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蹬冰效果取决于下肢有关肌群的退让和克制收缩效果,即蹬冰动作是下肢肌群退让和克制工作的结合。研究对象:受试者为两名女子国际健将级速滑运动员邢爱华和赛娜,均接受过等动测试,测试稳定性较好。研究方法:实验法。结果与分析1.髋关节等动向心收缩(1)峰值力矩大小和角度变化两人髋关节屈、伸肌峰值力矩随着速度的增加呈下降趋势,但下降趋势速度的增加有所减小,且在高速区(超过400°/S)屈、伸肌群峰值力矩均有所反弹,这可能是由于速滑项目运动员长期适应高速运动,所以当速度高达一定范围内时,由于其肌肉长期适应此速度下的刺激,反而出现高速…  相似文献   

采用电刺激训练前后力量测试的方法,获得了前臂屈肌群的最大等长力量、一般力量、爆发力和肌肉耐力的变化数据,分析和探讨了电刺激训练前臂屈肌群对其伸肌力量的作用,为科学地应用电刺激训练法提高肌肉力量,提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

通过ISOMED 2000肌力测试系统对国家古典跤队优秀运动员的膝关节屈伸肌群、肘关节屈伸肌群、躯干屈伸肌群和肩关节外旋、内旋肌群进行了等长肌力测试,获得了优秀古典跤运动员所测关节肌群的力量数据。通过研究所测肌群的相对峰值力矩屈伸比,左右侧肌群相对峰值力矩差异和各关节力矩占躯干力矩百分比,初步揭示了古典跤运动员所测肌群的力量特征。  相似文献   

为研究速滑陆地模仿练习的专项性,采用视频和表面肌电同步采集了王北星冰上专项和陆地模仿下肢支撑腿肌电参数,从主要做功肌群、肌肉激活强度和肌肉激活顺序三个角度研究冰上专项肌肉用力特征及陆地模仿练习的专项性。结果显示:冰上下肢专项肌肉用力特征是:胫骨前肌和股前群肌是主要做功肌群,胫骨前肌的屈过程激活程度更大,而股前群肌是蹬伸过程的激活程度更大,着冰前胫骨前肌就处于持续发力状态,蹬冰时灭活,着冰前股前群肌出现预激活,离冰时灭活。陆上滑跑模仿练习在主要做功肌群、肌肉激活强度屈伸间变化及肌肉激活顺序上与专项相似,具有较高的专项练习价值。但在肌肉激活强度、胫骨前肌做功时程和腓肠肌动员方面明显不足。建议:将来运动员在陆上进行此项练习时应在动作速度、非稳定支撑、着地前的足背屈和蹬伸末期伸踝等几个方面进行改善。  相似文献   

目的:通过对优秀速滑运动员冰上弯道滑跑和陆上模拟训练肌肉用力特征的对比研究,为提高陆上训练的专项性提供科技支撑。方法:以奥运冠军张虹为研究对象,采用视频与肌电同步技术采集冰上与陆上肌电参数,从做功的主要肌群、肌肉激活强度和肌肉激活顺序3个方面,对弯道滑跑肌肉用力特征及陆上模拟训练的专项性进行分析。结果:张虹胫骨前肌和股前肌群是冰上支撑阶段的主要做功肌群;胫骨前肌自收腿起至着冰止,处于持续发力状态,蹬冰时灭活;股前肌群着冰前处于激活状态,收腿阶段灭活;胫骨前肌激活程度屈过程大于伸过程,股前肌群激活程度伸过程大于屈过程;陆上模拟肌肉用力特征与专项有一定差异,但对股前肌群有较好的训练作用。结论:冰陆间肌电的差异是由于支撑条件与方式不同引起的,根据专项技术的特殊需求,对训练器材进行适当改造和对训练细节进行完善,可进一步加强训练的专项化程度,提高训练效益。  相似文献   

关于速滑蹬冰动作"爆发力"性质的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过运动生物力学的方法对速滑蹬冰动作“爆发力”的性质进行了探讨。结果认为:蹬冰技术动作是典型的爆发式动作,逐渐加大用力的蹬冰方式无法实现再加速作用。克莱普冰刀蹬冰动作下肢肌群的工作特点与传统冰刀蹬冰动作的肌群工作方式有着本质的区别。新式冰刀中更好地利用了小腿的能力,增加了蹬冰力量。  相似文献   

目的:量化快速跑过程中下肢各关节力矩和各单块肌肉(群)肌应力的变化规律及其对快速跑动作所起的作用.方法:同步采集8名优秀短跑运动员途中跑时完整步态下肢运动学数据(300 Hz)、地面反作用力(1 200 Hz)数据和肌电图(120 Hz)信号,建立下肢肌肉-骨骼系统模型,应用中尺度序列二次规划拟牛顿线性搜索算法将快速跑时关节肌力矩优化并求解单块肌肉应力.结果:最优化算法所估算的快速跑时下肢冗余肌力变化与快速跑时肌电全波整流图存在一定程度上的相似.支撑期,臀大肌、腘绳肌、比目鱼肌和腓肠肌应力水平较高.摆动前期,髂肌、股四头肌群(股直肌)、股二头肌短头和腓肠肌为主要做功肌肉.摆动后期,只有臀大肌和腘绳肌活动积极.双关节肌腘绳肌、股直肌和腓肠肌在各时期的应力值均高于其他做功肌肉,且在整个步态中的应力峰值也显著高于其他肌肉.结论:下肢双关节肌腘绳肌、股直肌和腓肠肌受两个关节复杂的交互作用导致应力值偏高,在快速跑时被拉伤风险较大.此优化算法为了解快速跑时下肢单块肌肉力量变化提供了更为精确的方法,进而为分析快速跑肌肉功能和为专项力量训练的科学化及防止肌肉拉伤提供了生物力学依据.  相似文献   

