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本文探讨新世纪《三国演义》研究之五个方面:1.必须以不同版本研究的深化为基础;2.在研究的思路和方法上应有所创新;3.应更加注重研究史的研究;4.推进其数字化工程;5.加强国内外研究的交流。  相似文献   

教师自主是源于学习者自主,并伴随其理论的发展而逐步形成的重要教育学理念.教师自主研究主要涵盖其概念界定、与学习者自主关系以及影响因素等方面.在文献梳理与思考的基础上,提出今后该领域的研究应着手于:第一,结合具体的文化环境和教学情境对教师自主概念再定义;第二,加强学习者自主和教师自主之间关系的实证探究;第三,更加关注能够触发教师主观能动性的内在指向性研究;第四,运用更加多元化的研究方法全面、系统地揭示教师自主的规律与特点.  相似文献   

文章以上海市为例,通过数据分析和问卷调查研究成人学历教育近五年在生源方面的变化及目前成人学生的学习动机和学习态度,并讨论成人学历教育发展趋势。调查结果:招生人数减少;最低录取控制分数线下降;外地生比例上升;成人学生低龄化;成人学生学习动机强烈,以技能提高和个人发展为主要目的,但学习积极性不高;工作和家庭对学习的影响不大;课程考核是成人学习中的最大障碍。成人学历教育未来发展趋势:成人教育机构的“品牌效应”将更加突出;成人学历教育的地位将有所提升;成人教育教学管理将更加变通;成人教育办学思路更加灵活。  相似文献   

科技创新将带来新的机遇和动力。必须进行科技体制改革,使科技与经济更加紧密地结合起来;地方高校的科研工作也要注重依托企业,处理好基础研究与应用研究的关系,科研工作还要更新观念、调整方法。  相似文献   

孙世军 《临沂师范学院学报》2003,25(2):142-144,F003
20世纪如年代初期,传播学理论已被广泛引入编辑学领域,使编辑传播学研究不断深化,收获颇丰,表现在:对编辑学与传播学的关系的认识更为全面,准确;对编辑主体、编辑功能问题,以编辑传播学的新视野进行了重新审视与定位;对编辑传播原理与规律进行了较为系统的归纳、总结;对编辑传播过程及社会功能进行了更为细致的描述;对于新媒介技术的优势及其带来的编辑模式的变革、编辑主体现念与素质的更新提高问题,作了富有时代特点和现实意义的探讨。可以预料,今后的研究将更加系统化、体系化,研究方法将更加完善和多元,编辑传播学将成为一门重要的分支学科。  相似文献   

含有绝对值函数的题目是微积分计算中的一个难点.通过对这一难点的研究得出三种简便方法.即针对涉及基本概念和性质的题目,采用保留绝对值的方法;针对关于定积分和微分方程的题目,采用去掉绝对值的方法;针对有关广义积分的题目,采用添加绝对值的方法.这三种绝对值的处理方法,使“教”和“学”更加简便明了.  相似文献   

本文探讨了心理学中儿童社会化问题研究的发展和趋势。儿童社会化研究自30年代兴起至今的发展进程主要受社会历史环境和心理学理论思潮的影响。其中人本主义思潮、急剧变化的社会生活条件、心理学中的“综合、整体观点”和“生态学运动”对儿童社会化研究的发展起了主要作用。近年来儿童社会化研究有如下特点:研究方法综合化、大量采用现代化的研究硬件和软件、强调研究工作的生态化倾向、跨文化研究越来越被重视、社会化的生命全程研究开始出现。从整个研究领域的发展趋势来看,研究者更深入地认识到儿童社会化过程的复杂性;把儿童看作是自身社会化过程的积极主动的参与者;更加重视认知因素在社会化过程中的作用;在教育和行为干预中的应用研究受到更多的关注;社会化研究的方法更趋于多样化;出现了将多种研究手段和方法综合运用的倾向。  相似文献   

中国古代美育思想在其独特的文化背景下形成其在思维模式上注重人生精神体验;在价值目标上追求人格道德修养;在反映方法上强调直觉顿悟等方面的独特性。深入探讨中国古代美育思想的特征,有助于我们批判地继承祖国美学的丰富遗产,在更加宽广的视界中不断完善美育思想的研究方法,进一步加强美育思想的理论建设。  相似文献   

文章立足于如何使社会学方法系列课程之间更加有效地融通与统一,依据艾宾浩斯记忆曲线的原理提出一些具体的改革措施,措施包括:课程内容上要适当重复与渗透;实践上由浅入深;教师间通过资源共享和讨论实现高效沟通。在理论研究的基础上,也做了具体的实践与尝试,并已得到较好的反馈。  相似文献   

