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大学生支教已经成为比较常见的大学生公益实践活动。短期支教因时间要求较为灵活,条件要求更为宽松,从而更适于在校学生参与,成为大学生支教活动经常选择的项目。浙江大学城市学院月山支教项目已有四年的发展历程,本文立足已有经验,结合当地教育状况对贫困山区支教有效途径进行了探索。  相似文献   

孙婧 《成人教育》2011,(6):83-84
现在,大学生支教已经成为比较常见的大学生公益实践活动。其中,短期支教因时间要求较为灵活,条件要求更为宽松,从而更适于在校学生参与,成为大学生支教活动经常选择的项目。但是,正是由于支教时间过短,导致了效果不佳和资源浪费等问题。文章将大学生短期支教作为研究对象,探讨大学生短期支教的原因及存在的弊端,在此基础上提出建立大学生支教长效机制的对策,旨在促进大学生支教朝着规范化、科学化、可持续化的方向发展。  相似文献   

德育对大学生成才至关重要,如何利用支教活动提高德育实践的有效性成为研究重点。大学生支教活动对大学生形成道德自律、加深大学生对社会主义核心价值观的认识以及培养大学生社会责任感效果显著。但在支教活动开展过程中出现的安全无保障、时间短且仓促、动机功利化等问题,严重影响支教活动德育实效性。提高大学生支教活动德育实效性,必须从个人层面、高校层面、社会层面加强德育实践,使在支教活动过程中发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

暑假伊始,上海10万多名大学生署期社会实践活动已经鸣笛出征。2005年的社会实践,围绕着“受教育、长才干、作贡献”的要求,以“投身实践促和谐,服务社会作贡献”为主题,全市1800多支实践服务团队,踏上了漫漫的实践征程……组织大学生和谐社会建设宣传服务团,大力开展环境保护、城镇规划、支教扫盲等服务活动,向广大农村干部和农民宣讲构建社会主义和谐社会的有关内容;组织大学生形势政策宣讲团,引导广大农村干部群众充分认识当前我国  相似文献   

大学生党员开展社会实践是强化宗旨意识、发挥先进性、进行持续教育的有效举措,文章从社会实践组织、活动、形式和管理等方面探索聚焦提升大学生党员社会实践成效的有效路径,提出了大学生党员“社会实践+”有效模式,形成大学生党员开展社会实践与扶贫、支教等项目相结合的具体路径。  相似文献   

近年来,大学生利用假期进行支教活动已渐成常态。假期支教活动在一定程度上推动了支教地的教育发展,大学生来到贫困地区,缓解了当地学校教师紧缺的问题,带来了较为先进的教学理念与富有特色的教学方法,拓宽了支教地学生的视野,调动了学生学习兴趣。对于参与支教的大学生,假期支教提供了接触社会、认识社会的机会,在“教”的过程中深度挖掘所学知识,提高了知识灵活运用能力、团队合作和社会适应能力,进一步开阔了视野,适应社会中待人处事的方式。但假期支教也存在教学时数短、教学内容系统性、连贯性、针对性不强等问题,支教地和大学生志愿者均存在经济负担增加的情况,运行机制的不完善引发部分志愿者的安全、权益难以得到保障,经验不足还会导致教学“供需”不对称。结合对150名参与支教的大学生志愿者调研情况,阐述大学生假期支教活动存在的问题,探讨完善支教组织和管理机制,从而提高大学生假期支教活动质量,提出完善假期支教的对策建议。  相似文献   

刘巧芝 《教育探索》2012,(4):153-154
实践是大学生创业素质提高的重要载体.创业实教学主要包括项目实习、学科竞赛、自主创业及社会实践等四个方面.提高大学生创业素质就要加强大学生实践教学,加强校内创业实训基地建设,加强创业实践指导教师团队建设.  相似文献   

1997年以来,忻州师范学院在农村中小学大规模实施实习支教,取得了大学生欢迎、受援学校获益,地方政府支持的多赢效果,探索出一条深化师范院校教学改革、加强大学生思想政治工作、解决贫困地区教师队伍建设问题的新路.2007年底,学院承担了教育部、财政部"人才培养模式创新试验区"项目(地方师范院校人才培养模式综合改革).本文回顾忻州师院长期大规模实习支教的改革实践,探讨师范生实习支教的理论基础、实施关键环节和需要继续完善的内外部环境,以期为以实习支教为核心的教师教育人才培养模式改革提供实践和理论依据,推进国内教师教育的科学发展.  相似文献   

实习支教使大学生深入基层、了解区情,认识社会,通过实践锻炼,进一步提升了学生的专业技能和社会适应能力,推进了大学生社会化的进程,促进了思想政治教育目标的实现.探索如何以实习支教为契机,将思想政治教育视角有效从课堂教育延伸到实践领域,从而创新大学生思想政治教育模式,提升思想政治教育效果,促进大学生全面发展,为社会培养合格人才是本研究的价值诉求.  相似文献   

