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电脑游戏"红色警戒"所内含的美国意识形态和价值观,对游戏者产生的影响不容低估.这一个案折射出美国文化与意识形态渗透与扩张的战略背景.对于"红色警戒"之类的文化渗透,我们应树立国家文化安全意识,积极引导青少年的"文化消费",并且探索文化与意识形态传播的新模式.  相似文献   

大学生犯罪是大学文化变迁的一种伴生现象,大学生文化的本体性缺陷及其外界性、结构性、过程性冲突,是大学生犯罪的本源性因素.由于大学生犯罪处于人的社会化初始阶段,可以通过文化调适,实现对大学生犯罪的有效预防.  相似文献   

快餐文化起源于美国.以时尚、快捷、高效受到中国人的欢迎.其以快餐行业为载体.以各种方式和手段对我国进行思想文化渗透.快餐是美国文化的一扇窗户.它吸引人们透过这扇窗户去了解和学习美国文化.从而激发人们学习英语的兴趣,影响人们对英语的学习.  相似文献   

传统文化是我国历史发展进程中的瑰宝,它承载了中华民族的核心精神,包含了优秀的道德品质.基于传统文化对民族发展的重要价值,将其渗透于政治课堂成了传承文化的一种方式.本文以新人教版高中政治必修4《哲学与文化》的教学为例,探析在高中政治课堂中渗透传统文化的价值,并从链接现实生活、树立人物榜样、巧用图文资源和创设文化情境等方面...  相似文献   

传统的对外汉语教学普遍忽视社会文化蕴涵的价值性、传统性及艺术性等特征,导致对外汉语教学过程存在刻板、机械的问题.在对外汉语教学中渗透地域文化,能够有效提升对外汉语教学质量,帮助学生更好地理解地域文化与社会体制.基于此,分析了在对外汉语教学中渗透地域文化的社会意义,以提高对外汉语教学水平.  相似文献   

陈春红 《教师》2021,(9):71-72
高中历史具有显著的人文性特征,并以立德树人为根本任务。在高中历史教学中渗透传统文化,有利于传统文化的继承与发展,培养学生的文化自尊心、自信心与自豪感。文章围绕传统文化在高中历史课堂教学的渗透方法进行探讨,认为教师在高中历史教学中,应以传统文化所蕴含的社会伦理涵养人,以传统文化中的哲学思想引导人,以传统文化中的爱国主义精神教育人,以传统文化中的时代精神激励人,并最终让高中历史课堂成为传统文化教育的重要阵地,让高中生成为祖国优秀传统文化的继承者和发扬人。  相似文献   

上世纪五六十年代香港的新闻出版环境以美元文化与爱国文化为中心,形成一个二元结构。美元文化是冷战的产物,美国试图将香港作为宣传和意识形态渗透的据点,以美国香港新闻处为中心,并以小说、报刊、杂志、出版、翻译等等,进行宣传。爱国文化以香港左派为核心,继承香港左翼文化,亦以出版、报纸、期刊杂志、电影等形式宣传爱国主义,与美元文化相抗衡。两者在香港相互冲突,七十年代随香港社会变迁,二者均逐渐边缘化,但它对香港产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

探讨了英语教学中文化因素渗透的目标、内容、原则,强调在英语教学中要加强对文化的感性认识与理性分析的结合,注意文化因素渗透的全过程性.  相似文献   

古代汉语教学中渗透传统文化教育的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古代汉语教学是进行传统文化渗透教育的重要形式之一.这种"渗透",就是要通过课堂教学、延伸性阅读、作业练习和实践活动等不同的方式,在教学的各个环节多角度全方位地进行传统文化知识的渗透和落实,使学生形成深厚的传统文化积淀,从而提高其综合素质,成为全面发展的合格人才.  相似文献   

民族传统文化是中华民族延续和发展的精神支柱,信息技术课程的基础性、技术性和人文性特征使其成为民族传统文化教育的重要渠道.本文结合案例分析,阐述了民族传统文化渗透于信息技术教学的教学策略:在科技文明发展历程中挖掘信息技术教学的民族传统文化内涵;在信息技术课堂中创设和开展民族传统文化的主题活动;在多样化学习情境中渗透民族传统文化的意境等.通过这三条路径进行教学设计创意与实施,可以实现信息技术教学中对学生进行潜移默化的民族传统文化教育.  相似文献   

深厚的文化基础是刑法的力量源泉之一。犯罪是社会反主流文化与主流文化严重冲突的表现;刑罚是社会主流文化限制和取缔反主流文化的表现形式之一。当代中国,犯罪是传统文化中的封建文化、计划经济模式下形成的文化、外来文化和亚文化与社会主义文化严重冲突的表现;刑罚是社会主义文化限制和取缔传统文化中的封建文化、计划经济模式下形成的文化和外来文化的表现形式之一。它们共同构成了当代中国刑法生命力的文化内涵。  相似文献   

