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教练员在反兴奋剂斗争中扮演着极其重要的角色。教练员的反兴奋剂态度直接影响着运动员,可以说,教练员是反兴奋剂工作的第一道防线。加强对教练员的反兴奋剂宣传教育,提高其预防兴奋剂发生的意识和能力,具有长远的现实意义。尤其2008年奥运会日益临近,反兴奋剂工作也越来越紧迫。做好北京奥运会的反兴奋剂工作既是北京奥运会成功举办的重要标志,也是重要保障。因此,从本期开始,我们将从反兴奋剂基本知识、法规体系、国际、国内最新动态等方面向广大教练员介绍国内外反兴奋剂工作。  相似文献   

发现运动员使用兴奋剂后如何对相关人员进行处罚,这是当前进一步贯彻执行“三严”方针、加大反兴奋剂斗争力度的一项重要措施。相关人员包括教练员、队医、领队等,其中教练员对运动员的训练负有最主要的管理责任。因此,当发现运动员使用兴奋剂后,其主管教练员至少应负有管理不严的责任,并应受到相应处罚。根据《禁止在体育运动中使用兴奋剂的暂行规定》第三十、第三十一条的规定,现提出对教练员的处罚办法:一、根据《禁止在体育运动中使用兴奋剂的暂行规定》第三十条的规定,当发现运动员使用兴奋剂后,如果无人承认参与或指使运动员使用兴奋剂,应由有关单项运动协会对其主  相似文献   

建立安徽省"反兴奋剂"监控体系,是促进安徽省竞技体育健康发展,实现体育强省的需要。分析了兴奋剂对体育的危害;从兴奋剂检查、相关信息申报、食品、营养品及药品安全;抓好运动员、教练员及相关工作人员的反兴奋剂宣传教育;建立反兴奋剂组织制度和绩效考核等方面,阐述了如何构建安徽省反兴奋剂的监控体系,以提高反兴奋剂工作效果和效率。  相似文献   

郑斌 《游泳》2004,(6):29-30
为帮助各国运动员远离兴奋剂,WADA日前发布了一份有关反兴奋剂知识测验的材料。现摘编如下,供我国运动员、教练员参考。  相似文献   

通过使用兴奋剂定义、使用兴奋剂的历史、雅典奥运会兴奋剂检测的现状、运动员奥运会难以摆脱兴奋剂以及随着高科技的发展对反禁药运动可能会失败的分析,给从事竞技运动的教练员、运动员和禁止兴奋剂组织提供思考  相似文献   

运用社会调查、资料分析等方法,对山东、广东体育高考生对使用兴奋剂的认知情况进行调查,从而为有关部门提供参考。研究结果表明:体育高考生对使用兴奋的认知较为模糊,对兴奋剂一般知识的认知较差,对使用兴奋剂性质的认知有待完善,但是考生关于使用兴奋剂危害的认知程度较好;有关部门应加大反兴奋剂的宣传教育力度。  相似文献   

2011年,北京市体育局根据教练员实际需求和市运会比赛需要,组织了针对区、县教练员的"功能性体能训练的基本理念及实践"培训。同时,针对优秀运动队教练员的"反兴奋剂知识培训",邀请国家体育总局反兴奋剂中心专家,围绕近几年我国反兴奋剂工作的新发展、运动员用药豁免申请、运动  相似文献   

科学技术相伴现代奥林匹克运动有百年历史,对奥林匹克运动产生极为深刻的影响。仅在奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂斗争领域,科技正效应对 奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作起着积极的推进作用,为世界范围内打击兴奋剂使用提供了便利的条件和可能;科技负效应也为研发和使用兴奋剂提 供了科学“帮助”,导致竞技体育和奥林匹克运动中兴奋剂泛滥。采用文献资料、系统分析、逻辑推理等研究方法,试图从价值论、认识论、经济和科 技等多维度视角,剖析科技负效应导致竞技体育和奥林匹克运动中兴奋剂泛滥的社会文化根源,进而探寻奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作难以取得成 效的原因。从科技负效应导致奥林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作的艰巨性角度来看,反兴奋剂工作的难度主要体现在:(1)技术控制的失效性增加了反兴 奋剂工作的难度;(2)技术控制的方法可能成为研发和使用兴奋剂的“帮凶”;(3)科技负效应体现在反兴奋剂检查存在极低的“检出率”等方面。研 究结果认为,只有通过道德和法律等多种文化形态的综合运用,建立和完善反兴奋剂监督机制,加大对服用兴奋剂的处罚力度,改善科学技术在奥 林匹克运动反兴奋剂工作中的使用环境等,才能使科技真正成为推动竞技体育和奥林匹克运动发展的强大驱动力。  相似文献   

