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孙泊  刘宇  李海鹏 《体育科学》2012,32(9):17-22
目的:研究走、跑模式下健康成年男子单位时间单位体重的能量消耗与运动速度的相关关系以及单位距离单位体重的能量消耗与运动速度的相关关系;探讨相同速度走、跑两种不同的运动模式下能量消耗特征;方法:19名男性大学生作为研究对象。使用跑台控制速度,采用走、跑两种运动模式,每一速度至少测试6min,以速度递增的方式进行测试,走、跑模式转换时休息至安静状态。使用VO2000测试安静以及运动中的气体代谢参数,PO-LAR表测试心率;结果:建立走模式以及跑模式下的能量消耗与速度之间的拟合方程;单位时间单位体重的能耗与走速二次曲线拟合方程的复相关系数r2=0.88;单位时间单位体重的能耗与跑速线性拟合方程的复相关系数r2=0.72;两条拟合曲线的交点坐标为(2.35m/s,141.7cal/kg/min);在测试速度范围之内,同等速度下走与跑的单位时间的能耗具有显著性差异(P<0.01),跑的能耗显著大于走的能耗。单位距离单位体重的能耗与走速的2次拟合曲线的复相关系数r2=0.98,曲线最低点的坐标为(1.14m/s,0.553cal/kg/m),单位距离单位体重的平均能耗与跑速拟合曲线的复相关系数r2=0.68;结论:1)单位时间单位体重的能耗与走速呈二次曲线关系,单位时间单位体重的能耗与跑速呈线性递增关系;2)单位距离单位体重的能耗与走速呈"U"型曲线关系;单位距离单位体重的能耗与跑速呈线性递减趋势,说明在一定速度范围内随着跑速的增加单位距离单位体重的能耗降低。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法通过对我国3名短跑运动员(运动健将)的不同距离途中跑最快运动速度进行测试,实验方式为: 1、测试实验对象行进间30m跑时的每10m分段时间、步数、跑完100米后3-5min内的每分钟血乳  相似文献   

目的:了解登楼梯能量消耗状况以及探讨能耗测量和计算方法.方法:30名受试者登12层楼(每级台阶高度16 cm,共204级台阶,垂直距离32.6 m),每位受试者以90步/min和100步/min的步频上下两次楼梯.在登楼梯过程中,通过便携式肺功能仪(德国CORTEX MgtaMax 3B)测量受试者的摄氧量、通气量、能耗、心率、呼吸商、氧脉搏等指标.结果:上下楼梯的能量消耗比是2.7;1;在一定步频范围内,随着步频的提高,能耗相应增加,两者呈线性关系.以90~100步/min上下楼梯可以代表日常登楼速度;以90~100步/min登12层楼的运动时间不到3 min,多数受试者的能耗、心率等生理指标经过快速上升期后进入稳定状态;登楼梯的能耗值有明显的年龄和性别差异,20岁组男性显著高于50岁组男性和20岁组女性;利用多项式回归建立的登楼梯能耗预测方程,能够准确反映日常爬不同楼层的能量消耗值.  相似文献   

步行和日常体力活动能量消耗的推算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
戴剑松  李靖  顾忠科  孙飙 《体育科学》2006,26(11):91-95
目的:研究不同步速下行走时的能量消耗水平,进而推导出根据计步器参数推算步行能耗和一日总能耗的方程,以期为进一步开发计步器功能提供参考依据。方法:研究对象为在校大学生共计30名(男性15名,女性15名)。受试者身体右侧平肚脐锁骨中线处和腋前线交点处分别佩带计步器,在跑台上分别以3.2、4.8、6.4、8.1、9.7 km/h 5种速度步行800 m,记录计步器计数和实际步数,通过间接热量法测试步行代谢情况。佩带计步器一周,记录每日计步器计数,每日填写Bouchard体力活动日记。结论:以不低于正常步速行走时,计步器可以精确记录步数,放置位置不同对步数记录无影响。随着速度加快,步频加快,步幅加大,单位能耗增加。但在完成相同距离步行时,运动强度(速度)不同,总热量消耗不完全一致,能量消耗不仅与单位能耗有关,运动时间也是重要的因素。根据计步器参数推算步行能量消耗和一日总能量消耗的公式分别为:步行能量消耗(kca l)=0.43×身高(cm) 0.57×体重(kg) 0.26×步频(步/m in) 0.92×时间(m in)-108.44。一日能量消耗(kca l)=0.05×一日计步器计数(步) 2213.09×体表面积(m2)-1993.57。  相似文献   

