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1加强伸、屈髋肌群的力量有关资料证明 :“在一个跑步动作周期里 ,髋关节所完成的全部机械能达455焦耳。而膝关节和踝关节在支撑阶段的完成机械能为31及192焦耳。”可以看出 :对跑速度所起作用最大的是髋关节周围的肌肉活动 ,从脚尖离地到着地时 ,髋屈肌群的活动是为了使腿摆动 ,而髋伸肌群对腿的向前和着地前伸展下肢都起重要作用。髋关节在跑的动作中主要表现在屈髋伸髋 ,在训练中“屈髋”和“伸髋”必须紧密结合起来 ,要均衡地发展伸、屈髋肌群的力量。摆动腿积极向前高抬(屈髋)是由髂腰肌、阔筋膜肌群、内侧肌等参与工作实现…  相似文献   

采用ISOMED2000获得陕西省优秀跆拳道运动员髋关节等速收缩的生物力学特征。右髋关节屈肌群等速离心收缩峰值力矩出现时的关节角度在133.7°-140.20之间,伸肌群等速离心收缩峰值力矩出现时的关节角度在121.2°-106.30之间;髋关节屈伸肌群向心收缩、离心收缩速度在240°/s时相对力矩梯度达到最大。  相似文献   

跳远起跳肌肉专项能力生物力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王琨  魏文仪 《体育科学》2005,25(1):42-45
运用生物力学理论和实验研究方法 ,对跳远运动员起跳过程中起跳腿肌肉群表现出的专项能力特点进行研究。结果表明 ,髋关节伸肌群离心收缩能力对起跳十分重要 ;起跳表现出“前支撑蹬伸”特征 ;起跳过程中膝关节伸肌群的主动向心收缩能力对人体产生必要制动和适宜的腾起垂直速度具有重要意义 ;起跳初始阶段 (起跳过程 8%的时间里 )膝关节产生较大的屈肌力矩 ,即表现出膝关节屈肌群的主动收缩。  相似文献   

运用表面肌电遥测和高速摄像同步测试方法,揭示我国部分高水平短跑运动员途中跑摆动技术的肌肉用力特征。结果表明:短跑途中跑摆动技术的肌电特征表现为明显的时序性,肌肉间的收缩具有高度协调性。折叠前摆阶段,摆动腿屈髋肌的主要电位活动是在摆动初期:运动员足蹬离地面至(另一腿)垂直支撑时刻前;垂直支撑时刻后,摆动腿股二头肌长头、半腱肌的活动明显,活动时间较长;下压着地阶段,其工作性质由被动拉长转为向心收缩使髋关节伸,同时还作用于膝关节使膝关节屈,神经肌肉活动的机制十分复杂。在专项力量训练实践中,教练员应结合摆动腿髋关节屈伸肌群的发力特点,优选专项力量训练的手段,提高训练效果。  相似文献   

一、短跑技术中肌肉放松的作用人的肌肉力量是有限的,肌力对某一轴肌力矩也是有限的,当肌力矩一定时,减少肌体的转动惯量可以增加转动的角速度。短跑中,从腿的后蹬结束、脚离地开始的屈膝前摆,是先屈膝关节,后屈髋关节,屈膝关节时,若充分放松伸展股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌、  相似文献   

通过对髋膝关节伸屈肌群测力探讨相应的训练方法   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
通过对优秀运动员刘洪波、黄勇进行CYBEX6000膝髋关节屈伸肌群高速收缩分组实验,考察肌群的做功、平均功率、峰值力矩、峰值力矩所对关节角、耐力系数等有关肌肉力学参数。实验结果表明,在速度滑冰中伸膝肌群是最重要的、伸髋肌群是重要的做功肌群。并针对存在问题提出了相应的训练方法。  相似文献   

继对滕关节伸肌力矩与膝角关系的研究之后,为了进一步探索作用于同一关节的两组肌群肌肉长度与力量的关系,我们对同一批实验对象进行了等长收缩时膝关节屈肌力矩与膝角关系的研究。  相似文献   

