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以文化是中国武术的灵魂和教育作为文化传播的主要路径为切入点进行研究,结果表明,文化传承是学校武术教育不可推却的责任,理应挖掘中国武术的国学内涵,重构国学之术.这其中包括,重建学校武术教育理念,重建学校武术教育模式,重建学校武术教育队伍,重构学校武术教育学科.  相似文献   

清末民初武术发展的重要特点之一是中国传统武术被纳入了现代教育的范畴,成为学校体育内容的一部分。清末民初中国城市化发展,军国民教育思想影响,武术认知价值的转变和武术教学手段、方法以及教学内容的变化为中国武术纳入学校教育体系成为可能。由于师资的紧缺和教材的匮乏成为清末民初中国武术教育发展的瓶颈。研究清末民初中国武术教育的发展对当代中国学校武术发展有重大启示作用。  相似文献   

中国武术分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对已有的分类方法进行分析后,提出武术分类应注重现代武术发展格局,体现其社会功能和教育功能。采用功能分类法,将中国武术分为学校武术、竞技武术和健身武术三大类。并对三大类内容进行界定,突出了中国武术体系的整体性和多层次多功能特点,以利于中国武术的发展和推向世界。  相似文献   

主要运用文献资料法、比较分析法等方法,以我国学校武术教育作为研究对象,立足当前文化全球化背景,对我国学校武术教育的境遇及存在问题进行解析,进一步阐述中国武术传统体育文化的重要价值,提出全球化进程中发展学校武术教育、传承中国传统文化的建议。研究提出:通过"练打结合",实现学校武术教育的本真目标;"德艺兼修",实现学校武术教育立德树人的教育目标;"术道融合",实现学校武术教育精益求精的更高目标。旨在促进全球化背景下中国武术的传承与发展。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料的研究方法、逻辑分析法,运用文化学、历史学等相关理论,以学校武术教育为研究对象,从国学的视角来研究学习武术教育的发展。文章首先阐述了国学对中国武术的主导性,然后根据当下学校武术教育的现状,最后提出,学校武术回归国学是其自身文化的重拾。历经沧桑的学校武术与国学联姻,是对中华民族本土文化的一种认可和仰慕,更是中国武术发展的人间正道。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、历史与逻辑分析法,通过对武术体育化“文化空巢”现象的解读,从近年来武术体育化时代视角下对中国武术历史留存的空间、标准化竞技武术的导向和武术教育薄弱所引起的武术“文化空巢”现象给予客观地分析;并从传统武术需要文化创新、竞技武术需要文化传承以及学校武术教育兴趣培养的需要中唤醒中国武术文化的理性发展与思考。由此得出,中国武术在体育化时代需要加强自身文化的创新与传承,使中国武术文化在现代传承中担负起自身的使命。  相似文献   

中国武术博大精深,蕴含着丰富的传统文化和健身功能,是学校教育的重要组成部分。然而当今我国学校武术教育状况却不容乐观,我国学校武术教育改革迫在眉睫。2010年教育部和国家体育总局组织有关专家创编了《全国中小学生系列武术健身操》,为我国中小学校武术教育的发展打开了新的局面。本文通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法对武术健身操创编的相...  相似文献   

中国武术段位制教程试点学校上月初在河北省唐山市丰南县稻地镇中学挂牌。这是国家体育总局武术研究院与教育部体卫艺司联合承担,由国家体育总局体育哲学社会科学研究项目立项的《中国武术段位制系列教程》的学校教学指导方案研究课题的试点单位中,第一个举行挂牌仪式的学校。  相似文献   

在全球化的浪潮下,学校武术教育的发展状况令人担忧。基于此,我们对学校武术教育功能所进行的剖析对学校武术教育如何摆脱困境就具有特殊的意义。文章从武术教化功能、文化功能、艺术价值这三个同位而一体的功能价值出发,对学校武术教育进行重新的理论与实践的构架,以期探索一条真正的中国武术传播的坦途。  相似文献   

本文就责任教育与中国武术、中国武术融入学校体育的重要性、小学武术教学对学生的积极作用、责任教育下提升武术与体育教学融合的具体措施等方面内容进行阐述,旨在引导学生学习中国武术,使中国传统文化得以有效传承与弘扬。  相似文献   

