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在铁路跨越式发展、单位内部工资分配自主权限逐步扩大的新形势下,如何调动职工工作积极性,正确处理好总额宏观、内部分配搞活以及管理的调与控、力与度的关系,不断发展新的生产经营环境和工资自我调控机制,防止工资支出大起大落,是每一个铁路运输企业工资宏观管理的重要内容。针对实际,笔者对加强工资宏观调控工作略谈几点看法。  相似文献   

铁路企业基层站段成本的控制主要是会计工作的基本步骤,成本控制也是重要的基础性管理工作,铁路集团公司需要不断的发展壮大,这样就会涉及到不同程度的金融活动。我们有必要进一步规范铁路基层站段的成本管理,加强会计对基层站段成本费用的核算工作,建立合理的会计工作秩序,进一步提高企业工作的效率和服务质量。  相似文献   

谈国库集中收付制度的财政授权支付   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政授权支付是指预算单位按照财政部门的授权,自行向代理银行签发支付指令,代理银行根据支付指令,在财政部门批准的预算单位用款额度内.通过国库单一账户体系将资金支付到收款人账户。财政授权支付程序适用于未纳入工资支出,工程采购支出,物品、服务采购支出管理的购买支出和零星支出。实行财政授权支付核算,在预算单位资金来源、资金使用权、财务自主权和会计责任主体性质等不变的前提下,取消原单位银行帐号,由国库统一核算预算单位的资金,从而实现对预算单位的具体会计核算、会计监督业务。能够充分发挥资金调度功能和国库资本运作功能,有利于财政性资金按规定程序在国库单一账户体系内规范运作,提高财政性资金的使用效益和透明度,有利于收入缴库和支出拨付过程的有效监管,使预算单位用款工时和便利,实现了从源头上制止腐败,解决了财政性资金截留挤占、挪用等问题,规范了预算单位的国库集中支付行为。  相似文献   

分析了科研事业单位科研项目经费内部控制存在的问题,提出加强预算控制、强化支出控制和资产管理控制的建议。  相似文献   

简要论述了基层站段如何提高职工培训质量的几个关键点。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于铁路高速发展的关键时期,新技术、新设备、新机具、新工艺大量应用于安全生产之中。同时对我们的职工素质提出了更高的要求。那么,职工培训教育工作如何能够紧跟当前铁路快速发展的形势,为安全生产提供有力的素质保障,也成为摆在我们这些基层站段职教工作者面前的一道重要课题。通过长时间的实践总结,我们认为,提高站段职教管理能力,必须努力实现培训思路的转变,培训方式的转变和培训重心的转变。  相似文献   

企业预算管理是现代企业内部控制的重要组成部分,对实施企业战略目标起着不可替代的作用,由于全面预算涉及的面广、人多,实施起来非常困难,因此企业如何贯彻实施全面预算管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章从完善基层站段管理、强化基层论段管理、落实安全责任、选好基层站段长、转变干部作用等方面论述了铁路站段运输安全管理的方法,并提出进一步规范铁路站段的安全管理,使站段安全管理逐步走向科学化、规范化轨道的建议.  相似文献   

胜利油田疾病预防控制中心通过基层创建工作,增强了全员凝聚力、向心力,夯实了疾病预防控制体系的基础建设,疾病预防控制工作进一步科学化、规范化、制度化,铸就了一支政治思想坚定、业务技术过硬的职工队伍,有力地保证了油田职工家属的身体健康。  相似文献   

在新一轮机关人员精简、站段整合中,不可避免的职教专职人员定编又一次缩减。培训任务不变,人员却在减少,这无疑给职工教育培训工作带来诸多困难。面对新形势、新任务、新要求,着力加强站段职教兼职教师队伍的建设已是尤为重要事情。  相似文献   

家族企业商务信息收集方法是企业重要的研究领域。本文研究了基于网络的家族企业商务信息收集原则、内容和方法。同时,提出应建立家族企业商务信息处理系统。  相似文献   

描述了CDMA系统的主要定位技术及其特点,对各种定位技术进行了比较和分析,提出了选择方案,并在此基础上介绍了其承栽的应用。  相似文献   

Company business models are vulnerable to various contingencies in the business environment that may unexpectedly render their business logic ineffective. In particular, technological advancements, such as the Internet of things, big data, sharing economy and crowdsourcing, have enabled new forms of business models that can effectively and abruptly make traditional business models obsolete. By disrupting or even diminishing companies’ revenue streams, environmental contingencies may present a significant threat to business continuity (BC). Evaluating the resilience of business models against these contingencies should therefore be a core area of BC. However, existing BC approaches tend to focus on the continuity of the resources and processes through which a particular business model is accomplished in practice but omit the business model itself. We argue that in order for BC approaches to become holistic and strategic, business models need to become a part of the BC considerations, entailing an expansion of the scope of BC from value preservation to value creation. We propose an approach of Strategic Business Continuity Management, which consists of two parts: (1) sustaining the continuity of the company business model (value preservation) and (2) evaluating and modifying the business model (value creation). We illustrate conceptually the value creation part with an example drawn from the sharing economy.  相似文献   

