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Experimentation in Holocaust education began in American schools in the mid‐1970s. After construction of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., the subject gained momentum. The last two decades have seen continuous development. In five states, Holocaust education is required at all school levels; in sixteen others, it is highly recommended. Serious teaching of the Holocaust started in earnest only long after World War II, when the horrors were at a distance and survivors started breaking the silence. Only then did systematic research begin. Teaching about the Holocaust developed as a result of Holocaust consciousness and of the growing feeling of its relevance to American culture. Such instruction also developed against a background of ongoing public debate concerning the Holocausts uniqueness, a controversy that has found its way into various teaching programs.  相似文献   

第二次世界大战爆发的一个突出特点是它离第一次世界大战的结束只有20年,它的爆发与一战结局必然有着深刻联系,而一战的结局则直接体现为凡尔赛-华盛顿体系,因此,谈二战起源就不能不从凡尔赛-华盛顿体系说起。凡尔赛-华盛顿体系的内在矛盾是新的大战爆发之根本原因。  相似文献   

苏联的出现引起民了西方资本主义大国的不安,基于意识形态和一战后世界和平的考虑,苏联排斥在巴黎和会之外,这种安排上使苏联处于欧洲的边缘。“边缘化”政策导致欧洲均势的破坏,在某种程度上,促成了二战的爆发。  相似文献   

二战期间,美、苏两国因为"德国问题"已经展开了激烈的争论。二战结束后,美、苏两国不同的对德政策理念进一步加深了双方矛盾。最终,德国成为美、苏对抗的前沿阵地,"德国问题"成为冷战爆发的催化剂。探讨冷战起源的德国因素可以揭示出冷战从地区性对抗到全球扩展的过程,从而进一步认清冷战的起源、性质与特征。  相似文献   


History curriculum and textbooks, as a key mechanism of constructing collective memory, play a critical role in shaping national, social, and cultural imaginations of the young. This paper analyses history textbooks in Taiwan during the martial law period (1950–1987) to explore narratives about Taiwan and examines the ways in which those narratives as collective memory created particular images of Taiwan. The analysis indicates that history textbooks delineated two threads of narrative, one is a Sinicisation narrative, namely Chinese colonisation, and the other is Chinese restoration narrative. The Sinicisation narrative constructed particular collective memory about Taiwan being of Chinese descent and an inheritor of Chinese culture, lost and restored by China after World War II. In the narrative of restoration, Taiwan was imagined as reborn to be the model child of Chinese descent that was obligated to emancipate all Chinese compatriots from Communism and to ultimately realise the goal of Chinese reunification. These narratives served for emancipating Taiwan from Japanese colonisation and constructed particular collective memory that Sinicised Taiwan for Chinese restoration. The image of Taiwan as Chinese descent, identified with Chinese culture, has endured to the present and continue to shape imaginations and discourses about Taiwan in the present.  相似文献   

中日两国教科书里的日本二战小说在历史认识上所存在的偏差和作为教材所起到的负面作用值得注意。在日本,它们对青年一代二战史观的形成起着潜移默化的作用;在中国别导致对日本二战小说的误读,影响了从历史层面对日本侵华战争的总体把握。  相似文献   

Written and published during World War II, Eleanor Estes’s Rufus M. (1943) is set during the time of American involvement in World War I, the war of the author’s own childhood. Despite the fact that the book was named a Newbery Honor title, many critics have found it unsatisfyingly unstructured and episodic. I argue, however, that the book is far more unified in its construction than these critics recognize and deserves study as a revelatory title about how the First World War was presented to young readers during the Second World War. In his dauntless determination to support the war effort, young Rufus shows himself to be an iconic home-front hero of precisely the sort encouraged by the United States propaganda machine. But read carefully, the book has such an air of pervasive melancholy and contains so many scenes of disappointed hopes and disillusioned dreams that it can be read as encoding doubts about the first war’s legacy. Despite Estes’s clearly intended attempt to provide hope for young readers, the reality of World War I’s ultimate failure haunts Rufus M. as a sort of pentimento, a darker set of images revealed beneath the text’s surface optimism.  相似文献   

20世纪德国的发展轨迹极为典型。自从1871年俾斯麦统一德国后,德国借着国家统一和两次工业革命的东风,迅速崛起,一跃成为当时的资本主义强国之一。随后德国相继经历了战争、战败、再复兴、再挑起战争、再战败。在二战后,德国终于跳出战争怪圈,与其欧洲邻国启动欧洲一体化进程,成就了今天德国的大国地位。德国的发展特别是二战后再度迅速崛起有许多值得中国借鉴的地方,尤其在崛起方式、统一问题、外交选择和文化实力等方面。  相似文献   

"二战"史观教育是当代德国历史和政治教育的重要组成部分.德国"二战"史观教育在20世纪50年代末遭遇危机,在60年代德国政治家、知识精英、司法机构、教育部门的共同努力下,实现了历史性变革,并在70年代产生了积极效果.德国"二战"史观教育变革的基础,是德国社会对"二战"历史的全面反思和社会政治文化的转型.  相似文献   

西方艺术传统中的战争叙事历来注重从个体的视角呈现战争,在个体叙事的发展历程中,个体从具有人文色彩的人逐渐走向了人的死亡,这一特征集中体现在第一、二次世界大战以及以越南战争、反恐怖战争为题材的艺术作品之中。对于个体的自由以及生命意识的极端强调,最终导致了人的观念的解体。在战争与人的互动之中,战争叙事既挖掘了人的性格、命运,也展现出战争的残酷。从人文之人到具有这一特点的人之死,也揭示出潜藏于战争背后的西方文化已经成为压抑甚至残害人生存与发展的桎梏的深刻本质。  相似文献   