我国正在积极筹办2008年的奥运会,这是向世人展示我国改革开放成果的最佳途径之一。成功举办2008年的奥运会,将对进一步提升我国在国际上的地位具有十分重要的意义。本文从公共关系的研究入手,探讨举办奥运会等大型体育赛事问题。  相似文献   

Recent political initiatives in the UK have sought to increase the role of supporters in the governance of football clubs. The Labour Party included in their 2015 general election manifesto proposals to give supporters a statutory right to representation on the board of directors of their club. In Scotland, amendments to the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act (2015) have provided Scottish Ministers with a framework to develop legislation relating to supporter involvement in governance. To date, however, there has been limited research on supporter representation, and the practicability of legislation giving fans the right to a seat in the boardroom has not been investigated. The purpose of this paper is to address that gap in the literature. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 directors of Scottish football clubs. Findings show that such legislation would be imprudent given the inherent difficulty of the role and the potential disruption to board dynamics.  相似文献   

Efforts to ensure the welfare of athletes have long existed in sport but have heightened recently across numerous countries in response to shocking revelations of sexual abuse in sport. Cases such as the sexual abuse of female gymnasts by a team doctor in the U.S. and sexual abuse of male footballers by a coach in the U.K. have drawn significant attention and scrutiny by stakeholders in sport and the public alike. These and other cases indicate that in spite of existing athlete welfare policies, educational programmes, and efforts to ensure compliance, numerous athletes were abused, the perpetrators were permitted to continue over an extended period of time, and some adults knew of the abuses and were complicit in failing to intervene. In this article, the authors use Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory to review the current landscape with respect to initiatives to prevent and address athlete maltreatment at each level of the theory. The authors also propose that to advance athlete welfare, more attention needs to be devoted to the development of interventions at the macrosystem or international level. Using Bruno Latour’s concept of the oligopticon (1992) an argument is forwarded to create an international surveillance system to promote athlete welfare.  相似文献   

Florida-James G  Donaldson K  Stone V 《Journal of sports sciences》2004,22(10):967-80; discussion 980
Athens sits in a basin approximately 450 km2 in area, surrounded by mountains and open sea. Anthropogenic emissions in conjunction with the topographical and meteorological conditions can result in high air pollution within the city. The pollutants of concern for athletes competing in Athens 2004 appear to be nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone and particulate (PM10) pollution. Exposure to elevated ozone concentrations has been reported to give rise to symptoms that include cough, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, headache, eye irritation and a decrease in forced expiratory volume in one second. All of these effects are likely to impact upon performance, and several studies of cyclists suggest this to be the case. In contrast, the impact of ambient concentrations of NO2 appears to be negligible on normal activities, but at high exercise intensities the impact remains unclear. The use of currently available information and models to predict the effect of ozone and other pollutants on elite athletes is problematical, since such models are based upon significantly lower ventilation rates than those achieved by some elite athletes. In addition, it is already known that the response to ozone can vary somewhat between individuals. Since the individuals who will be competing in Athens are physiologically very different to the participants in most published studies, it is difficult to predict individual responses. There is some evidence to indicate that adaptation to the adverse health and performance effects of ozone can occur, so that performance is partially recovered on re-exposure. The adaptation is not seen in all studies and appears to be dependent on several factors, including the initial sensitivity of the individual to ozone. Antioxidant supplementation has also been shown in some studies to partially ameliorate the adverse effects of ozone by counteracting the oxidative stress mechanism associated with this pollutant. Whether this transfers to performance enhancement per se remains unclear at present. Additional research is required to gain a sound understanding of the effects of a complex mixed air pollution exposure on the pulmonary function and performance of athletes exercising at high work intensities.  相似文献   

华健 《安徽体育科技》2002,23(4):108-110
增强全民体质是国家当前的重要任务,终身自我锻练已成为一种时尚.要使人们掌握一定的锻炼知识和技能,必须加强学校体育理论课的教学.本文试从我省当前体育课教学中存在的问题出发,论证重视体育理论课教学的必要性和现实意义,并提出几点建议.  相似文献   

