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地表土壤的氟含量变动很大(0.1-500mg/kg)。如把动物的饮水、饲料里的氟完全除去,机体的许多功能指标值会改变,这表明氟对代谢过程有重要意义。  相似文献   

由于氟对大气、土壤、水源的严重污染,致使一些地区发生了氟中毒.因此,认识氟的性质、控制氟的污染,预防氟中毒的发生和发展,是我国环境科学研究的一个重要课题.为此现将氟在环境化学中的有关问题综述如下:一、氟的化学性质及在自然界中的分布1、氟的化学性质:氟是一种负电性强、性质极为活泼的非金属元素.氟分子的共价键很弱,因而氟有很高的化学活性.在常温下,氟几乎能和所有的元素化合,在自然界中大都以氟化物的状态存在.因而氟的化学实际上是氟离子的化学.  相似文献   

人体的健康有赖于机体內环境的稳定以及机体与外环境的统一与平衡,所谓内环境指机体内水。电解质、激素等绝对含量的正常和相对含量的平衡。而所谓外环境指那些对机体具有生物学影响的、机体所赖以生存的环境。它包括自然外环境(如温度、湿度、营养物质、微生物以及物理、化学因素等)和社会外环境(即社会心理因素)。传统的医学对机体内环境与自然外环境均已有非常深入而细致的研究,而对于社会外环境则未予以足  相似文献   

调查研究表明:云浮县六个乡的陆生植物环境主要受锌、铁、氟和磷的污染;作物中污染物含量是芥菜>萝卜>稻谷,这说明主要是受大气污染影响。而大气中主要污染物是大气氟和二氧化硫;靠近西江的白云、富强、南胜、企岭等地受到污染较重。  相似文献   

水是维持人体正常生理活动的重要物质,水与体内的其他成分一起构成了机体细胞工作的内环境,并起着调节内环境浓度的作用。在对饮水与疲劳的关系研究中发现:日常习惯饮水者易疲劳,不习惯饮水者不易疲劳。适应环境是生物生存的条件和基本活动规律,训练后适时、适量控制饮水,使体内环境在一定时间内保持运动状态下一定浓度的代谢物成份,使其对内环境和机体组织细胞的持续作用;并依靠机体各个器官功能的协调作用来平衡内环境的改变,提高组织细胞对内环境改变的适应,从而提高机体在内环境发生改变的情况下持续工作的能力和抗疲劳的能力,以增加运动训练的效果。  相似文献   

张卓鹏 《生物学教学》2007,32(11):61-63
人体细胞生活在由组织液、血浆、淋巴等细胞外液共同构成的液体环境一内环境中。内环境中含有水、无机盐、各种营养物质和代谢废物等,具有一定的渗透压、酸碱度和温度。内环境不仅是细胞生存的直接环境,也是细胞与外界环境进行物质交换的媒介。内环境的各种理化性质总是在不断变化,但正常情况下,借助机体的调节作用,这种变化保持在一定范围内。生理学家把正常机体通过自身的调节作用,使各个器官、系统协调活动,共同维持内环境的相对稳定状态叫做稳态。  相似文献   

以尿素作氮源,氟化铵为氟源,采用溶剂热法制作了N和F共掺杂的纳米TiO2催化剂,考察了环境温度、湿度、氟钛比和焙烧温度对降解污染物二号橙的光催化活性。结果表明,环境条件对可见光下催化剂F-N-TiO2降解二号橙有较大影响,最佳环境条件为:温度35℃、湿度45%;当氟钛比为0.1,焙烧温度为400℃时活性较佳。多元非金属元素共掺杂的N-F-TiO2催化剂有更好的可见光催化活性。  相似文献   

19世纪后半叶,英国思想家斯宾塞提出"机体-环境相互作用"的理论。其讨论渗透进生物、社会、文化等各领域。在此理论视域下,文化不再只是一个和"自然"相对的概念,而是被包括进生命理论之中。文化机体和文化环境间的相互作用成为理解文化生命的出发点。文化生命"自我"创造的抽象性机体通过人类的劳动,向现实性的环境转化,进而又在适应不断被更新的环境过程中实现多样性的统一,显示出一条文化生命进化的轨迹。  相似文献   

