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据2007年1月5日《环球时报》引英国广播公司1月3日的报道指出:德国科学家通过对雷州半岛湖光岩湖地质的研究,证明造成盛唐衰亡的主要原因是长期干旱少雨,造成谷物歉收,激起农民起义,最终导致唐朝衰亡。本文拟就唐文献记载的灾情史料,对这一震撼性气候说,略加补证,以期人们从历史警示中来直面当前全球气候的变暖。  相似文献   

2013年以来,在欧美债务危机的负面影响下,全球经济复苏进程艰难曲折,当前我国外汇储备规模庞大,结构上过度集中投资于美元和美元资产以及欧元和欧元资产。导致我国的外汇储备资产将面临着规模过大和结构不合理的风险,这些风险对我国的经济和金融领域带来了很多的负面影响。基于此,本文根据我国外汇储备的现状和成因,分析了我国外汇储备管理所面临的风险,并提出了相应的外汇储备管理的建议及对策。  相似文献   

日益频繁的"海盗行为"对于海外私人直接投资可能造成冲击和危害。MIGA作为全球性最受瞩目的多边性投资担保机制,其诸多的优点使其成为在投资领域应对海盗局面的最佳先行者。但MIGA对受海盗行为扰害的投资提供担保服务时,将不可避免地涉及众多的难题。针对此,笔者尝试提出相关的建议。  相似文献   


This article discusses the notion of globalisation by reference to several of its proponents and critics. Issues of citizenship education in an era of global electronic communications are examined and the author argues that citizenship education that has a global dimension will necessarily be concerned with economic, social and political inequalities between citizens both within and between nation states. Global divisions involve fundamental inequalities of resources, rights to residence and much else. Since globalisation invokes differing responses from citizens around the world and within nation states it is likely that global citizenship education will have varied effects.  相似文献   

为适应汉语国际推广的大好形势与师资需求,加快汉语走向世界的步伐,与国际汉语教师职业相衔接的汉语国际教育专业硕士应运而生。近年来,在汉语国际教育专业硕士培养的过程中,一些潜在的问题逐步呈现,本文试以广东外语外贸大学为例,从课程设置、弹性学制、就业等方面探讨汉语国际教育硕士专业学位研究生培养的改革与创新。  相似文献   

首先建立了一个数学模型,模拟足球比赛中球员在射门时和门将之间的博弈关系;之后,通过分析推导,找到了模型的一组混合策略纳什均衡解;根据对这组解的进一步推理分析,得出了射门球员和守门员的策略选择倾向;最后,利用从比赛中收集得到的统计数据,对这组混合策略纳什均衡解分别从局部和整体上进行了统计学意义上的检验.  相似文献   

Global university rankings currently attract considerable attention, and it is often assumed that such rankings may cause universities to prioritize activities and outcomes that will have a positive effect in their ranking position. A possible consequence of this could be the spread of a particular model of an “ideal” university. This article tests this assumption through an analysis of a sample of research-intensive universities in the Nordic region. Through document analysis and interviews with institutional leaders and staff from central administration, the study explores whether high-ranked Nordic universities take strategic measures as a response to global rankings, and whether the traditional identities of the universities are changing, as they are influenced and affected by the rankings. The study shows that rankings have a relatively modest impact on decision-making and strategic actions in the Nordic universities studied, and that there are few signs of rankings challenging the existing identities of the universities in this region.  相似文献   

This article is based on the idea that if we are witnessing an on-going shift towards the transnational phase of capitalism, this objective structural change should also be taken into account in higher education studies. In this sense, this article reflects the increased scholarly attention into the relationship between globalisation and higher education since the 1990s. The main purpose of this article is to contribute to these discussions by developing dialogue between global capitalism theories and the theory of academic capitalism. In order to achieve this, William Robinson's concept of the transnational capitalist class (TCC) will be amended to include also the informational fraction. Furthermore, the causal history of TRIPS (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) will be used as an illustrative example of how transnational corporations have stimulated the emergence of academic capitalism at transnational level. First, I will discuss the theory of academic capitalism. Second, I will introduce and amend the concept of the TCC. Third, I will present my conclusions.  相似文献   

文章论述动机的产生并指出:当个体需要得不到满足时,其内部就处于一种焦虑状态,这种心理上的焦虑就成为一种刺激作用于自身,变成一种推动力,文章进一步论述了影响动机的因素以及如何通过心理学的角度,进行体育动机的培养和激发,从而更好地为体育教学服务。  相似文献   

目前国内学界流行把中国文化三分为官方主流文化、民间大众文化和学界精英文 化,这种分类法在概念与逻辑上均有不完善之处,因为它同时包容了两种分类标准,易于造成混乱,因而不宜采纳。同时民间文化与大众文化这两个概念在讨论中也应该有所区分。  相似文献   

新保守主义对布什政府的外交政策特别是中东政策有显著的指导作用和空前的影响力。新保守主义之所以推行“大中东民主计划”,根源在于冷战后美国的全球战略。今后,新保守主义和“大中东民主计划”对国际关系仍将具有重要影响,但世界政治现实决定了其前景不会一帆风顺。  相似文献   

