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大学生竞技健美操近几年发展迅速,难度动作作为竞技健美操的一个重要部分,其发展也相当迅速,难度动作的训练方法直接影响其完成质量。通过运用文献资料、逻辑分析的方法,结合实际健美操训练实践对难度动作训练的方法进行了探讨,为大学生竞技健美操的全面发展提供基础理论支持。  相似文献   

大学生竞技健美操近几年发展迅速,难度动作作为竞技健美操的一个重要部分,其发展也相当迅速,难度动作的训练方法直接影响其完成质量。通过运用文献资料、逻辑分析的方法,结合实际健美操训练实践对难度动作训练的方法进行了探讨,为大学生竞技健美操的全面发展提供基础理论支持。  相似文献   

采用录像分析法,通过对2005。2006年湖南省大学生竞技健美操比赛男子单人项目共13套动作的难度动作数量、组别、分值、C组难度动作空中姿态类型、难度动作的排列顺序、运动员的基本情况等项目进行统计分析。研究结果表明:湖南省健美操男子单人项目难度的编排基本符合《竞技健美操规则2004-2008》规定,也表现出一定的特点——“力量”,这点得到了较好的体现,但是在力量难度选择上缺乏创新意识,所选难度动作比较单调,主要以常用的、比较容易完成的动作为主,在3组一静力性力量中,出现单一的难度动作,C组跳与跃类难度动作的选择上缺乏多样性,存在着较多的空中姿态重复等现象,与竞技健美操最新发展趋势有一定的差距。  相似文献   

安徽省大学生竞技健美操比赛难度动作分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2005年安徽省大学生竞技健美操比赛六人操项目的前8名共8套动作中难度动作数量、组别、分值和C组难度动作空中姿态类型,进行统计分析.结果表明:目前安徽省大学生运动员的成套动作中所选择的4个组别难度动作的比例基本合理,且符合运动员各自的身体素质能力和训练水平,完成质量比往年有很大的提高.但在C组跳与跃类难度动作的选择上缺乏多样性,存在着较多的空中姿态重复现象,与竞技健美操最新发展趋势有差距.  相似文献   

对甘肃省首届大运会健美操比赛中男子单人项目共九套动作的难度动作进行了分析,结果表明:我省大学生竞技男子单人操成套动作难度的编排基本符合FIG2005~2008年竞技健美操竞赛规则规定,也表现出了一定的力量和爆发力特点。但在难度选择上缺乏创新性,难度动作选择单调,缺乏多样性,与竞技健美操最新发展趋势有一定差距.  相似文献   

本文通过对2005版与2009版FIG竞技健美操规则进行认真地对比、分析,从规则中难度动作总数量与成套难度动作数量要求的变化、规则中难度组别与难度动作分值的调整、难度动作最低完成标准与完成错误减分的调整、难度动作得分计算方法的调整等几个方面进行对比,总结出2009~2012这一新周期竞技健美操在难度方面的发展趋势与要求。  相似文献   

笔者从我国部分优秀竞技健美操运动员做转体360度屈体分腿跳成俯撑的现状出发。对影响竞技健美操难度转体360度屈体分腿跳成俯撑完成因素的分析进行调查研究,为竞技健美操运动员在训练和比赛过程中完成该难度动作提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

观摩第九届世界健美操锦标赛可以看出我国竞技健美操存在男女发展不均衡的问题。在新的规则要求下,健美操将沿着完成动作质量、提倡难度动作连接、强调音乐和场地空间的运用,艺术性更高和竞技性更强的道路上发展。本文在调查研究的基础上就我国竞技健美操的发展提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、录像分析、数理统计等方法,对甘肃省第二届大学生运动会健美操比赛单人操的技术进行了分析。主要对获得男子、女子单人操前三名队员难度编排、难度类别、难度动作得分率、难度连接及完成质量等方面进行对比分析,提出提高甘肃省竞技健美操单人操水平的对策。  相似文献   

