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处于生长高峰期的女子足球运动员的身体素质变化迅速,由于缺少有效的测试评价手段,教练员往往难以制定个性化体能发展计划。方法:选取山西体育职业学院U13组(42人)和U15组(23人)女子足球运动员,确保无疲劳情况下进行下肢功能力量(单脚跳、跨步跳和侧向跨步跳)特征和运动表现(反应力量指数、下肢刚度、20 m冲刺和T测试)测试。结果: U13和U15组在单脚跳、跨步跳、侧向跨步跳、反应力量指数(RSI)、下肢刚度、20 m冲刺均存在统计学差异(P<0.05),而在T测试(12.53±0.72)、(12.45±1.06)未见统计学差异。U13和U15组在单脚跳相对值(0.91±0.10)、(0.89±0.10),跨步跳相对值(0.99±0.08)、(0.98±0.08),侧向跨步跳相对值(1.01±0.09)、(0.98±0.07),均未见统计学差异(P>0.05)。两组单脚跳相对值均达到89%,而相对跨步跳成绩两组均未达到109%。结论:U13和U15组女足运动员加速能力(单脚跳/身高值)普遍超过89%,而减速能力(跨步跳/对侧单脚跳)均未达到109%;U15组女子足球运动员的下肢功能、20 m冲刺和RSI成绩均有显著提高,但T测试成绩改善并不明显。  相似文献   

目的:分析竞走运动员核心肌群的功能性特征,探讨核心肌群功能性特征对竞走技术的影响。方法:对我国6 名优秀20 km 竞走运动员主要核心肌群进行表面肌电测试和等动肌力测试。结果:(1)左右侧同名肌的MPF 和AEMG 存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。BF 和RF 协调性随运动速度的提高而下降;导致支撑腿着地时膝角减小5.5°、摆动时膝角增大15.4°。(2)核心肌群等动肌力不平衡。躯干左右侧旋转和屈伸相对峰力矩之比分别为8.7%和37%。髋膝关节屈伸肌力的总不平衡比为分别为34.3%±45.7%和18.8%±5.9%。肌力的不平衡导致支撑阶段两侧髋关节角位移差达到19.4°±9.9°,膝关为2.2°±1.6°。结论:核心肌群的上述特征将导致运动中身体稳定性的下降。建议运动员加强核心肌群的协调性与力量的平衡性训练。  相似文献   

目的:观察体外补充L-精氨酸对过度训练大鼠的作用。方法:9 周龄SD 雌性大鼠40 只,随机分为安静对照组(A 组)、大强度运动组(B 组)、大强度运动服L- 精氨酸组(C 组)、过度训练组(D 组),其中D1 组为过度训练组,D2 组为过度训练加服L- 精氨酸组。上坡跑训练9 周后测各组白腓肠肌和比目鱼肌的肌糖原含量、AMPK 活性和肌膜GLUT- 4 含量。结果:B 组和D1 组糖原含量较A 组有升高趋势,但无显著性;C 组显 著高于A 组(P<0.01);D2 组大鼠比目鱼肌糖原含量较A 组显著升高(P<0.01);D2 组较D1 组升高,但未达到显著水平(P>0.05)。B 组、C 组和D2组AMPK 活性显著高于A 组(P<0.01);D2 组较D1 组有明显增加,差异显著(P<0.05)。B 组、C 组和D2 组GLUT- 4 含量分别较A 组增加100%左右,D1 组增加11%;D2 组较D1 组增加57%。结论:体外补充L- 精氨酸可能有利于延缓或治疗过度训练。  相似文献   

