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在计算机支持的协作学习(Computer Supported Collaborative Learning,CSCL)中引入"群体感知"这一概念,可以促进学习者之间的交流和协作,为解决协作学习效果不佳的问题提供新方法。为此,文章首先分析了群体感知的概念和国外典型的基于群体感知的CSCL学习分析工具的不足,并依托功能设计原则,构建了基于群体感知的CSCL学习分析工具功能模型;随后,文章具体分析了工具功能的技术实现;最后,文章通过问卷调查,发现学习者对工具功能的整体接受度较高,认为工具能有效支持协作学习。文章的研究有助于在线学习者更好地互动交流、解决问题,推动协作学习的进一步发展。  相似文献   

Groove作为一种协作工具,在网络协作学习中起到了举足轻重的作用。文章在分析Groove功能和特点的基础上,结合协作学习和网络协作学习的概念与要素,提出Groove支持下网络协作学习活动设计方式及设计出学习活动案例,以有效指导基于Groove的网络协作学习活动的开展。  相似文献   

概念图是学生协作知识建构的一种有效支持工具,然而在Web环境下概念图的协同创作系统的研究却并不多见。鉴于此,文章通过对协作学习中概念图的理论研究,分析了概念图协作创建过程中学习者的认知过程,设计了基于概念图的协作知识建构的理论模型,设计了概念图协作创作系统的功能模型和动态模型,介绍了基于Flex和FMS技术的系统实现方案,讨论了系统功能和实现过程。文章的研究成果能丰富协作知识建构的理论研究,推进概念图在网络协作学习实践中的应用。  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是近几年研究的热点,为了评价CSCL过程是否有效,需要分析协作学习交互过程.但是对教师或者学习过程的设计者来说,由于缺乏描述交互过程的词汇和模型,因此分析协作学习中的交互是比较困难的.由此,笔者基于学习理论建立了一个描述交互过程词汇和模型的Ontology,并在这个Ontology的基础上,提出了一个交互分析系统模型,帮助CSCL的设计者评估这个学习过程.  相似文献   

校际协作学习可以促进不同地区、不同水平学生之间的知识共享,从而成为培养学生高级思维能力和发展学生社会性的重要途径.与班级内协作学习活动相比,校际协作学习更复杂.校际协作学习活动成败的关键是协作学习是否能够真正发生.实践证明,如果没有协作学习过程的具体策略,没有有效的支持工具,学习的协作过程很可能被忽略,导致协作学习本质上的失败.本文以教育部-微软(中国)"携手助学"合作项目2006-2007年度研究课题中成功组织的大型跨地区校际协作学习活动为例,在实践的基础上,总结了设计支持校际协作学习活动的有效教学策略和脚手架.作者提出校际协作学习设计中应考虑的八类策略,并介绍了"携手助学"项目中具体策略和脚手架的设计方法.希望本文能够为我国中小学开展校际协作学习活动提供方法参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是教育技术研究的重要领域,也是学习科学的一个重要分支。它主要关注的是在计算机的支持下人们是如何在一起进行学习的。计算机和网络技术在协作学习中的应用促进了CSCL的快速发展,目前CSCL已经发展成为一个跨学科的研究领域。不同领域背景的专家从心理学、教育学、人类学、社会学、传播学、教育技术学和学习科学等视角来研究CSCL。CSCL中主要关注的问题是协作学习的本质和计算机是如何支持与促进协作学习的。和个体学习相比,协作学习更具有社会属性,其主要目标是协商意义和建构知识。信息技术介入到协作学习中,改变了学习的方式和形态,同时也产生了许多新的问题。在计算机支持的小组学习环境中,小组学习的过程究竟发展了哪些情况,学习者之间是如何利用技术工具来共同协商意义和建构知识的,信息技术和协作学习之间的相互关系如何,以及研究小组协作学习的理论基础和主要方法都是CSCL领域所关注的问题。美国Drexel大学信息科学学院的Gerry Stahl教授是致力于CSCL研究的知名专家,他是《国际计算机支持的协作学习期刊(International Journal of Computer-Supported Co...  相似文献   

随着计算机网络和人机交互技术的迅速发展,网络协作学习被广泛应用到教育教学领域.本文通过分析网络协作学习发展状况,针对网络协作学习发展过程中出现无法有效地解决知识表示与共享问题,研究基于本体对协作学习知识进行建模.本文通过分析协作学习基本理论,基于基本概念、角色概念及角色持有者,研究学习理论本体的构建,给出了将学习理论与学习者发展关系相结合的学习理论本体模式,在此基础上设计了协作学习系统模型,并重点说明了本体对学习系统的支持.本文把本体构建和协作学习、学习理论及学习过程相结合建立知识库,为协作学习系统实现知识共享与复用打下基础,并为协作学习系统的智能决策提供理论指导.  相似文献   