In this article I argue that the current high-stakes testing accountability model is an assistencialist model, derived from deficit thinking paradigms. Such models, like the No Child Left Behind Act, sanction low performance with serious consequences for students and educators. Drawing from Freire, I propose an anti-assistencialist accountability model based on local community culture and needs that would include critical, problem-posing education, dialogue as a means toward raising social consciousness, and appropriate assessments according to local community needs. I further argue that such an accountability model can be implemented through cultural immersion programs that include three levels of immersion, (1) classroom culture, (2) local community culture, and (3) trans/cultural, or transnational exposure.  相似文献   

施蜇存成功地推进了心理现代小说的本土化,他的心理小说在对人的复杂心理进行剖析的同时,充溢着古典的情怀,回荡着东方的文化神韵,体现了传统与现代、东方和西方文化的交融。传统文化和文学的滋养,江南人文环境的濡染,形成了施蜇存独特的文化心理积淀。这也是他能将西方心理现代主义本土化的重要原因。  相似文献   

犯罪引发于文化冲突,终结于文化调适。社区文化既是实施社区矫正的门槛,又是促使犯罪人由犯罪人格向社会人格回归的酵母。社区矫正应从文化接纳入手。加强宣传和引导,促进人们树立“以人为本”的刑罚理念,加强相应的组织文化和制度文化建设,提倡人文关怀,为服刑人员设计共性与个性相兼顾的行为规范,整合构建开放、和谐、互动的动态文化环境,促进社区矫正工作的顺利、有效开展。  相似文献   

国际刑事法院主要是西方社会发展的产物,在产生原因、创建基础、主导力量、适用法律等方面反映了西方文化的特点,这和其常设性国际刑事审判机构的性质相违背.国际刑事法院应当汲取世界各种文化因素,由西方文化的表征转变为世界文化的代言人,实现文化层面的真正国际化.  相似文献   

校际合作改进薄弱学校是支教的一种方式,浙江省优质Z中学和薄弱D中学以文化濡染、深度合作的方式,帮助薄弱校改进成长,已产生明显效果,彰显了独特的文化意义。按照文化变迁和整合理论来看,这种支教方式体现了人类文化是可以实现有意识变迁的,不过需借助人类学习文化的功能方式才能实现,需要借助文化整合,使不同的文化要素和组成部分相互适应,结合成一个有机整体,薄弱学校的文化变迁便可真正完成。  相似文献   


This paper problematises the concept of cultural competence in teacher professional learning arguing instead for opportunities to develop critical reflexivity in the ongoing construction of a pedagogical cultural identity. In the Aboriginal context within Australia, this research study demonstrates how attaining cultural knowledge, understandings and skills is most effective when professional learning is delivered by local Aboriginal cultural knowledge holders. This research study analyses the New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Connecting to Country cultural immersion programme for local communities and schools. A mixed methods approach, analysing quantitative and qualitative data from questionnaires and interviews, highlights the significant impact this experience has on teachers in building relationships with local Aboriginal community members. Teachers reported learning new knowledge about local Aboriginal people, culture, history and issues that challenged their assumptions, personal and collective positioning and pedagogical approaches to teaching Aboriginal students. Implications from the study identify the significance of privileging Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing in order to realise culturally responsive schooling and empower teachers as critically reflective change agents in their schools. It further identifies the need for significant human and financial investment so that all teachers can engage with this authentic and potentially transformative professional learning experience.  相似文献   

International cultural immersion provides an in vivo, authentic, cross-cultural experience that can enhance multicultural awareness, knowledge and skills. This article examines the impact of an international immersion on graduate counseling students’ cultural self-awareness using a qualitative approach. Five graduate counseling students participated in a 3-week study abroad in Belize where they interacted with persons from diverse cultural backgrounds and settings. Four major cultural self-awareness themes emerged from the analysis of participants’ journals, (a) discrimination and prejudice, (b) cultural pride and appreciation, (c) cultural sensitivity, and (d) self-awareness. The findings are presented along with implications for future research and the use of international immersion as a viable experiential teaching strategy to enhance counseling students’ cultural self-awareness.  相似文献   

This three year study of P-12 professional development is grounded in sociocultural theories that hold that building knowledge and relationships among individuals from different cultural backgrounds entails joint activity toward common goals and cultural dialogues mediated by cultural translators. Sixty P-12 pre and in-service teachers in a year long interdisciplinary science curriculum course shared the goal of developing culturally relevant, standards-based science curricula for Native Hawai'ian students. Teachers and Native Hawai'ian instructors lived and worked together during a five day culture-science immersion in rural school and community sites and met several times at school, university, and community sites to build knowledge and share programs. Teachers were deeply moved by immersion experiences, learned to connect cultural understandings, e.g., a Hawai'ian sense of place and curriculum development, and highly valued collaborating with peers on curriculum development and implementation. The study finds that long term professional development providing situated learning through cultural immersion, cultural translators, and interdisciplinary instruction supports the establishment of communities of practice in which participants develop the cross-cultural knowledge and literacy needed for the development of locally relevant, place and standards-based curricula and pedagogy.  相似文献   

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