目的:比较两种大强度间歇训练手段对优秀自行车运动员有氧运动能力的影响。方法:将15名备战全国“十三运”的云南省自行车队男子运动员随机分为3组, S组训练方案采用SIT/耐力训练, H组训练方案采用HIIT/耐力训练, C组为对照组,进行传统耐力性训练;训练持续3周。训练前后进行递增负荷测试和有氧运动能力测试,测试指标包括最大摄氧量绝对值(VO2max)、最大摄氧量相对值(VO2max/kg)、每分通气量(VE)、最大心率(HRmax),并通过公式计算每搏输出量(SV),以及测试递增负荷后即刻血乳酸(BLA)、最大有氧功率(P)和40 km个人计时成绩进行了测试。结果:(1)3周训练后,S组运动员VE、HRmax、SV、VO2max、VO2max/kg、P和ITT40km均较训练前有显著性提高(P<0.05);H组运动员VE、VO2max/kg、ITT40km较训练前有显著性增加(P<0.05),BLA有显著性的下降(P<0.05)。(2)S组运动员ΔVE、ΔHRmax、ΔSV、ΔVO2max、ΔVO2max/kg、ΔBLA、ΔITT40km显著提升(P<0.05),且优于其余两组;H组仅ΔITT40km存在明显提升(P<0.05)。结论:间歇训练结合耐力训练对优秀公路自行车运动员的呼吸系统、有氧供能系统可产生积极的影响;而且,SIT结合耐力训练较HIIT结合耐力训练或传统耐力训练更能提高公路自行车运动员的有氧代谢能力和有氧运动能力,训练效果更佳。  相似文献   

目的:探讨八段锦锻炼对大学生颈椎病患者的康复影响。方法:将60例受试者随机分为三组,A组进行八段锦锻炼,B组进行手法治疗,C组采用药物疗法;治疗实验为6个月,实验前后对受试者颈椎生理曲度进行测定;生理曲度变化采用单侧t检验,组间综合疗效比较采用X2检验。结果:A、B、C三组颈椎曲度均有降低,降低幅度A组(12.85%)大于B组(10.97%),B组大于C组(8.60%),其中A组与B组比较有显著差异性(P〈0.05),B组与C组比较差异极具显著性(P〈0.01);组间疗效比较,有效率A组(90%)要好于B组(55%),B组要好于C组(20%),其中A组与B组,B组与C组比较都有显著差异性(P〈0.05)。结论:八段锦锻炼的效果相对手法和药物治疗要更好。  相似文献   

最大耗氧量速度(vO2max)作为中长跑训练的一个强度指标可以有效地用来制定中长跑间歇训练和持续训练的训练计划和评定日常的训练效果.研究目的:通过4周vO2max强度的间歇训练和持续跑训练的实效性研究,首先是验证高强度的间歇训练对于提高受试者的有氧耐力方面是否优于持续跑训练;其次来评价高强度的间歇训练跑30/15组与15/15组在4周训练后对提高运动员有氧耐力和3 000 m跑成绩的效果优劣.研究方法:男性田径运动员18名,随机分成3组:1)40 min70%vO2max持续跑训练组(A组);2)间歇跑15/15训练组(B组);3)间歇跑30/15训练组(C组).训练前、后测试指标:vO2max、O2max、3 000 m成绩测定.研究结果:1)O2max:间歇跑组(B组和C组)训练前、后均有显著性升高(P<0.05;P<0.01);A组训练前后无统计学意义的变化.2)vO2max:间歇跑组训练前后均有非常显著性的的提高(P<0.01),而A组训练前后无显著性差异.4)3 000 m跑成绩:C组训练前后有非常显著性的升高(P<0.01),A组和B组均有显著性升高(P<0.05).结论:用vO2max作为强度指标进行中长跑训练,在受试者有氧能力的改善和3 000 m跑成绩的提高上,间歇训练优于持续跑训练,尤其是30/15组间歇跑训练最为显著.  相似文献   

