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新课程实施以来,农村初中物理科学探究课堂教学没有发生根本转变。通过对湖南省L县农村初中教师和学生问卷调查、访谈、物理探究课堂观察、中考物理探究题文本分析发现,影响探究课堂教学行为的首要因素是教师教育观念,包括教师对探究的认识、对学生探究能力的信任度和教学习惯;其次是硬环境,包括中考制度和教师评价机制、实验仪器装备水平、教师自身素质;最后是软环境,包括学生素质、社会环境、教师待遇、教师工作量和班级人数。转变教学观念,改革中考内容,改革教师培训方式,领导提高重视程度,是促进教学行为发生根本转变的重要条件。  相似文献   

对翻转模式在初中物理探究教学中的实践进行分析与研究,将翻转模式与初中物理探究教学的特点相结合,提出具有针对性的创新思路,确保物理探究教学以学生为中心,把时间交给学生自主学习、合作学习,使学生真正掌握、理解知识,也对其他初中物理教师的课堂教学提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

新课程标准的理念下,物理习题教学应当更多地考虑"学"的问题,注重在教学过程中如何引导学生的学习习惯,真正由被动接受式的学习,转变为自主、合作与探究等学习方式上来.本文就如何有效实施初中物理习题教学,从习题编选和讲评两个角度进行分析,望能有助于教学实践.近年来《物理新课程标准》的实施给农村初中物理教学带来了全新的挑战和机遇.新标准、新理念的落实体现在广大物理教师教学行为的转化.然而农村初中物理教学的现状一直困惑着厂大农村初中物理教师.  相似文献   

石明江 《成才之路》2014,(22):42-42
在新课标中,对初中物理教学的目标予以确定:指导学生经历基本的物理学科探索过程,帮助学生们初步养成科学探究能力,让学生们积极参与物理学研究活动,在实践中培养学生的物理科学素养。随着新课标教学的日益深入,教师对学生们的物理探究学习能力提出了更高的要求。初中物理教师要积极转变物理教学方式,以学生的物理学科素养为落脚点,注重对学生的探究能力培养,不断推进初中物理探究式教学发展。  相似文献   

初中物理教育教学中要实现学生的自主合作探究,教师必须对教学思想和教学方法进行彻底改变,摒弃传统教学中包办代替的思想和行为,发挥教师课堂教学的引导作用,指引学生学会独立思考、独立解决实际问题、合作探究。这种从传统的以知识传授向谋求实现学生的自主合作探究的有效过渡是一项系统工程,教师作为这项工程的引领者,要走在学生前面,发挥好引导作用。在初中物理教学中摆脱传统教学的桎梏,突破传统教学的种种束缚,实现学生的合作探究学习,把学生的学习引入科学探究的正确道路上,是时代赋予初中物理教学改革的重任。  相似文献   

新课标背景下对初中物理课程教学提出了新要求,教师要结合教学要求和学生实际,不断提升核心素养,更好地促进其成长。本文对农村初中物理课程教学方面存在的问题进行简要分析,随后着重探究了提升农村初中物理课学生核心素养的具体对策,以供参考。  相似文献   

正新课程的实施给农村初中物理实验教学带来了全新的挑战和机遇。新标准、新理念的落实体现在广大物理教师教学行为的转化。然而农村初中物理教学的现状一直困惑着广大农村初中物理教师。原因是教材变化快,原配置的实验仪器不能使用,新的实验仪器不能及时补充,以及没有专职的实验室管理人员,加之农村的初中学生从小生活在农村,见识少,所学的知识均为书本知识,对于生活中常见的现象缺少分析和知晓,实验意识淡薄,这就要求广大农村物理教师根据实际,就地取材,做好物理实验,激发学生的学习积极性。  相似文献   

新课程的实施给农村初中物理实验教学带来了全新的挑战和机遇。新标准、新理念的落实体现在广大物理教师教学行为的转化。然而农村初中物理教学的现状一直困惑着广大农村初中物理教师。原因是教材变化快,原配置的实验仪器不能使用,新的实验仪器不能及时补充,以及没有专职的实验室管理人员,加之农村的初中学生从小生活在农村,见识少,所学的知识均为书本知识,对于生活中常见的现象缺少分析和知晓,实验意识淡薄,这就要求广大农村物理教师根据实际,就地取材,做好物理实验,激发学生的学习积极性。  相似文献   