影响短跑运动员运动成绩的要因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵国茹 《体育学刊》2001,8(4):66-67
通过等动测力系统对短跑运动员在角速度为60°/s、180°/s及300°/s的膝关节和髋关节伸、屈肌峰力矩进行了测试,并就测试结果与不同距离短跑成绩之间的相关性进行了探讨,发现不同角速度的伸肌峰力矩均明显高于屈肌峰力矩,同时也发现100m加速跑成绩相关最显著的是角速度为300°/s时膝关节伸肌力矩和180°/s时髋关节伸肌力矩.  相似文献   

研究目的:探究拖重物跑训练手段对短跑运动员的身体素质、途中跑阶段的技术特征及下肢环节肌肉力量的影响,深入认识其对短跑途中跑技术和专项力量的作用机制。研究方法:对14名男子二级左右水平短跑运动员进行为期8周每周3次6%~10% BM负荷的拖重物跑训练,采用高速摄像分析法、等动肌力测试法分析运动员身体素质;支撑阶段髋、膝、踝关节运动学参数和下肢各环节肌肉力量实验前后的变化情况。结果:(1)实验后运动员30m、60m、立定跳远、立定三级跳远等身体素质及专项成绩显著提高;(2)步长、重心水平速度显著性提高,两大腿剪绞平均速度提高、单步时间减少;支撑阶段最小膝、踝角显著降低,角速度提高;(3)髋、膝关节伸/屈肌群PT/BW、AP除膝关节60°/sPT/BW值未见统计学意义,其余各角速度下PT/BW、AP均呈显著性差异,踝关节跖屈肌群各角速度下PT/BW值显著提高,跖屈肌群60°/s速度下AP提高,背屈肌群AP略降低。结论:适宜负荷的拖重物跑训练可显著改善短跑运动员运动素质、提高运动成绩;有利于提高髋关节剪绞-制动力量,使膝、踝关节处于低位超等长"屈蹬"状态;提高了髋、膝关节屈伸肌群快速主动收缩能力及踝关节跖屈肌群退让性快速收缩能力。  相似文献   

分析比较不同级别男子跳高运动员膝关节屈伸肌群离心收缩时峰力矩特点及差异。在首都体育学院生物力学实验室,采用德国ISOMED2000等速测试仪,对8名一级男子跳高运动员和8名二级男子跳高运动员膝关节肌群进行等速离心收缩测试,测试角速度60°/s、120°/s、240°/s,指标包括峰值力矩、相对峰力矩(峰值力矩/体重)、峰值力矩屈伸比。研究结果:(1)一级跳高运动员起跳腿膝关节屈、伸肌峰力矩较二级跳高运动员有显著性差异(P<0.05);(2)平均功率随给定运动角速度的增大而增大(P<0.01);(3)离心收缩峰力矩随给定运动速度的增加无显著变化;(4)离心收缩膝关节屈伸肌群峰力矩比值为0.60~0.63之间。结论:跳高运动员膝关节肌群等速测试结果的差异是造成一、二级跳高运动员成绩差异的原因之一。  相似文献   


