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基于足底压力的羽毛球运动足部受力特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析羽毛球常用步法的足底压力特征,为减少羽毛球运动中下肢损伤(特别是足部损伤)提供建议,并希望成为羽毛球鞋具设计的依据。利用足底压力测试系统对高水平羽毛球运动员左前场蹬跨步、右前场蹬跨步、一步蹬转起跳等常用步法动作进行测试。结果发现3种步法在离地阶段,足前区的内侧跖骨区以及大拇趾和第1、2跖骨区的最大压力均高于其他部位(P<0.05);着地阶段,蹬跨步是把足底压力集中于脚后跟和足外侧进行缓冲制动,蹬转起跳步则把压力集中于大拇趾以及第1、2跖骨区(P<0.05)。由此可见,羽毛球运动员应注意在采用不同步法时,足前区和足跟区中部及足外侧的负荷变化,并尽可能地选择穿着能够分散上述区域压力的专项鞋来避免足部受力的过度集中。  相似文献   

测试相同人群穿跑鞋和板鞋行走时足底压力、压强及冲量特征,结合运动学采集分析不同速度行走时人体下肢的运动学和足底力学特征,结果显示:穿慢跑鞋和穿板鞋相比,第一趾骨与第二跖骨及足跟区存在非常显著差异;行走过程中这两个区域足底平均压力峰值板鞋组显著大于慢跑鞋组(P<0.05).慢跑鞋较板鞋表现出跖骨区压力小、足中部压力大、足跟区压力小,均存在显著差异(P<0.05).以期为健步走人群不同速度行走时提供可行性建议.  相似文献   

排球运动员步态支撑期的足底压力特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测试得到排球运动员步态中足底压力的主要特征,并比较膝关节损伤运动员与无膝关节损伤运动员的足底压力特征,尝试分析膝关节损伤对足底压力产生的变化,为排球运动员正常步态数据提供可信的参考标准。选取北京体育大学竞技体育学院排球专项学生共48人(26男、22女)作为研究对象。运用FOOTSCAN足底压力分布测量系统和QUALISYS-MCU500红外运动测试系统的6个摄像头采集足底压力及步态基本运动学参数,测量被试者赤足状态下的步态。要求被试者以自己正常的步速行走,左右脚分别测试3次。将足部分为10个解剖分区:第L趾骨(T1)、第2-5趾骨(T2-T5)、第1跖骨(M1)、第2跖骨(M2)、第3跖骨(M3)、第4跖骨(M4)、第5跖骨(M5)、足中部(MF)、足跟内侧(HM)和足跟外侧(HL)。选取各个分区的接触开始时刻、接触结束时刻、最大压强时刻、接触时间作为时间指标。根据足底压力数据,男女排球运动员在步态支撑时期不同阶段的比例分别为:着地阶段(6.2%男,6.4%女)、前足接触阶段(5.5%男,6.6%女)、整足接触阶段(43.44%男,40.4%女)、离地阶段(42.9%男,46.5%女)。膝关节损伤运动员受伤腿足中部足底压强峰值明显低于未受伤腿。  相似文献   

一、易犯错误:助跑先快后慢产生原因:助跑步频和步幅不稳定。纠正方法:1.跳高架前画上助跑弧线进行反复先慢后快的助跑节奏练习。2.在弯道区进行重复性先慢后快的助跑节奏练习。二、易犯错误:最后几步形成侧身跑及背对横杆起跳过杆产生原因:没有很好地做到起跳脚外侧着地和摆动脚内侧着地助跑方式来完成助跑起跳技术动作。纠正方法:在全程助跑中,当身体进入弧线助跑区时,身体要始终沿着弧线助跑并向内倾斜。同时,用起跳  相似文献   

通过采用RSscan压力感应鞋垫对山东省五名优秀男子背越式跳高运动员起跳时足底压力分布特征的定量分析和研究,运用运动生物力学理论,探讨背越式跳高起跳时足底压强峰值对起跳效果的影响,揭示起跳瞬间起跳脚足底压力分布的特征,为提高运动技术及避免运动创伤和将来在该领域的研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   

采用RSscan足底压力鞋垫测试系统,对山东省优秀女子竞走运动员技术周期足底压力进行采集,通过统计学方法对其进行分析,探讨竞走技术周期的足底压力分布特征.研究结果表明,山东省女子竞走运动员着地阶段足跟外侧压强峰值最大,压力中心由外侧过渡到前脚掌,离地阶段前脚掌压强峰值最大,90%的受试者腾空时间都在模糊腾空时间以下,符合国际竞走技术要求.但大脚趾扒地力量太小,不利于后摆腿充分蹬地.  相似文献   

