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从价值链理论系统的角度提出了企业专利运营能力演化的内涵;以专利获取、运用、管理三模块为关键监测点,解析企业专利运营能力演化的行为过程,该过程一般经历专利法权运营、财富运营再到战略运营三个演化阶段;探索了企业专利运营能力演化的行为载体,提出企业专利运营能力演化实质上是专利平台不断拓展与市场网络不断拓宽的产物.  相似文献   

    高校专利运营是一个包括发明创造、价值增值和价值实现三个主要环节的复杂动态过程。以美国高校为样本,基于动态系统视角分析发明人专利收益分配比例对高校专利运营不同环节的影响,并针对发明人专利收入与科研经费支出对高校专利运营的影响差异进行比较分析。研究发现:近70%的样本高校中发明人专利收入与发明披露量之间不存在显著的相关性;而在发明人专利收入与发明披露量显著相关的高校中,发明人专利收益比例对高校专利运营的发明创造环节作用明显,对价值增值环节作用因样本而异,但对价值实现环节的影响微乎其微;同时,当专利收益分配基数与科研经费支出之间相差悬殊时,与通过提高发明人收益比例增加发明人专利收入相比,同比增加科研经费支出对专利运营各环节的影响更大。一刀切式地提高发明人收益比例对高校专利运营的促进作用十分有限。据此提出,高校应细化发明人收益分配方案,并综合运用多种激励方式,发挥政策协同作用。  相似文献   

企业专利运营能力的演化轨迹研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
专利运营能力是企业运营能力的重要组成,是企业管理者在获取、运用专利技术过程中进行综合性管理和系统化谋划的知识与技能的总称.基于知识价值链模型,以企业专利运营的基本活动与辅助活动为研究维度,探寻了专利运营能力演化的关键监测点,描绘了从专利法权运营到财富运营至战略运营的专利运营能力演化轨迹.  相似文献   

本文对天津市特色高校从专利申请趋势、授权率、法律状态、专利质量、专利运用情况等多方面进行分析,得出天津市特色高校的专利基本情况.结果表明,天津市特色高校近三年发明专利授权率稳步提升,专利申请技术分布与各个高校重点学科密切相关,但失效专利数量较多,高价值专利数量较少,专利转移转化率低.为提升高校专利质量和转移转化能力,本...  相似文献   

高校专利技术管理的快速发展和不断创新,要求从一个全新的视角对其进行更系统的分析.本文首先对国内外学者相关的研究进行了梳理,总结了现有的研究成果及不足;然后分析了我国高校专利转化的现状及问题,并在分析客户价值的基础上构建了高校专利运营模式;最后,对基于客户价值的高校专利运营模式进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

本文以1985~2016年北京化工大学的专利数据为研究对象,从与企业合作申请、专利实施许可、专利权转移3个方面分析了北京化工大学专利的转化运营特点,以期为进一步探讨我国高校专利的运营能力提供参考。  相似文献   

为评估产业的专利运营能力,本文采用多维产业要素分析法,从研发态势、运营途径、地域布局、运营主体、运营管理、技术热点等维度着力,提出一种针对细分产业的专利运营能力分析方法,其中的专利运营管理能力评估基于申请年龄与竞争影响力之间的关系,随后以粤港澳大湾区网络安全产业为研究对象进行实证分析。研究显示,近几年粤港澳大湾区网络安全产业的专利申请量与转让量均呈现快速增长势头,专利运营途径以企业转让给企业、个人转让给企业为主,深圳市在专利申请量、海外布局和专利转化率三方面均位居榜首,华为和腾讯在竞争影响力值、专利转化率方面均位列前二,华为、中兴的专利运营管理能力较强,2018—2022年技术热点主要涵盖认证服务、访问控制、网络设备、接入控制等方向。  相似文献   

青岛高校科技创新能力分析——基于专利信息视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青岛地区高校2001年至2010年国家知识产权局网站和中国知识产权网公开的专利信息进行研究,并选取6所高校进行实证分析,在宏观视野下,对青岛高校专利产出能力、专利实施能力、专利合作能力、专利技术领域分布等进行统计学分析,探讨该地区高校在科技创新能力方面所具有的固有优势与存在的问题.  相似文献   

本文以公益性专利运营机构的运营模式为研究对象,从资源能力论视角,通过文献研析推演探析公益性专利运营机构及其运营模式的特征、概念;以系统论、资源能力论等为指导,构建“运营基础资源-动态运营能力-运营竞争优势”的公益性专利运营模式系统结构图,探索结构模块-要素及结构模块间的作用关系;并提出将PPP模式应用于公益性专利运营的创新思索,为公益性专利运营提供参考。  相似文献   