排球运动员下肢起跳肌群等速测试的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张涛  金贇 《体育科研》2004,25(2):29-32
用Biodex等速测力系统对排球运动员进行了下肢3关节肌的力量测试,获得了在两种不同速度下的等动测试数据,并把所得数据与运动学拍摄的结果相结合进行了分析研究.结果显示运动员的弹跳能力与下肢起跳肌群等速测试的结果较为一致;下肢髋关节和膝关节起跳肌群肌肉力量和肌肉耐力对起跳能力有较大影响;功疲劳度可以作为评价运动员肌肉耐力素质的有效指标.  相似文献   

对10名武汉体育学院武术系有易筋经锻炼基础的男生练习传统和新编"健身气功·易筋经"的十二势动作,分别选取各动作有代表性的主动肌或被动肌,如前臂内、外侧肌群等,采用表面肌电图技术同步观察各肌群放电信号,取最大振幅、均方根振幅和积分肌电值进行比较研究.数据经SPSS13.0软件包进行统计学处理,发现新编和传统"健身气功·易筋经"十二势动作中相关肌群肌电参数在肌肉用力及用力过程中的有显著性差异,新编后十二势动作对于发力的肌肉群、肌肉发力的大小、发力均匀程度上更趋合理.通过肌电分析找出正确动作的用力肌肉和用力过程,有助于科学指导易筋经的教学和推广.  相似文献   

为证明下肢后肌群(股二头肌、半膜肌、半腱肌、小腿三头肌等)伸展性对老年人下肢运动能力和姿势的影响,我们对60—65岁老年人和18—24岁年青人(对照组),分男女两类两组进行了“仰卧钩脚直膝屈髋”、“常态走路步幅”、“立正膝间距”等三项指标的人体测量.将获得的数据经统计学处理,揭示了老年人下肢后肌群的伸展性与对照组比较减退极明显(P<0.01).并与老年人下肢运动能力的下降、姿势的退行性变化之间高度相关(男、女相关系数显著性检验结果均P<0.01).提示老年人应注意加强下肢后肌群伸展性的运动锻炼,同时也为老年人预防与延缓下肢后肌群伸展性的减退,选择相应对策和方法手段提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to present and evaluate a methodology to determine the contribution of bilateral leg and pole thrusts to forward acceleration of the centre of mass (COM) of cross-country skiers from multi-dimensional ground reaction forces and motion capture data. Nine highly skilled cross-country (XC) skiers performed leg skating and V2-alternate skating (V2A) under constant environmental conditions on snow, while ground reaction forces measured from ski bindings and poles and 3D motion with high-speed cameras were captured. COM acceleration determined from 3D motion analyses served as a reference and was compared to the results of the proposed methodology. The obtained values did not differ during the leg skating push-off, and force–time curves showed high similarity, with similarity coefficients (SC) >0.90 in the push-off and gliding phases. In V2A, leg and pole thrusts were shown to contribute 35.1 and 65.9% to the acceleration of the body, respectively. COM acceleration derived from ground reaction forces alone without considering the COM position overestimated the acceleration compared to data from motion analyses, with a mean difference of 17% (P < 0.05) during leg push-off, although the shapes of force–time curves were similar (SC = 0.93). The proposed methodology was shown to be appropriate for determining the acceleration of XC skiers during leg skating push-off from multi-dimensional ground reaction forces and the COM position. It was demonstrated that both the COM position and ground reaction forces are needed to find the source of acceleration.  相似文献   

In order to help coaches analyse the techniques of professional in-line speed skaters for making the required fine adjustments and corrections in their push-off work, this study analysed the specific plantar pressure characteristics during a 300-m time-trial test. Fourteen elite in-line speed skaters from the national team were recruited in this study. The total completion time of the 300-m time-trial test, duration of each skating phase, and plantar pressure distribution were measured. The correlation between plantar pressure distribution and skating performance was assessed using Pearson correlation analyses. The results showed that the contact time of the total foot and force–time integral (FTI) in the medial forefoot were significantly correlated with the duration of the start phase, and the FTIs in the medial forefoot of the gliding (left) leg and lateral forefoot of the pushing (right) leg were significantly correlated with the duration of the turning phase. The maximum force in the medial heel, medial forefoot, and median forefoot and the FTI in the medial heel and medial forefoot were significantly correlated with the duration of the linear acceleration phase. The results suggest that a correct plantar loading area and push-off strategy can enhance the skating performance.  相似文献   

