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通过对近20多年来国内、外学者对棒球投手的运动生物力学研究成果进行整理分析研究,研究认为,目前对棒球投手的生物力学研究主要运用高速摄影、等速肌力测试、肌电图、三维测力台等科研手段,从运动学、动力学、肌电学方面对影响棒球投球动作质量及投球速度的关键部位和因素进行了深入研究,并在此基础上对优化投球动作以减少运动损伤等方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

为进一步明确影响棒球投手投球速度的关键因素,通过中国知网、Web of Science和PubMed等平台以棒球投手、投球速度、运动生物力学和鞭打动作等为关键词,检索并整理归纳20世纪90年代至今的相关文献资料。通过对比国内外优秀棒球投手投球速度和专项技术能力,发现投球时投掷臂肩关节外旋角度、肩关节水平外展角度、肘关节角度、躯干前倾幅度、前腿膝关节角度等运动学指标,投掷臂各环节受力峰值、前腿受到的最大地面反作用力等动力学指标均对投球速度起关键性影响作用。教练员和棒球投手可通过改善上下肢关节角度和角速度等指标参数的大小、增强肌肉力量和柔韧性等手段,完善投手投球技术动作,提高投球速度。  相似文献   

棒球运动是以击球跑垒、跑垒得分的进攻行为与投球、接传球的防守行为相对抗为特点的运动项目.在棒球比赛中,投手的球投得好,就能控制击球员的击球,全面控制对方的进攻.因此投手投球的技术战术和心理战术起着十分关键的作用,决定了全局的比赛.通过结合近年来国内、外学者对棒球投手的运动生物力学研究成果,探讨投手投球技术战术及技术战术...  相似文献   

借助三维录像系统,对我国5支棒球队中6名优秀投手进行比赛现场测试,运用运动生物力学原理与方法,对我国优秀棒球投手的投掷臂在投球过程中进行投球技术动作的测试与分析,试图揭示这一技术的运动学特征,并对受试者动作技术的合理性作出诊断与评价。  相似文献   

棒球投手投球技术生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2004年全国棒球联赛上场一线投手为研究对象,选取两名外援及三名优秀国手为优秀组,上海队投手的五名队员为一级组.用JVC L9800高速摄像机选取100格/s的拍摄速度对投手前三局投球动作进行平面定机拍摄.用SBCAS2图像解析系统对投手投快球动作进行动作技术分析.旨在探讨我国棒球投手投球技术特点,为提高投手的投球技能提供参考.  相似文献   

综述近30年来国内、外学者对板球投手运动员的运动生物力学研究成果。研究认为,目前,国外对板球投手运动员的生物力学研究主要运用高速摄像、等速肌力测试、表面肌电图、三维测力台等科研手段,将运动生物力学原理融入到板球运动实践中,试图通过对板球投球动作的运动生物力学与人体测量学研究,建立身体运动、投球速度和运动损伤三者之间的关系模型,为降低运动损伤风险提供参考,但对如何改善投球技术,提高运动成绩研究较少。  相似文献   

棒球投手技战术水平的高低对比赛的胜负能起到80%左右的作用,它是全队的灵魂,也是衡量一支棒球队强弱的主要标志.鉴于投手在球队中的重要作用,近年来,许多国外学者运用录像解析、雷达测速等研究方法,对棒球投手的技术动作进行了一系列的诊断和定量分析,揭示其运动学和动力学的特征.但是目前,我国在这一领域的研究还不是很多.投手投球的方法主要有上手投法、斜上投法、横投法、下手投法.  相似文献   

对近年来国外学者采用三维高速摄影的方法研究棒球投手投掷臂及球出手瞬时上肢动作生物力学特征的科研成果进行了综述,旨在为国内同行提供理论参考。  相似文献   

棒球运动是一项竞技性很强’的运动项目,比赛中充满了智慧、速度与力量,因此,也有许多人把棒球运动比喻为运动场上的“桥牌”。在棒球比赛中,投手作为唯一的进攻型防守队员有着无法比拟的重要性。本文就少年棒球投手投球时的上肢动作进行分析研究,从而为少年棒球运动员训练合理化、系统化提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

张卫红 《辽宁体育科技》2010,32(3):94-94,96
采用运动视频分析软件将拍摄到的垒球投手投球技术录像按照拍摄帧的速率进行分割,找出投球过程中各个阶段的关键技术动作,运用生物力学软件加以分析,旨在为完善投球细节技术动作、有效提高科学化训练水平提供参考。  相似文献   

