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本文从:(一)影响运动员心理活动的因素;(二)马术运动员三种不同的心理模式;(三)适宜比赛的心理状态,模式三个方面对马术运动员赛前心理状态进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等对马、赛马和马术运动符号象征意义进行描述。认为:马术运动是典型人与马默契配合,达到和谐展示"人马共同体"力与美的竞技运动项目,具有促进国家、民族、族群良性互动交流的共享功能;人马互动能产生节日庆典欢乐氛围聚集效应,对民族文化资源保护与传承、民族关系和谐与民族经济发展具有促进功能;面对当前马术运动将列入国际奥委会推行的"瘦身计划",应体现中国民族文化特质,走中国特色的马术发展之路,从竞技规范层、旅游资源开发层、保护原生常态层面和科研教学层出发,以促进中国马术的科学健康发展。  相似文献   

以102名优秀运动员为被试,进行训练比赛满意感、心理疲劳和运动动机的测量,以检验运动员的训练比赛满意感与运动动机的关系以及心理疲劳在两者之间的中介作用。研究发现:1)运动员训练比赛满意感与运动动机之间存在显著的正相关,训练比赛满意感对运动动机具有显著的正向预测作用;2)体力/情感耗竭在运动员训练比赛满意感与运动动机之间起完全中介作用;3)运动负评价在训练比赛满意感与运动动机之间具有显著的中介作用。可通过有效缓解与降低运动员的心理疲劳来提高训练比赛满意感对运动动机的积极效应。  相似文献   

辛喜 《西藏体育》2005,(2):22-22
多年在北京训练的西藏马术障碍队2005年上半年参加国内外马术障碍比赛,取得较好成绩,锻炼了队伍,积累了经验,运动技术水平不断提高。参加国际一星级马术障碍赛获两个第六名3月21日下午,从国际一星级马术障碍赛闭幕式上传来消息,中国西藏马术障碍队获得两个第6名。代表中国参加“国际一星级马术障碍赛”的西藏马术障碍队,是3月17日离开北京,18日上午到达印度藩那市的。参加比赛的西藏运动员有宇宏、格桑平措、扎西等3人,由马术队队长达瓦顿珠带队。  相似文献   

高级运动员的专项特殊能力系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据现代系统学及人机系统原理,研究优秀运动员掌握与发挥专项技术的心理生理状态演化规律,提出了高级运动员人-器械系统运动中的专项特殊能力一体感,一体感态、一体感态意识、一体感功能态和一体感竞技功能态的理论,及挖掘运动员专项一体感能力潜力的系统方法;论证了世界著名运动员在重大国际比赛中技术发挥失常与一体感竞技功能态微机制受破坏的因果关系;揭示了运动员专项特珠能力系统结构和功能状态演变的共同特征和规律,及其与运动技术和运动成绩的关系。  相似文献   

辛喜 《西藏体育》2006,(4):22-22
10月14日,2006凤凰杯全国马术场地障碍精英赛总决赛在北京西坞乡村马术俱乐部举行。参加本次比赛的选手是经过2006年全国马术锦标赛、全国马术精英赛分站赛选拔,积分排名在16名的运动员,国内最顶尖高手尽数汇聚此间。西藏运动员宇宏、扎西分别以第9和第14的积分参加了比赛。  相似文献   

现代马术运动源起现代马术运动始于英国(图1,英国),后发展到欧洲(图2,摩纳哥)、北美洲(图3,美国)、大洋洲(图4,澳大利亚)、亚洲(图5,日本)等地区。顾名思义,马术离不开马,这是一种人和马相互配合的运动,包括骑乘、驾驭和翻越障碍等相关竞技运动,可称得上是世界上最困难、最具挑战性的一项体育运动(图6—11)。骑师在马背上策马奔驰的竞技性比赛早在公元前648年的古代奥运会上就已经出现,当时马鞍并未发明,骑手需要高超的技巧与勇气(图12、13)。  相似文献   

我国马术运动员速度感测评研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对马术运动员速度感进行测评,为我国马术运动员心理选材和心理训练提供理论依据。采用《马术运动员心理诊断系统》对28名运动员(其中包括6名国家队队员)进行了4种实验条件下的速度感测试,并对其进行数理分析。结果显示:实验小球在变速运动条件下运动员速度感的准确性显著高于匀速运动条件下的准确性;在设置距离相同时,实验小球匀速运动使速度感准确性高于变速运动时,短距离速度感准确性高于长距离时的准确性;国家队队员速度感的准确性显著高于一般队员;实验小球无论在何种空间倾斜角度运动时,都会影响速度感的准确性,但是不同倾斜角度之间差异显著;马术运动员速度感准确性受其运动水平的影响。  相似文献   

