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G821.3,HL006 9900744对中外竞走技术中腾空犯规临界点的生物力学研究[HL,中,A]/杨金田,葛长玉,李东河,张维寿//第五届全国体育科学大会论文摘要汇编.-1997.-416(XG)竞走//技术//腾空//犯规//生物力学//步长//步  相似文献   

我国优秀女子竞走运动员竞走技术的生物力学分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用摄像及录像解析等研究方法 ,对我国优秀女子竞走运动员的技术进行生物力学研究与分析。研究表明 ,我国女子竞走运动员的步长、步频、着地角及支撑腿各阶段的膝角合理 ,但身体重心上下起伏偏大 (>5cm) ,并且单步腾空时间在模糊腾空时限 ,如果竞走技术不连贯、协调、轻松 ,容易造成犯规 ,需要在以后的训练中予以纠正。  相似文献   

G821.146,HL006 9902131竞走运动员技术犯规的生物力学成因的研究(HL,中,A)/李卫,李建臣//第五届全国体育科学大会论文摘要汇编.-1997.-423(XG)竞走//技术//犯规//运动生物力学//力学分析//模型//影响因素//重心//角度//支撑从生物力学角度对运动员技术犯规的成因进行分析研究。讨论了以下几个问题:1、竞走新规则要求运动员每走  相似文献   

在竞走比赛过程中竞走运动员的技术是否犯规,按田径竞赛规则规定有两条,概括地说,一是“腾空”(两脚同时离开地面变成直腿跑),二是“曲腿”(支撑腿膝关节没有伸直)。在竞走比赛中,裁判员判处竞走运动员的技术动作犯规时,往往又是在哪个问题上产生分歧呢?从我区过去的竞走裁判工作实践中来看,主要是判处竞走运动员在“腾空”技术动作犯规这个与跑的根本区别的问题上,最容易产生意见分歧。多年来,在我  相似文献   

采用文献资料和现场观察等研究方法,对1995年世界杯竞走赛运动员技术犯规进行了统计。结果表明,高水平的世界竞走比赛,运动员的技术犯规主要是腾空。比赛距离越短,腾空犯规的比例越高,如女子10km竞走,腾空犯规率高达88.1%,而饮水、用水站处,则是发生腾空犯规的易发区。  相似文献   

竞走犯规包括屈膝和腾空。腾空是指竞走双支撑阶段双脚同时离开地面。竞走比赛中,运动员经常出现因腾空犯规而被罚下场。如何有效地控制竞走腾空呢?我们的做法供大家参考。 竞走下肢动作分前支撑阶段、后支撑阶段、后摆阶段和前摆阶段。竞走腾空必然出现高重心,要防止腾空,就要降低重心。为了使重心降低,一方面要使后摆阶段的脚要低收低摆;另一方面在前摆阶段脚要尽量贴近地面。最重要的是,要控制前摆腿的膝关节高度,其离地高度为接近小腿长高度。做好了这几  相似文献   

女子竞走运动员蒋秋艳竞走技术的生物力学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用摄像及录像解析等研究方法,对天津师范大学优秀女子竞走运动员蒋秋艳的技术进行生物力学研究与分析。研究表明,蒋秋艳的步长、步频、足触地角度及支撑腿各阶段的膝角合理,单步腾空时间在模糊腾空时限,但身体重心上下起伏偏大(>5cm),容易造成犯规,需要在以后的训练中予以纠正。  相似文献   

腾空是竞走运动犯规的主要表现形式之一。腾空是指竞走双支撑阶段双脚同时离开地面。竞走比赛中,在速度一定的前提下,腾空时间越长,步长就越大;腾空时间越长,支撑时间相对缩短,步频也就相对增加;腾空时间过长,会影响步频的进一步提高。因此,适宜的腾空时间有利于产生较快的速度。但是,腾空时间过长,很容易被判罚腾空犯规而被罚下场。如何有效地控制竞走腾空呢?下面我们对竞走腾空产生的原因及纠正方法加以论述。  相似文献   

本文使用“运动录像解析仪”,对1988年全国春季竞走比赛,不同组别各项前三名和部分犯规运动员的竞走技术进行了解析,通过分析研究,指出了竞走腾空过程与合理腾空的时间,以及我国运动员腾空时间过长的原因,等等。  相似文献   

为探索和研究青少年运动员在训练期间技术动作的变化规律与发展趋势,对宝鸡市国家田径竞走奥林匹克高水平后备人才基地4名女子运动员训练期间的竞走技术进行影像拍摄和生物力学分析。通过训练发现:运动员步幅显著增加,步频逐渐降低;单步腾空时间、身体重心和头顶垂直位移都有显著性增高;躯干角度与膝关节角度达到标准;后蹬阶段踝关节的角度变化与着地脚仰角度均有明显增高。4名运动员的步幅、步频发展趋于世界优秀运动员步幅大,步频小的特征;没有明显犯规动作,但腾空时间较高,处于模糊腾空时限;运动员的下肢力量薄弱,运动幅度不够理想,需要在以后的训练中着重加强针对性练习。  相似文献   