近三年我国的竞技健美操有了长足的发展,取得了历史性的突破,但与世界先进水平相比,仍存在着一定的差距,运用录像资料法、数理统计法对2002年以来的世界健美操锦标赛前三名的运动员、我国运动员及我国健美操锦标赛前三名运动员的成套动作进行了观察、统计,深入分析了我国运动员的成套动作在艺术性、难度动作以及动作的完成三个方面与世界优秀运动员之间的差距,研究发现动作完成的质量差,音乐风格不突出,主题不明确,整套动作的强度不够,动作的过渡与连接单调、欠流畅,运动员的身体形态欠佳,难度动作在组别、属类选择上缺乏多样性,单人项目难度动作的总分值稍低等问题仍很突出。。  相似文献   

作为生成于计划经济体制下的职权主义民事诉讼构造的重要组成部分,现民事审判监督程序制度以客观真实为归宿,以“有错必纠”为原则,以应然范畴替代现实规范,背离社会主义市场经济发展要求,与宪政理念、现代民事诉讼制度化背道而驰,也与当前审判方式改革主流观念格格不入。因其存在根本性结构缺陷,故而必须进行基础性重构。  相似文献   

论课程评价的方法论基础:行动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动研究作为一种科研方法,始于社会领域,很快风靡世界教育界。作为课程评价的方法论基础,行动研究是以"参与"和"改进"为目的,针对现场实际问题的研究方法。它在课程评价领域的应用,对革新传统的课程评价方法,有着不可估量的作用,而教师作为课程评价的行动研究者,给课程评价的发展带来了无限的生机。其间不免有对行动研究的一些误解和批评,我们要对此进行反思和重申,相信行动研究作为课程评价的方法论基础,不失为明智之举。  相似文献   

核心力量在竞技健美操中起着稳定脊柱、骨盆,保持正确身体姿势,控制平衡,提高竞技健美操运动员的速度、力度、难度和表现力等重要作用。在对核心力量及核心肌群概念界定的基础上,分析了核心力量训练对竞技健美操运动员的作用,探讨了竞技健美操运动员核心力量训练的方法,以期为竞技健美操的科学训练提供参考。  相似文献   

论真理的主观性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真理主观性是指在被认定为真理的理论体系中包含着与它所指称的客观对象不相符合的、属于主观臆想的内容。真理主观性以真理量的存在为前提。真理主观性的形成有着深刻的本体论、认识论和价值论的根源。承认真理在内容上具有主观性,既不违背真理唯物论的原则,又可以加深对真理辩证法的理解。  相似文献   

Along with the narrative turn in social sciences, the quality of research has become a more and more intricate issue. Action research reports are often narratives, located in the context of the evolving experiences of those involved. In this paper, the problem of quality in action research narratives is addressed, and some principles for assessing the quality of narrative research reports are proposed. The issue is explored both at a theoretical‐conceptual level and through a number of practical cases from the narrative‐biographical research project TeacherLife. As narrative researchers, the authors are not willing to accept an extremely relativistic stand. They argue the need for conceptual tools to grasp the problem of quality of narratives, but tools different from the traditional concepts of validity and reliability, which harbour markedly positivistic connotations. They propose five principles for judging the quality of action research from a narrative point of view. According to these principles, a good action research narrative firstly acknowledges the past course of events that have shaped the present practices (the principle of historical continuity). Secondly and thirdly, it is reflexive (the principle of reflexivity) and elaborates the story dialectically (the principle of dialectics). Fourthly, a decisive criterion for successful action research is that it produces some useable practices that, in one way or another, can be regarded as useful (the principle of workability). The authors agree with Aristotle, who claims that a good narrative involves a balance between ‘logos’, ‘ethos’ and ‘pathos’. They place emphasis on ‘ethos’ and ‘pathos’ through a principle of evocativeness. These criteria are not proposing as an established checklist, and the authors point to the overlap between some of them. They are drawn from experience in supervising action research projects, evaluating narrative reports and encouraging people to write authentic narratives of their research work.  相似文献   


