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医学专业教育现状与人才培养需求对接中的问题推动了专业课程思政改革。以“诊断学”课程思政改革为例,分析了课程思政改革的原因,明确了育人目标。基于三全育人理念提出“强化教师团队课程思政意识是前提、重视课程思政资源建设为基础、创设多元化隐性育人课程教学过程做平台”的“三课育人”模式教学改革,将三全育人理念指导下的临床医学课程思政实践落脚点定位为注重知与行、师与生、教与学三种关系的平衡与处理,为医学院校课程思政体系提供了可供借鉴的经验模式。  相似文献   

人类无限膨胀的"自我"意识覆盖了其整个活动领域,在教育活动中,存在着一定程度的践踏师生和谐关系、侵犯学习者主体性的"过度教育",它是人类操控自然欲望在教育领域的"移情"式体现。"过度教育"主要表现为教育者教授行为的过度、理论知识强调的过度、学习动机外化的过度以及成人化观念的过度。"过度教育"容易导致学习者纯粹性认知片面发展,主体完整性丧失;内在主体性抽空,社会工具性畸形;独立品格萎缩,依赖品格形成;本源兴趣销蚀,质疑精神钝化。实现"过度教育"的回归,教育者就要关注学习者作为人的独特的生命体存在,关注学习者在实践生活中的亲身体验,以适度的教促成学的自然效果,生成学习者自我的主体感,达成学习者的自然需求、能力与意义,使教育真正成就人的自然性与本真性存在。  相似文献   

Despite being a protracted refugee crisis that entails international debates and controversies, discussions about Palestinian education have frequently sidelined the perspectives, needs and priorities of the Palestinian refugee population. Drawing upon a qualitative study in the West Bank and engaging with theoretical ideas of Johan Galtung, Paulo Freire and Pierre Bourdieu, we argue that the nexus between educational motivation and motivation for Palestinian liberation, which was particularly significant during the periods of ‘Palestinian uprising’, seems to be declining today in the present day context of oppression and structural violence. The growing disassociation among young refugees with Palestinian liberation, and with education as a means to this liberation, can be seen as a process of symbolic violence. Building upon these findings, we propose a new analytical framework for understanding the interrelationship between education, violence and struggle for social and political transformation in conflict-affected societies.  相似文献   

In this paper, I demonstrate a way of conducting narrative inquiry that is oriented towards understanding and improving teachers’ experiences in a particular Toronto–Shanghai/West–East Sister School reciprocal learning partnership. I show how this narrative inquiry process is informed by a Deweyan way of thinking about experience and is enriched by the Confucian idea of being a good guest. I illustrate how this inquiry process involves teachers and researchers as collaborative and reciprocal learners on the Dao of further personal and professional growth and learning. I suggest that conducting narrative inquiry in a Canada–China interschool setting could give rise to West–East reciprocal learning communities that have the potential of bridging the cultural and historical narratives that underlie Chinese and North American education. It could also create the harmonious and democratic educational conditions for fostering global citizens as learners in our 21st century.  相似文献   

薛礼杨 《海外英语》2012,(17):125-126
随着全球一体化席卷全球,教育也在向国际化的方向发展,教育国际化潮流应运而生。在中国,近年来研究生的数量快速增加,这一方面是政府大力发展高等教育的结果,另一方面,也是社会对高层次人才需求的一种表现。教育国际化为中国的研究生教育提出了更高的目标,为了实现这一目标,非英语专业的研究生英语教育和改革就显得尤为重要,而在教育过程中课程设置又是不可忽略的中心环节,因此,非常有必要讨论教育国际化背景下如何对非英语专业的研究生英语课程设置进行改革。  相似文献   

类似于我国高职扩招模式,发端于工业革命后的德国“第三条教育路径”旨在为无前期学习经历或证明但具有充分职业工作经验和实践技能的求学者,开辟出“获得工作—积累经验—考核入学”的高等教育求学通路。该路径的产生是社会人口结构变化、科技生产力重心转移、政治更迭等元素在教育改革领域的投影,教育理念基础在于突出高等职业教育与普通高教在机会和地位上平等以践行教育民主化,并强调理论与实践的有机融合,其实施方法具有入学多元化、校企合作化、专业优质化、课程灵活化等特征。该路径的实施对于社会、教育改革和个人发展具有成效,同时在规模、均衡化和个体适应方面也面临挑战。对该路径的借鉴应当从提升师资和办学条件、优化培养模式、形成完备的制度结构等三方面着手。  相似文献   

以教育的信息化带动教育的现代化已经成为教育领域的广泛共识。千禧年一代的学习者,是所谓"数字土著"的一代,伴随信息技术成长的经历,造就了他们特有的认知、态度及行为习惯;与此同时,发展学习者的创新与终身学习的能力,是时代的要求也是当前教育变革所面临的挑战。为了更有针对性地为千禧年的学习者提供基于数字技术的创新学习机会,有必要对千禧年学习者的数字土著特征进行调研,对其学习方式的特点、行为习惯以及数字技术在其学习活动中所扮演的角色进行分析,并据此找到适合千禧年学习者的、基于数字技术的创新学习方式需求,提出适合"他们"的学习技术。  相似文献   


