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在国家层面建立能力本位学习成果导向的国家资历框架,是德国推进职业教育与普通教育等值、构建现代职业教育体系的战略举措。梳理和总结德国国家资历框架的发展历程及其结构要素,分析德国职业教育与培训领域资格标准的开发路径,对于我国构建和实施国家资历框架具有明确的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

艺术教育是实施素质教育、实现人才全面发展不可或缺的重要内容,公共艺术课程作为高职普及性艺术教育,选择适于高职学生对象和教学要求的艺术课程构架非常必要,如何构建一个具有科学性、系统性、可操作性、有效性的高职公共艺术课程框架迫切需要研究与实践。在研究与实践的基础上,提出了高职公共艺术课程构架,并分析研究了实践效果。  相似文献   

The genesis of this article is based on the observation by the authors that the French training system has witnessed an evolution since the 1970s that corresponds to the one that was later recommended by the European authorities, i.e.:
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    the creation of a national qualifications framework that integrates general and vocational training and initial and continuing education;


In this article, a general model and specific program that expand traditional behavioral consultation training are presented. The training program involves five interrelated components: (a) procedural and content skills, (b) role and relationship considerations, (c) entry/systems issues, (d) field-based experience, and (e) peer supervision. As a system, each component is necessary but not sufficient in the development of consulting expertise. Likewise, each component is subsumed by one or more components that encompass this broader framework. A theoretical rationale, model for implementation, and future training and research directions are also presented.  相似文献   

The current study seeks to introduce a new pedagogical design for geo-informatics courses using an e-training support system. Laurillard’s conversational approach based on conceptual representation for both instructor and learner was used to form the framework. As the current study specifically interested in training as a special form for learning, so, we sought methods and strategies to integrate requirements of both company and employee into the design of training programs. Therefore, a competency perspective was adopted into the conversational framework to use learning design that leads to learning activities tightly related to the needs of the company and employee. The above framework has been developed with special consideration to the underpinning pedagogical principles and the needs of lifelong learning that continues after the training has been completed. The implementation of the developed framework needs a special computerized system, so an e-training support system (ETSS) was developed to realize the framework. ETSS is an open source and standard-based infrastructure to enable and foster competence development and exchange of learning activities and learning units. Although the domain of the current study focuses on geo-informatics, ETSS is applicable to any other domain. The developed framework through its ETSS implementation were evaluated in a typical training environment. The results indicated that the best method in training was the training with the developed system with 91.5 % in comparison with the traditional training method with 81.4 %.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的职业教育独具特色,通过实地参观、驻校调研与澳方教育界同仁面对面交流,身临其境地了解了澳大利亚教育管理体制、职业教育质量保障体系及其执行机制,获得了有益的启示和值得借鉴的经验。如澳大利亚职业教育与培训在国家培训框架的规范下,从教育与培训机构的准入、教育与培训输出质量、职业资质与文凭的互认流动,课程内容与开发的要求等方面都实现了标准化。国家层面统一的职业教育体制建设与质量培训框架的建立对提振澳职业教育与培训至关重要,是根本,澳大利亚的国家培训框架的建设,从根本上改观了其职业教育与培训的局面;好的质量框架制定后得到有效的执行是职业教育与培训事业良性发展的关键。TAFE学院的自我约束,严格按框架标准做,是提供高质量职业教育与培训的重要保证。  相似文献   


This article aims to describe the general framework of the teacher training system and its recent reform in Japan. As elsewhere, Japanese society is moving into an era of mass higher education provision. Since initial teacher training is provided by universities, the reform of teacher training is a part of the higher education restructuring that is also under way. At the same time, Japan is facing educational problems in compulsory education. The Educational Personnel Training Council of Japan is recommending reforms, which attempt to create a new type of teacher to cope with these educational problems. This opens the way for the Japanese state to develop more direct control over the curriculum and assessment of teaching staff in universities. The Ministry of Education is attempting to develop new control methods of 'Evaluative State' strategies. The reform of teacher education system exemplifies this shift.  相似文献   

运用寺田盛纪1998年创立的“二历史轴、三或四维度”职业教育比较研究模型,对日本的职业教育和培训进行分析后认为,要想应对日本职业教育和培训面临的挑战,必须采取以下措施:为普通教育和职业教育学生建立平等的职业生涯发展途径;建立职业资格框架;建立高等职业教育体系并提升其地位;改善中等职业教育;为促进劳动力的国际流动,亚洲国家要建立一体化的中等职业教育体系.  相似文献   

1995年澳大利亚建立了职业教育与培训的国家资格框架体系,全国统一的国家资格证书和互认的学分制使澳大利亚的职业教育与普通教育、高等教育最大限度地实现了"交互式"融通。TAFE学院为职业教育与培训的主体机构,课程面向职前、职后及不同年龄段人士设置,专业教师有3至5年的行业工作经历。行业协会参与职业教育的决策和管理,负责教学质量评估。澳洲政府出台并实施了一系列职业教育法规,政府投资占职业教育投资总额的97%。  相似文献   

发达国家资历框架的建设取得了显著的成就,具体表现在架起了职业教育人才培养制度与企业聘用制度之间的桥梁,畅通了技术技能型人才的上升通道;进一步完善了职业教育人才培养体系;有力地推动了职业教育的课程改革和产教融合。总结发达国家资历框架建设的先进经验,可归纳为:基于学习成果导向构建资历框架标准体系、彰显证书整合功能、吸引多元利益相关者参与、注重职业资格与学历资格等值沟通。我国应借鉴发达国家建设经验,建立以学习成果为导向的综合性资格框架标准体系,推进多元主体参与的国家资格框架组织建设,完善非正规与非正式学习认证制度,构建普职等值机制。  相似文献   

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