计算练习法是指以标准成绩原理,跑速标准化原理,短暂休息原理等为依据,为教练员、运动员提供具体的、适合个人特点的训练课时计划,并为规划整个训练提出一个合理的根据。一、计算步频、步长指数,定量分析评价技术动作方法是让学生跑一百米,记录跑的时间和步数,为了准确每人可以跑两次,取时间和步数的最佳值。按步频、步幅计算公式来运算:步频=步数/时间;步长=距离/步数;步长指数=步长/身高;步频指数=步频×身高,从而算出学生的步频和步长指数,这样从所计算的数据中,可以分析出每个学生存在的技术问题。例如,某男运动员身高1.70米,100米成绩…  相似文献   

动运员跑的速度等于以下二个因素的乘积: 1、每一步所跑的距离一步长; 2、在一定时间内跑的步数一步频(可看作是步子的节奏或速率)。如果一个长距离跑运动员的步长为1.83米,每秒跑了3步,他的速度就是5.49米/秒。  相似文献   

跳跃的成功与否,在相当大的程度上取决于助跑的效果。助跑距离取决于加速方式与跑的速度,以及跑的步数、步长和步频的变化。目前,高水平跳跃运动员,为了在起跳前发挥最大跑速而增加助跑距离和跑的步数。这是跳跃助跑的发展趋势。  相似文献   

“有效步数”对2型糖尿病患者的疗效影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过行走的总步数,有效步数对糖尿病患者日常生活活动量的动态监控,了解掌握糖尿病患者的生活方式,身体活动量,并制定个性化运动处方,探索科学健身的运动处方效果。结果:2型糖尿病患者采用快走运动干预3个月后,受试者每月的运动步数均有较大提高,运动量增大,总步数由实验前的每日8917步/日上升为每日14331步,增加5414步,其中有效步数从3640增加到4956步,增加了1316步。受试者空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白下降。因此,行走锻炼是一种简单、易行、安全和有效防治糖尿病的辅助疗法,本研究结果提示应大力提倡。  相似文献   

目的:通过对单纯性肥胖儿童几种主要运动手段能量代谢率进行研究,了解肥胖儿童主要运动手段的能量消耗率,为儿童运动减肥提供科学依据.方法:按身高标准体重选出30名10-11岁肥胖儿童,用便携式能量代谢仪测定其主要手段的能量代谢率.结果:10~11岁肥胖儿童安静能量代谢率为(1.15±0.29) kcal/m2· min,慢跑为(5.38±0.72)kcal/m2· min,爬行为(6.12±0.874)kcal/m2·min,30b/min斜卧撑为(2.96±0.22)kcal/m2· min,60b/min跳绳为(3.28±0.31) kcal/m2· min,60b/min高抬腿为(2.78±0.35)kcal/m2· min.结论:各项运动手段的该能量代谢率可以为肥胖儿童运动减肥提供科学依据.  相似文献   

