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最后用力技术是掷铁饼技术的关键 ,而左侧肢体在最后用力过程中 ,能否形成合理的支撑技术 ,对最后用力的效果影响极大。本文通过对铁饼最后用力时左侧支撑用力过程的分析和研究 ,旨在对完善这一技术做进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

掷铁饼技术最后用力的末阶段,铁饼出手前瞬间,运动员采用“跳投”还是“撑投”技术,近20年来有过一些变化:80年代初期,多主张两腿的“牢固支撑”,但支撑到什么时机后脚离地,在教学和训练中不太明确;80年代中后期,许多铁饼运动员在铁饼出手前瞬间,为了加大后腿蹬地的爆发力,采取快速蹬离地面的方法——跳投,身体在铁饼离手后继续旋转;近几年来,有的运动员采用在铁饼离手后两脚仍保持与地面接触的“撑投”技术。从提高我国男、女掷铁饼的水平着眼,对铁饼出手时身体不同转动状态的差异进行探讨与分析有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文主要围绕田径投掷项目中的左侧支撑技术展开讨论,其中包括铅球项目、链球项目、铁饼项目以及标枪项目等,分析项目的最后用力中左侧支撑技术,并对这些项目的左侧支撑技术中的共同点进行分析,为田径投掷运动的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

铁饼最后用力过程中的出手技术是获得优异成绩的关键环节之一.可采用固定标记、不同方式地出饼、向上拨饼的训练方法提高铁饼出手技术.  相似文献   

非投掷臂技术动作在投掷铁饼过程中起到牵引带动旋转、维持身体平衡、加强制动支撑、协调投掷臂有效发力的作用,研究认为在实际教学、训练中不仅要对非投掷臂提出明确的规范和要求,而且要适当地安排专门性练习.使之形成良好的习惯性动作姿势.更好地辅助完成整个投掷铁饼技术.提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

张英 《考试周刊》2015,(20):111
<正>投掷运动属于运动持续时间短、技术性强、以绝对力量为基础,以速度为核心,爆发力要求极高的运动项目。该项目的完整技术有握持器械、准备助跑和预先加速,最后用力和器械出手后的维持身体平衡几个不可分割的技术阶段,而且取得运动成绩除了具有良好的运动技能外,还需要完美的技术动作,其中器械出手速度和角度在投掷过程中起到了关键作用。1.利用皮筋进行辅助练习1.1原地拉皮筋(主要适用铁饼、铅球和标枪)  相似文献   

铅球、标枪、铁饼都是以远度决定成绩的田赛项目,在整个投掷技术动作中,最后用力动作是取得优异成绩的关键。尽管三个项目所投掷的器械不同,但就其最后用力动作而言,三者存在着许多异同。下面就三者最后用力动作进行具体分析。  相似文献   

浅析标枪技术最后用力的教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用了文献查阅法、对比分析法和分组教学实验对掷标枪最后用力技术的训练方法和最后用力技术中投掷臂的动作以及顺标枪纵轴用力技术教学方法进行研究。指出:最后用力即为投掷步的最后一步,它是掷标枪的关键动作,是标枪获得出手初速度的主要来源。重点是掌握上下肢的协调依次用力的顺序,完成通过标枪纵轴的"链状鞭打"动作。完成最后用力时,合理的用力顺序是取得最大出手速度的关键,身体左侧的支撑和用力动作对于投掷成绩起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

滑步推铅球也许是所有投掷技术中最简单的技术。滑动范围被限定在很小一块面积内, 并且不涉及空气动力学因素。然而真正熟练掌握这种简单技术常常要花费许多年心血。特别 是要纠正已经定型的错误动作的时候。旋转推铅球技术复杂,但似乎对投掷铁饼得心应手的 运动员来说,更容易掌握一些。“旋转”被认为比滑步能够产生更大的出手速度。旋转技术 的缺点主要是最后爆发用力时不易得到稳固的力学支撑条件。今天教练员所面临的挑战是怎 样将旋转推铅球的速度和滑步推铅球爆发用力的稳固力学支撑结合起来。在印第安纳洲大学 我们尝试将这两种技术动作的优势结合起来,产生一种“动力性滑步”的新技术动作。这种 技术要求运动员从站立姿势开始,身体姿势从站立转入滑步。这种动作模式可使运动员得到 额外的动量,并且既能接近旋转推铅球的动作幅度,又能在滑步最后用力阶段获得巩固的发 力支撑。使用这种技术的选手能取得好成绩,尽管他的力量和体型不如其他选手。这篇文章 的目的就是讨论掌握这种练习的步骤。并介绍在印第安纳洲大学使用的辅助练习方法。  相似文献   

在以往的铁饼训练中,一般都对初学者和一般运动员的技术动作连贯性和最后用力的时机很重视,但对超越器械在掷铁饼中的重要性没有有效的训练方法,笔者借鉴国内外研究成果,确定超越器械为主导的训练指导思想,对掌握和改进铁饼训练手段和方法进行了大胆尝试。  相似文献   