Fifteen highly skilled sprinters were filmed while running at maximum velocity. The results were digitized and computer processed with interest focused on the muscle moments generated about the hip, knee, and ankle of the ground leg. Muscle activity about the hip consisted of extensor (concentric) dominance from foot descent, through foot strike, and into mid-support. Muscle dominance shifted to the hip flexors (eccentric) during mid-support and continued through takeoff. Muscle dominance at the knee demonstrated a pattern of flexor (eccentric, then concentric) dominance from foot descent through foot strike and into mid-support. Knee extensors (eccentric, then concentric) then achieved dominance through takeoff. During the later stages of takeoff, the dominance decreased or reversed briefly to flexor (eccentric) activity prior to a period of minimal activity following the toe-off position. From a period of minimal activity prior and subsequent to ground contact, the plantar flexors (eccentric, then concentric) of the foot were dominant throughout the ground phase. Qualitatively, the unexpected knee flexor dominance during foot strike was generated to limit the braking action created during this portion of ground contact. The unanticipated hip flexor dominance during takeoff served to rotate the upper body forward and into the approaching air phase. In addition, both of these actions allowed efficient use of the two-joint muscles of the leg during the critical phases of ground contact. Finally, the minimizing or reversing of the knee extensor dominance during the later stages of takeoff served to protect the joint from injury. Quantitatively, the magnitude of hip extensor/knee flexor activity during foot strike was significantly related (r = .70, p = .01) to the prior occurrences of related leg injury in the subjects.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实验法和数理统计法,以10名辽宁省排球队女运动员为研究对象,获取受试者3步助跑后衔接跳跃扣球的起跳期在三维空间坐标中的轨迹和与地面的反作用力参数,以及髋关节、膝关节、踝关节的最大伸肌力矩和最大伸肌功率,研究排球不同扣球起跳下肢运动学的特征,为提高排球扣球起跳时的动作质量提供参考。结果表明:(1)后排先行脚、跟随脚的动作时间、动作总时间短于后排,后排起跳动作距离长于前排(P<0.01);(2)先行脚和跟随脚的髋关节、膝关节伸肌力矩后排大于前排(P>0.05);在踝关节伸肌力矩中,后排的先行脚大于前排(P>0.05),后排的跟随脚大于前排(P<0.05);(3)除先行脚的膝关节向心功率后排均小于前排外,先行脚和跟随脚的髋关节、膝关节、踝关节伸肌向心功率后排均大于前排。先行脚和跟随脚的髋关节、膝关节肌坏踝关节离心功率后排大于前排。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to investigate the patterns of shoulder muscle activation and joint torques during maximal effort eccentric contractions with shoulder extension, abduction, and diagonal movements on the isokinetic device. Participants in this investigation were nine men and four women with no history of shoulder injury or disorders. They all participated in overhead sports at least three days a week, and volunteered to participate in this study for shoulder isokinetic muscle strength testing. They performed eccentric muscle action with shoulder flexion, abduction, and diagonal movements at velocities of 60 rad·s?1 and 180 rad· s?1, which was followed alternately by passive shoulder flexion, abduction and diagonal movement at a velocity of 30 rad· s?1, and total range of motion was standardised to 90°. Electromyography (EMG) and torque values were calculated to every 10°, except for the start and end 5° during each task. During each test, the isokinetic force output and muscle activation were synchronised. EMG data were normalised by percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC). EMG signals were recorded by surface EMG from the anterior deltoid (AD), middle deltoid (MD), posterior deltoid (PD), upper trapezius (UT), middle trapezius (MT), and biceps brachii (BB) muscles during this test. All of the muscle patterns were significantly decreased at the last compared with the initial part during eccentric shoulder flexion movement, except for the BB muscle (P < 0.05). AD and BB muscles played a similar role when peak torque was generated under load during eccentric muscle action with varying shoulder movements. PD and UT muscle activities were significantly lower than the other muscle activities during eccentric contraction with shoulder flexion and abduction movements, and the PD and UT muscles played a significant role in conjunction with MD and MT muscles in varying degrees during eccentric contraction with shoulder diagonal movements at 180 rad·s?1 (P < 0.05). Our study demonstrated that MT muscle activity was greatly influenced when torque values showed a peak moment under load during maximum effort, eccentric contraction with shoulder abduction and diagonal movements. However, the MD, PD, UT, and MT muscle activities had no great influence when peak torque was generated under load during eccentric muscle action with shoulder diagonal movement at high velocity. The present study suggested that varying eccentric muscle activity patterns may be needed to investigate proper training and functional contributions of upper extremity muscles to stabilisation of the shoulder joint when peak torque was generated under load.  相似文献   