程郁 《新体育》2012,(2):76-77
马术运动是一项贵族运动,盛行欧美,近年来随着中国经济的高速发展,马术运动在中国也进入高速发展阶段。马术运动一旦上升到奥运级别,买马、养马、运马、赛马的费用便高得惊人。能参加奥运会的马,多数价格在千万人民币以上,养、训、运的费用也极昂贵。中国马术发展走了一条有中国特色的路,各个档次的马术俱乐部如雨后春笋般出现在神州大地,大手笔与国际接轨的有之,小成本运作的也不少。总体说来,马术在中国发展的趋势是好的,但需要完善的细节更多。  相似文献   

香港马会斥资十二亿多港元,融合赛马和马术运动,为北京奥运及残奥会马术比赛提供的场地和后勤设施·将较过去历届更加先进和完美。奥运马术主赛场内的观众看台,可容纳近一万八千名观众。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of weight restrictions on physiological function and bone health in a group of horse racing jockeys. Twenty-seven elite male jockeys participated in this study (17 flat jockeys; 10 national hunt jockeys). Participants completed a range of measurements including anthropometry, hydration analysis, bone mineral density assessment, and musculoskeletal screening. Fifty-nine percent of flat and 40% of national hunt jockeys showed osteopenia in one or more of the total body, hip or spine scans. Mean urine-specific gravity (Usg) values revealed moderate dehydration on a non-race day (Usg = 1.022 ± 0.005 and 1.021 ± 0.007 for flat and national hunt jockeys respectively). Analysis of a number of flat jockeys (n = 11) revealed marked dehydration on an official race day (Usg = 1.028 ± 0.005). Sixty-four percent of participants reported a current injury at the time of assessment. Our results reveal some worrying trends within this population. Further research is required to examine the effects of current weight control practices typically used by jockeys on both physiological and cognitive function as well as health and performance.  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法,分析研究我国古代马术的起源、发展以及演变过程,旨在概括我国马术运动的发展和前景展望.主要结论有:马术在中国古代则称作骑术,具有悠久的历史,是一项重要的体育运动,包括赛马,还有马戏等.中国古代的马术,主要是由于生产生活需要、战争需要、精神娱乐需要等方面发展起来的.建议:我国应充分利用自然的区位优势,良好的传统优势、广泛的群众基础、优质的马匹资源、丰富的饲养资源.如新疆、内蒙古等省区,从古至今马匹与当地人民生产、生活息息相关,优势得天独厚,为现代马术运动的发展提供了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

Jockeys regularly engage in rapid weight-loss practices in preparation for competition. These practices are thought to impair cognitive function, although the evidence in support of this theory remains inconclusive. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of making-weight on cognitive function in apprentice jockeys in a simulated and competitive environment. Apprentice jockeys (n = 12) reduced their body mass by 4% in 48 h in a simulated environment using weight-loss methods typically adopted in preparation for racing. Simple and choice reaction time, attention, learning and memory were assessed before and after the weight loss. A further 10 apprentice jockeys performed the cognitive function assessment in a competitive racing environment at both a self-reported “normal” and “light” body mass. Hydration status and body mass were assessed in all trials. In the simulated environment, body mass was reduced by 4.2 ± 0.3%, yet no change in cognitive function was observed. Cognitive function also remained unchanged in the competitive environment after a body mass loss of 5.7 ± 1.9%. Typical reductions in body mass in preparation for racing have no effect on cognitive function in apprentice jockeys in a simulated and competitive environment. Further research is required to investigate the physiological mechanisms preventing the adverse effects of making-weight on cognitive function in jockeys.  相似文献   

Weight-making practices have been shown to impair musculoskeletal and physiological function of jockeys. This study investigated the “in-race” heart rate (HR) responses and hydration status during competitive racing, as well as selected physiological and lifestyle parameters of professional jockeys based in Hong Kong. “In-race” HR responses and early morning hydration status of 20 male jockeys were examined in hot and moderate climactic occasions. Additionally, bone mineral density (BMD), dietary intake and lifestyle choices were assessed. Osteopenia was observed in the calcanei of jockeys (left: 0.51 ± 0.06; right: 0.46 ± 0.12 g · cm?2). Energy and protein intake were significantly lower on a race day compared to a non-race day (P < 0.05). “In-race” HRmax values were similar to those from VO2max laboratory tests (186 ± 14 vs. 185 ± 8 bpm). Hypohydration was observed on both racing days. (USG: 1.0247 ± 0.006 and 1.0256 ± 0.0258 mg · L?1 for hot and moderate conditions, respectively). Sauna usage (25.5%) and food restriction (20.4%) were the most common weight-making practices. Current lifestyle choices of jockeys result in suboptimal bone health, hydration status and nutritional intake, which can significantly enhance the fracture risk. Further research should develop exercise and nutrition guidelines for optimising their skeletal health.  相似文献   