近年来日本环境哲学研究中出现了一些具有本土文化特色的思想成果,对人与自然的关系、环境的本质特征、环境保护的基本途径等方面问题提出了一些不同于西方环境哲学的新见解。这些新见解可以从机体哲学角度加以合理解读,进而展现其重要的理论意义和实际价值。这种解读有助于通过协调各种类型机体的关系,为兼顾社会生活健康发展和保护生态环境开拓新的途径,对我国的环境哲学研究和环境治理实践也具有一定启示作用。  相似文献   

寒冷环境中,人体可通过神经一体液调节使机体产热增加,散热减少,从而维持体温恒定;炎热环境中,机体可通过神经调节使皮肤毛细血管舒张,增加皮肤血流量。同时,使汗液分泌增加,从而使散热量增加,以利于体温恒定。那么在炎热环境中,可否通过体液调节使机体产热量减少,以防止体温过高呢?在现行高中生物学教材中,有的版本没有提及这方面的内容,有的版本用图解表示,表达较为模糊。  相似文献   

以15个不同茶树品种为试验材料,采用氟离子选择电极法测定不同茶树品种不同叶位的氟含量。结果表明,不同茶树品种间氟含量的差异达到显著水平,其中参试品种中水浸出氟含量以霞浦元宵茶最高,全氟含量以丹桂最高;而茶树品种间和叶位间氟浸出率的差异也达到显著水平,其中氟总浸出率最高的品种是龙井43(达到97.2%),丹桂最低(仅为58.9%)。茶树同一轮新梢不同叶位因茶叶老嫩程度而异,即叶龄越老,含氟量越高。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Overexpansionofindustrieshascauseddegradationofenvironmentalqualityespeciallyinthedevelopedcoun tries.Ozonedepletionhasspurredworldwideenviron mentalcontrol. Forambientatmosphere,theregulatoryauthoritiesinChinademandallindustriestoimpleme…  相似文献   

某电解铝厂大气氟污染对区域土壤的影响探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过试验,对某铝厂周围土壤中的氟进行了测定。结果表明:0-20cm耕层土壤中水溶性氟的质量浓度值在6.76-7.64mg/kg之间,平均为(7.28±0.36mg/kg);水溶性氟与总氟的比值为1.96%-2.38%,平均为2.23%,均高于当地的土壤背景值。针对土壤氟污染状况,提出了相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Fluorine contaminates the environment. The study of fluorine contamination profile can be made easy by the use of nuclear analytic method. Measurement of prompt gamma emitted from bombarding fluorine polluted environmental sample with proton beam from accelerator provides rapid assessment of fluorine contamination. In this paper, 340 keV proton beam induced F19(P,αγ) O16 reaction is performed, measurement of prompt gamma 6130 keV gives fluorine content in the soil and leaves of plants (parasol, cotton and glossy privet), taken from the fluorine polluted area.  相似文献   

金华是茶叶产地,氟污染严重,其茶氟值得关注。本文通过对茶氟的调查分析,表明金华现有绿茶的茶氟含量偏高,但正常饮用安全。  相似文献   

Fluids (fluorine, chlorine, and OH) in accessory minerals (apatite, titanite and allanite) of Pan-African granitoids (Group-I granitoids, Group-II granitoids and Mefjell Plutonic Complex) from the S?r Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica were precisely measured by an electronic microprobe analyzer in this study. Apatites in the granites have commonly high fluorine contents. However, fluorine contents from the Group-I, Group-II granitoids and Mefjell Plutonic Complex (MPC) are of important variation, which F contents (3.21~7.20 wt%) in apatite from the Group-II granitoids are much higher than those from the Group-I granitoids (1.22~3.60 wt%) and the MPC (3.21~4.11 wt%). Titanite in the MPC has a low fluorine content (0.23~0.50 wt%), being less than those in the Group-I granitoids (2.28 wt%) and Group-II granitoids (1.85~2.78 wt%). Fluorine in allanite in the Group-II granitoids seems to have much lower contents than those from the Group-I granitoids and the MPC. Higher fluorine contents in the titanite from the Group-II granitoids may be mainly controlled by late-magmatic fluid-rock interaction processes associated with melt, but may not be indicative of original magma contents based on its petrographic feature. Due to very lower chlorine contents from all of accessory minerals, the authors suggest that titanite and apatite with higher fluorine contents in the Group-II granitoids have much lower H2O (OH) contents compared with those in the Group-I granitoids according to the partition among (F, Cl, OH). Fluorine contents in whole-rock samples show a variation from the higher in the Group-I granitoids to the lower in the Group-II granitoids and the MPC, which are consistent with the changes of those from the biotite and hornblende as well as fluorite occurred in the Group-I granitoids reported previously. Based on the above study of fluorine in accessory minerals and combined with the previous fluorine contents from biotites and hornblendes, the authors suggest that apatites and titanites with higher F contents in the Group-II granitoids and the MPC may not be an indicator of higher fluorine contents in whole-rock, which reflect fluorine contents in magma sources and/or late-thermal activity. Higher fluorine contents in apatite, titanite and allanite may be an additional evidence of A-type affinity.  相似文献   