The muscle activity paradox during circular rhythmic leg movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A cyclist's legs make a simple 360 degrees circular and rhythmic movement, activated by a simple flexion-extension function in a sagittal plane. However, because of the simultaneous combination of leg rotation in the hip, knee and ankle joint with translation of the upper body, the general motion becomes quite complex. This complexity is increased by the anatomical interpretations of EMG readings taken during the pedalling cycle, indicating a high activity of 'flexor' muscles during the downward 'extension' of the leg (0-90 degrees propulsion phase of the pedalling cycle). This calls for an anatomical paradox. In order to verify these interpretations, the activity of six lower limb muscles was measured under field circumstances on nine elite cyclists using a portable EMG data acquisition system and active surface electrodes allowing remote (non-telemetric) monitoring of the cyclists' muscle activity patterns. Measurements were made during a 1000 m submaximal but constant effort and during a 200 m sprint. Confirmation of the anatomical paradox was found in both test circumstances. Analyses of the normalized EMG in combination with torque values of both hip and knee during the pedalling cycle indicate a zero torque at 135 degrees for the knee, while at this same angle the overall extensor activity ends in one leg and starts simultaneously in the other leg (at 315 degrees). Since the propulsion does not continue until 180 degrees, the flexor muscles have to be activated before the extension activity ends in order to generate the continuation of the circular motion until (and beyond) the bottom dead centre (180 degrees).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study assessed neuromuscular and corticospinal changes during and after a fatiguing submaximal exercise of the knee extensors in different modes of muscle contraction. Twelve subjects performed two knee extensors exercises in a concentric or eccentric mode, at the same torque and with a similar total impulse. Exercises consisted of 10 sets of 10 repetitions at an intensity of 80% of the maximal voluntary isometric contraction torque (MVIC). MVIC, maximal voluntary activation level (VAL) and responses of electrically evoked contractions of the knee extensors were assessed before and after exercise. Motor evoked potential amplitude (MEP) and cortical silent period (CSP) of the vastus medialis (VM) and rectus femoris (RF) muscles were assessed before, during and after exercise. Similar reductions of the MVIC (?13%), VAL (?12%) and a decrease in the peak twitch (?12%) were observed after both exercises. For both VM and RF muscles, MEP amplitude remained unchanged during either concentric or eccentric exercises. No change of the MEP amplitude input–output curves was observed post-exercise. For the RF muscle, CSP increased during the concentric exercise and remained lengthened after this exercise. For the VM muscle, CSP was reduced after the eccentric exercise only. For a similar amount of total impulse, concentric and eccentric knee extensor contractions led to similar exercise-induced neuromuscular response changes. For the two muscles investigated, no modulation of corticospinal excitability was observed during or after either concentric or eccentric exercises. However, intracortical inhibition showed significant modulations during and after exercise.  相似文献   

Twenty-five volleyball players (14 males, 11 females) were videotaped (60 Hz) performing countermovement vertical jumps with and without an arm swing. Ground reaction force and video-based coordinate data were collected simultaneously. The resultant joint force and torque at the hip, knee, ankle and shoulder for two trials per subject per condition were computed and normalized. Average kinematic, resultant joint force and torque data were compared using repeated-measures analysis of variance. Larger values were recorded for the vertical velocity of the centre of mass at take-off in the jumps with (mean 2.75, s = 0.3 m.s-1) versus without (mean 2.44, s = 0.23 m.s-1) an arm swing. The jumps with no arm swing produced larger torques at the hip during the first third of the propulsive phase (from zero to maximum vertical velocity of the centre of mass). During the final two-thirds of the propulsive phase, the arm swing augmented hip extensor torques by slowing the rate of trunk extension and placing the hip extensor muscles in slower concentric conditions that favoured the generation of larger forces and resultant joint torques. During the first two-thirds of the propulsive phase, knee extensor torque increased by 28% in the jumps with an arm swing, but maintained a relatively constant magnitude in the jumps with no arm swing.  相似文献   