加强高校专利工作,对于建设创新型国家,对于高校的自身发展意义重大。通过对黑龙江省70所高校专利数据的调查了解,并与全国高校、黑龙江全省和全国的相关数据对比分析,旨在充分认识黑龙江省高校专利工作现状,为进一步制定相关战略和政策措施提供参考。  相似文献   

The valuation of patents is an important, albeit challenging task. Extant research to identify patent value indicators has so far relied on expert estimates of patent value, exploited patent renewal data, or depended on more indirect measures of patent value. Recently, specialized market places for patent transactions have emerged that allow us for the first time to directly observe patent's private value. One of the most prominent market places for patents is Ocean Tomo, a platform that offers periodical patent auctions. We make use of this auction data to empirically test predictions on patent value identifiers on real-world auction prices. We find empirical support for forward citations and the patent's family size; however, both indicators explain only a small variance in patent value. In contrast, our full model explains a large share of variance, making us optimistic that with increased directly observed patent value, such models can be useful tools in patent valuation.  相似文献   

科技创新驱动发展的本质是自主知识产权的高质量创造和有效运用,我国高校作为技术创新的重要载体,其专利转化率低是不争的事实。文章立足生物医药领域,检索分析转让和许可这两种主要的高校专利转化形式的相关专利数据,研究提示目前该领域高校专利转化率仍偏低,但处于持续上升态势;转让在其中居主导地位,且未来仍可能持续保持该现状。同时,已有南京大学等转化水平较高的高校,其共同特点是自建知识产权运营机构或与校外相关机构密切合作;当前国家高度重视高校技术转化的支持服务体系构建,高校应充分利用政策宏利,提升技术转化能力。此外,转让与许可二者各有优劣,基于医药领域的复杂技术特性,高校选择专利转化策略时应结合目的、技术特性、企业情况等综合权衡。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103790
Patent scope is one of the important aspects in the debates over “patent quality.” The purported decrease in patent quality over the last decade or two has supposedly led to granting patents of increased breadth, decreased clarity, and questionable validity (in part due to over-breadth). Such patents allegedly diminish the incentives for innovation due to increased transaction costs in the market for technology, more frequent disputes and litigation, trolling behavior, and breakdowns in bargaining. This paper focuses on the patent examination process at the PTO, highlighting the relationship between patent scope and the patent examination process. We develop and validate two measurements of patent scope: independent claim length and independent claim count. These metrics—in contrast to other measurements of patent scope—can be calculated before and after examination and enable us to provide the first large-scale analysis of trends in patent scope changes during the examination process. Our results show that applications with narrower scope are associated with a higher probability of grant and a shorter and less intense examination period in comparison to applications with broader scope. Further, we find that the examination process itself tends to narrow the scope of patents relative to the scope at filing, and that the changes are more significant when the duration and intensity of examination is increased. We explain our metrics and make our data available in a public use dataset, which we hope will encourage more research in the evaluation of patent scope, patent examination, and patent quality more broadly.  相似文献   

从专利的保护成本和专利质量角度观察,专利中存在大量的租值消散现象。针对专利研发的参与权没有清楚界定,通过引入标准的租值消散模型来分析科研活动(尤其是专利研发竞赛)中的租值消散问题。研究发现,专利制度本身存在不少降低租值消散的因素:专利研发中的复杂性、随机性、不可预测性,以及参与者研究能力、所用设备要求、机会成本等方面的较大差异。通过对照理论模型和事实,对如何进一步减少专利制度中的租值消散提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Determining requirements when searching for and retrieving relevant information suited to a user’s needs has become increasingly important and difficult, partly due to the explosive growth of electronic documents. The vector space model (VSM) is a popular method in retrieval procedures. However, the weakness in traditional VSM is that the indexing vocabulary changes whenever changes occur in the document set, or the indexing vocabulary selection algorithms, or parameters of the algorithms, or if wording evolution occurs. The major objective of this research is to design a method to solve the afore-mentioned problems for patent retrieval. The proposed method utilizes the special characteristics of the patent documents, the International Patent Classification (IPC) codes, to generate the indexing vocabulary for presenting all the patent documents. The advantage of the generated indexing vocabulary is that it remains unchanged, even if the document sets, selection algorithms, and parameters are changed, or if wording evolution occurs. Comparison of the proposed method with two traditional methods (entropy and chi-square) in manual and automatic evaluations is presented to verify the feasibility and validity. The results also indicate that the IPC-based indexing vocabulary selection method achieves a higher accuracy and is more satisfactory.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(7):104517
Examiners’ instructions and academic studies on patent validity determination focus on identification of “blocking” citations that invalidate claims in applications as non-novel or obvious, generally ignoring the non-blocking majority as irrelevant to validity. Recently available datasets allow us to identify, for the first time, “forward” citations received by applications before grant, as well as “backward” citations in those applications, and distinguish those identified by the examiner as blocking (submitted mainly by examiners), as well as non-blocking examiner and applicant citations. Categorical analysis confirms that blocking citations in an application strongly negatively predict its grant, but positively predict grant of the cited blocking applications. Non-blocking applicant and examiner citations in an application equally strongly predict its grant, but do not predict grant of cited applications. We test whether expected value – measured by applicant forward citations to the application prior to its grant – affects probability of grant, with negative results. These findings expand our understanding of the scope of examiners’ and applicants’ roles as mediators of validity-relevant information in applications.  相似文献   