以排球运动员4号位上步扣球的起跳动作为研究对象,通过摄像、足底压力和肌电多机同步测试结合等速测试来准确获得排球运动员上步扣球起跳过程中的运动学、动力学和生物学参数,结果表明,排球运动员起跳过程下肢伸肌群完成的是"拉长-缩短周期"收缩,因此训练中要加强下肢伸肌群超等长力量素质的训练;排球运动员在上步扣球起跳过程中足底压力随时间变化呈双峰形曲线,足底压力随时间变化的特点是影响起跳效果的重要因素,因此训练中要重视运动员快速起跳能力的训练;排球运动员臀大肌、股四头肌和小腿三头肌等伸肌群在起跳过程中发挥着重要的作用,因此训练中要重视下肢伸肌群起跳能力的训练;排球运动员下肢多关节等速深蹲起测试结果表明下肢肌肉工作特点与起跳动作的蹬伸阶段具有相似性,提示可以利用先进的等速测试与训练系统进行排球运动员下肢专项力量的训练.  相似文献   

研究采用SENSOR MEDICA足底压力测试技术测试60名受试者在低头站立与低头行走过程中玩手机2种不同姿态的足底压力以及相关指标,探讨低头站立和低头行走过程中玩手机对足底压力及下肢生理结构的影响。结果:低头站立时玩手机左脚足中段和右脚面积明显增大。左右脚足底的平均压强明显减小。低头行走时玩手机行走的平均速度、平均步长、每分钟步数都明显减小,左右脚落地的时间,右脚第三跖骨的平均面积,足跟内侧的负荷都明显增大,左脚第一、二、三趾骨和足弓内外侧的平均压力明显减少。结论:低头行走和站立时玩手机的姿态会影响足底压力的分布以及步态特征,感觉系统对周围环境的观察能力下降,神经中枢处理突发事件的速度减慢,身体质量中心在质量支撑面的晃动加剧,身体维持平衡所需的肌肉活动增多,肌肉代偿增加更易产生疲劳,在面对突发事故时更易产生跌倒且损伤风险增大。  相似文献   

采用专家访谈法、三维高速摄像法、录像解析法等研究方法,对我国4 名优秀男子跳高运动员的起跳技术进行分析。研究发现:现代高水平 背越式男子跳高运动员越来越重视起跳的速度,重心在起跳阶段缓冲不明显,腾起角度有减小的趋势;在起跳阶段我国男子跳高运动员起跳腿 的缓冲幅度大于国外优秀运动员,髋、膝、踝3 个关节的缓冲技术同起跳质量和运动员的伤病有很大联系;上下肢摆动的协调配合可以帮助运动 员获得良好的起跳效果,建议教练员重视上下肢摆动比例的训练。  相似文献   

我国部分优秀男子跳远运动员起跳环节肌肉用力特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过表面肌电遥测和高速摄影同步测试,揭示优秀跳远运动员起跳环节肌肉用力特征.结果显示:在起跳环节中,股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股二头肌、比目鱼肌、腓肠肌是起跳腿的主要用力肌肉;在起跳腿即将着地前,所测肌肉均有较明显的预激活现象;着地后,肌肉用力的激活顺序依次为胫骨前肌、股二头肌与股内侧肌、股外侧肌、比目鱼肌、腓肠肌内侧头、股直肌、臀大肌;肌肉用力的失活顺序依次为胫骨前肌、股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌、臀大肌、腓肠肌、股二头肌、比目鱼肌;肌肉用力持续时间长短依次为股二头肌、比目鱼肌、股外侧肌、腓肠肌内侧头和股内侧肌、臀大肌、股直肌、胫骨前肌.起跳腿拮抗肌共同收缩的特征为:缓冲阶段踝关节拮抗肌共同收缩最强烈,而在蹬伸阶段膝关节拮抗肌共同收缩最强烈.  相似文献   

In order to help coaches analyse the techniques of professional in-line speed skaters for making the required fine adjustments and corrections in their push-off work, this study analysed the specific plantar pressure characteristics during a 300-m time-trial test. Fourteen elite in-line speed skaters from the national team were recruited in this study. The total completion time of the 300-m time-trial test, duration of each skating phase, and plantar pressure distribution were measured. The correlation between plantar pressure distribution and skating performance was assessed using Pearson correlation analyses. The results showed that the contact time of the total foot and force–time integral (FTI) in the medial forefoot were significantly correlated with the duration of the start phase, and the FTIs in the medial forefoot of the gliding (left) leg and lateral forefoot of the pushing (right) leg were significantly correlated with the duration of the turning phase. The maximum force in the medial heel, medial forefoot, and median forefoot and the FTI in the medial heel and medial forefoot were significantly correlated with the duration of the linear acceleration phase. The results suggest that a correct plantar loading area and push-off strategy can enhance the skating performance.  相似文献   