当今高校体育发展趋向社会化方向,社会体育成为高校体育的有益补充。文章通过对黑龙江省社会体育的发展现状和高校体育设施情况的调研,阐释黑龙江省高校体育与社会体育接轨具有促进黑龙江省高校体育的社会化、增强黑龙江省高校大学生体育意识的重要意义。并指出黑龙江省高校体育与社会体育接轨的路径为:创新社会化理念;建构个性化的体育教学形式和内容;共享体育设施资源;发挥社会体育指导员在黑龙江省体育发展中的联结作用。这对推动黑龙江省高校体育教学改革具有指导性意义。  相似文献   

我国优秀女子足球运动员比赛负荷特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用文献资料研究法和观察统计等方法对1996 年全国女子足球锦标赛决赛和全国奥林匹克青年足球锦标赛决赛进行了调查和统计。笔者着重对女子足球运动员比赛时间负荷特征和体能活动特征进行分析和研究。认为,在持续比赛时间短,强度大的女子足球比赛中,磷酸元供能系统在供能体系中起着重要的作用。另外我国女子足球运动员比赛中快跑和冲刺距离和次数均偏低,因此在体能训练中应加强跑动能力的训练。  相似文献   

文章采用调查法等研究方法对新疆范围内三所警察院校散打运动场地、器材、师资力量等软硬件设施以及参加训练人数、性别比例进行调查、汇总、比较分析,运用数理统计法对新疆范围内三所警察院校360名学员的5项运动指标进行测试并统计分析。综合以上数据,对新疆范围内察院校以至普通院校开展散打运动提出可行性建议。  相似文献   


Students (N = 104) enrolled in four low fitness, one middle fitness, and one high fitness class in basic physical education classes at the University of Connecticut participated in a 4-week program of isometric exercises done with an adjustable nylon belt which was stabilized against various body segments. Low, middle, and high fitness classes were compared in the amount of improvement made in the 5 items in which significant gains had been made. The MWF classes which did 30 min. of isometric exercises for 12 class meetings were compared to the TTh classes which met for 8 class meetings and which did the same isometric exercise program and in addition did stretching exercises and ran a mile.

When all groups were treated together, mean gains of 1.1 in. in the vertical jump, .74 sec. in the agility run, .17 sec. in the 30-yd. dash, 151.9 lb. in the leg lift, and 57.0 lb. in the back lift were made. These were all significant at the 0.005 to the 0.0005 level. Small but significant gains were made in right and left grip, the Fait endurance hang, and the 380-yd. run. The low fitness classes made greater improvements in the leg lift, the vertical jump, and the agility run than did the middle or high fitness groups. The high fitness class made greater improvements in the back lift and in the 30-yd. dash than did the low or middle fitness classes. The classes which did only isometric exercises for a half-hour three times each week for 4½ weeks made greater mean gains in the vertical jump, the agility run, the 30-yd. dash and the back lift than did the classes which met for 60-min. periods twice each week for 4½ weeks and did stretching exercises and running in addition to the isometric exercises. However, the latter made greater gains in the leg lift.  相似文献   

This paper examines how films produced in the USA in the past 10 years and featuring the coaching of youth sport, represent the issue of touch during instruction and training. Touch in such films is figured in diverse ways ranging from pats of reassurance and hugs of congratulation to cuffs of disapprobation. Touch is also occasionally depicted differently, dependent upon the ethnicity and gender of the central characters in specific films. These distinctions are evaluated for what they reveal about the nuances of understandings of touch in film portrayals of sport education in American high schools. The difficulty of interpreting physical contact between coaches and athletes in these films, and what this reveals about the problem of policing touch in general in educational settings, is explored. Finally, the paper examines how the films expose the intricacy of tactile encounters in ways that challenge the judiciousness of risk-averse ‘no-touch’ policies and practices in sports coaching.  相似文献   