目的:观察大鼠急性长时间力竭运动后不同时相心电图、心音图和心肌梗死面积等指标的变化情况,探讨心电和心音信号在运动性心肌顿抑 评定中的应用价值。方法:成年雄性SD大鼠22只,体重(238.30±13.44)g,随机分为对照组(C,n=6)和运动组(E,n=16)。E组大鼠于跑台以21 m/ min,+10°坡运动至力竭,监测运动前、运动后即刻至24 h的心电图和心音图,于运动后24 h进行左室前壁心肌坏死面积分析,根据是否出现运动后 心电异常将E组大鼠分为心肌顿抑组(ES)和非心肌顿抑组(NES),比较各组心电、心音指标差异。结果:ES组在运动后1.5~3 h大鼠心电图T波和心 音图S1幅值与运动前相比出现明显下降,且与同时相NES组相比有显著性降低,至运动后24 h时上述变化基本恢复正常;NES组运动前后T波和S1 幅值无明显变化;ES和NES组运动后心率均出现显著上升,2组间无显著差异;ES和NES组运动后心音图S1/S2与运动前相比无显著性差异,2组间 亦无显著差异。C组、ES组和NES组的心肌坏死区比率分别为17.9%±14.95%、29.1%%±13.91%和21.3%±11.47%,两两比较组间差异无统计学意 义。结论:心电图T波幅值和心音图S1幅值可作为评定运动性心肌顿抑的有效指标,其反应的运动性心肌功能障碍主要发生在1.5~3 h之间;心率 和心音图S1/S2不是评定运动性心肌顿抑的有效指标。  相似文献   

研究目的:对腰痛羽毛球运动员的部分功能进行测试,观察其活动范围、肌肉力量、肌电活动以及相应对称性。为了解羽毛球运动员损伤机制发生提供科学依据。研究对象:6名腰痛羽毛球运动员(男运动员4名,女运动员2名)。研究方法:对研究对象分别进行日本矫正外科协会(JOA)评分量表、躯干旋转、胸椎旋转、髋关节内外旋活动度、躯干等速旋转力量、等长背伸活动的肌电活动测试,并观察两侧差异比的平均值。研究结果:(1)腰痛运动员的躯干旋转、胸椎旋转以及髋关节外旋活动度平均差异比为(31.98±21.53)%,(19.8±17.08)%,(13.81±4.43)%大于10%,仅髋关节内旋活动度平均差异比为(5.62±5.63)%小于10%。胸椎和髋关节旋转动度有减小的趋势;(2)等速躯干旋转两侧峰力矩和平均功率差异没有显著性意义,峰力矩平均差异比为(5.45±1.78)%小于10%,而平均功率平均差异比为(12.78±11.40)%大于10%;(3)在等长背伸活动中,竖脊肌肌电活动的平均两侧差异比为(14.18±9.84)%大于10%,而多裂肌肌电活动的平均两侧差异比(9.90±7.92)%接近10%;竖脊肌和多裂肌的中位频率斜率(Median Frequency slope,MFs)均出现下降的趋势,但两侧差异比为(4.68±3.17)%,(5.35±5.40)%小于10%。结论:(1)腰痛羽毛球运动员躯干旋转、胸椎旋转、髋关节外旋活动范围存在对称性问题,且胸椎旋转、髋关节旋转有减少趋势;(2)躯干等速旋转平均功率存在对称性问题;(3)等长背伸任务中,竖脊肌和多裂肌出现疲劳,肌电活动存在对称性问题。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析上海地区不同项群优秀青少年有氧能力,寻找不同项群有氧能力特点。方法:选择上海市2003—2014年一线、二线运动员测试数据库,从中筛选88名16岁以上男性,年龄为(17.5±1.2)岁,103名15岁以上女性,年龄为(16.4±1.1)岁,均为国家二级以上运动员,对其最大摄氧量绝对值和相对值进行统计分析,使用单因素方差分析以及Z分值等方法比较不同性别各项群间有氧运动能力特点。结果:耐力项群最大摄氧量绝对值显著高于隔网对抗(P<0.05)与格斗对抗(P<0.01)。男性各项群间最大摄氧量相对值无显著差异;女性耐力项群最大摄氧量相对值显著高于同场对抗(P<0.01)、隔网对抗(P<0.01)与格斗对抗(P<0.01);女性同场对抗项群最大摄氧量相对值显著高于格斗对抗(P<0.05)。结论:耐力项群最大摄氧量绝对值高于其他项群;体能主导类项群最大摄氧量相对值高于技能主导类项群;同场对抗项群最大摄氧量绝对值优于相对值,其余项群最大摄氧量相对值和绝对值同步。为科学训练提供有力数据支持,教练员可以结合项群有氧运动能力特点,判断运动员的有氧工作能力水平,从而针对性地制定训练计划,提高整体竞技水平。  相似文献   

