considered as a monotypic one, with the sole species, D. javanica (B1.) C. Chr. from tropical Asia.  In 1906, H. Christ described a second species, Allantodia cavaleriana Christ (=D. cavale- riana C. Chr.) from Kweichow, West China, but this was since not fully recognized by fern students in general, being often considered as a variety of the first species.  This is certainly a mistake, as is shown by ample herbarium specimens today.  In the recent work on the genus, the writer has found among the herbarium material two additional new species from China, thus bringing the genus up to four species in Asia, mainly from China, where, as it is, the genus has its center of development from the long past.      Phylogenetically, Diplaziopsis C. Chr. represents one of the offshoots from the great stock of diplazioid ferns, of which the genus Diplazium Sw. constitutes the main body of the group and from which our genus differs chiefly in its leaves of a thin texture with reticulated venation, but not so much in its type of indusium as it has generally been emphasized by most botanists in the past, for, as it is, the type of indusium in Di- plaziopsis also prevails in many species of Diplazium, for which C. B. Clarke (Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Bot. I:495, 1880) created, but really superfluously, a subgenus Pseudal- lantodia, about which the writer will dwell in another paper in the near future.  Suffice it to say here that the indusium in Diplaziopsis as revealed by the species treated here is, indeed, typical of diplazioid ferns, only often, as it happens, with  its  adaxial  edge pressed so tight under the expanding sorus that it is unable to open freely along its upper free edge and, as a result, its thin vaulted back bursts open from the pressure of the ex- panding sorus underneath.      As a result of the present study, following four species of the genus have been re- cognized.      Diplaziopsis javanica (B1.) C. Chr. Ind. Fil. (1905) 227.      Wide spread in tropical Asia, northwardly to Bakbo and the southern part of Yun- nan, China.      D. cavaleriana (Christ) C. Chr. Ind. Fil. Suppl. I (1913) 25.      Ranges from West China through northern part of Fukien of East China to Japan.      D. intermedia Ching, sp. nov.      Endemic in West China:  Mt. Omei, Szechuan, and Kweichow.      D. hainanensis Ching, sp. nov.      In conclusion, it may be pointed out that with the modern plant taxonomy pursued in a more efficient manner than in the past, and especially by the introduction of the cytotaxonomic methods, the so-called “monotypic genera”, as conceived by the orthodox systematists, will continue to prove, to a great extent, to be lack of  enough  scientific ground.  The fact that the “monotypic genus” of Diplaziopsis C. Chr. is now found to be a genus of four well-defined species is once again an instance to illustrate the pointat issue.  相似文献   

 研究了国产防己科蝙蝠葛族tirb.Menispermeae9属20种和外类群青牛胆族trib.Tinosporeae 2属3种植物完整的ITS(包括5.8S rDNA)序列。trib.Menispermeae的ITS长527~601 bp,排序后长667bp。当gap处理为missing时具281个有信息位点。PAUP软件分析结果表明:①trib.Menispermeae是一个单系类群,该分支得到hootstrap l00%的支持;②确定了存疑种Pachygone valida的系统学位置,该种是Coc—culus属的成员;③Sinomenium和Menispermum两属有很近的系统学关系,组成族内稳定的一支,它们的ITS序列同源性极高,ITS1比族内其它属长41~73bp;④Stephania和Cyclea也是系统发育关系很近的两个类群。前者具两个主要分支,其IIS1、ITS2的G+C含量差异较大,在种类组成上,该两大支与传统上Stephania属内处理的2个亚属——千金藤亚属subgen.Stephania和山乌龟亚属subgen.Tuberiphania基本一致;Cyclea属内种间的ITS序列差异小,同源性极高。  相似文献   

本文根据植物类群的系统发育和地理分布统一的原理,讨论了獐牙菜属植物的起源、散布和分 布区的形成。獐牙菜属包括11组16系154种,间断分布在亚洲、欧洲、北美洲和非洲。中国西南部- 喜马拉雅地区汇集了大多数种类、不同演化水平的类群以及形形色色的特有类群,成为该属的多样化 中心和多度中心。该属的原始类群和外类群也集中分布在中国西南山地,极有可能是该属的起源地。该 属的分布区类型中出现了各式的间断分布,根据有该属植物分布的大陆间及大陆与岛屿间分离和连接 的时间推测,该属的起源时间至少不会晚于晚白垩纪,也许更早,可追溯到中白垩纪。通过分类群间亲 缘关系和现代分布分析,显示出该属植物从起源地向周围和一定方向散布,形成了三个主要散布途径。在散布过程中植物本身也发生演化和就地特化,形成新的类群。  相似文献   

 A new fern genus, Chieniopteris Ching, based upon  Woodwardia  harlandii Hook. from South China, is here proposed.  Its systematic position seems to be apparently inter- mediate between Lorinseria Presl of the east North America and Woodwardia  Sm.  of the Old World, from the former the genus is distinguished by its upland habitat, by the uniform fronds of chartaceous or rather subcoriaceous texture  with  straw-colored stipe and rachis of the leaves; from the latter by the long  creeping  rhizome with  distant fronds, by the simple trilobed or generally simply pinnate lamina with a few pairs of entire or sometimes irregularly lobated lateral pinnae, which are connected at the base by a narrow wing on each side of the rachis, by the superficial and longer sori and by the veins anastomosing between the sori and the leaf margin.      While describing the plant as a Woodwardia, Hooker properly noted that it is very distinct from the oriental Woodwardia japonica (Linn. fil.) Sm. and W. prolifera Hook. Later Baker transferred Hooker's species under Woodwardia sect. Lorinseria in Synopsis Filicum in a juxtaposition with Woodwardia areolata (Linn.)  Moore, the type of the genus Lorinseria Presl.  It is J. Smith, who referred the southern Chinese plant to Lorin- seria Presl, with which it is somewhat similar in habit, but differs in characters diagnosed above, besides a distinct habitat and geographic area.      The new genus is now represented by two species, C. harlandii (Hook.) Ching and C. kempii (Cop.) Ching, all indigenous in South China, extending  southwardly  to  the northern part of Vietnam and eastwardly to the islands of southern Japan.      The new genus is named after professor S. S. Chien, director of the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, and president of the Botanical Society of China, to celebratehis 80th. birthday last year.  相似文献   

以白玉簪科和兰科的代表种类分别作为外类群对水玉簪属进行了初步的分支分析。虽然运用不 同外类群进行分支分析产生的结果并不完全一致,但它们均显示了属内一些稳定“支”的结构及其种间关系。分支分析还表明:水玉簪属的两个组中,Foliosa组极可能是一个单系类群,而水玉簪组则是一并系类群。如果叶绿素的丧失是一个不可逆的进化过程,水玉簪族中全菌物异养习性的获得只出现过一 次。  相似文献   

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