对山东、广东两省体育高考生使用兴奋剂的心理调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用社会调查、资料分析等方法,对山东、广东体育高考生对待使用兴奋剂的认知态度情况进行了调查了解。结果表明:体育高考生对使用兴奋剂的认知较为模糊,对使用兴奋剂的态度较为暧昧。反兴奋剂工作应着重加大宣传教育、查禁、惩罚力度,以防止体育高考生使用兴奋剂行为的发生。  相似文献   

分析了拉脱维亚反兴奋剂领域的现状,阐述了与遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》和《欧洲理事会反兴奋剂公约》以及2017年之前存在的《反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约法》有关的法律问题。世界反兴奋剂机构对成员国遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》情况进行的调查显示,拉脱维亚反兴奋剂体系在2017年之前存在若干不合规情况。尤其当时拉脱维亚国家反兴奋剂机构是国家运动医学中心下设的反兴奋剂部门,缺乏足够的自主性,也未有充足的资金来全面遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》和《欧洲理事会反兴奋剂公约》中规定的要求。  相似文献   


The present study investigated athletes’ and coaches’ beliefs about the role of athletes’ entourage in deterring or promoting doping. Competitive athletes and coaches in Greece and Australia took part in semi-structured interviews. Our analysis of the interviews produced five main themes: coach influence, peer influence, doping stance, doping stigma, and entourage’s culture. Overall, coaches and peers having a close and trusty relationship with the athletes were considered most influential with respect to doping-related decisions. The majority of the athletes held a strong anti-doping stance but could not articulate why they held this position. This inability could be ascribed to the stigmatization of doping which led to lack of knowledge and anti-doping education. Finally, an anti-doping culture in the athletes’ environment was considered central to an anti-doping stance. The study findings provide valuable information towards a comprehensive understanding of the role athletes’ entourage can play in shaping athletes’ attitudes and decision for doping.  相似文献   

Within anti-doping efforts, an emphasis has been placed on the importance of providing education programmes to key stakeholder groups, including coaches. Yet, very little is known about current coach education provision in the anti-doping domain across countries and sports. Therefore, this study aimed to: (1) establish the current status of anti-doping education for coaches; (2) gain an understanding of the system through which anti-doping education is provided to coaches; and, (3) explore the opportunities for future education provision. This was done through semi-structured interviews with thirteen individuals responsible for managing anti-doping education within national and international sporting and anti-doping organisations. Most stakeholders acknowledged the importance of providing education programmes for coaches. Some already had provision in place and others were in the process of developing programmes. However, the current focus is on sportspeople and the degree to which sporting and anti-doping organisations are able to devise, implement and evaluate anti-doping education programmes for coaches is hindered by the contextual constraints they face. These include a lack of resources and limited interagency coordination, as well as challenges to overcome negative perceptions of ‘anti-doping’ efforts. Taken together, the findings indicate that policy expectations regarding anti-doping education for coaches are not being fully operationalised, and this situation is unlikely to change without: (1) greater direction and regulation of the system through which education is provided; (2) frequent and effective communication and cooperation between Code signatories; and, (3) increased fiscal and human capital investment at every level of the sporting hierarchy. Ultimately, until anti-doping education is shown to be a key priority for decision makers within sporting organisations (i.e., chief executives and board members), it is unlikely to become a central priority for coaches.  相似文献   

第30届夏季奥林匹克运动会即将在伦敦拉开帷幕。为了做好反兴奋剂工作,伦敦奥组委(LOCOG)与国际奥委会(IOC)、世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)、国际单项体育联合会等机构密切合作,力争通过整合全世界最优秀的人力资源,利用最先进的检测设备,为伦敦奥运会搭建一个严格、精准、全面的反兴奋剂工作体系。  相似文献   