探讨易筋经锻炼对中老年腰间盘突出症患者的康复影响。方法:将60例受试者随机分为3组。A组进行易筋经锻炼,B组进行推拿手法治疗,C组采用药物疗法。治疗实验为30周,实验前后对受试者腰椎生理曲度进行测定。生理曲度变化采用单侧t检验,组间综合疗效比较采用X检验。结果:A、B、C三组腰椎曲度均有变化,变化幅度A组(39.83%)大于B组(24.75%),B组大于C组(18.76%),其中A组与B组比较有显著差异性(P<0.05),A组与C组比较差异极具显著性(P<0.01);组间疗效比较,有效率A组(90%)要好于B组(60%),B组又要好于C组(50%),其中A组与B组比较差异性显著(P<0.05),B组与C组比较无显著差异(P>0.05),A组与C组比较差异性非常显著(P<0.01)。结论:易筋经锻炼的效果相对手法和药物治疗更好。  相似文献   

Muscle glycogen is the predominant energy source for soccer match play, though its importance for soccer training (where lower loads are observed) is not well known. In an attempt to better inform carbohydrate (CHO) guidelines, we quantified training load in English Premier League soccer players (n = 12) during a one-, two- and three-game week schedule (weekly training frequency was four, four and two, respectively). In a one-game week, training load was progressively reduced (P < 0.05) in 3 days prior to match day (total distance = 5223 ± 406, 3097 ± 149 and 2912 ± 192 m for day 1, 2 and 3, respectively). Whilst daily training load and periodisation was similar in the one- and two-game weeks, total accumulative distance (inclusive of both match and training load) was higher in a two-game week (32.5 ± 4.1 km) versus one-game week (25.9 ± 2 km). In contrast, daily training total distance was lower in the three-game week (2422 ± 251 m) versus the one- and two-game weeks, though accumulative weekly distance was highest in this week (35.5 ± 2.4 km) and more time (P < 0.05) was spent in speed zones >14.4 km · h?1 (14%, 18% and 23% in the one-, two- and three-game weeks, respectively). Considering that high CHO availability improves physical match performance but high CHO availability attenuates molecular pathways regulating training adaptation (especially considering the low daily customary loads reported here, e.g., 3–5 km per day), we suggest daily CHO intake should be periodised according to weekly training and match schedules.  相似文献   

We tested a simple and compact device designed for manual resistance training in conditions of microgravity (Self-Powered Rope Trainer Duo (SPoRT Duo)) to increase muscle performance. Twenty-four participants (20.8 ± 2.1 years) were randomly assigned to a manual resistance group (n = 12) and a free-weight group (n = 12). Participants performed eight exercises (three sets; 8–12 efforts) either with free weights or the SPoRT Duo twice a week for 6 weeks. Maximal isometric force of trunk flexion, back extension and chest press increased (P at least 0.01, d at least 0.52) both in the manual resistance group (18.4% ± 15.0%; 32.7% ± 22.7%; 15.3% ± 9.7%) and free-weight group (18.0% ± 13.9%; 26.6% ± 28.9%; 13.3% ± 7.6%). The change in maximal isometric force of wide grip row in both groups (d at best 0.38) did not reach statistical significance (P at best 0.08). The squat one-repetition-maximum increased in the manual resistance group (29.8% ± 22.1%) and the free-weight group (32.4% ± 26.6%). Jump height, determined by a jump-and-reach test, increased in the free-weight group (9.8% ± 13.2%) but not in the manual resistance group (2.0% ± 8.5%). Manual resistance training was equally effective in increasing strength as traditional resistance training with free weights. This apparatus is a useful addition to current in-flight exercise systems.  相似文献   

