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采用文献资料法、录像分析、专家访谈法,从出发预备姿势、入水距离和腾空高度等角度对新旧规则仰泳出发技术进行对比分析,并据此分析两种出发技术适合人群,期望为中国仰泳运动员和教练员在训练与比赛提供借鉴。在新旧2种规则下的不同仰泳出发技术,在准备动作、入水距离和腾空高度等方面有较大的差异,这对于运动员有着不同的身体素质和运动技术要求。  相似文献   

运用统计学方法找出影响前倾式蹲踞式出发时间的主要水上及水下技术指标。选取山东省优秀游泳女运动员10名,运用2台陆上摄像机、1台水下摄像机与1台测力起跳台同步定机拍摄15 m 完整出发技术动作周期,使用 Kwon3D 和 Biowave 进行运动学和动力学数据解析,使用统计学软件 SPSS 对26个指标进行了相关性分析,发现前倾式蹲踞式出发总时间受水下时间的影响;出发台上时间受后腿膝关节角度和蹬离时间的影响;出发腾空时间受起跳角和腾空高度的影响;水下时间受入水深度、水下打腿次数、入水角、水下水平初速度和滑行髋关节角度的影响;腾空时间影响入水距离和入水水平初速度;腾空阶段髋关节角度影响入水水平初速度;前脚水平蹬离最大力量影响入水水平初速度和水下水平初速度;起跳角和前后脚水平蹬离力量影响离台水平速度,离台水平速度影响腾空高度、入水角、入水距离。  相似文献   

游泳抓台式出发技术的运动学特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用高速摄影方法,对12名男性大学生游泳运动员的游泳抓台式出发技术进行了运动学分析,揭示了抓台式出发技术的预备姿势、离台技术、重心移动以及入水技术的运动特征,为今后游泳抓台式出发技术的训练提供了有关参数。  相似文献   

我国优秀游泳运动员出发技术辅助训练的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林洪  于仙贵  程燕 《体育科学》1998,18(4):53-56
为改进我国优秀游泳运动员的出发技术,采用观测和实验方法,通过拍摄运动员陆上和水下出发技术录像以及出发计时,对出发技术进行运动生物力学诊断和分析。在此基础上,根据运动员自身特点和不同泳姿提出相应的入水启动方式,并研制出发训练辅助器材,对出发预备姿势、腾起角度以及飞行远度和入水角进行控制。实践证明:这是一种快捷、有效的出发技术辅助训练方法。  相似文献   

通过课例背景、教学分析、教学过程、教学反思这四个方面的研究,以一节游泳课为例,对仰泳出发技术中"预备姿势"、"准备动作"、"起跳"、"腾空入水与滑行起游"四个阶段的技术动作进行了教学设计,以及设计意图的解析。课例教学目标明确,具体问题具体对待;给予学生充足的练习时间,使学生能深入掌握技术动作的要领;坚持教学设计多样化,在一定程度上提升教学趣味性。但是,课例对学生的心理状态欠缺考虑,在课程内容的丰富性上仍有很大的提升空间。  相似文献   

改进和提高游泳抓台式出发技术训练方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过游泳抓台式出发技术的教学与训练和有关定量研究,结果发现:抓台式出发的离台角度、重心移动、入水角度以及入水到达10m时间是评价出发动作的主要技术环节,结合以往研究,提出了游泳抓台式出发技术的训练方案。  相似文献   

两种蹲踞式游泳出发技术的运动学比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取8名男子大学生游泳运动员,进行为期4周的前倾蹲踞式与后摆蹲踞式游泳出发技术的规范训练.通过对两种蹲踞式出发技术的录相解析来比较研究其出发技术的运动学特征.研究结果表明,后摆蹲踞式出发技术不仅在预备姿势、起跳、腾空等阶段有利因素较多,而且在入水及水下滑行阶段更具有明显的优势.  相似文献   

仰泳,即身体仰卧在水面上游进。由于人体本身具有浮力,只要在水中全身放松平卧,脸部露出水面,便于呼吸,腿部和手臂稍加动作,就可以浮于水面上游进。只要姿势正确,动作协调,是比较容易学会的。但如何才能使学生在较短的时间内掌握仰泳腿部技术,使其尽快学会仰泳,我个人认为在学习中抓住仰泳腿部的关键环节,是非常重要的。 对初学者来说,能否平稳地仰卧漂浮于水面,是一个关键环节。从技  相似文献   