We examined the association between footfall pattern and characteristics of lower limb muscle function and compared lower limb muscle function between forefoot and rearfoot runners. Fifteen rearfoot and 16 forefoot runners were evaluated using ultrasonography of the gastrocnemii and tibialis anterior while strike index and heel strike angle quantified footfall pattern. Higher strike index was associated with lower medial gastrocnemius echo intensity (p = 0.05), lower lateral gastrocnemius echo intensity (p = 0.04), smaller tibialis anterior pennation angle (p = 0.05), and longer lateral gastrocnemius fascicle length (p = 0.04). Larger heel strike angle was associated with smaller medial gastrocnemius cross-sectional area (p = 0.04), shorter lateral gastrocnemius fascicle length (p < 0.01), and lower plantar flexion moment (p < 0.01). Larger plantar flexion moment was associated with lesser medial gastrocnemius echo intensity (p = 0.04), lesser lateral gastrocnemius echo intensity (p = 0.03), and greater lateral gastrocnemius fascicle length (p = 0.02). A smaller plantar flexion moment, larger heel strike angle, lower tibialis anterior echo intensity, larger tibialis anterior pennation angle, and smaller lateral gastrocnemius pennation angle were observed in rearfoot compared to forefoot runners (p < 0.05). Lower limb muscle architecture is associated with footfall pattern and ankle mechanics during running.

Abbreviation: EMG: electromyographic; MG: medial gastrocnemius; LG: lateral gastrocnemius; TA: tibialis anterior; EI: echo intensity; CSA: cross-sectional area; PA: pennation angle; FL: fascicle length; FT: fat thickness  相似文献   

For a shod heel-striking runner, classical mechanics was used to predict the stresses and displacements for the shoe’s heel, with and without reinforcement. The shoe’s heel loading was based on a typical runner’s measured plantar pressure distribution fitted to a hemispheric pressure dome. Experiments showed that the shoe’s heel region was approximately linearly elastic, so that classical solutions were appropriate for an elastic half-space heel model. Here, the surface dome heel pressure within the heel area and image point loads beyond the heel boundary were superimposed to predict realistic heel boundary stresses and displacements. Results for two limiting boundary conditions were investigated: a vanishing radial boundary stress with maximum lateral heel bulging, and complete suppression of lateral bulging using radial heel reinforcement. The theoretical results herein can serve as guidelines for the development of a new class of running shoes with optimal heel reinforcement between these two boundary limits. This optimisation would lead to more comfortable and efficient running.  相似文献   

以女子专业轮滑运动员为研究对象,运用足底压力分布测试系统,收集不同速度滑行过程中的足底动力学参数。目的是揭示速度轮滑双推技术的特征.为正确理解速度轮滑双推技术动作,寻找更先进、省力的轮滑技术提供科学依据。结论:在一个单步滑行中,随着滑行速度的增加,足底压力中心的变化轨迹在x、y轴的位移变化幅度减小,快速滑行中双推技术更有利于保持身体平衡;最大峰值压力主要出现在足跟区或第一跖趾关节区,最大峰值压力区也是压力变化率最大区域;足底压力分布特征与技术动作具有一致性;足底压力随时间变化是影响速度轮滑蹬动效果的主要因素。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences in the perceived comfort, plantar pressure, and rearfoot motion between laced running shoes and elastic-covered running shoes. Fifteen male amateur runners participated in the study. Each participant was assigned laced running shoes and elastic-covered running shoes for use during the study. The perceived comfort, plantar loading, and rearfoot motion control of each type of shoes during running were recorded. When the laced running shoes and elastic-covered running shoes were compared, the elastic-covered running shoes were given a lower perceived comfort rating in terms of shoe length, width, heel cup fitting, and forefoot cushioning. The elastic-covered running shoes also recorded higher peak plantar pressure in the lateral side of the forefoot, as well as larger maximum rearfoot pronation. Overall, shoelaces can help runners obtain better foot-shoe fit. They increase the perceived comfort, and decrease the maximum pronation and plantar pressure. Moreover, shoelaces may help prevent injury in running by allowing better control of the aforementioned factors.  相似文献   