采取数据级数推断与广义混合线性模型的统计方法,对2018年俄罗斯世界杯正赛阶段381名非门将位置足球运动员在829次打满全场的比赛中的跑动特征进行量化分析。结果显示:(1)在本届世界杯中,所有外场球员场均跑动距离(9 872±956) m,其中,高强度跑动(速度>20 km/h)距离约占7.2%,场均高强度跑动次数(31±11)次;(2)中场球员的场均跑动距离最多(10 608±759) m,其次是前锋球员(9 622±900) m,最少的是后卫球员(9 484±807) m,其中,前锋球员完成最多的冲刺跑动[速度>25 km/h,(259±113) m]和慢跑[速度<7 km/h,(3 827±324) m],中场球员完成最多的是低速跑[速度7~15 km/h,(4 705±685) m]和中速跑[速度15~20 km/h,(1 596±333) m];(3)本届世界杯中,所有球员上、下半场的跑动距离[(4 940±507) m 与(4 933±516) m]、最大跑动速度[(27.5±2.7) km/h与(27.5±2.5) km/h]、高强度跑动次数[(15.5±6.2)次与(15.1±6.0)次] 都只体现出极其可能的微小无意义变化(ES=-0.04、-0.06、-0.03,可能性皆大于99.5%),而下半场的慢跑距离(1 917±186) m相对于上半场的慢跑距离(1 771±176) m,则出现了极其可能的中等程度的升高(ES=0.82,可能性大于99.5%)。  相似文献   

The effects of training with overweight and underweight cricket balls on fast-bowling speed and accuracy were investigated in senior club cricket bowlers randomly assigned to either a traditional (n = 9) or modified-implement training (n = 7) group. Both groups performed bowling training three times a week for 10 weeks. The traditional training group bowled only regulation cricket balls (156 g), whereas the modified-implement training group bowled a combination of overweight (161?-?181 g), underweight (151?-?131 g) and regulation cricket balls. A radar gun measured the speed of 18 consecutive deliveries for each bowler before, during and after the training period. Video recordings of the deliveries were also analysed to determine bowling accuracy in terms of first-bounce distance from the stumps. Bowling speed, which was initially 108?±?5 km?·?h?1 (mean?±?standard deviation), increased in the modified-implement training group by 4.0 km?·?h?1 and in the traditional training group by 1.3 km?·?h?1 (difference, 2.7 km?·?h?1; 90% confidence limits, 1.2 to 4.2 km?·?h?1). For a minimum worthwhile change of 5 km?·?h?1, the chances that the true effect on bowling speed was practically beneficial/trivial/harmful were 1.0/99/<?0.1%. For bowling accuracy, the chances were 1/48/51%. This modified-implement training programme is not a useful training strategy for club cricketers.  相似文献   

Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE: 0–10) during resistance training with varying programming demands were examined. Blood lactate (BLa) and muscle activation (using surface electromyography: EMG) were measured as potential mediators of RPE responses. Participants performed three sets of single arm (preferred side) bicep curls at 70% of 1 repetition maximum over 4 trials: Trial (A) 3 sets?×?8 repetitions?×?120?s recovery between sets; (B) 3 sets?×?8 repetitions?×?240?s recovery; (C) 3 sets?×?maximum number of repetitions (MNR)?×?120?s recovery; (D) 3 sets?×?MNR?×?240?s recovery. Overall body (RPE-O) and active muscle (RPE-AM) perceptual responses were assessed following each set in each trial. Biceps brachii and brachioradialis muscle EMG was measured during each set for each trial. RPE-O and RPE-AM were not different between Trial A (3.5?±?1 and 6?±?1, respectively) and Trial B (3.5?±?1 and 5.5?±?1, respectively) (p?p?相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine changes in sedentary behaviour in response to extensive aerobic exercise training. Participants included adults who self-selected to run a marathon. Sedentary behaviour, total activity counts and physical activity (PA) intensity were assessed (Actigraph GT3X) for seven consecutive days during seven assessment periods (?3, ?2, and ?1 month prior to the marathon, within 2 weeks of the marathon, and +1, +2, and +3 months after the marathon). Models were fitted with multiple imputation data using the STATA mi module. Random intercept generalized least squares (GLS) regression models were used to determine change in sedentary behaviour with seven waves of repeated measures. Results: Twenty-three individuals (mean?±?Sx: 34.4?±?2.1y, 23.0?±?1.9% fat, 15 women, 8 men) completed the study. Marathon finishing times ranged from 185 to 344 minutes (253.2?±?9.6 minutes). Total counts in the vertical axis were 1,729,414 lower one month after the race, compared with two months prior to the race (peak training). Furthermore, counts per minute decreased by 252.7 counts·minute?1 during that same time period. Daily sedentary behaviour did not change over the seven assessment periods, after accounting for age, gender, per cent body fat, wear time, marathon finishing time, and previous marathon experience. This prospective study supports the notion that PA and sedentary behaviours are distinct, showing that sedentary behaviour was not impacted by high levels of aerobic training.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of training at an intensity eliciting 90% of maximal sprinting speed on maximal and repeated-sprint performance in soccer. It was hypothesised that sprint training at 90% of maximal velocity would improve soccer-related sprinting. Twenty-two junior club-level male and female soccer players (age 17 ± 1 year, body mass 64 ± 8 kg, body height 174 ± 8 cm) completed an intervention study where the training group (TG) replaced one of their weekly soccer training sessions with a repeated-sprint training session performed at 90% of maximal sprint speed, while the control group (CG) completed regular soccer training according to their teams’ original training plans. Countermovement jump, 12 × 20-m repeated-sprint, VO2max and the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 test were performed prior to and after a 9-week intervention period. No significant between-group differences were observed for any of the performance indices and effect magnitudes were trivial or small. Before rejecting the hypothesis, we recommend that future studies should perform intervention programmes with either stronger stimulus or at other times during the season where total training load is reduced.  相似文献   


This study examined the influence of injury, match selection and training load on mental wellbeing (MW) in a squad of professional soccer players. Using a longitudinal design, twenty-five male soccer players (age, 20?±?1 years, height, 1.80?±?5.79 m, body mass 76.33?±?7.52?kg) from the under 23 squad playing in the Premier League 2 division in the UK completed the Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) each week of the 2017/2018 season (37 weeks in total). Injury and non-selection for the match squad were the only significant predictors of MW (P?<?0.05). Injury had the biggest influence on MW that was lower when injured vs. not injured (43.6?±?5.0 vs. 49.9?±?3.5, respectively, P?=?0.001, ES?=?1.48), accounting for 40% of the variation in MW. This increased to 50% when not being selected to play games was also considered. Weekly training loads measured by GPS (total distance, sprint distance and total duration) and individual player win rate did not influence MW (P?>?0.05). These findings highlight the importance of monitoring MW in professional soccer players and suggest that injured players and those rarely selected for the match squad should be educated on the strategies available for managing their mental health and wellbeing.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate (CHO) availability could alter mucosal immune responses to exercise. This study compared the effect of three dietary approaches to CHO availability on resting and post-exercise s-IgA levels. Elite race walkers (n = 26) adhered to a high CHO diet (HCHO), periodised CHO availability (PCHO) or a low CHO/high fat diet (LCHF) for 3 weeks while completing an intensified training program. HCHO and PCHO groups consumed 8.0–8.5 g.kg?1 CHO daily, with timing of ingestion manipulated to alter CHO availability around key training sessions. The LCHF diet comprised 80% fat and restricted CHO to < 50 g.day?1. A race walk test protocol (19 km females, 25 km males) was completed at baseline, after adaptation, and following CHO restoration. On each occasion, saliva samples were obtained pre- and post-exercise to quantify s-IgA levels. Resting s-IgA secretion rate substantially increased ~ two-fold post-intervention in all groups (HCHO: 2.2 ± 2.2, PCHO: 2.8 ± 3.2, LCHF: 1.6 ± 1.6; fold-change± 95% confidence limits), however, no substantial differences between dietary treatments were evident. Post-exercise, substantial 20–130% increases in s-IgA concentration and 43–64% reductions in flow rate occurred in all dietary treatments, with trivial differences evident between groups. It appears that high volume training overrides any effect of manipulating CHO availability on mucosal immunity in elite athletes.  相似文献   

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