1.走步丈量法。走的步数等于跑的步数乘2减2。如跑10步,就应该走18步(10×2-2)。注意,走的步幅的大小以平时走路的习惯为宜,不要有意加大或缩小,以免不准确.2.背向沙池站在踏跳扳上,按自己习惯姿势起跑;当助跑到一定距离(基层比赛一般为20米至25米),自己的速度已达最高时,立即做起跳  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the accuracy of the ePulse Personal Fitness Assistant, a forearm-worn device that provides measures of heart rate and estimates energy expenditure. Forty-six participants engaged in 4-minute periods of standing, 2.0 mph walking, 3.5 mph walking, 4.5 mph jogging, and 6.0 mph running. Heart rate and energy expenditure were simultaneously recorded at 60-second intervals using the ePulse, an electrocardiogram (EKG), and indirect calorimetry. The heart rates obtained from the ePulse were highly correlated (intraclass correlation coefficients [ICCs] ≥0.85) with those from the EKG during all conditions. The typical errors progressively increased with increasing exercise intensity but were <5 bpm only during rest and 2.0 mph. Energy expenditure from the ePulse was poorly correlated with indirect calorimetry (ICCs: 0.01-0.36) and the typical errors for energy expenditure ranged from 0.69-2.97 kcal · min(-1), progressively increasing with exercise intensity. These data suggest that the ePulse Personal Fitness Assistant is a valid device for monitoring heart rate at rest and low-intensity exercise, but becomes less accurate as exercise intensity increases. However, it does not appear to be a valid device to estimate energy expenditure during exercise.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the accuracy of the ePulse Personal Fitness Assistant, a forearm-worn device that provides measures of heart rate and estimates energy expenditure. Forty-six participants engaged in 4-minute periods of standing, 2.0 mph walking, 3.5 mph walking, 4.5 mph jogging, and 6.0 mph running. Heart rate and energy expenditure were simultaneously recorded at 60-second intervals using the ePulse, an electrocardiogram (EKG), and indirect calorimetry. The heart rates obtained from the ePulse were highly correlated (intraclass correlation coefficients [ICCs] ≥0.85) with those from the EKG during all conditions. The typical errors progressively increased with increasing exercise intensity but were <5 bpm only during rest and 2.0 mph. Energy expenditure from the ePulse was poorly correlated with indirect calorimetry (ICCs: 0.01–0.36) and the typical errors for energy expenditure ranged from 0.69–2.97 kcal · min?1, progressively increasing with exercise intensity. These data suggest that the ePulse Personal Fitness Assistant is a valid device for monitoring heart rate at rest and low-intensity exercise, but becomes less accurate as exercise intensity increases. However, it does not appear to be a valid device to estimate energy expenditure during exercise.  相似文献   

对采用散步作为锻炼手段的40名中老年高级知识分子的心脏功能指标进行追踪测试,显示散步可使中老年高级知识分子的PR、HOV、HOI降低;SV、SI、VPE、EWK升高;而对于CO、CI、LVWI的影响较小。提示坚持散步对提高中老年高级知识分子的心脏功能有较好的作用。  相似文献   

走、跑结合提高女大学生耐力素质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过走、跑结合的锻炼方法是提高学生心肺功能能力的一种有效的健身手段,由于走、跑练习不受场地器材限制,强度适中.是一种安全而有效的锻炼方法.  相似文献   


