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[英文原文] I don' t like her Bob goes to a new school. One day,he comes back,"Bob,do you like your new teacher?" his mother asks. "I don’ t like her,Mother.Because first she says that three and three is six,and then she says that two and four is six too."Bob says. [汉语翻译] 我不喜欢她 鲍勃去了一所新学校. 一天,他回到家,妈妈问他:"你喜欢你的新老师吗?" "不,我不喜欢她,妈妈.因为她先说3加3等于6,然后她又说2加4等于6."鲍勃说.  相似文献   

她在家里出生,但是他的母亲着到他的长相后就进医院了。 Jessica was born at home, but when her mother saw her she went to the hospital. 绿色和平组织把她当成了濒临灭绝的大象。 Green Peace mistook her for an endangered elephant. 她太丑了,当她跳进湖里的时候,湖水跳开了!  相似文献   

1.你能替我把这信息告诉她吗?误:Could you tell her the message for me?正:Could you take the message to her for me?析:"给……捎个口信,传个话"  相似文献   

1.When I was in Grade Two at the Salt Lake Girls School,there was a girl who had always been friendly towardme,and had nev-er done anything to cause me to dislike her.我在盐湖女校读二年级时,有一位女同学对我总是非常友好,从未做过一件让我讨厌的事。2.But I disliked her.I do not know why.I was continually saying unpleasant words to her,making fun of her,and snubbing her.但我讨厌她。我不知道为什么。我不断地对她说些刺耳的话,拿她开玩笑,还常常奚落她。  相似文献   

"M"is for the million things she gave me,"M"代表她所给予我的无数,"O"means only that she’s growing old,"O"的意思是她在日渐老去,"T"is for the tears she shed to save me,"T"是她为抚育我洒下的泪,"H"is for her heart of purest gold,"H"指她有像金子一般的心灵,"E"is for her eyes,with the love-light shining,"E"就是她的眼睛,里面洋溢着爱的光芒,"R"means right,and right she’ll always be,"R"的意思是正确,因为她永远都是对的。Put them all together,they spell"MOTHER",将以上字母串在一起就是"母亲(mother)",A…  相似文献   

teach sb to do sth是大家很熟悉的语法结构,其意为"教某人做某事"。如:He promised to teach her to water-ski.他答应教她滑水。  相似文献   

形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,用来修饰名词。形容词性物主代词包括:my“我的”,your“你的,你们的”,her“她的”,his“他的”,our“我们的”,their“他(她,它)们的”。  相似文献   

正一点点跟着我的是下午的阳光,一簇簇盛放的是忧郁的心声,那句话横亘在心头,欲语还休,却不曾消散。Shadow,with her veil drawn,follows Light in secret meekness,with her silent steps of love.阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她沉默的爱的脚步,跟在"光"后边。Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.  相似文献   

1. Once upon a time a mother lived with her three children near a forest. One day their mother said, "I am going to visit your grandmother; she lives on the other side of the forest. I shall not come back until tomorrow morning." Before she left she ordered her eldest daughter Sen to take care of her two sisters, Tou and Poki. "Bring back something nice for us, Mother," they all cried.从前,有一个母亲和她的三个孩子住在一片森林附近。一天,母亲说:“我要去看你们的奶奶,她住在林子那边,我要明天早晨…  相似文献   

In honor of Mother’s Day,this best-selling novelist shares how her mom went from being her biggest disappointment to her greatest inspiration.为了庆祝母亲节,以下这位畅销小说家将与大家分享一下她的妈妈是怎样从最令自己失望的人转变为最大的灵感源泉。17岁时,我便对一件事情非常确定,那就是我不想变得像妈妈那样。我希望自己成为正常可靠的人——而那并不是她的特点。我妈妈不做饭也不打扫房间,她最大的抱负就是享受友谊,享受家庭及她的生活。当爸爸离开后,她害怕独处,我便睡在她房间的地板上。当她预约了见医生,我便和她一起去,就好像是她的知己密友。我的朋友觉得我很幸  相似文献   

(大纲全国卷Ⅱ高考题)20.—So you gave her yourphone?—____,she said she’d return it to me when she couldafford her own.A.My pleasure B.Not exactlyC.No doubt D.All right解析:B。句意为"如此看来,你把你的手机给了她?""不完全是,她说等她有钱买了自己的手机就还给我。"既然是纠正对方刚说的话,所以用Not exactly.My pleasure(对别人  相似文献   

35.他可能已经把这情况告诉她了。误:He could tell her about the matter.误:He can have told her about the matter.正:He could have told her about the matter.  相似文献   

一、某些副词如immediately、instantly、direct-ly可以作连词用,引导时间状语从句,在意思上相当于as soon as(一……就……) 。如: 1.The young lady rushed into the room imme-diately she heard the noise.那位年轻的女士一听到响声就冲入房间。2.I recognized her instantly I saw her.我一看见她就把她认出来了。3.He made for the door directly he heard theknock.一听到敲门声他就跑去开门了。  相似文献   

the fact的本义是"事实",如:The fact is that he doesn!'r eally try.事实是他没有做真正的努力。He felt it his duty to mention the fact to her.他感到有责任向她提及此事。  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】first name=given name (名字)last name=family name (姓氏)a big family一个大家庭telephone number电话号码an ID card一张身份证your name你的名字his name他的名字her name她的名字【重难点句子】1.—What’s your name?——你叫什么名字?—My name’s Jenny./I am Jenny.——我的名字叫珍妮。/我是珍妮。2.—What’s her telephone number?——她的电话号码是多少?—It is...——她的电话号码是……  相似文献   

你能用英语说说你身边的人吗?他是高的、矮的、胖的还是瘦的?别急让我老T,教你几招。W hat does he/she look like?他她长得什么样()?S he’s pretty thin/heavy.她相当瘦胖()。H e’s fairly tall/short.他相当高矮()。W hat color is his/her hair?他她的头发什么颜色()?It’  相似文献   

⒈sometime,sometimes,some times some time[辨析]sometime作副词,意为"在某个时候"可用于一般过去时和将来时。例如:I saw her some time in May.我是五月的什么时候见过她。  相似文献   

1."have 宾语 过去分词"意为"叫(请)某人做某事",相当于"tell/ask sb.to do sth.".如: I am going to have my hair cut tomorrow. 我明天要去理发. She is having her eyes tested. 她正让人检查她的眼睛.  相似文献   

play 1.see sb doing sth意为“看见某人在做某事”。如: I saw her playing the piano.我看见她正在弹钢琴。She saw him waiting at the gate.她看见他在门口等着。2.hear sb doing sth意为“听见某人在做某事”。如: I heard him singing.我听见他在唱歌。We heard him crying in the next room.  相似文献   

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with white beards sitting in her front yard.She did not recognize them.She said,"I don’t think I know you,but you must be hungry.Please come in and have something to eat."一个女人从家里出来,看到三位白胡子的老人坐在她的前院,她不认识他们。她说:“我想我不认识你们,不过你们一定饿了,请进来吃点东西吧。”"Is the man of the house home?"they asked.“男主人在家吗?”三个老人问道。  相似文献   

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