Baseball pitching must be performed with correct technique if injuries are to be avoided and performance maximized. High-speed video analysis is accepted as the most accurate and objective method for evaluation of baseball pitching mechanics. The aim of this research was to develop an equivalent qualitative analysis method for use with standard video equipment. A qualitative analysis protocol (QAP) was developed for 24 kinematic variables identified as important to pitching performance. Twenty male baseball pitchers were videotaped using 60 Hz camcorders, and their technique evaluated using the QAP, by two independent raters. Each pitcher was also assessed using a 6-camera 200 Hz Motion Analysis system (MAS). Four QAP variables (22%) showed significant similarity with MAS results. Inter-rater reliability showed agreement on 33% of QAP variables. It was concluded that a complete and accurate profile of an athlete's pitching mechanics cannot be made using the QAP in its current form, but it is possible such simple forms of biomechanical analysis could yield accurate results before 3-D methods become obligatory.  相似文献   

Satchel Paige's gala baseball performances in Canada had meaning at multiple levels when assessed within the context of US–Canadian relations, individual and national identity, race, the struggle for equality and the place of culture – sport and baseball in particular – in international relations and diplomacy. Paige was one of baseball's foremost globetrotters, and the premier African-American baseball ambassador without portfolio. His pitching talents and economic importance ignited passions across the borders, commencing in the 1920s and continuing over four decades. He rarely travelled less than 40,000 miles a year throughout the USA and to foreign shores wherever duty called, and there was the promise of a good payday. The great fireballer for hire and other star black ballplayers relished playing south of the border because of the freedom from Jim Crow. It is often overlooked that they loved playing north of the border as well, in Canada in particular. That play, as argued here, had symbolic and substantive international significance.  相似文献   

上肢鞭打动作技术原理的生物力学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘卉 《体育科学》2004,24(11):30-36
鞭打动作是许多体育技术动作的重要组成部分 ,对鞭打动作技术的研究将对运动技术实践具有广泛而深入的指导意义。应用瑞典产 QUAL ISYS- MCU5 0 0红外远射测试系统 (6个镜头 )对羽毛球扣杀、排球扣球、标枪投掷、棒球投球动作过程进行测试。在一定简化的基础上建立了人体上肢 3环节 7自由度的环节链多刚体模型 ,应用多刚体动力学中的 Kane方法和红外远射测试系统所测运动学数据对上肢各环节运动的肌肉力矩进行计算 ,并应用隔离法计算上肢各环节在关节处的受力情况。通过对上肢鞭打动作技术进行运动学与动力学的综合分析 ,揭示了上肢在做鞭打动作时的空间运动规律与特征。  相似文献   

Left-handed baseball pitchers are thought to have a number of theoretical advantages compared to right-handed pitchers; however, there is limited scientific research detailing differences in the pitching mechanics of right- and left-handed pitchers. Therefore, this study sought to understand whether any kinematic and kinetic differences existed between right- and left-handed baseball pitchers. A total of 52 collegiate pitchers were included in this study; 26 left-handed pitchers were compared to 26 age-, height-, weight- and ball velocity-matched right-handed pitchers. Demographic information, passive shoulder range of motion and kinematic and kinetic data were obtained for each pitcher participating in the study. Results indicated that left-handed pitchers did not have a glenohumeral internal rotation deficit as compared to right-handed pitchers. Kinematic analysis indicated that elbow flexion, horizontal glenohumeral abduction and wrist coronal plane motion were significantly different between the two study cohorts. It was also noted that left-handed pitchers had increased elbow varus moments. The findings of this study suggest that pitching coaches should be aware that there are biomechanical differences between left- and right-handed pitchers.  相似文献   

According to recent motor control studies, it is important to know probabilistic structure of his/her own motor errors to choose an optimal motor plan (i.e., where you aim at) to maximise the expected gain. In this study, we questioned if pitching form determines the probabilistic structure of pitching errors in baseball pitchers. Eighteen collegiate baseball pitchers with various pitching forms including right- and left-handed overarm, sidearm and underarm throwers threw 100 pitches aiming at a target located 90 cm above the ground. Two dimensional distribution of pitch location was fitted by using bivariate normal distribution and 95% confidence ellipse was calculated. In order to quantify the pitching form, the direction of the throwing arm trajectory in frontal plane was calculated. The direction of the long axis was dependent on each participant’s pitching form (e.g., right overarm pitchers pitched along a right-up–left-down ellipse and left overarm pitchers pitched along a left-up–right-down ellipse). This was confirmed by circular correlation analysis (P = 0.98). These results suggest that different mechanisms, potentially errors in pitching mechanics and errors in ball release timing, might contribute to errors along the long axis and those along the short axis.  相似文献   

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