Groove支持下的网络协作学习探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Groove作为一种协作工具,在网络协作学习中起到了举足轻重的作用。本文在分析Groove功能和特点的基础上,结合协作学习和网络协作学习的概念与要素,阐述了Groove支持下网络协作学习的基础理论,进而说明在Groove支持下,网络协作学习是如何开展的。  相似文献   

如何设计、利用信息技术提高学习绩效一直是数字化学习研究的焦点。本团队从学习科学视角入手,以"语义图示"为技术着力点,试图通过对图示方式的探索以及图示技术的设计与开发,增强信息技术支持的学习方式并提高数字化学习效果。理论上,在认知任务更为复杂的计算机支持的协作学习中,语义图示有潜力缓解认知负担从而为协作任务提供支持。本文试图探查作为可视化技术的图示方式与工具在远程协作学习中的使用成效,以了解图示工具在协作学习过程中的使用特点,深入挖掘图示方式与工具在协作学习中的潜力。论文通过文献与理论研究提出假设,采用干预自然教学情境的设计研究方法,将图示工具与方法应用于协作任务设计中,通过观察与访谈收集数据,并对数据进行质性分析以说明问题。研究结果表明:在协作任务中,图示方式与工具可以直观明了地呈现内容,并能辅助沟通,缓解学习者认知负荷。其具体表现形式和功用与学习任务、环境与条件有关。初步结论是:图示方式与工具可以通过平衡工作记忆、聚焦思考,促进理解与认知并辅助表达;在协作沟通中,图示工具的使用扩展了沟通方式,有助于提高沟通效果。  相似文献   

文章概述了过程教学法,探索技术环境下过程教学法的二语写作教学模式,详述其实施步骤和实施意义。在二语写作教学模式中,教师利用信息技术创设仿真的语言学习环境和多元交互生态环境,学生以信息技术作为自然的语言处理工具、信息加工工具、协作交流工具、写作意义建构认知工具、写作评价工具和自主学习工具,在教师及同伴的帮助下会话、协作和建构写作意义,提高学生的写作能力、交际能力和自主学习能力。  相似文献   

基于交互分析的协同知识建构的研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
该指出,计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)主要研究协同知识建构的过程以及设计工具支持这一过程的实现,而共享、论证、协商、创作、反思和情感交流是实现协同知识建构的基础。目前,交互分析是明确CSCL中协同知识建构的本质、把握其规律的主要研究方法,其应用主要有四个方面,即通过分析成员个体和小组整体的知识结构变化、关系网络形成、互动结构、协同知识建构水平等来探讨协同知识建构的基本规律。该最后还分析了一个以这一方法来评估协同知识建构水平的研究案例。  相似文献   

Process performance management provides detailed understanding of the design of a process to improve performance. This article highlights a process performance model aligned with the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) steps of the Six Sigma model, but with additional substeps to guide process improvement. It thus identifies process improvement as one of the key tools in the performance technologist's toolkit and provides recommendations for methods, practices, and tools.  相似文献   

Collaboration is a specific process in the construction of portfolios. In the case of electronic portfolios, Web 2.0 tools make collaboration a key process. The process known as networking refers to the online connection and collaboration with others, which the social web contributes to the literature of electronic portfolios. This research describes and analyses the pilot implementation of an ePortfolio in the Early Childhood degree programme at the Ibiza Campus of the University of the Balearic Islands. The paper presents a qualitative research study which aims to understand collaborative students’ activity from multiple points of view. In view of this, the data collection techniques used are diverse: analysis of work done by students, Likert scale and group discussion. Atlas.ti software has been used to obtain a qualitative analysis of the students’ discourse. In general, the results show positive attitudes, with a gradual increase noticed in the students’ use of the tools and, finally, with collaboration being expressed in peer work, especially in relation to technology. The analysis carried out enables us to observe tensions between open tools, collaboration and assessment. The research has important implications for practice as it allows us to deduce how to improve the collaboration process in ePortfolios thanks to the introduction of Web 2.0 tools.  相似文献   

Today, ICT, web resources and multimedia contents have become prevalent in Malaysian university classrooms; hence, the learning approaches need to be redesigned for enabling students to use these technologies in co-constructing new meaning. This study analyses student’s perception and their peer interaction in the constructivist–collaborative learning environment (CCLE) with multimedia contents and Web 2.0 tools, to address the research question: What is the impact of CCLE on student learning process? By using factor analysis on the questionnaire results, and applying content analysis on students’ comments in Web 2.0 tools and feedback given by 182 students at INTI International University, several components of constructivist–collaborative learning were identified. The discussion in this study focuses on “team” and its sub-components include group dynamics, students’ prior knowledge with team and group processing. The discussion provides more understanding on the impact on student learning process for enhancing the learning experiences in Malaysian university class environment.  相似文献   

