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<正>一、中考体育足球考核项目的运动能力剖析根据中国教育科学研究院体育与艺术研究所健康体能课题组(以下简称“课题组”)对各省市中考体育考核项目的调研结果显示,我国部分省市的中考体育足球项目中,涉及足球运球绕杆、传接球、颠球、定点射门、运球绕杆射门、传接球运球绕杆射门等多个方面的项目考核,  相似文献   

足球20米运球绕杆射门作为江西体育高考必考技术,每年都困扰着诸多考生,有许多考生在足球项目考核中都饮恨而归。在这项测试项目中,要求考生必须掌握良好的控球技术和射门技巧,更重要的是考验考生的控球射门稳定性和快速反应能力,而非运球技术的高超或完美。做到在最短时间里完成绕杆准确射门便是成功,这与体育高考中篮球测试有着许多共同之处。  相似文献   

给学生营造一个民主宽松富有创造性的课堂氛围   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在期末足球考试时,我设计了这样一组内容:在规定时间内让学生运球绕过10个标枪杆射门。标准为:绕杆50分(每杆5分),超  相似文献   

绕杆射门在足球教学中虽然不作为一项教学内容,但是绕杆射门练习一直是足球教学中的一种最常用,必不可少的训练手段和方法,这是集运球、射门、变向,心理素质于一体的综合练习项目。  相似文献   

运球绕杆射门是体育高考足球专项考生的必考项目,占足球专项分值的比重最大.它由触球起动、运球变向绕杆、绕杆后的射门三个技术环节组成,技术动作较为复杂,包含的过程环节较多.是一项以时间快慢计算成绩的测试项目.在训练和考试中,部分考生因过于追求速度,导致个别环节的处理不当失分过多;或最后射门不进,该项成绩为零,直接影响了考生的专业总分.笔者对近几届所带体育高考足球专项考生的训练与考试中的一些易失分环节进行分析,提出应对策略.  相似文献   

运球绕杆射门技术是足球比赛中运球过人射门的一个缩影,它是足球运动员多单元综合技术的主要项目之一。在体育院校足球普、专修和每年一度的高考加试中,它一直都是一项非常重要的综合指标。然而,在多年的考试中,学生们的成绩都不尽理想。对此,笔者对部分院校教师进行了调查并对我院两系92~95级学生普、专修学生进行绕杆、射门以及角度和距离的4组对比测试,结合文献资料进行分析探讨。1 对体育系92~94级学生绕杆射门普修成绩的分析从附表看绕杆射门的不及格率是较高的,考试总体成绩也不好,原因主要有以下三方面:1)足…  相似文献   

采用12分钟快走监测心肺功能的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合已有的研究结果,以12min跑的成绩为效标,将12min快走成绩作为监测指标,采用积差相关法进行效标有效性估价,结果表明两指标间相关程度密切。  相似文献   

体育高考足球测试中,运球绕杆射门包括运球绕杆和射门两部分,它对运动员控带球和射门技术有着严格的要求。在每年一度的高考测试中,它都是一项非常重要的考试项目。但是,在实践过程中,这项技术考试的成绩缺乏稳定性,一方面除了忽视运球绕杆射门练习的重要性外,更主要的是在合理运用技术技巧和心理素质上存在着某些误区,运用实验法,观察统计,文献资料等方法归纳,认为要提高该项技术质量,必须从动作技术结构和练习手段上加以剖析进行合理有效的练习,才能使学生在较短的时间内达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

普通男大学生有氧能力监测指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文目的旨在筛选我国大学生体质有氧能力监测指标,为其健康测试指标体系提供理论依据。方法:将实验对象分为建模组和评估组,以VO2max和AT作为效标,将建模组1000m跑、12min跑、20m往返跑、台阶试验指数的测试结果与效标进行相关性分析,筛选指标;而后以筛选的指标为自变量,VO2max为因变量,建立预测VO2max的回归模型进行线性回归分析,再通过评估组对VO2max预测模型进行实效性评估,以确定指标的优良性。结果:(1)12min跑和20m往返跑不仅与VO2max之间呈高度相关性,而且与VT之间也表现出较高的相关性;1000m跑与VO2max和VT之间相关性很低;台阶试验指数与VO2max和VT之间均无相关性。(2)以12min跑、20m往返跑建立预测VO2max的回归模型拟合优度均较高,预测效果通过相关性检验和配对t检验显示实效性均较好。结论:(1)12min跑不仅是一项能有效评价大学生有氧能力的指标,而且还是一种科学的有氧健身方式;(2)20m往返跑也可以有效地反映大学生有氧能力水平;(3)1000m跑和台阶试验指数不适合作为评定大学生有氧能力的指标。  相似文献   

