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医学学科的人文向度与医学生人文素质的培养   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
医学学科蕴涵着丰富的人文价值,医学科学精神与人文精神的融合是医学学科发展的目标,医学与人文具有内在的、必然的联系。无论是时代的要求还是医学生提高自身素质的需求,将医学与人文融为一体是医学和社会向前发展的客观必然。因此,加强医学生的人文素质教育,使他们成为高素质的医学人才,是医学发展的必然和需要。  相似文献   

医学包括自然和人文相关学科,医学生既要掌握全面的医学知识,也要具有较高的实践能力和人文素质,才能符合医学行业发展的人才需求。随着社会的发展与进步,医学行业对相关人才要求越来越高。分析了高职院校医学生人文素质特点和人文素质教育现状,阐述了新时期高职院校医学生人文素质教育优化路径。  相似文献   

随着"生物—心理——社会"医学模式的提出,在医学科学教育中渗透人文精神,加强对医学生的人文素质教育的重要性越来越多地被国内外医学教育界所认识,医学与人文的融合逐渐成为了医学教育发展的趋势。为加强成人医学生人文素质教育,对我校2011级新生护理、药学等专业的成人医学生进行了人文素质问卷调查,分析成人医学生文素质现状,为开展人文素质教育的设计和开展提供参考。  相似文献   

随着医学教育模式的转变和医学社会化、医学科技化的快速发展,医学学科加强人文素质教育的问题日益成为全社会关注的重大课题。目前,我国的高等医学院校忽视人文素质教育,不重视人文学科的发展,课程的教学内容单一、实效性差,导致医学生的人文素质缺失,不能满足现代医学模式及医学社会化、科技化快速发展的要求。因此,在医学教育中弘扬人文精神,加强校园文化建设,更新教育理念,科学构建医学人文学科的课程体系,处理好人文精神与医学科学精神、人文教育与医学专业教育的关系,实现人文与医学的共生和融通,是提高医学生的人文素质,培养高素质医学人才的关键。  相似文献   

浅谈医学生的人文素质教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在以往的医学院校教育中存在着偏重专业知识教育,忽视人文素质教育的问题,而新的医学模式要求医学与人文科学的融合。因此,笔者认为加强和改善医学生的人文素质教育是培养新世纪宽口径、厚基础、高素质的高级医学人才的重要环节。  相似文献   

在"新医科"背景下,医学人才培养注重"服务于国家战略、强化学科交叉的融合、构建大医学格局",是以往只注重医学专业单一需求的课程体系所不具备的.现代医学教育最重要的目标之一是使医学生成为具有人文精神的临床医生."人体解剖学"作为医学专业的基础课程,在培养医学生人文精神和人文素养中有举足轻重的作用,因此如何将人文教育以"润...  相似文献   

培养成人医学生人文素质是顺应社会发展的要求,是高等医学教育学科本身发展的要求,是医学生自身成长的要求。通过不断的探索与实践,构建出培养成人医学生人文素质的"理论与实践教学——校园文化——网络媒体"三位一体化教学模式。这种教学模式是一种医学专业知识教育和人文素质教育相融合的教学体系,有助于全面提高学生的专业知识、技能和人文修养。  相似文献   

近年来,我国医学人文教育虽有了一定程度的发展,但从总体上看还十分薄弱,存在着政策内涵模糊、课程规划失范、研究碎片化等突出问题,发展水平与其应承担的责任之间相距甚远。破解医学人文教育危机,需改革医学人文教育体系,建立一个包括制度支持、课程规划、教学实践与医疗慈善在内的整体系统,以促进医学技术与医学人文的深度融合,培育医学生高尚的医德修养和丰富的人文情怀。  相似文献   

王海雁  刘健 《考试周刊》2012,(70):161-162
医学作为一门自然科学与人文科学相融合渗透的综合科学,其特殊性要求医学生具有较高的人文素质.而生命伦理教育把医学生人文素质的培养放在首位。生命教育以捍卫生命尊严、激发生命潜质、提升生命品质、实现生命价值为宗旨。生命教育视角下的医学生人文素质教育.有助于提升医学生的人文素质,增强医学生的社会责任意识,提高医学生的生命认知水平,树立医学生良好的道德观和仁爱精神。  相似文献   

计红丽  刘维静 《海外英语》2023,(16):120-123
新医科要求重视医学本科生的医学人文教育,但医学生因医学理论及专业实践的学业压力过大而对人文知识学习关注不够,投入较少。医学英语课程中的叙事医学教学能有效提高医学生的人文素养。该文以“产出导向法”(POA)为理论指导,依托医学生本科阶段的医学英语必修课,将叙事医学融入医学英语的教学中,通过英语医学叙事文学作品细读及反思性产出训练,采用线上线下混合式的教学模式,有助于提高医学生的医学英语语言应用水平、医学叙事能力和医学人文素养,有利于培养符合新时代发展需求的新医科人才。  相似文献   

本文论述了过去100年中基础医学科学在本科生医学课程中的作用和课程改革,讨论了进入21世纪之际仍然反映在医学教育中科学与技艺之间的紧张关系。  相似文献   

中医学基础文本以汉字为载体,在高职语文教育教学范畴内,对汉语言文字学与中医学基础的辨证关系进行研究。一方面,汉语言文字学的运用可以加深医学专业的学生对中医学基础的理解;反之,对中医学术语的解释又丰富了语文课堂。对汉语言文字学与中医学辩证关系的研究,是中医学视域下高职语文教学内容研究的重要部分。  相似文献   