关于竞技体育中兴奋剂问题的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对兴奋剂在世界竞技体育中的使用与禁用进行回顾与反思,诠释兴奋剂的定义及种类,归纳兴奋剂的滋生、蔓延、危害,提出了兴奋剂泛滥的根源,提出竞技体育运动反兴奋剂的对策。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effectiveness of a school-based intervention in promoting an anti-doping culture in adolescents. Participants were 218 high school students attending Health Education programs in Greek secondary education. Students completed a questionnaire including measures of attitudes towards nutritional supplement and doping use, social norms and norm salience, and values and harms of sport. The intervention consisted of 10 teaching units focusing on the health, moral, social and psychological aspects of nutritional supplement and doping use. The results showed that intervention group participants reported significantly weaker attitudes towards doping use, and increased norm salience. Health was ranked as the most important value of sport in both intervention and control groups, and doping use was ranked as the most important threat to the integrity of sport in the intervention group. The findings are discussed with respect to policy making and the role of school-based interventions in promoting an anti-doping culture in young people.  相似文献   

2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》回应了俄罗斯集体兴奋剂事件,加大了对兴奋剂违规行为的打击力度,增强了对运动员权利的保护程度,适应了反兴奋剂技术手段的科学发展。2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》在新增“阻挠、报复兴奋剂举报”这一类违规行为、增设“受保护的人员”与“业余运动员”新型主体类型、为社会毒品设置单独条款等方面的修订显著成功,但也存在着相关条款之间协调不够、反兴奋剂机构与运动员之间程序权利不平衡等不足。研究分析了2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》修订条款的主要内容,并考察了修订的主要原因。  相似文献   

兴奋剂是一个众人皆知的敏感话题。它所引发的思考或已经折射出的人文危机不仅反映出人们对奥林匹克运动历史的总结和反省,更应该激起人们对其现在和将来的思考和审视。历史的发展和社会的进步要求我们要与时俱进,运用新眼光看待旧问题能更加深入的了解和分析问题。兴奋剂使用的泛化和反兴奋剂工作的艰难进一步加深了兴奋剂问题的社会关注度。基于兴奋剂的更新加大了反兴奋剂的难度,而兴奋剂的过度使用扭曲了奥林匹克运动的价值,呼吁按照奥运会的运作模式组创一个免于兴奋剂检查的“反奥运会”,以此激起人们对奥林匹克运动发展的重新思考。  相似文献   

使用兴奋剂不仅危害运动员的身心健康。而且破坏公平竞争的体育精神,甚至严重损害国家形象和荣誉。为积极预防兴奋剂问题的发生。使反兴奋剂教育和管理工作落到实处。我国在反兴奋剂宣传教育工作中,不断加强教育力度,创新教育手段和方式,拓展教育的广度和深度,提高教育的成效。在工作过程中,逐渐形成了一些常规做法,  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):218-230
Athlete support personnel (ASP) implement drug control policies for sport, such as anti-doping. Interviews with 39 ASP reveal how differences between policy and practice play out in their “lived experience” of anti-doping. While most ASP support the ideology underlying anti-doping at a “common sense” level (using popular drug and sporting discourses such as “drugs are bad” and sporting virtue), they are critical of anti-doping practice. Combined with no direct experience with doping, ASP saw doping as a rare event unlikely to emerge in practice. Most ASP took a laissez-faire approach to anti-doping, relying on managers to know what to do in the unlikely event of a doping incident. Despite broadly supporting the ideas of anti-doping, ASP raised concerns around implementation with regards to Athlete Whereabouts and recreational drug use. In response to hypothetical doping events, a number of ASP would seek to persuade the athlete to discontinue doping rather than meet mandatory reporting obligations. Part of this extended from conflicts between professional and anti-doping obligations (e.g. mandatory reporting and patient confidentiality). ASP demonstrate anti-doping policies are in tension with a practice that systematically normalises substance based performance enhancement early in sporting careers. Anti-doping agencies need to do more to engage with ASP as the “front line” of drug management in sport, including resolving contradictions across policies and in practice.  相似文献   

The article reports findings on the perception of doping and anti-doping policies from four representative population surveys carried out in 1995, 1998, 2001, and 2004, as well as from a 2005 - 2006 survey of top-level athletes in Switzerland. The results show a growing public awareness for doping issues and increasing support for a comprehensive anti-doping strategy in Switzerland. The vast majority of the Swiss population and top-level athletes are strongly against doping and support a strategy that combines strict prohibition and sanctioning with informational and educational efforts. The perception of the doping issue and the strategic preferences in fighting doping stated by the public are largely in line with the current anti-doping strategy followed by the Swiss authorities. The results thus suggest a successful use of information resources by the authorities to create public awareness and to communicate its strategy.  相似文献   

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