目的:探讨20-MST监测普通大学生心肺功能变化的有效性及对运动训练的敏感性。方法:以32名男性大学生(实验组、对照组各16名)为研究对象,对实验组学生进行8周的有氧耐力训练干预,在实验前后分别测定VO2max、20-MST、库博12min跑、台阶试验四项指标,并对检测结果进行分析比较。结果:20-MST在实验前后与VO2max、12min跑成绩高度相关,与台阶指数低度相关;实验后,各指标均有显著增长,20-MST的增量最明显。结论:20-MST是一种间接评价心肺功能、判断训练效果的有效方法,它对评价运动训练引起心肺功能适应性变化的敏感性高于VO2max。  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate why futsal players decide to dribble. For this purpose, we analysed 396 trials comprising the dribbles (n = 132), passes (n = 131) or shots (n = 133), performed by 70 male futsal players. Passing and shooting angles, and interpersonal distance, including their rates of change (velocity and variability), were regarded as measures of interpersonal coordination tendency and a comparison was made among dribbling, passing and shooting situations. In addition, the variables identified as constraints on deciding to dribble were analysed in relation to age categories, dribbling outcomes and futsal court zone. Results revealed that passing and shooting angles, and interpersonal distance showed higher variability in dribbling than in passing and shooting situations. The findings allowed us to conclude that decision-making on dribbling was influenced by the variabilities of passing angles as well as shooting and interpersonal distance, and that success in dribbling was affected by the variability of interpersonal distance. Such variabilities were interpreted concerning their meaning of risk and/or uncertainty in the execution of motor skills.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the reliability and construct validity of new soccer skills tests. Twenty soccer players (10 professional and 10 recreational) repeated trials of passing, shooting, and dribbling skills on different days. Passing and shooting skills required players to kick a moving ball, delivered at constant speed, towards one of four randomly determined targets. Dribbling required players to negotiate seven cones over 20?m. Each trial consisted of 28 passes, 8 shots, and 10 dribbles. Ball speed, precision, and success were determined for all tests using video analysis. Systematic bias was small (<9% in all measures) and all outcome measures were similar between trials. Test-retest reliability statistics were as follows: ball speed (passing, shooting, dribbling; coefficient of variation [CV]: 6.5%, 6.9%, 2.4%; ratio limits of agreement [RLOA]: 0.958?×/÷ 1.091, 0.990?×/÷ 1.107, 0.993?×/÷ 1.039), precision (passing, shooting, dribbling; CV: 10.0%, 23.5%, 4.6%; RLOA: 0.956?×/÷ 1.147, 1.030?×/÷ 1.356, 1.000?×/÷ 1.068), and success (passing, shooting, dribbling; CV: 11.7%, 14.4%, 2.2%; RLOA: 1.017?×/÷ 1.191, 0.913?×/÷ 1.265, 0.996?×/÷ 1.035). Professional players performed better than recreational players in at least one outcome measure for all skills. These findings demonstrate the reliability and validity of new soccer skill protocols.  相似文献   

岳文雨 《湖北体育科技》2003,22(1):135-136,139
12min跑是一种评价有氧耐力的方法。通过对12min跑的实验研究,探索大学生有氧耐力状况和特点,结果表明:目前大学生12min跑成绩整体处于良好水平,不同年级和选项的大学生有氧耐力不同,特别是四年级大学生的有氧耐力下降明显。建议应加强和促进大学生的有氧耐力训练。  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the reliability and construct validity of new soccer skills tests. Twenty soccer players (10 professional and 10 recreational) repeated trials of passing, shooting, and dribbling skills on different days. Passing and shooting skills required players to kick a moving ball, delivered at constant speed, towards one of four randomly determined targets. Dribbling required players to negotiate seven cones over 20 m. Each trial consisted of 28 passes, 8 shots, and 10 dribbles. Ball speed, precision, and success were determined for all tests using video analysis. Systematic bias was small (<9% in all measures) and all outcome measures were similar between trials. Test–retest reliability statistics were as follows: ball speed (passing, shooting, dribbling; coefficient of variation [CV]: 6.5%, 6.9%, 2.4%; ratio limits of agreement [RLOA]: 0.958 ×/÷ 1.091, 0.990 ×/÷ 1.107, 0.993 ×/÷ 1.039), precision (passing, shooting, dribbling; CV: 10.0%, 23.5%, 4.6%; RLOA: 0.956 ×/÷ 1.147, 1.030 ×/÷ 1.356, 1.000 ×/÷ 1.068), and success (passing, shooting, dribbling; CV: 11.7%, 14.4%, 2.2%; RLOA: 1.017 ×/÷ 1.191, 0.913 ×/÷ 1.265, 0.996 ×/÷ 1.035). Professional players performed better than recreational players in at least one outcome measure for all skills. These findings demonstrate the reliability and validity of new soccer skill protocols.  相似文献   

