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“运动规则”及“运动技术”(技能)概念的学科教学论考察 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3
对“运动规则”(技能)和“运动技术”的狭义理解,是在理论认识方面束缚体育教师放开手脚,以多种多样的形式实施素质教育和创新教育的枷锁。为此,本文提出,对“运动规则”和“运动技术”(技能)的理解应该由狭义走向广义。 相似文献
长久以来,小脑一直被认为是与认知无关的无意识或潜意识的身体运动控制的人脑所在区域,如本体感觉、身体平衡和动作协调。但是近年来,随着脑成像技术和计算机科学飞跃式的发展,研究人员能够用以前不可能的方式深入观察小脑的密集神经元,探索和发现小脑在身体运动、认知、情感和语言方面的真实作用,以及小脑疾病干预后的功能变化。本文通过对神经科学研究文献查阅和结果分析,总结近年来有关小脑运动与非运动功能研究的新发现和进展,并阐述这些研究新发现在运动技能学习与表现应用中的启示。 相似文献
论运动技术与运动技能的关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在学校体育学科中,有关运动技术与运动技能的关系问题一直以来是一个比较含糊的问题,本文认为:运动技术这一概念是体育学科、学校体育学科中不可忽略的一个重要概念,但它与运动技能的概念有着本质的区别。运动技能是经过人的学习而被人格化的运动技术。对运动技术人们宜用“学习”一词来表达。对运动技能宜用“掌握”来表达;目前学校体育中存在着学习的运动技术较多,掌握的运动技能较少的严重现象,本文针对这一问题进行了讨论。 相似文献
最近,听到了一些关于“运动技术”与“运动技能”这两个概念的不同理解,又学习了胡增荦老师2005年5月份在浙江富阳讲学时题为《形成课程新理论,实施体育新课程》的讲稿,对胡增荦老师讲稿中关于“运动技术”与“运动技能”的解释,颇感迷惑,胡老师在讲稿中对“运动技术”与“运动技能”是这样解释的: 相似文献
张晓菡 《体育科技文献通报》2020,(6):83-84
随着“文化强国,体育强国”的口号喊起,足以显示国家对体育运动的重视。时值中国建国七十周年的激动时刻,中国女排也成为了大家关注的重点,就在2019年9月29日女排以11胜0负的战绩夺得了女排世界杯的冠军。对于“女排精神”郎平说:女排精神不是赢得冠军,而是有时候知道不会赢,也竭尽全力。这句话就引发了在运动竞赛过程中,竞赛的挑战性和运动员技能水平对运动员的运动表现有什么影响。本研究运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等对50名足球社团的学生进行研究。结果表明:运动竞赛的高挑战性和运动员的高技能水平更有利于运动员运动表现的发挥。 相似文献
车晓波 《上海体育学院学报》2009,33(3)
在分析国内外相关研究的基础上,从运动技能表现认识论角度构建运动技能形成与发展的基本理论框架.建立符合体育教育训练学特征的运动技能构成框架、运动技能形成的基本理论特征、运动技能积累获得性的规律特征、运动技能扩散与创新性规律特征等,揭示运动技能形成与演化的一般规律特征. 相似文献
运用案例分析法,对体育课堂运动技术教法实施案例进行了分析,并从中寻找相关的问题,这些问题主要是:教法实施与教学重难点、教学目标的衔接问题;教学重难点与教学目标的合理性问题;教法(教与学法)安排合理性问题。在此基础上,提出了运动技术教法实施技能发展建议:在理论层面上提高教法认知水平;认真钻研教材、提高教法实效性;虚心求教与自我总结相结合、提升教法运用技能。 相似文献
篮球投篮教学训练中投篮运动技能是一项复杂的训练教学运动。而运动技能迁移现象又会影响学生的投篮运动技能,本文利用运动技能迁移的正迁移——克拉蒂(B.J.Cratty)运动技能的七个维度详细分析了如何增强学生投篮运动技能。 相似文献
Abstract The purposes of the present study were to evaluate transfer of movement education training to new skill performance and to evaluate skill improvement as a result of movement education and traditional training. The subjects were 47 first grade students who were in one of two classes. Each physical education class received one 30-minute class and one 20-minute class per week for 20 weeks. Subjects were taught movement principles either by a movement education approach or by a traditional approach. Johnson's Throw and Catch Test (1962) and a batting test for distance were used as pretests. These same tests were repeated as post tests in addition to two other tests which measured performance on striking and kicking distance and accuracy. Teaching approach groups were not significantly different on the latter two tests which measured the transfer of training effect. Traditional learning was better than movement education in developing throwing, catching, and batting performance. These results suggest that when one's objective is to teach a specific skill within a relatively short time period, a command style with demonstration is better than movement education. 相似文献
Abstract Schmidt's (1975) schema theory was tested with subjects who had to emit a rapid aiming response while wearing prism glasses. The glasses enabled them to view the target, but not their responding limb or the outcome of the movement. The problem was to determine the effect of (a) training with variable target practice, and (b) experiencing visual displacement information of the target, prior to training, on performance in transfer to a novel target distance. A 2 × 2 (type of practice × displacement information) factorial design was used, in which four groups of 15 male college subjects performed 60 training trials with verbal knowledge of results. The groups with variable target practice had less error on initial transfer to the novel target and throughout transfer than the groups with nonvariable target practice. No evidence was found to indicate that rate of learning for a novel target distance during transfer in the absence of KR is a positive function of the variability of target practice in training. Nor was any effect found for experiencing visual displacement information on performance in transfer. 相似文献