在势均力敌的游泳比赛中,出发和到边技术往往可以决定胜负。仰泳的出发是整个赛程中速度最快的部分,整个赛程的其余时间的速度都比不上出发的速度。由于出发时的力量大和速度快,所以应该充分利用它的动量。仰泳的出发可包括三个环节,1.蹬壁向后仰起跳。2.流线滑行和踢水。3.最初的三到  相似文献   

目的:基于青少年的生理特点,通过对比青少年游泳运动员采用蹲踞式和抓台式2种游泳出发技术时的运动学和动力学数据,以期为青少年游泳运动员的运动训练与比赛提供参考。方法:使用Kistler测力台和高速摄像机记录从青少年游泳运动员从准备姿势到入水的整个过程,通过对2种游泳出发技术参数的统计对比分析,总结这2种游泳出发技术的特点。结果:从游泳出发技术上来看,男性采用蹲踞式的加速蹬伸时间、地面反作用力峰值、腾空时间、腾空距离、平均水平腾空速度、出发总时间大于抓台式,而入水角度较小;女性采用蹲踞式的加速蹬伸时间、地面反作用力峰值、腾空距离、平均水平腾空速度大于抓台式,而腾空时间、入水角度、出发总时间较小。从性别角度看,男性采用蹲踞式的加速蹬伸时间、平均水平腾空速度、入水角度小于女性,而地面反作用力峰值、腾空时间、腾空距离、出发总时间较大;男性采用抓台式的加速蹬伸时间、平均水平腾空速度、入水角度小于女性,而地面反作用力峰值、腾空时间、腾空距离、出发总时间较大。结论:从游泳出发技术上来看,蹲踞式在滞台阶段加速蹬伸时间较长,但地面反作用力较大,且获得了更大的平均水平腾空速度,弥补了其滞台时间较长的缺点;在腾空阶段,在腾空时间无显著差异的情况下,蹲踞式具有明显较大的腾空距离,则蹲踞式在该阶段更具优势。从性别上来看,男性的加速蹬伸时间较小,且地面反作用力较大,但平均水平腾空速度较小,减小了男性在滞台阶段的优势;在腾空阶段,男性的腾空时间明显大于女性,但其腾空距离也较大。  相似文献   

We aimed to analyse the handgrip positioning and the wedge effects on the backstroke start performance and technique. Ten swimmers completed randomly eight 15 m backstroke starts (four with hands on highest horizontal and four on vertical handgrip) performed with and without wedge. One surface and one underwater camera recorded kinematic data. Standardised mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used. Handgrip positioning did not affect kinematics with and without wedge use. Handgrips horizontally positioned and feet over wedge displayed greater knee angular velocity than without it (SMD = ?0.82; 95% CI: ?1.56, ?0.08). Hands vertically positioned and feet over wedge presented greater take-off angle (SMD = ?0.81; 95% CI: ?1.55, ?0.07), centre of mass (CM) vertical positioning at first water contact (SMD = ?0.97; 95% CI: ?1.87, ?0.07) and CM vertical velocity at CM immersion (SMD = 1.03; 95% CI: 0.08, 1.98) when comparing without wedge use. Swimmers extended the hip previous to the knee and ankle joints, except for the variant with hands vertically positioned without wedge (SMD = 0.75; 95% CI: ?0.03, 1.53). Swimmers should preserve biomechanical advantages achieved during flight with variant with hands vertically positioned and wedge throughout entry and underwater phase.  相似文献   

FINA recently approved the backstroke ledge (Omega OBL2) to improve backstroke start performance in competition, but its performance has not been thoroughly evaluated. The purpose of this study was to compare the mechanics of starts performed with and without the OBL2. Ten high-level backstroke swimmers performed three starts with, and three starts without, the OBL2. A wall-mounted force plate measured the lower limb horizontal impulse, vertical impulse, take-off velocity and take-off angle. Entry distance, time to 10 m and start of hip and knee extension were recorded using video cameras. Starts performed with the OBL2 had a 0.13 s lower time to 10 m, 2.5% less variability in time to 10 m and 0.14 m greater head entry distance. The OBL2 provides a performance advantage by allowing an increased head entry distance rather than larger horizontal impulse on the wall. This may be due to the swimmers assuming different body positions during the start manoeuvre. Additional studies are needed to evaluate factors that contribute to improved performance when using the OBL2. Swimmers should train with the OBL2 and use it in competition to ensure optimal start performance.  相似文献   