Cadaver dissection is the first opportunity for many students to practice handling human tissue and is their first exposure to the occupational hazards involved with this task. Few studies examine dissection room injuries to ascertain the dangers associated with dissecting. We performed a retrospective cohort analysis of dissection room injuries from four student cohorts over an eleven‐year period (2001–2011), including second‐year medical students, third‐year medical students, second‐year dental students, and third‐year science students. Injury data included activity causing injury, object responsible, and injury site. A total of 163 injuries during 70,039 hours of dissection were recorded, with 66 in third‐year medical students, 42 in second‐year medical students, 36 in third‐year science students, and 16 in second‐year dental students. The overall rate was 2.87 injuries per 1,000 dissection hours, with second‐year medical students most frequently injured (5.5 injuries per 1,000 hours); third‐year medical students were least frequently injured (1.3 injuries per 1,000 hours). A significant difference in injury rates between student groups indicated a higher than expected injury rate to second‐year medical students and lower than expected rates to third‐year medical students. Injury rates increased for most groups between 2001–2006 and 2007–2011 periods. Most injuries (79%) were from scalpel cuts to the finger or thumb. This study provides injury rates for dissection room injuries to students, indicating differences in injury frequency between cohorts and an increase in injury rate over time. As scalpel cuts were the most likely injury mechanism, targeting scalpel handling with preventative strategies may reduce future injury risk. Anat Sci Educ 6: 404–409. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

专业教学中对医学生进行人文教育的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医学研究和服务的对象是人,其起源和发展的宗旨是治病救人,维护人类的健康。医学从本质上讲是人学,因为它关注的是病痛中的人,这就决定了医学不是单纯的自然科学,而是包含人文科学在内的综合科学。但是,当前医卫界人文精神的缺失却是一个不争的事实。在“以人为本”构建社会主义和谐社会的今天.医学急切地呼唤人文教育。该文阐述了加强医学生人文教育的必要性,同时探索了在专业教学中对医学生进行人文教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

The ??Medical Systems?? program was designed to introduce high school students to the world of advanced medicine. Its premise was to use an applied scientific discipline like medicine to encourage high-school students?? interest in basic science. This study compares the teen-aged graduates of ??Medical Systems?? with fourth and fifth-year medical students. It aims to identify the attitudes of these two groups towards medical science and basic sciences in medicine. The population included 94 graduates of ??Medical Systems?? from schools throughout Israel, who had also completed an advanced-level course in a basic science (biology, chemistry or physics), and 96 medical students from different Israeli universities. The students?? attitudes were measured using West et al.??s questionnaire (Med Educ 16(4):188?C191, 1982), which assesses both the attitude of the participants towards basic science knowledge, and their attitude towards their learning experience in medical school. Nine participants from each group were also interviewed using a semi-structured interview protocol. The results showed essential differences in the attitudes of the two groups. The high school students consider scientific knowledge far more essential for a physician than do the medical students, who also showed a far lower estimation of the effectiveness of their science studies.  相似文献   

In this article, I present a longitudinal study comparing problem-solving performance for medical students trained using 2 different approaches to medical education. The first approach is the traditional medical education that involves lectures supplemented by laboratory exercises. The second approach is problem-based learning (PBL). In PBL, students learn basic science in small groups in the context of authentic patient problems. Because an expected outcome of medical education is to move students along the path from naive laypersons to novice physicians, the effects of these approaches should be understood in terms of how they affect the early acquisition of cognitive skill. The results indicate that there are important cognitive benefits of the PBL approach.  相似文献   

汤丰宁 《高教论坛》2012,(10):22-23,33
当前应把握医学生的思想动向,开拓医学生思想政治工作新思维,以社会需求和医学教育的要求为标准,探索在医学院校中进行思想政治工作的新模式。  相似文献   

科普素养是未来社会每一个公民应该具备的基本素养.要实现"健康中国"的宏伟蓝图,医学科普健康教育必须先行.全科医生扎根于基层,服务于普通民众,是目前医学科普宣教的主要力量之一.在新医科的大背景下,实行全科医学生科普素养培养的教学改革与实践,将推动全科医学生成为广大基层群众健康素养提高的医学科普储备人才,对推进"健康中国"...  相似文献   

Most students participating in science undergraduate research (UR) plan to attend either medical school or graduate school. This study examines possible differences between premed and non-premed students in their influences to do research and expectations of research. Questionnaire responses from 55 premed students and 80 non-premed students were analyzed. No differences existed in the expectations of research between the two groups, but attitudes toward science and intrinsic motivation to learn more about science were significantly higher for non-premed students. Follow-up interviews with 11 of the students, including a case study with one premed student, provided explanation for the observed differences. Premed students, while not motivated to learn more about science, were motivated to help people, which is why most of them are pursuing medicine. They viewed research as a way to help them become doctors and to rule out the possibility of research as a career. Non-premed students participated in research to learn more about a specific science topic and gain experience that may be helpful in graduate school research. The difference in the reasons students want to do UR may be used to tailor UR experiences for students planning to go to graduate school or medical school.  相似文献   

基础医学科学学位研究生培养对于提高我国医学科学的研究水平,培养创新型人才起到推动作用。文章就基础医学研究生导师应具备的素质以及在科研工作中培养研究生应尽的职责和研究生培养过程的管理等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

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