This paper examines militarisation in child culture in Israel’s transition from a pre-state society engaged in the nation-building process to statehood. The paper studies children’s culture and the literary corpus for children created in the 1940s and 1950s in Jewish Palestine, before and after Israel’s establishment. It investigates the main stages in the rapid development of the militaristic narrative for children – from the beginning of World War II in 1939, through the War of Independence in 1948, and during the first decade of statehood. By examining the nature of the national-military children’s story, I demonstrate the extent to which militarisation in Israeli children’s culture was dictated from above. I also argue that society’s rapid change following the founding of the Israeli state in 1948 brought about a dramatic shift in the attitude of state institutions, and especially the education system, towards the militaristic narrative addressed towards children that was vigorously promoted prior to 1948.  相似文献   

20世纪初叶“亚洲的觉醒”革命风暴作为现代亚洲民族解放运动的序曲 ,对亚欧之间殖民地 (附庸国 )与宗主国的依附关系形成强有力冲击。两次世界大战更是对亚欧关系的演变产生决定性影响。如果说第一次世界大战大大削弱了欧洲对其亚洲殖民地的控制 ,那么第二次世界大战则成为欧洲殖民体系崩溃、亚洲民族新生的历史催化剂 ,使亚欧之间的不平等关系发生了根本性改变。此外二战期间亚欧大陆两端人民在反法西斯斗争中同仇敌忾、互助合作 ,则成为该时期亚欧关系的主要内容。  相似文献   

20 世纪上半叶的德国教育现代化进程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪上半叶的德国教育现代化进程由两个阶段构成。魏玛时期的教育现代化进程主要表现出法制化、非宗教化、民主化和职业化的特点。二战后的教育现代化进程则在突出解决教派与非教派学校之间、引进外国教育制度和思想与保持传统教育制度与思想之间以及化主权与各州合作之间的三大矛盾。  相似文献   

朱镜我从第二次世界大战爆发,到1941年牺牲前,发表了若干有关对二次大战及相关问题认识的文章。他对二次大战的认识甚为精辟,而且很有预见性,显示了其职业革命家的远见和卓识。  相似文献   

台湾青少年在"二战"中被"志愿"到南太平洋参战是一段苦难的历史,台湾抗日小说中的《猎女犯》和《少年上战场》等见证了这段历史。作者以当事人的身份见证叙事了战争对台湾人民肉体和精神的无辜伤害、战争给殖民地人民带来的苦难,并由此生发了对战争的人道主义思考。  相似文献   

美国黑人民权运动是非洲裔美国人为争取政治、经济和社会的平等权利而发动的一场声势浩荡的群众性社会运动。第二次世界大战对于这场声势浩荡的社会运动起到了十分重要的催化与促进作用。二战中使得黑人更加清楚的了解美国社会对种族歧视的态度极其现状,刺激了黑人渴望民主、寻求的平等的愿望与勇气。二战所创造的种种特殊的社会情况也为黑人的民权运动创造了机会和奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

American higher education rose to fame and fortune during the Cold War, when both student enrollments and funded research shot upward. Prior to World War II, the federal government showed little interest in universities and provided little support. The war spurred a large investment in defence‐based scientific research in universities, and the emergence of the Cold War expanded federal investment exponentially. Unlike a hot war, the Cold War offered an extended period of federally funded research public subsidy for expanding student enrollments. The result was the golden age of the American university. The good times continued for about 30 years and then began to go bad. The decline was triggered by the combination of a decline in the perceived Soviet threat and a taxpayer revolt against high public spending; both trends culminating with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. With no money and no enemy, the Cold War university fell as quickly as it arose. Instead of seeing the Cold War university as the norm, we need to think of it as the exception. What we are experiencing now in American higher education is a regression to the mean, in which, over the long haul, Americans have understood higher education to be a distinctly private good.  相似文献   

美国多元族裔关系对战后外交政策的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国的多元族裔关系是影响美国制定外交政策的重要因素。从冷战期间的古巴裔美国人和非洲裔美国人、冷战后的美国犹太人和亚美尼亚裔美国人对外交政策的影响,可见美国各少数族裔群体对美国政策外交政策的影响随着世界超级大国的地位和确立呈越来越大的趋势,并且在战后两个时期分别表现出不同的特征。  相似文献   

日本文化与其他国家相比,有许多不同的特征。日本文化与社会,或者是日本人的行动模式,以至于日本人的意识构造,都表现出不同于他国的某种特征。究其原因,与日本吸收外来文化的方式有着密不可分的关系。明治时代以前是以中国作为向导,吸收外来文化。之后是从西洋吸收外来文化,二战后主要是吸收美国的文化,但是尽管不断地被日新月异的世界文化冲击着,却没有被吞并,反倒通过自己的改造使之真正日本化。  相似文献   

影响日本高等教育发展的民间力量主要是指日本民间经济团体。民间力量是影响战后日本高等教育发展的"第三种力量",它是一种不容忽视的力量。"二战"后,在日本高等教育发展过程中,民间经济团体在不同的经济发展时期适时积极进言,扮演了重要的角色。  相似文献   

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