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洪明 《教育史研究》2002,(2):78-81,86
通过对香港学校公民教育历史进程的考察,揭示香港殖民地时期和回归过渡转型时期学校公民教育发展的历史脉络和阶段性特征,指出其独特的历史进程对香港现有学校公民教育及未来趋势具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

张永雄 《中国德育》2006,1(3):36-43
香港特别行政区推行的课程改革,将德育及公民教育作为首要发展项目,并就具体的推行策略建议中小学校应优先培育学生五种价值观和态度:坚毅,尊重别人,责任感,国民身份认同及承担精神;强调以学生为本的方针,鼓励学校将学生身边发生的事情灵活地融入课程设计中。此目标和策略的厘定,是回应现今香港的社会情况及未来发展方向,亦考虑到学校现况及参考其它国家的实践经验。学校推行德育及公民教育的策略,除了开办正规的德育及公民教育课程外,亦会在正规的学科学习中,渗透一些涉及价值判断的讨论活动,藉此提升学生的道德判断能力;或是藉实践学习的经验培养学生的价值观。教育统筹局作为推动香港德育及公民教育发展的官方机构,负起带领学校推行课程改革的职责:引入新思维、鼓励新尝试及交流新知识;目的是希望将课程改革的信息带到学校,以提升教师在这方面的认识和教学技巧,并为学生提供一个有利培育正确价值观的学习环境。  相似文献   

在中国近现代史上,香港是一个历经风雨变迁之地。鸦片战争之后,香港成为英国的殖民地。1997年,香港终于回归祖国。香港经历了许多重大政治事件,这对香港公民教育的演变产生了很大的冲击。回归之后,香港政府所辖的教统局及相关部门采取了很多措施来推进公民教育。同时,作为一个国际性的大都会,香港的公民教育采纳了很多在国际上处于前沿的公民教育思想,在香港实践西方的公民教育理论。  相似文献   

中国内地与香港学校公民教育的社会背景、目标、内容、推行方式等方面各有特点。内地突出政治性,德育中包含公民教育内容,香港具有“非政治化”的倾向;内地公民教育有明显的政府行为,香港以学校为主体,且具有民间自由性特点  相似文献   

当代香港公民教育正发生着翻天覆地的变化。在中小学中,香港公民教育坚持的基本教育理念是:以学生为本、和谐统一,倡导生活化和国际化。当代香港中小学公民教育的主要内容是国家、民族身份的教育、价值观与态度教育、生活常识教育以及生态教育。先进的教育理念、丰富的教育内容正引领着当代香港公民教育阔步前行。  相似文献   

香港在国际上占据的重要地位及其辉煌业绩的取得无不与其对公民教育的重视息息相关,了解香港公民教育的特点及改革趋势对于推进我国内地公民教育实践、理念的创新和变革具有积极意义。"以学生为本"、追求个人价值与社会价值的和谐统一、公民教育的生活化和国际化是香港公民教育的鲜明特点;以此为基础,香港公民教育将向以增进民族认同感和加强核心价值观培育等方面发展。  相似文献   

课程标准在香港称为“课程指引”,承担公民教育的课程标准香港称为“学校公民教育指引”。1985年5月,中英联合声明生效,香港进入回归祖国的过渡期。根据香港政府对教育署提出的通过学校承担公民教育的任务,教育署于1985年8月20日颁布了《学校公民教育指引》(以下简称《85指引》),在全港中小学推行。进入20世纪90年代中期以后,香港回归在即,为适应形势发展需要,香港课程发展议会修订《85指引》,1996年编订新的《学校公民教育指引》(以下简称《96指引》),并于1996年12月由香港教育署正式颁布实施。《96指引》把基本法教育、爱国教育及政治教育列入公民教育,基本完成了公民教育预期的使命。1997年香港回归后,为进一步推进学校品德教育和公民教育,香港课程发展议会于2012年4月编制完成《德育及国民教育科课程指引》,拟独立设置学科课程,但在征询意见过程中有各种不同的声音,最终能否得到社会各界理解与认同尚待时日。  相似文献   