初中物理新课改中,要求农村初中物理教学展开科学探究式教学实践活动,这种教学模式更注重过程,可以确保学生在科学探究过程中,进一步培养学习的兴趣,激励学生学习自主性,进而使学生的物理学习能力得到有效的提高。结合教学实践,对于科学探究教学在农村初中物理教学环节的现状予以分析,以期为我国农村初中物理教学提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

科学品格、科学探究、科学思维、物理认知是初中物理核心素养的四个要素。初中物理核心素养对初中物理教学的教学手段、教学内容和教学理念等都提出了全新的要求。但是农村初中物理教学由于师资力量不足、教学设备欠缺等众多因素,还不能够满足初中物理核心素养对初中物理的教学要求。结合农村初中物理教学中物理核心素养的应用研究这一课题,探究分析如何利用农村资源在初中物理教学中开展物理研究。  相似文献   

There has been a disturbing decline in the take-up of physics within second-level education in Ireland since the early nineties. Here, an analysis is presented of the main factors influencing the take-up of physics from the perspective of secondary school teachers. The database underpinning the analysis is based on a comprehensive survey of teacher opinion in Irish schools conducted in December 2004. The sample included all such schools in Ireland and was directed at school principals, senior cycle physics teachers, and junior cycle science teachers. The data reveal that most senior cycle physics teachers in Ireland do not possess a ‘physics-dominated’ primary degree, are dissatisfied with the technical back-up available to them and their students, consider that many of their students lack the basic mathematical skills needed for physics, believe their students are not adequately informed about career opportunities in physics, and feel students are disadvantaged in regard to grade points in the leaving certificate examination compared with most other subjects. These findings echo those of a previous report by the Government Task Force on the Physical Sciences and lend renewed urgency to the necessity of implementing a comprehensive action programme to reverse the decline in physics take-up before it impacts negatively on the Irish economy.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that textbooks are primarily directed at students, research has shown that teachers are heavily reliant and dependent on them. On the other hand, there is some empirical evidence that textbook presentation of science content may lack accuracy and strengthen some alternative conceptions on their users. Besides, it seems that textbooks are not always in agreement with the results of educational research, namely in regard to teaching approaches. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to analyse how 9th grade Portuguese physics textbooks deal with heat and temperature, in order to see whether or not they are adequate sources of information for students and teachers. Eleven 9th grade textbooks are analysed with regard to ideas included, correctness of concepts and arguments, global teaching approach, learning activities (nature, diversity, level of investigation, etc.). The results indicate that the majority of the textbooks are hardly consistent with modem perspectives for science education.  相似文献   

Much research has focused on student views about physics concepts, with an emphasis on the identification of alternative conceptions, and how curricula and professional development may ameliorate the situation. However, there has been little work on determining the extent of, and in separating, the student and teacher/classroom level variables that may impact student physics achievement. This study examined the effect of different student and teacher/classroom level variables on student understanding of physics concepts using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), a regression based technique. The data were collected from 68 different teachers and 3,119 students who were using a reform curriculum, Active Physics. Teachers and students completed surveys asking about their beliefs, their classes and their personal characteristics. Students also completed a physics achievement test. The data show that students of teachers who used Active Physics for a greater portion of the year scored higher on the achievement test than did students of teachers who did not use the curriculum as much. Furthermore, the data show that the achievement gap was narrowed between boys and girls and between students with different attitudes toward physics. Additionally teachers who received inservice instruction on how to implement Active Physics narrowed the gap between students with different views of their classroom involvement. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 961–976, 2009  相似文献   