研究目的是在排球比赛中建立、发展和评价二维牵连技术运用性能的分析模型。结果显示:在第1步和第2步转换的二方面有明显的依赖关系,包括一个技术性能效果被前置技术性能质量高度影响。另外,我们预期作为排球运动中牵连技术性能分析的模型,将为运动科学作为范例和促进因素,去进一步调查其它运动性能方面的基础概率结构。 相似文献
运动技能形成过程中的突变性分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
邵桂华 《天津体育学院学报》2006,21(3):235-237
以尖顶突变模型为工具,研究学生运动技能形成的特点、形成的模式和连续突跳行为。研究表明,学生运动技能的形成具有多模态、不可达性、突跳、滞后性和发散性特点,其形成模式是一个试悟式学习模式与顿悟式学习模式相融合的过程。学生运动技能在不同层次上的渐变是导致高原点不断被突破,从而表现出连续突跳学习行为的主要原因。 相似文献
Abstract The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of a 2-min. isometric exercise training program on force and fatigue in a skeletal muscle. The subjects (N=60) were divided into two equal groups, control and experimental. The control group was tested twice, once at the beginning of the experiment and again after 20 days. The subjects in the experimental group were tested before embarked on a 20-day period of isometric training. held the tension for 2 min. in the morning and again in the afternoon. Periodic tests were on the 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th days. Large gains of initial strength were recorded on the 5th day. Isometric training continued beyond five days produced no significant gains in initial strength althoughe was a significant increase in isometric endurance. Isometric exercise continued longer than 15 days resulted in a significant decrease in initial strength and isometric endurance. 相似文献
体育市场中运动技能的法律保护 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
体育市场的发展为运动技能成为商品提供了前提条件。运动技能作为劳动力商品进行交易,应以劳动法为依据。同时,因运动技能习得、价值实现的特殊性,需要进一步健全和发展相应的法律制度加以保护。针对当前运动技能作为商品在使用环节上所存在的法律保护空缺,对运用著作权和“公开权”制度加以规范问题进行探讨。 相似文献
Arlene M. Morris Jean M. Williams Anne E. Atwater Jack H. Wilmore 《Research quarterly for exercise and sport》2013,84(3):214-221
Abstract This study examined the relationship of age and sex to the performance of 3, 4, 5, and 6 year olds on seven motor performance test items. Although significant age and sex differences were found on most of the motor tests, it appears that age generally was related more to performance than was gender. Overall, change with age was fairly linear except perhaps for balancing and a general tapering in improvement in the 5 to 6 year old category. On the tests of throwing and balancing, gender was as important as age, or more so, in its relationship to performance. Boys were superior to girls at all ages on the throwing tests; girls were superior to boys at age 6 on the Balance test. Gender differences of a lesser magnitude were found on the Speed Run and Standing Long Jump tests with the performance of boys generally being superior to the performance of girls. Thus, it appears that gender differences in motor performance occur as early as the preschool years. Interestingly, except for the Balance test, on all the tests the 3 and 4 year old boys performed similarly and the 5 and 6 year old boys performed similarly. For the girls there were more significant differences from year to year in performance, with the data generally indicating at least three distinct skill groups for girls from age 3 to 6. 相似文献
元认知能力对运动技能学习影响的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、实验法等,对元认知能力对运动技能的影响作了初步研究,结果表明:元认知能力高的大学生运动成绩也高,元认知能力低的大学生运动成绩相对要低,高元认知水平对运动成绩的影响比低元认知水平要大。 相似文献
运动技能作为一种主要和程序性知识相对应的学习与内隐学习有着密切联系。因此,将内隐学习引入运动技能教学中,驱动运动技能中的内隐学习,并按照运动技能的内隐学习和外显学习的关系来调整教学,不仅能发挥内隐学习的优势效应,使训练更加科学化、效益化,而且还能够激发学习者或者运动员的运动潜能、创造性,从而提高运动技能学习的效率。 相似文献