九七回归之前,1996《学校公民教育指引》受到了教育界的普遍关注。该文考察了《九六指引》的背景、内容及对它的相关评论,指出香港的公民教育应该在“两制”下寻求“一国”性,在“两制”的差异性之外寻求“一国”的共同性、统一性,应该将面向回归的短期目标与超越回归的长远目标结合起来,应围绕香港基本法对公民的界定与权责要求来设定公民教育的目标与内容  相似文献   

从商业教育的角度,回顾了香港STEM教育的实践成效.通过参考国外(如新加坡及美国)STEM教育的经验,认为香港STEM教育有可进步的空间.虽然创业教育在香港已发展成熟,并有大量专业团体的协助,但商业教育在STEM教育中仍未发挥应有的作用.建议推行创业STEM教育,为学生提供一个实践的环境,并透过跨科协助,来提升整个中学STEM教育的成效.  相似文献   

培养学生的良好品德和公民素质,一直是香港学校教育的重要使命之一。基于社会发展的迫切要求和课程发展的趋势,香港于2008年修订了《德育及公民教育课程框架》。香港小学德育及公民教育课程旨在通过课堂讲授和多元化的学习经历,帮助学生树立正确的价值观和积极的人生态度,积极为家庭、社会、国家和世界作贡献。  相似文献   

Civic education has been assigned the mission of preparing critical thinking, responsible, participating, multidimensional citizens and is also used to serve the function of instilling a sense of national identity, loyalty to the nation state and patriotism In 1996, before the return of sovereignty of Hong Kong to China, the Hong Kong Education Department published theGuidelines in Civic Education for School (1996), which includes education for democracy, human rights education, global education and nationalistic education This survey adopted an amalgamate framework of five types of nationalistic education to study the understanding of nationalistic education of civic educators in secondary schools in Hong Kong The initial findings showed that the civic educators were basically strongly eclectic in terms of education for cosmopolitan, civic, and cultural nationalism and moderately eclectic in terms of anti colonial nationalism but rejected education for totalitarian nationalism This eclectic understanding can be said to be heading towards a more liberal, rational, open and inclusive type of nationalistic education, which is compatible with a cosmopolitan and pluralistic society such as Hong Kong  相似文献   

Various terms have been used to define civic education (CE) in Hong Kong since the colonial era. This has been particularly true since 2011, when CE has been given many names, causing confusion among educators. Mixed methods were employed to examine teachers’ perceptions of different conceptions of CE expressed as moral, civic and national education. The findings indicate that some teachers might not be able to differentiate among moral education, CE and national education. Most teachers contended that national education should be included in CE, while others believed the opposite. Teachers perceived that moral and civic education was more successful than moral and national education in cultivating students to become ‘good citizens’. Teachers’ comprehension of these terms has policy and pedagogical implications. While the study is set within the context of Hong Kong, the findings are valuable to policymakers and educators in other countries seeking to improve CE.  相似文献   

香港发生的非法“占领中环”和“反修例”风波,让我们不得不重新认识香港推行国民教育的必要性和紧迫性。香港的国民教育不仅要重视以文化为核心的中华民族认同教育,也要强调以宪法和基本法为核心的制度认同教育,还要加大国民教育中的历史认同比重,确保香港青少年能够对祖国的历史形成正确认知,增强国家责任感与民族归属感。通过对香港国民教育进行政策切入研究,梳理其发展脉络,辨析香港现行国民教育的缺失,并结合我国提出的“立德树人系统化落实机制”,从依法治教原则、中国特色社会主义教育督导体制机制、问责纠偏意识、特色“主题教育”、多元主体合力等多角度提出应对香港当前国民教育困境的建议。  相似文献   

由于内地没有一个严格意义上的职业教育阶段,所以笔者认为有必要将香港的法学职业教育对我们的启示进行一下阐述。文章介绍了香港的法学职业教育状况,并对内地法学职业教育现状进行反思,进而提出香港的法学职业教育方式对内地的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Civic education is a contested subject in Hong Kong, and there is no agreement in society on what form civic education should take, which leaves each school to choose its own approach. Under these circumstances, each teacher needs greater capability and self-efficacy to develop school-based civic education. This study examined the factors that influenced Hong Kong primary school teacher confidence in teaching citizenship education with the ultimate goal of nurturing students to become ‘good citizens.’ The results of this study indicated that teacher self-efficacy was influenced by beliefs about the subject (Moral, Civic and National Education) and beliefs about teachers’ roles in the curriculum but not beliefs about teaching. Teachers felt more confident teaching social topics than political topics. While this study was conducted in the Hong Kong context, the findings could be valuable for policy makers and educators elsewhere who seek to strengthen teacher self-efficacy.  相似文献   