在温哥华冬奥会上,我国短道速滑队取得了优异的成绩。为进一步促进我国短道速滑的可持续性发展,采用文献资料法、观察法、专家访谈等方法对历届冬奥会短道比赛奖牌分布进行分析,探索我国短道速滑的发展方向。通过比较认为我国短道速滑存在后备人才匮乏、大众普及程度低、科研水平有待进一步加强、场地条件急需改进等问题。提出大力发展短道速滑产业,带动大众普及;体教结合,加强基层普及和训练;提高短道速滑科研水平等发展策略。  相似文献   

李静 《湖北体育科技》2013,32(3):224-226
通过对优秀速度滑冰运动员的专项运动素质包括力量、速度、耐力、协调能力进行测试,结合各类参考文献,并参照速度滑冰专家的建议,获取优秀速滑运动员专项运动素质的特征,为中国速度滑冰事业提供理论参考。  相似文献   

我国速度滑冰1000 m项目不能取得好成绩是多年来困扰教练员的一个难题,我国速度滑冰1000 m项目水平落后的根本症结是速度耐力水平低。要想提高这一项目的成绩,必须找出问题的原因。分析了我国速滑短距离专项负荷训练特点和影响速度耐力水平的训练基础、训练负荷比例、弯道技术、力量训练、肌群训练中存在的诸多问题;指出速度滑冰是一项对技术要求很强的体能类的竞技项目,认为正确理解速度滑冰项目的特点规律,解决好有氧训练、无氧训练和混养训练三者的关系,准确掌握生化指标与3种训练比例的关系,是提高速度耐力水平的关键,并给出了3种训练的合理比例。  相似文献   

蹬冰力是揭示滑行动力的重要手段之一。将近 2 0年来国、内外对速滑蹬冰力的测试研究情况按一维、二维和加速理论 3种分类进行了综述。不仅将荷兰、日本、中国等国内外学者的研究进行对比 ,同时对蹬冰技术演变、发展的脉络和研究中存在的主要问题进行了归纳分析 ,并提出了今后应重点解决的课题。  相似文献   

Little biomechanical research has been conducted recently on hockey skating despite the sport's worldwide appeal. One reason for this lack of biomechanical knowledge stems from the difficulty of collecting data. The lack of accuracy, the disputable realism of treadmills, and the large field of view required are some of the technical challenges that have to be overcome. The main objective of the current study was to improve our knowledge of the joint kinematics during the skating stroke. A second objective was to improve the data collection system we developed and the third was to establish if a kinematic progression exists in the hockey skating stroke similar to that in speed skating. Relative motions at the knee and ankle joints were computed using a joint coordinate system approach. The differences at the knee joints in push-offs indicated that the skating skill was progressively changing with each push-off. The relative stability of the ankle angles can be attributed to the design of the skate boots, which have recently become very rigid. Further research on ice hockey skating is warranted and should include more skaters and investigate the effect various starting strategies and variations in equipment have on skaters' performance.  相似文献   

高校速度滑冰课学生心理状态分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李鸿彬 《冰雪运动》2007,29(4):73-75
探究学生在不同教学环节中所发生的心理变化,为提高速滑教学课堂教学效果提供理论依据。针对大学生在速滑教学中的各种心理状态,采用心理分析方法,探索其心理规律,从而找到课堂教学活动成功与失败的原因。通过分析大学生在速滑课前、课中和课后的心理状态,阐述了如何激发大学生对速滑运动的兴趣和提高其对动作技术的理解程度。认为优秀的体育教师必须具备丰富的心理学知识,把握学生的心理状态,才能保证高校速滑课的教学质量和效果。  相似文献   

Little biomechanical research has been conducted recently on hockey skating despite the sport's worldwide appeal. One reason for this lack of biomechanical knowledge stems from the difficulty of collecting data. The lack of accuracy, the disputable realism of treadmills, and the large field of view required are some of the technical challenges that have to be overcome. The main objective of the current study was to improve our knowledge of the joint kinematics during the skating stroke. A second objective was to improve the data collection system we developed and the third was to establish if a kinematic progression exists in the hockey skating stroke similar to that in speed skating. Relative motions at the knee and ankle joints were computed using a joint coordinate system approach. The differences at the knee joints in push-offs indicated that the skating skill was progressively changing with each push-off. The relative stability of the ankle angles can be attributed to the design of the skate boots, which have recently become very rigid. Further research on ice hockey skating is warranted and should include more skaters and investigate the effect various starting strategies and variations in equipment have on skaters' performance.  相似文献   

Speed skating exercise can be better understood by taking account of physiological and biomechanical considerations. Comparison with other sports shows the unique and peculiar way of skating propulsion. The relatively long lasting isometric muscle contractions during the gliding phase, alternated with high power output push-offs, place unusual demands on the (local) energy delivering systems. The short and explosive push-off needs a specific pattern of motor unit recruitment. Some mixture of slow twitch (to sustain skating posture) and fast twitch fibres (to effect push off) in the hip and knee extensors seems necessary for optimal skating performance.  相似文献   

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