通过对我国九运会女子 10 0m自由泳前 3名运动员和第 2 7届奥运会同项目前 3名运动员技术比较的数理统计分析发现 ,我国女子前 3名运动员 15m出发段的速度略低于外国优秀运动员 ;途中游的划水频率不如国外运动员 ,划水幅度与 2 7届前 3名运动员持平 ,5 0m绝对速度与国外运动员相比差距较大 ;转身段的表现也不如国外运动员 ;中国优秀运动员冲刺到边段表现出色 ,略优于国外运动员 ,展示出良好的速度耐力和顽强的意志品质。  相似文献   

During backstroke, an optimum shoulder entry angle of 180° has been anecdotally suggested; however, this has yet to be investigated biomechanically. The aim of this study was to quantify shoulder entry angles for advanced and intermediate backstroke swimmers. Six advanced (season's best?<150?s) and six intermediate (season's best?>160?s) 200-m backstroke swimmers had markers applied to the medial humeral epicondyles and glenoid cavities. Following a familarization period, participants completed backstroke swimming trials (90?s each) in a swimming flume at 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% of their season's best 200-m velocity. A camera positioned above the flume recorded frontal plane motion, which was digitized and analysed in Simi Motion Systems. The mean peak angle between the upper arm and the line of progression was established in ten strokes for each participant. The results showed backstroke shoulder entry angles for advanced swimmers (170°) were significantly closer to the suggested optimum 180° compared with those of intermediate swimmers (161°). The non-dominant arm displayed values closer to the optimum (171°), while swimming speed had no effect on backstroke shoulder entry angle. In conclusion, backstroke shoulder entry angle may help discriminate between advanced and intermediate backstroke swimmers and may be influenced by laterality dominance, being independent of swimming speed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the installation of the backstroke start device reduces 15-m time. Thirteen college swimmers participated in this study. The aerial start and underwater motions were recorded with two digital video cameras. The center of mass (CM) of the swimmer, angular displacements and velocities of the shoulder, hip and knee joints were calculated. As an indicator of performance, the 5- and 15-m times were measured. The 5- and 15-m times in the backstroke start device condition were significantly shorter than in the non-backstroke start device condition. The vertical velocities of the CM at hand-off and toe-off in the backstroke start device condition were significantly greater than in the non-backstroke start device condition, while there was no significant difference in the CM horizontal velocity at toe-off. As a result, the height of the great trochanter at entry of the fingertips, with the backstroke start device, was 15 cm higher than in the non-backstroke start device condition. In addition, the CM horizontal velocities at 5 m in the backstroke start device condition were significantly greater than those of the non-backstroke start device. Thus, the use of the backstroke start device may reduce the 15-m time by diminution of the entry area.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to clarify factors to perform the hole-entry technique in the backstroke start. A total of 16 well-trained Japanese competitive swimmers were divided into two groups (backstroke specialists and non-specialists) to compare their backstroke start motions. Their backstroke motions were videotaped, and two-dimensional co-ordinates for the swimmers were obtained from the video images using direct linear transformation methods. A non-paired t-test and Mann–Whitney U-test were used to analyse the statistical difference of the kinematic variables between the groups. Backstroke specialists showed a significantly shorter 5 m time (P = 0.009, effect size = –1.54), a significantly higher position of the toe (P = 0.010, effect size = 1.47) at signal and of the hip at toe-off (P = 0.002, effect size = 1.94), a significantly larger hip joint angle at toe-off (P = 0.007, effect size = 1.60) and a significantly higher angular velocities of the hip joints (45–85%; P < 0.05) for the normalised time as compared to that of non-specialists. An earlier initiation of the extension and the maintenance of a higher extension speed at the hip joints were important factors in achieving an arched-back posture, which facilitated and water entrance with a small entry range.  相似文献   