本在《近百年来湖北省汉语方言研究综述》一的基础上,从以下三个方面进一步论述了1979年到现在20年中湖北方言研究的现状和特点:一,汉语方言研究成果空前丰富;二.运用比较法和两个“三角”的思路与方法使湖北方言研究更加深入,细致;三.宏观研究和微观研究相结合,而以微观研究为主,接着分析了我省方言研究取得成绩的主要原因,最后简略地指出了当前存在的问题。  相似文献   


In Western countries, the number of ADHD diagnoses and medical treatments of children has risen spectacularly over the last decennia, as has the amount of criticism about this trend. Various studies have shown that children receiving an ADHD classification often follow from initial signals that were raised in a school context. Hence, it becomes important to investigate precisely what advantages attach to ADHD classification in educational practice. In this qualitative study, 30 teachers were interviewed about their experiences and views of ADHD. The results suggest that a small number of interviewees sees no advantages to ADHD classification: the classification does not practically help them as teachers, they are familiar with the drawbacks of ADHD classification, and they take issue with the idea of labelling children. The greater number of interviewees, however, suggest ambivalence about ADHD classification: they are aware of its drawbacks while experiencing mainly advantages. According to the interviewees, ADHD classification explains undesirable behaviours and disappointing academic achievement. Classification thereby removes blame from pupils, parents and teachers, and so can be a starting point for productive agreement and collaboration. We will discuss the implications of these findings in the light of the concept of reification, child-centred problematisation and the development of more inclusive education.  相似文献   

Using an experience sampling methodology, the everyday lives of 153 adolescents with low, middle, or high levels of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) characteristics as assessed by either parent or teen were examined. Twice each hour, across two 4-day recording intervals, participants in a longitudinal study of stress and health risks logged their behaviors, moods, and social contexts. Those with high, in contrast to low, ADHD symptom levels recorded more negative and fewer positive moods, lower alertness, more entertaining activities relative to achievement-oriented pursuits, more time with friends and less time with family, and more tobacco and alcohol use. Fewer associations emerged with parent-defined than with teen-defined subgroups, although the differences in alertness, peer and family contexts, entertainment versus achievement activities, and substance use were consistent across sources. Even at subclinical levels, ADHD characteristics were associated with behavioral patterns and contexts that may promote peer deviancy training, unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, and vulnerability to nicotine dependence.  相似文献   

The relationship between right hemisphere dysfunction and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) remains controversial. We administered a random letter cancellation test to 58 carefully selected adult patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for ADHD and 29 age- and education-matched controls. Patients with ADHD had a higher mean omission rate on the left side than the controls, and a greater percentage of ADHD patients than controls made more omissions on the left than on the right (L > R errors). ADHD patients who made L > R errors had lower performance IQ scores than ADHD patients who did not make L > R errors. However, ADHD patients who made L > R errors did not differ from ADHD patients who did not make L > R errors in ADHD subtype, medication response, or neuropsychological measures of attention, executive function, verbal memory, nonverbal memory, or academic achievement. Patients without a family history of ADHD were more likely to make L > R errors than patients with a family history of ADHD. This study provides support for the concept of right hemisphere dysfunction in a subset of patients with ADHD. However, ADHD patients who make L > R errors do not appear to represent a distinct clinical subgroup in terms of medication response, ADHD subtype, or neuropsychological test performance.  相似文献   

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a widely spread diagnosis. The dominant paradigm of ADHD is biomedical where ADHD is defined as a brain disorder. At the same time, the legitimacy of the diagnosis is being questioned since it is unclear whether or not ADHD can be deemed a medical disorder in itself. The aim of this article is to critically assess the merits of understanding the diagnosis of ADHD as a medical condition defined as a brain disorder. This is being done using the seventeenth century philosopher Benedict Spinoza’s (1632–1677) notions of adequate and inadequate knowledge and his counterintuitive theory of mental health. Doing so it becomes clear that ADHD, however adequate it may seem, is founded on inadequate knowledge and that the legitimacy of the individual diagnosis should therefore be questioned on the grounds that on a long term scale it is passivizing and stigmatizing rather that liberating.  相似文献   