浅析对持球队员的攻击性个人防守   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代篮球攻击性个人防守体现在按防守的意图控制对手,是一种带有破坏性、威胁性的防守,能使进攻者难以完成传、运、突、投等进攻动作的个人防守,对篮球攻击性个人防守队员的身体、技术的要求,防守基本姿势以及如何对持球队员进行攻击性个人防守提出看法。  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of body size and pubertal status on variation in functional capacities and sport-specific skills of 59 youth basketball players aged 14.0–15.9 years. Height and mass were measured and stage of pubic hair was assessed at clinical examination. Six tests of functional capacity were evaluated: squat jump, countermovement jump, 60-s sit-ups, 2-kg standing medicine ball throw, hand grip strength, and 20-m multi-stage shuttle run. Four basketball skills were tested (shooting, passing, dribbling, and defensive movements). Comparisons between basketball players of different sexual maturity status were performed using analysis of covariance (controlling for chronological age). Functional capacities and basketball skills appeared to be largely independent of pubertal status especially after controlling for variation in body size. Results of multiple linear regressions indicated chronological age as a significant predictor for four items, while maturity status was a significant predictor for only one item. The influence of body mass was negative for two functional indicators (jumping, multi-stage shuttle run) and two basketball skills (dribbling, defensive movements), but positive for two functional tests of upper body strength (hand grip, ball throw). Height was positively correlated with two specific skills (passing, defensive movements), while a combination of tallness and heaviness was associated with a disadvantage on three functional capacities and two sport-specific skills.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the contribution of experience, body size and maturity status to variation in sport-specific skills of adolescent soccer players. The participants were 69 players aged 13.2-15.1 years from three clubs that competed in the highest division for their age group. Height and body mass were measured and stage of pubic hair development was assessed at clinical examination. Years of experience in football was obtained at interview. Six football skill tests were administered: ball control with the body, ball control with the head, dribbling with a pass, dribbling speed, shooting accuracy and passing accuracy. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the relative contributions of age, stage of sexual maturity, height, body mass and years of formal training in soccer to the six skill tests. Age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed significantly but in different combinations to the variance in four of the six skill tests: dribbling with a pass (21%; age, stage of maturity), ball control with the head (14%; stage of maturity, height, body height x body mass interaction), ball control with the body (13%; stage of maturity, years of training) and shooting accuracy (8%; stage of maturity, height; borderline significance, P = 0.06). There were no significant predictors for the tests of dribbling speed and passing accuracy. In conclusion, age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed relatively little to variation in performance in four of the six soccer-specific skill tests in adolescent footballers aged 13-15 years.  相似文献   

Touch/control football boots are reportedly designed for optimal passing and dribbling. Little research exists on the effect of boot design on touch/control performance and no validated protocol has been developed for assessing passing and dribbling from an equipment focus. This study aimed to assess the effect of upper padding on dribbling and passing performance using a test–retest reliable test setup. Eight university players performed a protocol of dribbling, short and long passing in football boots with 0 and 6 mm of upper padding (Poron foam). The protocol was completed twice; the 0-mm padding results were used for test–retest validation, while the 0-mm versus 6-mm padding results were used to investigate the effect of padding. Dribbling performance was assessed though completion time, number of touches applied and lateral deviation from cones and passing performance through ball velocity and offset from target. The protocol demonstrated good test–retest reliability and indicated no significant differences in any of the 12 performance variables between the 0- and 6-mm padded boots. These findings suggest an element of design freedom in the use of padding within football boot uppers without affecting dribbling or passing performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the contribution of experience, body size and maturity status to variation in sport-specific skills of adolescent soccer players. The participants were 69 players aged 13.2?–?15.1 years from three clubs that competed in the highest division for their age group. Height and body mass were measured and stage of pubic hair development was assessed at clinical examination. Years of experience in football was obtained at interview. Six football skill tests were administered: ball control with the body, ball control with the head, dribbling with a pass, dribbling speed, shooting accuracy and passing accuracy. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the relative contributions of age, stage of sexual maturity, height, body mass and years of formal training in soccer to the six skill tests. Age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed significantly but in different combinations to the variance in four of the six skill tests: dribbling with a pass (21%; age, stage of maturity), ball control with the head (14%; stage of maturity, height, body height × body mass interaction), ball control with the body (13%; stage of maturity, years of training) and shooting accuracy (8%; stage of maturity, height; borderline significance, P?=?0.06). There were no significant predictors for the tests of dribbling speed and passing accuracy. In conclusion, age, experience, body size and stage of puberty contributed relatively little to variation in performance in four of the six soccer-specific skill tests in adolescent footballers aged 13?–?15 years.  相似文献   

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