Foot and hand set-up position effects were analysed on backstroke start performance. Ten swimmers randomly completed 27 starts grouped in trials (n = 3) of each variation, changing foot (totally immersed, partially and totally emerged) and hand (lowest, highest horizontal and vertical) positioning. Fifteen cameras recorded kinematics, and four force plates collected hands and feet kinetics. Standardised mean difference and 95% confidence intervals were used. Variations with feet immersed have shown lower vertical centre of mass (CM) set-up position (0.16 m), vertical impulse exerted at the hands, horizontal and vertical impulse exerted at the feet (0.28, 0.41, 0.16 N/BW.s, respectively) than feet emerged with hands horizontal and vertically positioned. Most variations with feet partially emerged exhibited higher and lesser vertical impulse exerted at hands than feet immersed and emerged (e.g. vertical handgrip, 0.13, 0.15 N/BW.s, respectively). Variation with feet emerged and hands on the lowest horizontal handgrip depicted shorter horizontal (0.23, 0.26 m) and vertical CM positioning at flight (0.16, 0.15 m) than the highest horizontal and vertical handgrip, respectively. Start variations have not affected 15-m time. Variations with feet partially or totally emerged depicted advantages, but focusing on the entry and underwater biomechanics is relevant for a shorter start time.  相似文献   

叶诗文在2013年世界游泳锦标赛的成绩分析发现,在各个泳姿阶段的成绩远差于2012年的伦敦奥运会成绩;从分段速度统计发现虽然叶诗文各分段速度明显落后于前3名运动员,但其转身后的速度不差于前3名运动员,有几个转身后速度还具有明显的优势;叶诗文的训练需要重视蝶泳的第2段,蛙泳的全程段,而优势段的自由泳水平的保持与提高亦是能否再登巅峰的关键。通过统计近3届世界大赛的成绩,分析女子400m个人混合泳进行组内和组间偏相关性得出:前后半程的速度波动产生的影响主要体现在第5段即蛙泳第1分段上。典型相关分析结果和分段间的相互关系分析得出,仰泳的第3段和第4段的速度变化对蛙泳的第5段和第6段有较强的影响作用,仰泳第3段不仅影响蛙泳的第5、6段,还对自由泳的第7、8段产生影响,因此仰泳的第3段的体能分配尤为重要,保证自由泳阶段冲刺能力不受影响的前提下,提高仰泳段的成绩显得尤为重要,但要有所控制,否则结果适得其反。  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed arm coordination in the backstroke over increasing speeds by adapting the index of coordination originally used in the front crawl. Fourteen elite male backstroke swimmers swam four trials of 25 m at the speeds corresponding to the 400-m, 200-m, 100-m, and 50-m events. The six phases of the arm stroke were identified by video analysis and then used to calculate the index of coordination, which corresponded to the time between the propulsive phases of the two arms. With increases in speed, the elite swimmers increased the stroke rate, the relative duration of their arm pull, and their index of coordination, and decreased the distance per stroke (P < 0.05). Arm coordination was always in catch-up (index of coordination of -12.9%) because the alternating body-roll and the small shoulder flexibility did not allow the opposition or superposition coordination seen in the front crawl. This new method also quantified the relative duration of the hand's lag time at the thigh, which did not change ( approximately 2%) with increasing speed for the elite swimmers. The index of coordination enables coaches to assess mistakes in backstroke coordination, particularly in the hand's lag time at the thigh.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine if starting with the feet above the water (FAW) in male backstroke swimming resulted in faster start times (15-m time) than when the feet were underwater (FUW). It was hypothesised that setting higher on the wall would generate increased horizontal force and velocity, resulting in quicker starts. Twelve high-level male backstrokers performed three trials of the FAW and FUW techniques. A biomechanical swimming testing system comprising one force plate (1,000 Hz), four lateral-view (100 Hz), and five overhead (50 Hz) video cameras captured the swimmers' performance. Data for each participant's fastest trial for each technique were collated, grouped, and statistically analysed. Analysis included Wilcoxon, Spearman Rho correlation, and regression analysis. Wilcoxon results revealed a significantly faster start time for the FAW technique (p < 0.01). Peak horizontal force was significantly smaller for FAW (p = 0.02), while take-off horizontal velocity was significantly greater (p = 0.01). Regression analysis indicated take-off horizontal velocity to be a good predictor of start time for both techniques, and the horizontal displacement of the centre of mass for the FAW start.  相似文献   

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