Conclusion As you conduct your research, you will undoubtedly suffer from the perennial condition of all graduate students—constant, paralyzing guilt. When you are not working on your research, you are agonizing because you should be. Unfortunately, guilt also keeps you from doing many other things, like cleaning house or simply relaxing. The good news is that guilt usually disappears within a year after you take that final walk across the stage and shake the dean’s hand. The cure is painful, but worth it. We have presented some ideas that worked for us, in hopes that they will work for you. Perhaps these ideas will cause you to consider a factor that you may not have considered before. Perhaps some small suggestion will provide you with a solution to a nagging problem, or simply remind you that some of your frustrations are a natural part of the dissertation or thesis process. For additional information on this topic seeHow to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertaion, by David Stemberg. The chapters on “The Unfolding Dissertation: Diplomatic Relations with your Committee” and “Down in the Dissertation Dumps: How to Get Out” may be especially useful.  相似文献   

生活在美国本土之外的许多人对于美国人最热爱的运动都知之甚少。实际上,若是在美国之外提到这项运动,很多人都会把它跟另外一项运动搞混。绝大多数人认为足球只是一项用脚把球踢进对方球门的运动。可是同美国人讲足球,他们想到的却是一项完全不同的运动。橄榄球(即美式足球)更多地依赖运动员手上的技巧,而不是脚法。  相似文献   

每个即将面临毕业的大四学生都会对未来感到迷茫与害怕。应如何面对毕业后的生活,应提前为毕业做哪些准备,想必都是每个大四学生都比较关心的问题。接下来,就看Brad怎么说吧!  相似文献   

Summary In conclusion, consider that the best directors, the most successful ones, the most powerful ones, do not direct; they orchestrate and conduct. The most common gestures in conducting are circular. A symphony conductor works on a piece of music written by someone else, but the richness comes from the interpretation. Knowing the music is not enough. A conductor must exact the best performance from each player and each instrument. In a symphony, there is no center, no autonomy, no competing forces, only a seamless whole. How can you conduct your work to make your media center one player in the larger orchestra of your institution? How can you harmonize your role within the mission and needs of the university with the support of your clients and supervisors, create beautiful sounds together, get a solo once in a while, and hear a lot of applause? This article is adapted from a keynote address at the Fall conference of the Consortium of College and University Media Centers, Honolulu, HI, October 1991.  相似文献   

Learning objects are instructional materials found on the Internet that can be used to illustrate, support, supplement, or assess student learning. Small in size, they can provide instruction that is just enough, just in time, just for you. Is it time to move your classroom into the twenty-first century? In this article, the author explores what learning objects are, where one might find them, and attributes of a twenty-first century curriculum. Today's students expect to use technology when learning; learning objects are a natural way to integrate technology into your classroom.  相似文献   

写出6种以字母S打头,能穿在脚上的东西? 约翰买了10棵树。请问怎样把这10棵树种成5排,每排4棵? 你知道下面这句话的意思吗? The year is 2001, thirty-four minutes past noon on May 6th.  相似文献   

Educationalists experience difficulties with the construction of competence maps that describe final attainment levels of educational programs. Web-based support was developed with three supportive aids: A construction kit, a phenomenarium, and an information bank. Each supportive aid was expected to improve perceived process and product quality as well as learning. In a full factorial experiment, 266 educational science students constructed a competence map, whether or not supported by different combinations of the three supportive aids. The availability of the construction kit and the phenomenarium had positive effects on perceived process quality and learning. Furthermore, if there was no phenomenarium with example materials, the absence of the construction kit greatly diminished experienced support (i.e., one aspect of process quality); if a phenomenarium was present, the availability of the construction kit had relatively little effect on perceived support. In general, this study indicates that well-designed Web-based support helps to construct competence maps. in final form: 2 February 2006  相似文献   

把主体的发展作为社会进步的最终目标,是马克思主义的价值所在.人作为历史的主体是社会存在的基础.社会主义制度为主体作用的充分发挥创造了条件,社会主义中国高扬历史主体精神,正逐步迈上人的全面发展和社会的和谐发展之路.  相似文献   

道家代表人物庄子曾提出"心斋"一词,成为道家"虚静论"的核心概念。"虚者,心斋也"。此一"虚"字是理解"心斋"概念之内涵的核心要点。"心斋"之"虚"从工夫论上说具有消解、否定的意味,是对"听之以耳"和"听之以心"的否定,也就是要使人不执于外物,亦不执于心念;从境界论上来看,"虚"又具备某种肯定的内涵,即"虚室生白"所蕴含的生命力和对心之光明本性的能动发现。而这两方面又统一于人心之上,"心斋"的过程也就是在人心受扰后发明本性的过程。  相似文献   

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