This paper draws on sociological and critical educational frames, particularly Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic violence, in order to contest the dominant model of literacy education that is driven by the premise of a ‘knowledge economy’. Instead it foregrounds the political, social, and economic factors that marginalise learners. Data from two projects: an ethnographic study in a Further Education (FE) College in England and a study of community-based literacy programmes in Scotland, are probed to show how literacy classes can offer spaces to challenge symbolic violence and facilitate learners to reclaim identities of success. These changes are illustrated from the learners’ views of the contrasts between their experiences of school education and literacy programmes that use transformative and emancipatory approaches. Our research demonstrates how critical education can open up spaces for a more equitable approach based on the co-production of knowledge. It is argued that making changes to policy and practice could inform and shape the literacy curriculum and its pedagogy if adult literacy can disentangle itself from instrumental approaches driven by neoliberal fusion and instead create critical space for contextualised and emancipatory learning.  相似文献   

在互联网推动教育变革的进程中,相关的实践和理论都需进行新的尝试和探索。作为“互联网+”时代的重要学习理论,联通主义的教学实践和研究在我国尚处于起步阶段,亟需相关工作推进理论和实践的发展。本研究以“互联网+教育:理论与实践的对话Ⅱ”这门cMOOC课程的主题一为例,运用网络分析方法,对学习者社会交互和话题交互的网络化特征进行了剖析。研究发现,课程促进者的参与推动了交互网络中连接关系的建立,使得网络的初始值能对整个学习交互网络塑造产生非线性影响。在这一影响过程中,学习者的参与度与交互网络结构的紧密程度并非传统意义上的线性关系,而是网络交互结构越紧密(密度越大)就越会在之后带动更多的学习者参与讨论学习。这说明,联通主义指导下的学习,需要我们从动态的视角去观察学习者学习,学习者的交互与联通是在变化中展开的。在社会网络的连接中,草根学习者贡献的话题也通过连接形成了类似知识概念图的网状结构,这样的知识结构能够较好地表征由下而上的群体智慧(知识的草根性)。很多相似的概念在动态性生成过程中会慢慢地聚合,而非依据专家的经验来划分知识的体系。对cMOOC课程更长时间地观察与调研,可以更真实地发现知识演化的规律。  相似文献   

This paper examines the implementation of Singapore’s landmark policy, ‘Thinking Schools, learning Nation’ (TSLN), in developing ‘thinking students’ through the prism of student voice. In the context of twenty-first century education and the growing importance of student voice in education, this paper argues that the time might be right to ‘disrupt’ Singapore’s education status quo and incorporate meaningful student voice in education policies. Instead of perceiving students as mere subjects of educational policy enactment, and seeing policy as something that is done to them, it should be reconceptualised as something which is done with them; importantly, students should be recast as key co-agents of educational change, consistent with TSLN’s reconceptualization of learners as ‘thinking students’. Basing its arguments on findings from a qualitative case study of students’ perceptions and schooling experiences of critical thinking in TSLN, this paper considers the case for the inclusion of significant student voice in Singapore’s educational policy reforms. It fills gaps in research on student voices in Singapore’s educational reforms and TSLN’s research from students’ perspective. The paper suggests that the inclusion of student voice in educational reform might be the next landmark step in ‘disrupting’ its educational landscape after the ‘big bang’ of TSLN.  相似文献   

This paper calls for a debate on effects that the current education system is having on our learners. Many students entering Higher Education struggle to rise to its rigorous academic demands. The need for support services is on the increase with greater focus on key skills, study skills and self-management. Students undertaking higher study can face financial hardship and emotional turmoil in striving to achieve, but the problems do not start here. Much of the trepidation felt by students comes as a result of earlier educational experiences, and is merely exacerbated as their learning experience progresses. It is time to re-assess the whole educational process and to question whether the system exists to encourage learning or to measure failure.  相似文献   

Two increasingly important strands in current educational thinking are reflected in growing interest amongst researchers, policy‐makers and qualification designers in formative assessment strategies that motivate learners and enhance their educational attainment. In addition, a body of research suggests that learners develop ‘learning careers’ from primary education, through the National Curriculum into post‐compulsory education and beyond. This article engages with this work in order to highlight some key factors in ‘learning careers’, particularly in relation to the impact of formative assessment practices. It aims to relate findings from research on formative assessment in primary and further education, carried out by the authors, to studies which use Bourdieu's notions of ‘habitus’, ‘field’, ‘cultural capital’ and ‘social capital’ to explore learning careers and learning identities in different sectors of education. The article evaluates whether the concept of ‘assessment careers’ illuminates a specific strand within young people's ‘learning careers’. In particular, it asks whether the concept might offer more precise insights about how practices produced by different assessment systems, particularly those purporting to promote formative assessment, affect learners' identities and dispositions for learning.  相似文献   