从儒家仁爱思想出发,以学校思想品德课的改革为例,与《香港学校公民教育指引》作比较,反思学校德育。提出学校德育要既坚持社会主义性质,又充分利用传统文化的积极因素培养社会主义接班人;既坚守做人的基本原则,又兼顾心理健康教育、法律教育等,从而彰显“育人为本,德育为先”的时代主题。  相似文献   

With the return of its sovereignty to the People's Republic of China (PRC) on 1 July 1997, Hong Kong attained a new political status as a Special Administrative Region. Hong Kong students, under British rule, had long been receiving de-politicised education, and a sense of belonging to China was limited to the cognitive domain of Chinese history. The ideal of promoting national identity, underpinned in the current civic education curriculum, is proving to be a difficult task. While much literature has documented how curriculumbased educational practices fail to instil students with such an identity, little study has been undertaken to suggest effective alternatives and to examine how they work. This paper reports a study investigating the impact of study trips on developing students' national identity. Through observation and interviews, it takes an in-depth look into students' experience, into how they identify with a Chinese identity. Results indicate that though the study trips help to nurture the cognitive and affective dimensions of national identity, there are limits and possibilities involved. This paper concludes with reminders which teachers should have taken into account when thinking of using co-curricular activities to address the legitimate need of fostering nationalistic education.  相似文献   

This article argues that the development of civic education in Hong Kong can be divided into three phases chronologically: (1) before 1984: “depoliticization” by the state and the school; (2) 1984‐1997: “politicization” of the intended curriculum; and (3) 1997 onwards: “re‐depoliticization” of civic education and official confirmation of nationalistic education. In general, for phases one and two, the development is described as moving from de‐politicization to politicization, in response to the political development of Hong Kong from a British colony towards the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of People's Republic of China. The article continues by exploring the third phase in detail with reference to the official document: Learning to Learn: Life‐long Learning and Whole‐person Development and the official speeches of the Chief Executive, Tung Chee Hwa. A phenomenon of re‐depoliticization of civic education is identified, together with a strong upheaval of nationalistic education. This leads civic education “back to square one"—"re‐depoliticized”. The article concludes by highlighting that the development of civic education in Hong Kong is a typical example of how civic education reflects the political context of the society.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the data obtained from the findings on Hong Kong, as a part of the IEA second civic study. Because the survey was conducted two years after Hong Kong's return to China, the findings reflect concepts and attitudes toward citizenship among Hong Kong students shortly after the change of sovereignty. The study shows that Hong Kong ranks highest in two aspects of citizenship: civic knowledge and attitudes toward immigrants. Hong Kong ranks lowest in attitudes toward the nation, support for women's political rights, confidence in participating at school, and open classroom climate. Moreover, Hong Kong students are most concerned about elections and freedom of expression, but are least interested in political parties. They are more interested in social-related citizenship issues, and try to avoid confrontational and activist politics. This suggests that Hong Kong students are concerned with citizenship issues and politics; are very knowledgeable, and while they are also concerned about society, do not favor confrontations. This partly reflects a Chinese culture and partly reflects that depolicitization perpetuates beyond 1997.  相似文献   


The 2014 Umbrella Movement was one of the most significant social and political events in recent Hong Kong history. This paper offers some initial reflections on the connections between the movement and broader issues related to civic education, critical thinking, and theories of education. First, it is suggested that the movement closely resembles a form of civic education known as ‘action civics,’ offering an alternative pedagogy that might encourage more authentic civic participation. Second, the movement raises questions about how the teaching of critical thinking can be made more practically relevant to modern citizenship. Third, the deep political polarization associated with the movement indicates that civic education and critical thinking training need to pay attention to cognitive biases that affect political ideology. Finally, the Umbrella Movement reflects the failure of democratization in Hong Kong and coincides with increasing political pressures on the local education system. We discuss how political reality connects to issues about democratic education, critical pedagogy, and the idea of political neutrality in education.  相似文献   

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