Action research is an important methodology that promotes participatory processes in the community, enhancing community networks and empowering people to define their own health and generate actions. Here, we performed a systematic review using the Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) and SciELO databases to identify the studies carried out on health in Latin America under the category ‘Action Research’. The search terms used were ‘Action Research’, ‘Health’ and ‘Latin America’. We identified the following three areas of particular relevance: (a) action research is a necessary strategy to make health actions more efficient by adapting institutional actions to specific realities; (b) action research can increase the visibility of excluded groups and demonstrates the importance of being heard; and (c) action research can promote community empowerment by considering community members as knowledge agents who can transform their own reality. We report that action research processes which highlight the emancipatory and democratizing potential of community participation are subject to controversy regarding the production of and access to knowledge and the issues related to health. However, action research is not usually used in the development and implementation of institutional health interventions.  相似文献   

原因自由行为可以说是一个相当模糊的概念,一方面其并非刑法认定行为人罪责的基本类型,另一方面又限缩刑事责任能力认定规定的适用,使其在刑法法理的探讨上始终扮演着“反叛者”的角色。探讨原因自由行为与“行为与责任同时存在原则”、可罚性问题、主观罪过问题,并就其出路提出立法建议,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Following on from the article ‘Building Capacity in Social Care: An Evaluation of a National Programme of Action Learning Facilitator Development’ (Abbott, C., L. Burtney, and C. Wall. 2013. Action Learning: Research & Practice 10 (2): 168–177), this article describes how action learning is being introduced in Cornwall Council, UK and explores the relationship between social work and action learning in practice. In essence social work needs to perform well and achieve positive outcomes for users of its services. Cornwall Council's Children's Social Work and Psychology Services is introducing action learning for professionals as a new approach to practice.  相似文献   

NAPCE Newsletter     

This article reports an action research project in which children, their teacher and the author, and an advisory teacher from a Local Authority collaborated as co-researchers in a project to improve working relationships in the classroom. Both appreciative enquiry and emancipatory research informed the project. This article focuses on one aspect of the project: the development of active listening skills. In an initial consultation, the teacher described her difficulty in teaching a mixed-year class of 7–9-year-old children who had difficulties in functioning as a group. During the initial whole class consultation, the themes that emerged as pertinent for making the class more fun to be in were: listening, caring and co-operating. Three strands: greetings, active listening and co-operative activities were explored during eight multi-sensory sessions and applied during class time over a period of three months.

The results produced evidence of improvement in promoting listening and social skills. It was, however, the inductive aspects of the Action Research process that were the most illuminating, leading to a better understanding of the complex interplay of factors that contribute to improved working relationships within a class. The knowledge and insights discovered through action research and collaborative working are at least as important as specific skill training and were seen as integral to the emotional and social development of teachers and children.  相似文献   

Action learning is being increasingly utilised as a strategy to underpin practitioner focused development and research projects in healthcare generally and nursing in particular. Whilst facilitators of and participants in action learning have a variety of resource materials to guide their practice and participation, there continue to be few systematic and/or evaluative accounts of the experience of participating in action learning for potential action learning participants to draw upon. This paper attempts to address this agenda. The paper presents an interpretive evaluation of the experience of nurses participating in action learning as the learning strategy underpinning a 3-year emancipatory practice development/practitioner research programme. In particular, the paper focuses on the experience of ‘joining a learning set’. This focus has been adopted as the theory of action learning emphasises the principle of ‘voluntariness’, but yet action learning is increasingly being pre-prescribed as a component of development and research programmes. Such was the case with the programme reported on in this paper. The paper describes an approach used to evaluate learning that was adopted in this programme and in particular the initial evaluation stage that focuses on participants' feelings about joining an action learning set. The data collection and analysis processes are described and the key themes arising from the analysis (‘self-preservation’ versus ‘development of self’) discussed. It is concluded that working with principles of enlightenment is essential to successful action learning and the transformation of workplace cultures.  相似文献   

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