民族传统体育马上运动制胜因素的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用多种研究方法并结合四川省马术队的发展,对少数民族传统体育——马上运动有关项目的制胜因素进行系统研究,得出以下结论:快、准、稳和协调性是马上运动制胜的关键因素,科学选材是制胜的先决条件,系统训练是制胜的基本要求,营养、伤病防治与恢复措施是制胜的重要保障,充分的赛前准备和科学的管理机制是不容忽视的制胜要求。  相似文献   

We examined the psychological effects of rapid weight loss among a sample of 41 professional jockeys (mean age 30.9 years, s = 7.0). Participants completed the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) and the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) to establish the relationships between rapid weight loss, mood, and attitudes towards eating. These instruments were administered on three occasions: at the jockeys' minimal weight (achieved through rapid weight loss), their optimal riding weight (when they were not excessively restricting their weight and felt healthy), and their relaxed weight (when there were no forthcoming light rides or no rides at all). It was hypothesized that when riding at minimal weight, jockeys would record a more negative mood profile compared with scores recorded at optimal or relaxed weights. The same trend was expected for eating attitudes. These hypotheses were supported as jockeys reported significantly more negative mood profiles and eating attitudes at minimal weight. The EAT-26 scores indicated the presence of disordered attitudes towards eating at this weight. These results suggest that jockeys' endeavours to reach the minimum weight limit stipulated by governing bodies are likely to jeopardize their psychological well-being. Dialogue surrounding the appropriateness of current weight regulations is therefore encouraged.  相似文献   

Olympic equestrian sport has to date evolved through three distinct phases of development. The genesis of equestrian sport in the modern Olympics began in 1900 and was predominantly shaped by military influences until 1948. Pre-1900 equestrian sport existed in various forms around the world primarily to develop and practice skills of hunting and warfare. At this time, equestrian sport lacked governance and internationally standardized rules. This paper’s aim is to explore the influence of the military on the first phase of equestrian sport development in the Olympic Games between 1900 and 1948 with regards to their format and rules. Through thematic analysis of the narratives evident in the literature, we highlight influential military developments/changes that occurred outside the confines of sport, and place the sociocultural development of equestrianism within this framework. This reconstructive approach has enabled us to highlight the relevance of the military influence on the development of equestrian sport. Through the identification and analysis of perceptions of Olympic equestrianism, which are centred upon the Eurocentric, military-influenced development of the sport, the paper also discusses implicit and explicit references to, and the relevance of, masculinity elitism and social class, along with issues of amateurism and professionalism.  相似文献   


We examined the psychological effects of rapid weight loss among a sample of 41 professional jockeys (mean age 30.9 years, s = 7.0). Participants completed the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) and the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) to establish the relationships between rapid weight loss, mood, and attitudes towards eating. These instruments were administered on three occasions: at the jockeys' minimal weight (achieved through rapid weight loss), their optimal riding weight (when they were not excessively restricting their weight and felt healthy), and their relaxed weight (when there were no forthcoming light rides or no rides at all). It was hypothesized that when riding at minimal weight, jockeys would record a more negative mood profile compared with scores recorded at optimal or relaxed weights. The same trend was expected for eating attitudes. These hypotheses were supported as jockeys reported significantly more negative mood profiles and eating attitudes at minimal weight. The EAT-26 scores indicated the presence of disordered attitudes towards eating at this weight. These results suggest that jockeys' endeavours to reach the minimum weight limit stipulated by governing bodies are likely to jeopardize their psychological well-being. Dialogue surrounding the appropriateness of current weight regulations is therefore encouraged.  相似文献   

While the traditional equestrian disciplines of dressage and show jumping are losing members, other equestrian sports have become established in Germany and are enjoying increasing popularity. This empirical study examines the background behind this trend. A total of 1,814 horse riders were asked about their motives for riding. By applying factor and cluster analysis, a typology of riders was developed in order to reveal differences in motives between these groups. The performance-orientated riders are more represented in the classic equestrian disciplines, while the newer equestrian disciplines are mostly dominated by motives of pleasure. Overall, there is a clear trend towards more relaxation, recreation and self-fulfillment in equestrian sports. The desire to achieve success and to compete with others in one’s leisure time only remains important for a small proportion of riders. Therefore, riding clubs must try to balance the demands of performance-oriented and leisure riders and apply target group marketing to expand and to secure their member base.  相似文献   

满喜  郑松玲 《湖北体育科技》2013,32(4):340-341,355
利用红外光点测试系统对国家优秀马术运动员和普通学生的静、动态平衡动作进行测试与研究,探讨马术运动对人体动、静态平衡能力的影响。  相似文献   

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