Runners often experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), especially of the knee extensors, following prolonged running. Sagittal knee joint biomechanics are altered in the presence of knee extensor DOMS but it is unclear how muscle soreness affects lower limb biomechanics in other planes of motion. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of knee extensor DOMS on three-dimensional (3D) lower limb biomechanics during running. Thirty-three healthy men (25.8?±?6.8 years; 84.1?±?9.2?kg; 1.77?±?0.07?m) completed an isolated eccentric knee extensor damaging protocol to elicit DOMS. Biomechanics of over-ground running at a set speed of 3.35?m?s?1±5% were measured before eccentric exercise (baseline) and, 24?h and 48?h following exercise in the presence of knee extensor DOMS. Knee flexion ROM was reduced at 48?h (P?=?0.01; d?=?0.26), and peak knee extensor moment was reduced at 24?h (P?=?0.001; d?=?0.49) and 48?h (P?<?0.001; d?=?0.68) compared to baseline. Frontal and transverse plane biomechanics were unaffected by the presence of DOMS (P?>?0.05). Peak positive ankle and knee joint powers and, peak negative knee joint power were all reduced from baseline to 24?h and 48?h (P?<?0.05). These findings suggest that knee extensor DOMS greatly influences sagittal knee joint angular kinetics and, reduces sagittal power production at the ankle joint. However, knee extensor DOMS does not affect frontal and transverse plane lower limb joint biomechanics during running.  相似文献   

This study examined whether short-term maximal resistance training employing fast-velocity eccentric knee extensor actions would induce improvements in maximal isometric torque and rate of force development (RFD) at early (<100 ms) and late phases (>100 ms) of rising torque. Twenty healthy men were assigned to two experimental groups: eccentric resistance training (TG) or control (CG). Participants on the TG trained three days a week for a total of eight weeks. Training consisted of maximal unilateral eccentric knee extensors actions performed at 180°s-1. Maximal isometric knee extensor torque (MVC) and incremental RFD in successive 50 ms time-windows from the onset contraction were analysed in absolute terms (RFDINC) or when normalised relative to MVC (RFDREL). After eight weeks, TG demonstrated increases in MVC (28%), RFDINC (0–50 ms: 30%; 50–100 ms: 31%) and RFDREL (0–50 ms: 29%; 50–100 ms: 32%). Moreover, no changes in the late phase of incremental RFD were observed in TG. No changes were found in the CG. In summary, we have demonstrated, in active individuals, that a short period of resistance training performed with eccentric fast-velocity isokinetic muscle contractions is able to enhance RFDINC and RFDREL obtained at the early phase of rising joint torque.  相似文献   

Negative work, which is mainly generated by eccentric muscle contraction, has an important influence on the associated muscle damage. Generally, mechanical parameters are determined for one side of a lower extremity on the assumption of negligible between-limb differences. However, between-limb differences in the negative work of lower extremity joints during running remain unclear. This study examines between-limb differences in negative work and associated mechanical parameters during the contact phase of running. Twenty-five young adult males voluntarily participated in this study. Each participant was asked to run on a straight runway at a speed of 3.0?m?s?1. Negative work, amplitude, duration of negative power, moment, and angular velocity were computed for both sides of the lower extremities. Significant differences were found in negative work between limbs for the hip (18.9?±?11.7%), knee (13.6?±?10.4%), and ankle (11.8?±?8.5%) joints. For the hip joint, asymmetric negative work was attributable to the between-limb difference in the amplitude of negative power owing to a corresponding difference in the moment. The between-limb differences concerning the duration and amplitude of negative power could explain the asymmetric negative work in the knee joint. The asymmetric negative work of the ankle joint was attributable to the between-limb difference in the amplitude and duration of the negative power and the moment. These results indicate that asymmetric negative work was generated in each lower extremity joint; however, the major mechanical parameters corresponding to the negative work are not the same across the joints.  相似文献   

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