阐述了我国氟化学研究现状,论述了合成大环多胺特别是合成含氟大环多胺的意义,展望了有机氟化学的发展前景.  相似文献   

本文论证了文献中关于氟电极空白电位值应洗到某一规定值的提法欠妥;论述了氟电极洗涤空白电位值对测定结果的影响;提出了由氟电极空白电位值引起重现性差、线性范围变化及测定结果偏高、偏低甚至出现负值的解决方法;论述了不同空白电位值的同型号氟电极对测定结果的影响规律,提出了判断氟电极性能好坏与使用期限的新方法。  相似文献   

研究了镁盐絮凝剂对含氟地下水的处理效果。试验结果表明,单独投加氧化钙粉末不能有效去除含氟地下水中的氟,而且投加量过大会产生大量沉淀,而投加镁盐絮凝剂与氧化钙粉末联合处理,除氟效果较好。当镁盐絮凝剂投加量为0.8%,氧化钙粉末调节pH=11,搅拌时间为5 min时,氟离子去除率达到93%,出水氟离子浓度达到我国饮用水卫生标准。此方法处理效果好,不会造成二次污染,在国内未见报道。  相似文献   

Fluids (fluorine, chlorine, and OH) in accessory minerals (apatite, titanite and allanite) of Pan-African granitoids(Group-Ⅰ granitoids, Group-Ⅱ granitoids and Mefjell Plutonic Complex) from the Sor Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica were precisely measured by an electronic microprobe analyzer in this study. Apatites in the granites have commonly high fluorine contents. However, fluorine contents from the Group-Ⅰ, Group-Ⅱ granitoids and Mefjell Plutonic Complex (MPC) are of important variation, which F contents (3.21~7.20 wt%) in apatite from the Group-Ⅱ granitoids are much higher than those from the Group-Ⅰ granitoids (1.22~3.60 wt%) and the MPC (3.21~4.11 wt%). Titanite in the MPC has a low fluorine content (0.23~0.50 wt%), being less than those in the Group-Ⅰ granitoids (2.28 wt%) and Group-Ⅱ granitoids (1.85~2.78 wt%). Fluorine in allanite in the Group-Ⅱ granitoids seems to have much lower contents than those from the Group-Ⅰ granitoids and the MPC. Higher fluorine contents in the titanite from the Group-Ⅱ granitoids may be mainly controlled by late-magmatic fluid-rock interaction processes associated with melt, but may not be indicative of original magma contents based on its petrographic feature. Due to very lower chlorine contents from all of accessory minerals, the authors suggest that titanite and apatite with higher fluorine contents in the Group-Ⅱ granitoids have much lower H2O (OH) contents compared with those in the Group-Ⅰ granitoids according to the partition among (F, Cl, OH).Fluorine contents in whole-rock samples show a variation from the higher in the Group-Ⅰ granitoids to the lower in the Group-Ⅱ granitoids and the MPC, which are consistent with the changes of those from the biotite and hornblende as well as fluorite occurred in the Group-Ⅰ granitoids reported previously. Based on the above study of fluorine in accessory minerals and combined with the previous fluorine contents from biotites and hornblendes, the authors suggest that apatites and titanites with higher F contents in the Group-Ⅱ granitoids and the MPC may not be an indicator of higher fluorine contents in whole-rock, which reflect fluorine contents in magma sources and/or late-thermal activity. Higher fluorine contents in apatite, titanite and allanite may be an additional evidence of A-type affinity.  相似文献   

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