王丽 《毕节学院学报》2012,30(6):123-128
近些年来,我国一直都在进行教育改革,素质教育成为教育改革的重心,孔子的教育思想对如今的教育现状有着重要的借鉴作用,如"有教无类"、"重在育人"、"因材施教"等。通过对孔子几个重要的教育思想形成原因的探析,可以更深入透彻地理解孔子的教育思想,从而为当代的教育改革提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper offers a number of comparative observations on economic restructuring and education reform in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). It will be argued that there are powerful social and political forces which are making free market’ educational reforms, such as those being pursued in Britain, an increasingly attractive model of educational development in the CIS and Eastern Europe. It will be suggested that such a basis for reform not only leaves the tension between political and economic change unresolved, but threatens to undermine the process of post‐communist reconstruction.  相似文献   

Distance education and open learning are western innovations, representing the educational concepts, cultures and societies of western countries. The introduction of distance education and the adoption of open learning in China’s radio and TV universities are by no means an indication that they will and can be copied wholesale. Open and distance learning has to be developed in accordance with the specific political, social, cultural and economic environments in the Chinese context. Thus, it represents an ever‐changing and evolving process in which theory and practice interact with each other.  相似文献   

Drawing from social resource-social capital theory, this paper aims to clarify and characterize the role of harmonious learner–instructor and learner–learner relationships in promoting experience and retaining learners in online learning environments. Hypotheses are tested by applying a structural equation model and the data are collected from a survey of online learning website (n?=?539). The results suggest that harmonious relationships have a positive impact on learners’ experience (i.e. perceived performance, enjoyment and social presence), which, in turn, strengthen learners’ continuous intention to use the e-learning platform. And learners’ expertise moderates the relationships between harmonious relationships and learner experience. Based on the analysis results, this study can provide educational institutions with useful tactics to retain learners in the e-learning environments.  相似文献   

向警予同志是中国妇女解放运动的杰出领袖。向警予运用马克思主义观点,结合中国的革命实际情况,深刻地认识到了妇女受到压迫的原因,并提出了妇女解放与社会教育等一系列思想,形成了中国特色的妇女运动理论体系。文章对向警予妇女解放与社会教育思想的思想渊源、主要内容和实践进行研讨,以期确立向警予妇女社会教育和成人教育思想体系和实践体系。  相似文献   

‘Age’ is an important social category used to define individuals and groups within our society and, often, to structure access to power, prestige and status. However, within educational research, age has been relatively neglected when compared with other social categories such as gender, class and ethnicity. In an attempt to begin to explore the impact of age within schools and colleges, this paper focuses on students' and teachers' experience of mixed‐age learning groups within the UK further education sector. First, the paper outlines various assumptions about the distinctiveness of age groups that underpin much sociological theorizing as well as current educational policy within the United Kingdom. It then draws on an empirical study of six further education colleges in Yorkshire and the south‐east of England to suggest that the ways in which students and members of staff construct notions of ‘age’ and ‘age difference’ bear little resemblance to the models adopted by policymakers. Nevertheless, the paper goes on to argue that, although there was little consensus about where the boundary between ‘younger’ and ‘older’ learners should be drawn, most respondents were able to identify specific age‐related differences that they believed affected the process of learning. In particular, mixed‐age classes were believed to offer considerable advantages over more age‐homogeneous groups. The final part of the paper explores some of these putative advantages and discusses their significance in the light of current debates about the ‘postponement’ of adulthood and the nature of inter‐generational relationships.  相似文献   

Confucianism has had a profound influence on Chinese learners’ academic achievements, moral education and education for citizenship. It is often suggested that the influence of Confucianism leads to educational success. Situating the Confucian ideology in a Western educational setting in so far as how those involved in teaching and learning according to Chinese Confucian-based education. This paper is based on a BBC documentary that leads me to reflect on Chinese education. The documentary sought to investigate what would occur when Western learners undertake Chinese Confucian-based learning. In this article, my personal reflections on the content and messages of the documentary are interwoven with reflections of the teachers and others involved in the documentary. I begin this auto-ethnographic account by reflecting on my cultural upbringing in China and the influence that Confucianism had on my own early learning experiences. Selected diary entries show my identities within a unique Confucian cultural framework.  相似文献   

目前在教育实践中对教学领导力的认识还存在理念不清、内涵不明的情况。通过对以美、英为主的国外教学领导力研究文献梳理,从教学领导力内涵建构与演进角度深入认识其内在机理,厘清其将目标从单一的校长个体中解放开来,逐渐关注到不同层级领导者在教学领导力中的聚合作用,强调教学领导力的监督功能和教学领导力中不同因素、人员之间交互作用的聚合价值。基于对教学领导力内涵和概念框架的理解,梳理其对校长发展与教师、学生、课程改革实践建构的价值,提出教学领导力的实施与发展取向,有助于人们全面客观地看待教育的发展和实践方向,助力于中国的教育教学变革。  相似文献   

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