The ActiGraph activity monitors have developed and newer versions of the ActiGraph accelerometers (GT1M, GT3X and GT3X +) are now available, including changes in hardware and software compared to the old version (AM7164). This is problematic as most of the validation and calibration work includes the AM7164. The aims of the study were to validate the ActiGraph GT1M during level and graded walking and to assess the potential underestimation of physical activity during cycling. Data were obtained from 20 participants during treadmill walking and ergometer cycling. Energy expenditure was measured via indirect calorimetry and used as the criterion method. Activity counts were highly correlated with energy expenditure during level walking (R2 = 0.82) and graded walking at 5% and 8% (R2 = 0.82 and R2 = 0.67, respectively). There was no linear relationship between activity counts and energy expenditure during cycling. The average activity counts for all data points during cycling was 1,157 counts per minute (CPM) (SD = 974), and mean energy expenditure was 5.0 metabolic equivalents. The GT1M is a valid tool for assessing walking across a wide range of speeds and gradients. However, there is no relationship between activity counts and energy expenditure during cycling and physical activity is underestimated by ≈73% during cycling compared to walking.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of the RT3 accelerometer in young children, compare its accuracy with heart rate monitoring, and develop an equation to predict energy expenditure from RT3 output. Forty-two volunteers (mean age 12.2 years, s = 1.1) exercised at two horizontal and graded walking speeds (4 and 6 km.h(-1), 0% grade and 6% grade), and one horizontal running speed (8 km.h(-1), 0% grade), on a treadmill. Energy expenditure and oxygen consumption (VO2) served as the criterion measures. Comparison of RT3 estimates (counts and energy expenditure) demonstrated significant differences at 4, 6, and 8 km.h(-1) on level ground (P < 0.01), while no significant differences were noted between horizontal and graded walking at 4 and 6 km.h(-1). Correlation and regression analyses indicated no advantage of vector magnitude over the vertical plane (X) alone. A strong relationship between RT3 estimates and indirect calorimetry across all speeds was obtained (r = 0.633-0.850, P < 0.01). A child-specific prediction equation (adjusted R2 = 0.753) was derived and cross-validated that offered a valid energy expenditure estimate for walking/running activities. Despite recognized limitations, the RT3 may be a useful tool for the assessment of children's physical activity during walking and running.  相似文献   

目的:探讨快步走在改善单纯性肥胖中所起的作用。方法:募集静态活动肥胖青年随机分为实验组和对照组,实验组进行为期14周的快步走锻炼。实验前后同等条件下测试受试者身体成分、 VO2max、血糖、血脂、胰岛素。实验数据组内运动干预前后指标的差异比较采用配对T检验,不同组间各指标进行独立样本T检验。结果:实验组受试者各指标出现改善性变化,对照组无明显变化。结论:快步走能有效减轻肥胖人群的肥胖程度和改善糖脂代谢水平。  相似文献   


Biochemical markers of inflammation are emerging as new predictors of risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and may alter acutely with exercise. Few studies have been conducted on the effects of walking on these markers or whether different walking intensities elicit varied effects. As there is growing interest in modifiable lifestyle factors such as walking to reduce CVD risk, these inflammatory responses warrant investigation. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of walking at 50% versus 70% of predicted maximal heart rate on C-reactive protein (CRP), plasma fibrinogen, and trigylcerides in sedentary post-menopausal women. Twelve post-menopausal women (mean age 58 years, s ± 6; stature 1.62 m, s ± 0.06; body mass 66.8 kg, s ± 6.2) completed two 30-min treadmill walks in a randomized cross-over design. Fasted blood samples were taken (for the determination of plasma fibrinogen, CRP, and lipids) before, immediately after, and 1 and 24 h after exercise. Triglyceride concentrations decreased from pre-exercise to 24 h post exercise at both walking intensities (time×group interaction, P < 0.05). No significant effects were observed for plasma fibrinogen, CRP, total cholesterol, low-density or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (time x group interaction, P > 0.05). The results of this study suggest that fasting plasma triglycerides are decreased on the morning after 30 min of brisk walking at either 50% or 70% of maximal heart rate (moderate and vigorous intensity).  相似文献   

健步走对非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者血液生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨健步走运动对非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)患者血液生化指标的改善效果。方法选取NAFLD患者71人,随机分为运动组和对照组,运动组进行12 w个体化的健步走运动,而对照组不进行特殊运动;对比被试运动前后空腹血糖、血脂、血清游离脂肪酸水平变化。结果实验后运动组的空腹血糖、血脂、血清游离脂肪酸水平均明显低于实验前(P<0.05)。结论科学、规律、个体化的健步走可明显改善NAFLD患者的糖、脂质代谢紊乱,有显著的防治作用。  相似文献   

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