Knowledge of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attitudes toward teaching children with ADHD are compared across stages of Australian teachers' careers. Relative to pre‐service teachers with (n = 218) and without (n = 109) teaching experience, in‐service teachers (n = 127) show more overall knowledge of ADHD, more knowledge of characteristics and treatments for ADHD, and higher perceived knowledge. In‐service teachers reported less favorable emotion about teaching children with ADHD than did pre‐service teachers without experience and more favorable behaviors than pre‐service teachers with experience. Groups did not differ in knowledge of causes of ADHD, overall attitudes, stereotypical beliefs, and beliefs about teaching children with ADHD. Identification of knowledge gaps and ambivalent attitudes will guide pre‐service and in‐service training courses. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The behavioral, self-evaluative, and attributional responses of 120 boys with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and 65 control boys to social success and failure were examined using a dyadic, laboratory get-acquainted task employing child confederates. Objective coders rated boys with ADHD as less socially effective than controls in their interactions, but also as less frustrated and helpless. In terms of self-evaluations, ADHD boys overwhelmingly rated their own performance more favorably than did controls and in some instances, these differences were more apparent following failure. The attributional pattern of ADHD and control boys differed in that ADHD boys were more likely than controls to attribute success to external, uncontrollable factors such as task ease and being lucky; controls, on the other hand, were more likely than ADHD boys to attribute initial failure to not having tried hard enough. Results are discussed in the context of existing literature documenting a positive illusory bias in ADHD boys' self-perceptions.  相似文献   

This study assesses information processing and memory functioning in 50 children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) with and without learning disabilities (LD). Mode of presentation (visual vs. auditory), type of memory processing (immediate, short-term, and long-term), and order of recall (ordered vs. unordered) were assessed using the Learning Efficiency Test-II (LET-II). Both groups demonstrated difficulty with auditory ordered recall and lost substantial information from immediate memory to short-term and long-term memory stores. The ADHD/LD group also demonstrated more difficulty with ordered recall than the ADHD only group. While there were no differences between the two groups in regard to immediate recall, the ADHD/LD group demonstrated more problems transferring information into short-term and long-term memory stores than the ADHD only group. Verbal interference effects significantly decreased retention for both visual and auditory processing. Results indicate that ADHD alone presents significant problems in information processing, but the comorbid effects of a learning disability further intensify the negative impact of ADHD. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study examined performance on an arithmetic task of increasing difficulty and a frustrating puzzle task for children with ADHD and comparison children. Emotional competence also was investigated in the two groups. Sixty‐four children, 21 previously diagnosed with ADHD, participated. Performance on the arithmetic task was measured in terms of completion and accuracy. Children with ADHD had similar rates of accuracy for all levels of difficulty, but completed fewer problems. Performance on the puzzle task was measured both through completion and persistence. Although children with ADHD persisted for a similar amount of time compared to children without ADHD, they were more likely to quit the task before completion. Children with ADHD also were more likely to report that they became frustrated with the task. Furthermore, they tended to report that in general, they become more frustrated than other children. With regard to emotional competence, children with ADHD did not differ from the comparison children on their reported understanding of their own emotions or attention to emotions; however, children with ADHD reported that they engage in less mood repair. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 377–386, 2006.  相似文献   

Drawing on attitude theories from social psychology, we conducted a survey of Australian pre-service (n = 327) and in-service (n = 127) teachers’ attitudes about teaching children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This paper reports a content analysis of beliefs, affect and behaviours towards teaching children with ADHD and quantitative analyses pertaining to attitudinal ambivalence – that is, where a teacher may simultaneously report negative and positive evaluations of teaching children with ADHD. While on average, overall or global attitudes were mildly positive for both cohorts, considerable ambivalence about teaching children with ADHD was commonly experienced. Participants reported ambivalent beliefs, affect and behaviours, as well as ambivalence between these attitude components. Paradoxically, participants who knew more about ADHD and held stronger positive global attitudes about teaching children with ADHD reported less ambivalent behaviours towards these children, but reported more ambivalent beliefs. The implications for teachers’ professional development and training are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared private speech of children with ADHD and normal controls during problem solving and inhibition tasks. Thirty-two children (16 children with ADHD and 16 matched controls) aged 6–11 years participated. Consistent with previous studies, children with ADHD produced more task-irrelevant and task-relevant external private speech than control children during problem-solving tasks, but did not differ in their use of task-relevant internal private speech. During the inhibition/attention task (Continuous Performance Test-II), children with ADHD produced more task-relevant external and more task-relevant internal private speech, suggesting that they may have employed a less mature strategy to aid in self-regulation. The educational implications of the current study are that there should be an increased awareness of the developmental nature and functional significance of private speech and how private speech usage may differ in children with ADHD.  相似文献   

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