Legal provisions, cross-company data exchange and intra-company reporting or planning procedures require comprehensively, timely, unambiguously and understandably specified business objects (e.g. materials, customers, and suppliers). On the one hand, this business metadata has to cover miscellaneous regional peculiarities in order to enable business activities anywhere in the world. On the other hand, data structures need to be standardized throughout the entire company in order to be able to perform global spend analysis, for example. In addition, business objects should adapt to new market conditions or regulatory requirements as quickly and consistently as possible. Centrally organized corporate metadata managers (e.g. within a central IT department) are hardly able to meet all these demands. They should be supported by key users from several business divisions and regions, who contribute expert knowledge. However, despite the advantages regarding high metadata quality on a corporate level, a collaborative metadata management approach of this kind has to ensure low effort for knowledge contributors as in most cases these regional or divisional experts do not benefit from metadata quality themselves. Therefore, the paper at hand identifies requirements to be met by a business metadata repository, which is a tool that can effectively support collaborative management of business metadata. In addition, the paper presents the results of an evaluation of these requirements with business experts from various companies and of scenario tests with a wiki-based prototype at the company Bayer CropScience AG. The evaluation shows two things: First, collaboration is a success factor when it comes to establishing effective business metadata management and integrating metadata with enterprise systems, and second, semantic wikis are well suited to realizing business metadata repositories.  相似文献   

重点研究了观察的重要性,通过仔细观察谈判对手的举止言谈,捕捉其内心活动的蛛丝马迹。也可以揣摸对方的姿态神情,探索引发这类行为的心理因素,促使谈判朝着有利于已方的方向发展,笔者集中对面部表情信息、上肢动作语言信息、下肢动作语言信息、腹部动作语言信息的特征和识别进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

浅析企业流程再造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业流程再造理论是提升企业竞争力的有效途径之一。分析了企业流程再造理论兴起的原因、企业进行流程再造的基本原则以及企业实施流程再造的程序。  相似文献   

孙宇 《科技与管理》2007,9(4):68-69,72
针对现代企业面临的信息技术的挑战,为了在经济全球化,产品市场严酷竞争的大环境下求得生存和发展,从六个方面阐述了改革传统的管理模式,建设现代企业管理制度的新概念。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化和金融自由化的发展,金融交易技术进步、信息处理和传输手段改进,金融商品不断推陈出新,金融机构所需资金越来越大,单一的商业银行或证券公司已无法独自承担日新月异的新金融商品的承销,也无法满足企业一揽子全方位的金融服务和居民多样化的金融服务的需要,在这  相似文献   

Business is based on manufacturing, purchasing, selling a product, and earning or making profits. Social media analytics collect and analyze data from various social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Social media data analysis can help companies identify consumer desires and preferences, improve customer service and market analytics on social networks, and smarter product development and marketing investments. The business decision-making process is a step-by-step process that enables employees to resolve challenges by weighing evidence, evaluating possible solutions, and selecting a route. In this paper, Big Data-assisted Social Media Analytics for Business (BD-SMAB) Model increases awareness and affects decision-makers in marketing strategies. Companies can use big data analytics in many ways to enhance management. It can evaluate its competitors in real-time and change prices, make deals better than its competitors' sales, analyze competitors' unfavorable feedback and see if they can outperform that competitor. The proposed method examines social media analysis impacts on different areas such as real estate, organizations, and beauty trade fairs. This diversity of these companies shows the effects of social media and how positive decisions can be developed. Take better marketing decisions and develop a strategic approach. As a result, the BD-SMAB method enhance customer satisfaction and experience and develop brand awareness.  相似文献   

This study examines characteristics that relate to lead userness in using business mobile services. From a large dataset of 2306 business decision-makers, the study identifies 205 lead users who are ahead of the majority in using business mobile services, while for the majority (n = 2101), business mobile services mainly supplement desktop and laptop computers. The authors test a binary logistic regression model in which individual technology readiness, sociodemographic variables, Internet use, and perceived importance of digital touchpoints predict lead userness in relation to business mobile services. The results show that job level is a highly significant predictor for lead userness in a work-related context, with senior management and entrepreneurs having the greatest likelihood for the use of business mobile services. Innovativeness and the perceived importance of mobile applications and social media also serve as positive predictors, while the perceived importance of websites and email result in a negative effect. The findings further suggest that the odds of being a lead user decrease by 2 percent per additional year of age, and that the odds of men is over 1.4 times greater than the odds of women.  相似文献   

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