Excessive foot pronation during gait is a risk factor in medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS). Arch-support foot-orthoses are commonly used to manage overpronation, but it is unknown whether it is effective to manage MTSS. The present study investigated the effects of bilateral foot orthoses during running on dynamic foot-pressure distribution patterns in recreational runners with MTSS. Fifty novice (started within the last 4 months) runners diagnosed with MTSS (20.7?±?2.2 years; 71.1?±?8.6?kg; 1.78?±?0.07?m; mean?±?SD) and 50 anthropometrically-matched healthy novice runners (21.9?±?2.4 years; 71.4?±?8.8?kg; 1.73?±?0.07?m) participated in this study. The dynamic foot-pressure distribution during running with and without bilateral arch-support foot-orthoses was measured using pedobarography. MTSS novice runners have more medially directed pressures during the touchdown phase of the forefoot flat (p?=?0.009) and heel off (p?=?0.009), and a lateral pressure distribution during forefoot push-off phase (p?=?0.007) during running than healthy runners. When using the arch-support foot-orthoses the foot-pressure distribution during all phases was not significantly different from that seen in participants without MTSS. These findings indicate that during running the medial shift of foot pressures during the loading response phase and the lateral shift during the propulsion phase of foot roll-over in MTSS are effectively corrected by using arch-support foot-orthoses. The use of such arch-support orthoses may thus be an effective tool to normalize foot-pressure distribution patterns during running, indicating the potential to treat and prevent MTSS in recreational runners.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare the peak anterior–posterior (Fy) and medio–lateral (Fx) ground reaction forces (GRFs) of women performing stationary running at different intensities in aquatic and dry land environments. Fourteen young women performed the stationary running exercise at three cadences (first ventilatory threshold, second ventilatory threshold and maximum effort, as determined during exercise in water) in aquatic and dry land environments. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyse the data (α?=?.05). As a result, significantly lower peak Fy anterior, Fy posterior, Fx medial and Fx lateral values were observed for the aquatic environment, except for the Fy posterior at the first ventilatory threshold. Significant differences were observed between cadences in the peak Fy anterior, Fy posterior, Fx medial and Fx lateral values, with higher values for the cadence corresponding to maximum effort compared to the first ventilatory threshold, except for the Fy posterior and Fx medial in the aquatic environment. The results indicate that the horizontal GRFs are reduced in the aquatic environment and depend on the intensity of stationary running exercise performance.  相似文献   

目的:对不同注意力焦点下射箭运动员执行技术动作时的姿态控制特征进行研究。方法:基于传统线性测量及非线性动力学两个视角对运动员执行技术动作时的运动学与动力学数据进行分析。结果:(1)外部注意力焦点减少了运动员右脚左右及前后方向上的压力中心(COP)最大位移以及双脚的COP包络面积 ;(2)外部注意力焦点增加了运动员双腿踝关节、左腿膝关节累计运动幅度,以及双腿前后方向、左腿左右方向上的COP样本熵 ;(3)注意力焦点与运动技术水平在左右方向的COP最大位移指标上存在交互作用 ;(4)不同技术水平运动员的姿态控制能力差距明显。结论:(1)外部注意力焦点通过增强下肢关节协调来增强对干扰的应对能力从而改善姿态控制 ;(2)外部注意力焦点的促进作用随着技术水平的提升逐渐下降 ;(3)运动技术水平越高,姿态控制能力越强  相似文献   

Protease supplementation has been shown to attenuate soft tissue injury resulting from intense exercise. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of protease supplementation on muscle soreness and contractile performance after downhill running. Ten matched pairs of male participants ran at a ?10% grade for 30?min at 80% of their predicted maximal heart rate. The participants consumed two protease tablets (325?mg pancreatic enzymes, 75?mg trypsin, 50?mg papain, 50?mg bromelain, 10?mg amylase, 10?mg lipase, 10?mg lysozyme, 2?mg chymotrypisn) or a placebo four times a day beginning 1 day before exercise and lasting a total of 4 days. The participants were evaluated for perceived muscle soreness of the front and back of the dominant leg, pressure pain threshold by dolorimetry of the anterior medial, anterior lateral, posterior medial and posterior lateral quadrants of the thigh, and knee extension/flexion torque and power. The experimental group demonstrated superior recovery of contractile function and diminished effects of delayed-onset muscle soreness after downhill running when compared with the placebo group. Our results indicate that protease supplementation may attenuate muscle soreness after downhill running. Protease supplementation may also facilitate muscle healing and allow for faster restoration of contractile function after intense exercise.  相似文献   

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