The world over, secondary school science is viewed mainly as a practical subject. This may be one reason why effectiveness of teaching approaches in science education has often been judged on the kinds of practical activity with which teachers and students engage. In addition to practical work, language??often written (as in science texts) or oral (as in the form of teacher and student talk)??is unavoidable in effective teaching and learning of science. Generally however, the role of (instructional) language in quality of learning of school science has remained out of focus in science education research. This has been in spite of findings in empirical research on difficulties science students encounter with words of the instructional language used in science. The findings have suggested that use of (instructional) language in science texts and classrooms can be a major influence on the level of students?? understandings and retention of science concepts. This article reports and discusses findings in an investigation of physics teachers?? approaches to use of and their beliefs about classroom instructional language. Direct classroom observations of, interviews with, as well as content analyses of the participant teachers?? verbatim classroom talk, were used as the methods of data collection. Evidence is presented of participant physics teachers?? lack of explicit awareness of the difficulty, nature, and functional value of different categories of words in the instructional language. In conclusion, the implications of this lack of explicit awareness on the general education (initial and in-service) of school physics teachers are considered.  相似文献   

根据物理学科教学的特点,以现代研究性学习理论为指导,进行探究教学的研究与实施,在我国基础教育物理课程教学的改革中具有重要意义。开展物理探究教学,需要教师更新教育观念,充分发挥教师的主导作用,真正落实学生的主体地位,实现双向互动,从而培养学生通过自主思考获取知识的能力。  相似文献   

The marginalization of school physics as a socially dynamic educational experience for students is a cause for concern. It is one which needs to be addressed by providers of professional development courses for physics teachers. In this paper we explore some of the issues concerning the professional development of physics teachers, taking a direction which runs counter to the traditionally accepted values inherent in the teaching of the subject. The ideology of science teaching is explored in order to provide a rationale for a socially critical professional development programme for physics teachers. A programme designed to provide a challenge to traditional teaching ideology is described; this programme has an action research component coupled with an investigation into key issues involved in a socially critical physics education.  相似文献   

高中生物理自我效能与学业成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以141名高中生为研究对象,以高中生物理自我效能量表为工具,探讨了高中生物理自我效能与学业成绩之间的关系。结果表明:(1)高中生物理自我效能与学业成绩呈显著正相关(r=0.459,p<0.01),物理自我效能可以解释学业成绩变异的21.1%。(2)物理自我效能对学业成绩的影响跟学生的年级、性别、成绩水平有关,高三、高一学生的物理自我效能与学业成绩的相关高于高二,优秀组学生的物理自我效能与学业成绩的相关高于不良组,男生的物理自我效能与学业成绩的相关高于女生。  相似文献   

Twenty high school physics teachers were interviewed to determine their awareness of student alternate conceptions in the areas of force and gravity. The teachers were also asked to indicate preferred teaching strategies dealing with alternate conceptions. Teacher predictions of student responses were compared to alternate conceptions held by 315 grade-nine students and published findings from other research studies. Edmonton students were found to possess nearly every alternate conception identified in previous research, in similar proportions. A few previously undocumented alternate conceptions were also identified. At times, students were observed to arrive at the currently acceptable conclusion by using alternate conceptions. The high school physics teachers, as a group, identified nearly all the alternate conceptions used by the students. However, individual teachers were generally aware of only a few alternate conceptions, with fully one third of them possessing alternate conceptions themselves in one or more of the tasks. The teachers were also unable to predict with any accuracy the different types of student responses or the proportion of students choosing each alternative. The teaching strategies outlined by the teachers would be considered only partially effective according to current research findings.  相似文献   

以库仑定律为例,阐述了在新课程背景下高师物理规律教学的方法,要突出物理思想方法的教学,让学生在实验的设计和验证中了解规律的建立过程和科学的研究方法,多方面培养学习能力和科学精神。  相似文献   

Weight is one of the basic concepts of physics. Its gravitational definition accommodates difficulties for students to understand the state of weightlessness. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of materials based on 5E teaching model and related to weightlessness on science student teachers’ learning. The sample of the study was 9 volunteer student teachers who were in their first grade in Science Teaching Program in Fatih Faculty of Education, Karadeniz Technical University. Both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered to find answers to the research questions. Findings revealed that all physics textbooks reviewed gave gravitational definition of weight. Also the concept of weightlessness hasn’t been covered in high school and some university textbooks. It was determined that before the implementation student teachers had non-scientific explanations about weightlessness. The implementation of the 5E teaching model and materials developed are effective on learning the weightlessness. It is suggested that similar applications can also be used in other physics subjects or in other fields of science.  相似文献   

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