竞技体育人才培养投入与产出效益研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究表明,各省(自治区、直辖市)在十运会周期,竞技体育人才培养投入比九运会周期有所增加,除个别省(自治区、直辖市)外.经济发达地区增幅高于经济发展中地区,经济发展中地区增幅高于经济欠发达地区.总投入、人均投入经济发达地区占绝对优势.优秀人才产出经济发达地区较高,经济发展中地区略高,经济欠发达地区略低,但四川省较高;健将级人才产出状况也类似.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of time of day on the adaptation to strength training at maximal effort. Fourteen participants took part in this experiment. Their peak anaerobic power (Wingate anaerobic test) and peak knee extension torque at six angular velocities (1.05, 2.10, 3.14, 4.19, 5.24 and 6.29 rad x s(-1)) were recorded in the morning (between 07:00 and 08:00 h) and in the evening (between 17:00 and 18:00 h) just before and 2 weeks after a 6 week course of regular training. Seven of them trained only in the morning and seven only in the evening. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant group x pre-/post-training x time of day interaction effect for peak torque and peak anaerobic power. Before training, in both groups, peak torque and peak anaerobic power were significantly higher in the evening than in the morning. After training, there was no significant difference in peak torque and peak anaerobic power between the morning and the evening for the morning training group. In contrast, in the evening training group, peak torque and peak anaerobic power were higher in the evening than in the morning. As a result of training, both peak torque and peak anaerobic power increased from their initial values as expected. The morning training group improved their peak anaerobic power significantly in the morning and in the evening, the absolute increase being larger in the morning than in the evening. The evening training group did not improve their peak anaerobic power in the morning, whereas it improved significantly in the evening. Although peak torque was significantly improved by training in the morning and evening in both groups, the absolute increase was greater in the morning than in the evening in the morning training group, whereas the opposite was the case for the evening training group. These results suggest that training twice a week at a specific hour increases the peak torque and the peak anaerobic power specifically at this hour and demonstrates that there is a temporal specificity to strength training.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of time of day on the adaptation to strength training at maximal effort. Fourteen participants took part in this experiment. Their peak anaerobic power (Wingate anaerobic test) and peak knee extension torque at six angular velocities (1.05, 2.10, 3.14, 4.19, 5.24 and 6.29 rad · s -1 ) were recorded in the morning (between 07:00 and 08:00 h) and in the evening (between 17:00 and 18:00 h) just before and 2 weeks after a 6 week course of regular training. Seven of them trained only in the morning and seven only in the evening. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed a significant group 2 pre-/post-training 2 time of day interaction effect for peak torque and peak anaerobic power. Before training, in both groups, peak torque and peak anaerobic power were significantly higher in the evening than in the morning. After training, there was no significant difference in peak torque and peak anaerobic power between the morning and the evening for the morning training group. In contrast, in the evening training group, peak torque and peak anaerobic power were higher in the evening than in the morning. As a result of training, both peak torque and peak anaerobic power increased from their initial values as expected. The morning training group improved their peak anaerobic power significantly in the morning and in the evening, the absolute increase being larger in the morning than in the evening. The evening training group did not improve their peak anaerobic power in the morning, whereas it improved significantly in the evening. Although peak torque was significantly improved by training in the morning and evening in both groups, the absolute increase was greater in the morning than in the evening in the morning training group, whereas the opposite was the case for the evening training group. These results suggest that training twice a week at a specific hour increases the peak torque and the peak anaerobic power specifically at this hour and demonstrates that there is a temporal specificity to strength training.  相似文献   

张剑 《体育科研》2012,33(6):8-9
摘要:改革开放三十多年来,虽然中国体育尤其是竞技体育取得了举世瞩目的成就,但是发展中仍存在一些不足。要实现中国体育的可持续发展,就必须转变发展观念和发展方式,并建立现代化的体育治理模式,而法治则是中国体育现代化的必由之路。尽管从1995年《中华人民共和国体育法》发布实施以来,中国的体育立法取得了很大的进展,但是在一些领域仍然滞后,特别是面对体育的社会化、产业化带来的新问题反应比较慢。因此,社会管理和市场管理是加强体育立法的重要方向。管理机构应该围绕权利和秩序这两个着眼点,完善体育立法,健全救济机制。体育仲裁问题成为当前国内体育法研究和体育制度建设中的一个热门话题,已有多名来自中国的仲裁员参与了国际体育仲裁庭的仲裁事务。国际体育仲裁制度的建立和发展,是对国际体育秩序的完善,同时它对各国国内体育救济机制的完善也具有指导和推动作用。  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、数理统计、逻辑归纳等研究法,对中外十项全能选手运动成绩表现特征进行剖析.结果显示,中国选手在单项得分对总分贡献率上与世界基本一致,体现了以速度为主的特点,在快速力量、速度耐力等项目上与世界相比存在较大差距.从4大类项对总分贡献率看,中外选手均按跑、跳、投、耐力顺序排列,中国与世界选手的成绩差距不是某单个运动子项的制约,而是体现在跑、跳、投3大项上的全面不足.最后提出了中国十项全能运动发展方向,旨在从中外十项全能选手的成绩特征差异剖析我国运动员成绩提高模式.  相似文献   

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