本文讨论三个问题:一、全球视野和中国修辞学学科形象重建;二、全球视野和中国修辞学研究的创新动能;三、全球视野和中西修辞学研究学术智慧的双向流动.作者认为:中国修辞学融入全球视野中的同类研究格局,需要消化外部智慧,更需要以自己的学术形象和民族身份的清晰度,进入全球视野.  相似文献   

‘Inclusion’ has become a central topic in the field of education. The idea that all children should attending regular schools has been increasingly discussed following the UN Convention, which came into force in Germany in 2009. This article highlights the central dimensions of the on-going discussions on inclusion in education. First, the tension between inclusion as a global and inclusion as a regional concept as well as the tension between the understanding of inclusion in a narrow and broader sense will be discussed. The different areas of discussion emphasize the complexity of this topic. Second the central challenges that are associated with inclusive schooling and curriculum development in inclusive schools will be discussed on the basis of current research findings. Lastly, the importance of attitudes of teachers dealing with inclusion will be highlighted. The article comes to the conclusion that research on and the implementation of inclusive education must take into account the complexity inherent in the circular pattern of causal factors in the field of education.  相似文献   

SA8000目前在全球经济领域内备受关注,文章试从法社会学的角度对这一社会现象进行分析,在法律多元化的视野下引入“全球法”概念,阐述其存在的根源及本质特征,并客观分析“全球法”和国家法在现实中的冲突及互动关系。这一研究对完善法律多元格局,促进现代法制建设的发展有着重要的意义。  相似文献   


Business and technical writing grows out of a need to “build bridges” between ourselves and others. With today's diversifying readerships and increasingly global marketplace, business and industry face a new challenge that is reshaping our conception of business/technical writing and the metaphors of the genre. The metaphors of “selling” and “reader‐centeredness” demand especially to be recast and subordinated to a new metaphor of interculturalism/ internationalism—"ourselves among others.” Grounded in a social theory of language and communication, this new metaphor signifies that “bridge‐building” across differences will be the key in contexts becoming at once more heterogeneous and global.  相似文献   

“天生国际化企业”现象是一种企业国际化的新型发展道路,许多的中小企业在成立不久就活跃在全球市场中并取得了较好的业绩。通过天生国际化企业与传统国际化企业的对比研究,可以从概念界定、创立者特征、企业能力特征、企业战略特征四个方面具体分析天生国际化企业的内在特点。同时,通过对新型企业国际化现象的研究,希望对我国企业的国际化发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

A great deal of research has addressed the tension between economic globalization and local cultural identity, and the tension between convergence in global policy objectives and divergence in local practices, but research has not explored the impact of the complex interactions between these tensions on an individual university, especially in relation to university autonomy. This paper attempts to bridge this gap. Based on a case study of Tsinghua University in China, this paper explores the university's role in three interrelated processes: the incorporation of international experience into higher education, in order to respond to economic globalization; the reinforcement of political education, as a means of preserving the state‐prescribed cultural identity; and the quest for autonomy, to facilitate the university's move towards world‐class status. Tensions raised by the interaction of these processes will also be discussed. This paper concludes by applying the concept of ‘glocalization’—i.e., ‘thinking and acting both globally and locally’—as a means of understanding the complex interrelations of global, national, and local factors that inform the translation of global imperatives into local realities in the context of Tsinghua.  相似文献   

What is being sustained in education for sustainable development (ESD)? Drawing on biopolitical theory, this article puts forth the hypothesis that it is in fact the very life-chance gulf that separates wealthy ‘sustainable’ mass consumers from poor ‘sustainable’ subsistence-level populations. Hence, in sharp contrast to the cosmopolitan buzz that characterizes the international policy discourse on ESD, it is argued that ESD feeds into the global life-chance divide as it prepares different populations for entirely different lives and lifestyles. In previous research that has dealt with global aspects of ESD, a dividing line can be drawn between scholars who emphasize tendencies towards neoliberal homogenization and those who highlight contingency, local re-articulations and spaces of contestation. This paper offers a third theoretical position that while sharing a deep unease with global neoliberal government is primarily concerned with its ‘will to divide’. As a corollary of this biopolitical perspective, the paper makes a case for critical empirical research that can lay bare the cracks and contradictions in the grand narrative of ESD as a cosmopolitan ethical enterprise.  相似文献   

经济危机与世界经济格局变化有着内在的联系。这次起源于美国的金融危机必将对全球经济格局产生深远影响,它将牵动到全球经济的方方面面,引起投资、贸易、需求仍至全球产业链布局的变化。文章拟从经济增长、资本流动、需求结构、产业链重构、汇率变动、贸易形势等六方面加以阐述,全方位描述后危机时代世界经济格局变化的新趋势。  相似文献   

学生全球公民素养的培育关系到学生如何致力于未来生活和人类拥有怎样的未来,理应是历史价值观的要义所在。“全球意识、世界公民责任认同、世界和平与人类未来可持续发展理念”是全球公民素养培育的核心内容。全球公民素养培育要重视培养学生民族情怀和世界意识,弘扬时代精神,培养批判和理性思维,关注现实世界,让学生在历史与现实的对话中增强现代公民责任意识,关注全球利益和人类未来。  相似文献   

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