我国学位授权审核制度经历了起步混沌期、初始探索期、稳定发展期和深化改革期,政策文本分析表明,每一阶段在政策价值取向、政策目标和政策工具上存在明显差异,呈现出政策价值取向由服务外部需求转向引导外部发展,政策目标由适应教育自我发展转向全面深化改革,政策工具由单一工具转向系统工具包,政策内容由简单模仿转向形成中国特色,政策参与主体由政府主导转向多元共治。  相似文献   

合理接受网络协作交流工具,能提高师生交互效果,促进协作效率。为探讨网络协作学习中影响学习者接受交流工具的主要因素,本文根据技术接受模型(TAM)理论,提出了基于TAM的协作交流工具接受行为模型,并对理论模型和研究假设进行了分析。研究结果表明,技术特征、任务特征和个体差异显著影响个体的感知有用性和感知易用性;学习环境显著影响个体的感知有用性和接受行为,感知有用性和感知易用性显著影响接受意愿,而接受意愿又对接受行为有显著影响。研究结果从实证角度对协作交流工具接受行为模型提供了支持,也为优化协作学习设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

Although a large body of research emphasises the collaborative nature of adolescents' multimodal composing processes in and out of school, little is known about how or why collaborative partnerships might differ across composers or digital tools. Integrating sociocultural and social semiotics theoretical frameworks, this study examined how three pairs of culturally and linguistically diverse Grade 12 students collaboratively composed across three multimodal projects – a website, hypertext literary analysis and podcast – when responding to and analysing literature. Data sources included screen capture and video observations, student design interviews and written reflections. Qualitative data analysis revealed three different types of collaborative partnerships: (1) designer and assistant collaboration, (2) balanced division collaboration and (3) alternating lead collaboration. The division of labor between students was based on the convergence of mediating factors, with students negotiating multiple modes and tools, along with their partner's and their own technical skills, content knowledge and design preferences. These findings demonstrate how collaborative multimodal composing processes were multilayered and offered students flexibility for tailoring unique collaborative partnerships. Implications are discussed for understanding and supporting adolescents' collaborative multimodal composing processes in the classroom.  相似文献   

Collis  Betty  Smith  Carmel 《Instructional Science》1997,25(6):433-462
Desktop multimedia conferencing, when two or more persons can communicate among themselves via personal computers with the opportunity to see and hear one another as well as communicate via text messages while working with commonly available stored resources, appears to have important applications to the support of collaborative learning. In this paper we explore this potential in three ways: (a) through an analysis of particular learner needs when learning and working collaboratively with others outside of face-to-face situations; (b) through an analysis of different forms of conferencing environments, including desktop multimedia environments, relative to their effectiveness in terms of meeting learner needs for distributed collaboration; and (c) through reporting the results of a formative evaluation of a prototype desktop multimedia conferencing system developed especially for the support of collaborative learning. Via these analyses, suggestions are offered relating to the functionalities of desktop multimedia conferencing systems for the support of collaborative learning, reflecting new developments in both the technologies available for such systems and in our awareness of learner needs when working collaboratively with one other outside of face-to-face situations.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2002,12(2):213-232
This study investigates to what extent collaborative knowledge construction can be fostered by providing students with visualization tools as structural support. Students (32) of Educational Psychology took part in the study. The students were subdivided into dyads and asked to solve a case problem of their learning domain under one of two conditions: (1) with content-specific visualization; (2) with content-unspecific visualization. Results show that by being provided with a content-specific visualization tool, both the process and the outcome of the cooperative effort improved. More specifically, dyads under that condition referred to more adequate concepts, risked more conflicts, and were more successful in integrating prior knowledge into the collaborative solution. Moreover, those learning partners had a more similar individual learning outcome.  相似文献   

Drawing on a research project which focused on the role reflective learning tools have in bringing about change to practice, this paper describes how nine practitioners from four different professions enhanced their professional practice by contributing to a collaborative journal. An analysis of the journal revealed four key themes: practice‐related learning, professional philosophies, personal learning and growth, and reflective practices. It was also apparent that contributors used the journal for five specific purposes: to connect with one another, pose questions, discuss ideas, share stories and advance understanding. This article outlines the collaborative journalling process used in this project and demonstrates how this reflective learning tool can lead to professional development gains.  相似文献   

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