According to its foundation myth, association football was introduced to Ireland when one man, John McAlery, personally organised an exhibition match between two Scottish teams in Belfast in 1878 and went on to form the first Irish association club in 1879 and the Irish Football Association in 1880. Based on new research, this article seeks to revise this traditional account, by presenting evidence of earlier association matches, including one in 1875: the earliest recorded association match thus far discovered. It also uses primary sources and a critical re-examination of secondary sources to re-evaluate the role of McAlery, and suggests that others ought also to be credited for the efforts that were made to establish association football in Ireland from the mid-1870s. The article also considers, but dismisses, other extant claims of early association football in Ireland, and, taking stock of recent scholarship, points to the existence of other more informal, less organised and less successful processes of diffusion in Ireland, prior to and contemporaneous to, but independent of, that which was ultimately successful in Ulster.  相似文献   

选取2010年湖北省国民体质监测走、跑、跳身体素质指标并联系问卷中的父母因素项,统计分析各因素项中身体素质合格率的差异,探讨影响幼儿部分身体素质合格率的父母因素,以便为采取有效措施促进幼儿体质发展提供依据。结果显示,父母受教育程度为大专及以上、职业为脑力劳动类型的幼儿10m折返跑、立定跳远的合格率高,而走平衡木的合格率则以父母受教育程度为初中及以下及其他类型的劳动者高。父母参加每周1次以上体育锻炼的幼儿,以上这些身体素质的合格率都较不参加体育锻炼的父母的幼儿高。结论认为,鼓励幼儿父母参加体育锻炼、提高其体育锻炼及社会文化认知也是不可忽略的促进幼儿体质的干预手段之一。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2014,17(4):507-519
The purpose of this article is to contribute to the understanding of the emergence and change in institutional logics by analyzing the theorization (e.g., Greenwood, Suddaby, & Hinings, 2002) of a new and distinctly “different” practice in Swedish voluntary sport: drive-in sport. The article builds on data from 29 interviews with key actors involved in the organizing of drive-in sport in four municipalities. The findings show that two problems were constructed to legitimize drive-in sport: norm-breaking behavior displayed by youth during weekend nights, and organized sport's failure to live up to a sport-for-all ideal. The findings also show that it is perceived that in order for drive-in sport to be the solution to both these problems, the activities need to be arranged in a particular way. The findings are discussed in relation to recent developments in Swedish organized sport as an institutional context. Additionally, the discussion puts forth the value of the theorization concept in terms of furthering our understanding of the social-constructionist interpretive processes that underpin the broader processes of change documented in previous sport-related studies of change in institutional logics.  相似文献   

公共体育服务"项目制"治理对于我国构建覆盖面更广、功能更加健全的公共体育服务体系具有重要作用,不仅有助于激励地方政府重视公共体育服务治理,也为体育社会组织和市场组织参与公共体育服务治理提供了机会,并在一定程度上避免了公共体育服务经费被地方政府变相转移的可能。公共体育服务"项目制"治理目前面临一些现实困境,如"一刀切"式的公共体育服务项目建设难以满足居民的多元化需求;存在公共体育服务供给的"一次性消费"倾向,缺乏稳定性与可持续性;弱化了社区居委会或村委会的作用发挥,难以形成有效的制度嵌入;容易造成马太效应,拉大不同区域的公共体育服务发展差距等。为优化公共体育服务的"项目制"治理,一是在公共体育服务"项目制"治理上树立以人为本的理念;二是重视对公共体育服务项目的统筹规划、过程监督与绩效评估;三是强化公共体育服务"项目制"治理的制度嵌入;四是充分考虑不同区域公共体育服务的发展差异;五是引导社会组织和市场组织参与公共体育服务"项目制"治理。  相似文献   

This paper discusses one aspect of competitive youth team soccer in the US: the tension between loyalty and success. Teams use rituals to encourage parents and players to place loyalty to the team over individual goals and self-interest. But competitive teams value team success over loyalty to its players. And youth learn to place self-interest over loyalty to the team, even at the cost of friendships. This becomes an important lesson for youth in a competitive economic system, where success in adulthood is often defined in economic terms. Thus, competitive youth soccer reproduces an upper-middle-class habitus familiar to many of the families that participate in youth sports in the US. The pursuit of desirable careers typically demands geographic mobility and the routine abandonment of significant others. It is a taken for granted aspect of the upper middle-class worldview, learned at a young age in competitive team sports such as soccer.  相似文献   

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