Through the recent NTCIR workshops, patent retrieval casts many challenging issues to information retrieval community. Unlike newspaper articles, patent documents are very long and well structured. These characteristics raise the necessity to reassess existing retrieval techniques that have been mainly developed for structure-less and short documents such as newspapers. This study investigates cluster-based retrieval in the context of invalidity search task of patent retrieval. Cluster-based retrieval assumes that clusters would provide additional evidence to match user’s information need. Thus far, cluster-based retrieval approaches have relied on automatically-created clusters. Fortunately, all patents have manually-assigned cluster information, international patent classification codes. International patent classification is a standard taxonomy for classifying patents, and has currently about 69,000 nodes which are organized into a five-level hierarchical system. Thus, patent documents could provide the best test bed to develop and evaluate cluster-based retrieval techniques. Experiments using the NTCIR-4 patent collection showed that the cluster-based language model could be helpful to improving the cluster-less baseline language model.  相似文献   

Jun Suzuki 《Research Policy》2011,40(7):986-1000
There is a considerable volume of prior research on the relationship between innovation and patents. Those research studies reveal that patents contain a great deal of noise, and unless a correction is made in terms of the value of individual patents, a simple count of the number of patents does not constitute a very useful indicator. From research that has been conducted for the purpose of finding such an indicator to show the value of individual patents (that is, research to identify the characteristics of valuable patents), many kinds of value indicators have been proposed. Nevertheless, research hitherto has focused primarily on business or private value derived from the possession of patents, and little attention has been paid to value in terms of technical knowledge or social value. In a survey of inventors conducted by RIETI in 2007, terminology describing broad concepts was used when questioning inventors about the value of individual patents, and this has provided an excellent opportunity to analyze the multiple factors lying behind the value of patents and how they impact one another.The purpose of this research is to use data from the RIETI survey of inventors and structural equation modeling methods to elucidate the relationships between the technological and business value of patents, and the latent factors that influence them. The findings show that a scientific-technological motive for inventors would have a positive effect on both the business and technological value, meanwhile, the monetary or promotion motive would not have any direct effects on the value of a patent. The model also suggests that academic linkage would have a strong positive effect on the technological value but a weak negative effect on the business value. Furthermore, these relationships differ more markedly according to technological field.  相似文献   

International patent protection: 1960-2005   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
This note provides an update to the index of patent protection published in this journal in 1997. The original paper presented the index for 1960-1990 for 110 countries. The index has now been updated to 2005 and extended to 122 countries. The adoption of stronger patent laws and the composition of patent rights vary across countries by level of economic development.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104696
How does patent scope influence licensing propensity of inventions? Prior studies have often been confined to specific industries or settings, and their results have been mixed with studies showing a positive, a negative, or even no significant relationship. Also, while some have explored moderating factors that might influence the patent scope-licensing relationship, a systematic investigation of the heterogeneous effects of patent scope on licensing at the invention level has not been undertaken. This study combines a broad sample of publicly reported patent licensing agreements and a novel methodology that captures an exogenous variation in patent scope to re-investigate the relationship between patent scope and licensing and to explore key invention and inventor characteristics that could influence this relationship. The results show that narrowed patent scope leads to a substantial decline in licensing propensity of inventions and that the effect is stronger for high-quality, science-based, and novel inventions as well as for inventions generated by small inventors.  相似文献   

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