近年来,作为科教强国重要举措的STEM教育受到越来越多国家的关注和重视。大学生社会实践是加强高校实践育人效果的重要载体,培养大学生STEM素养将成为新时代大学生社会实践的重要目标。为了改革与完善我国大学生社会实践模式,帮助提高我国大学生STEM素养,文章对国际合成生物学顶级学生赛事即iGEM竞赛中中美大学生团队的社会实践模式进行了比较研究。文章认为,可从"更新观念,大学生社会实践应以增强参赛者的社会责任感为目标""整合为要,大学生社会实践应从整体设计出发规划实践项目""创新形式,大学生社会实践以提升参赛者的综合素质为核心""多元合作,大学生社会实践应以可持续发展为动力"这四个方面改革和完善大学生社会实践。  相似文献   

As online education has entered the main stream of the U.S. higher education, quality assurance in online course development has become a critical topic in distance education. This short article summarizes the major benchmarks related to online course development, listing and comparing the benchmarks of the National Education Association (NEA), the benchmarks of the American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC), the benchmarks of the American Federation of Teachers, and the benchmarks of the Quality Matters project. In doing so the author hopes to promote awareness of and commitment to quality assurance in online education.  相似文献   

秦朗 《现代企业教育》2014,(18):296-296
The ongoing Ukraine crisis is believed to be the most significant geopolitical incident after the fall of Berlin Wall.It deeply influences,among others,the future development of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization),which is the world's largest military alliance and western countries'ace in the hole in case of security emergency.The crisis enhances the status and influence of NATO on the international arena,as well as impacts NATO's transition process since the end of Cold War.The old question of Where will NATO go again becomes a hot topic.  相似文献   

Chickering's seven vectors theory developed in America in this category is the most useful for student development in student affairs. There has been no systematic research on Chickering's theory in Mainland China, even some existing in Taiwan. However, based on the summary of scattered references, two trends on development for Chinese university students are found for future research: one is that there is some research related to every vector respectively. The other is that a growing trend with rising grades from some aspects connected to some psychosocial vectors is shown on university students. So seven vectors theory is useful for describing development for Chinese university students.  相似文献   

高等职业教育的目标是培养社会急需的基层操作性、技能性技术人才。课程是高职教育教学的核心,基于工作过程的职业教育课程,能有效培养学生的职业能力。四川水利职业技术学院在省级、部级示范院校建设过程中借鉴国内外经验和自身实际,开发出基于工作过程的高职水文与工程地质专业课程体系,本文阐述其开发思路、课程体系构建、教学实施条件,可供相关院校借鉴。  相似文献   

NIER (National Institute of Educational Research, 2004) survey revealed that the most common attitude of Japanese high school students to mathematics is that "it is not useful in daily life but must be learnt for entrance examinations". It was also clarified that only 3.2 percent of mathematics teachers use computers in their classes. Therefore, a training system to improve teachers' professional competence through the design of lessons which will improve students' ability to solve problems in daily life was developed using ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in conjunction with mathematical thinking processes. The lAG (Instructional Activities Game) system developed by Matsuda (2004) was used to provide a platform for the execution of several game boards, which were designed to achieve different objectives for different conditions of teaching. Herein, the design of the STG (Simulate Teaching Game) game board and data sets of teaching materials and menu items for lesson plans are described, together with the means of elaborating the lAG system if new functions are required.  相似文献   

This paper examines language development of Samoan students in bilingual contexts in Aotearoa, New Zealand. In the absence of valid and standardized assessments tools in Samoan, one was designed to test reading comprehension and oral language development for Samoan students using common narratives as a base. For reading comprehension, the tool used a listening comprehension format to avoid possible decoding limitations and provided a gradient of difficulty with a surprising drop in both oral and reading comprehension at year 7. This drop was attributed to a change in competencies of some students entering the bilingual classroom at year 7. For example, the mixed levels of both L 1 (Samoan) oral and L1 (Samoan) reading comprehension within and across years of schooling likely reflects the varied provision in the Samoan bilingual classes and the variations across cohorts in different degrees of bilingualism. We argue that this might be due to the make up of the two schools of which one was an Intermediate school of years 7 and 8 students and, the other was a full primary school with students from years 4 to 8. The patterns suggest two general instructional needs in Samoan bilingual classrooms. One is the need to develop metacognitive components and the need for deliberate and explicit instruction to build awareness of strategies and effectiveness. The other is the ubiquitous need identified in reading comprehension instruction generally to develop vocabulary both through oral and written forms. There was a highly significant relationship between L 1 oral at L1 reading comprehension levels reflecting a general relationship found in other studies of monolingual in L2 (English) contexts.  相似文献   

The actual infrastructure of the information society sustains the globalization trend and increases the importance of the information and knowledge. The development of the knowledge society is the direct consequence of the mix of economic, social and cultural processes, which involve the knowledge creation and its equitable distribution, access and sharing. Universities, as poles of knowledge, creativity and innovation, play a key part in the regional development and the global competitiveness. The universities are active promoters of the innovation culture at the regional and international level, by increasing the synergy among education, research and innovation. The article focuses on the role of the academic area in the development of the learning and creative society at the regional level, contributing to the design of new knowledge and technology embedded products, services and organizational processes, which represent the premises of the global competitiveness. The most important challenge the academic environment faces in the new economy is to bridge the gap between the political decision, the governance and the labour market, offering innovative solutions and developing the intellectual capital to address the various issues of the knowledge economy. The article highlights the role of the universities as regional development drivers, by analyzing the economic performance of the Bucharest-llfov region and the direct influence of the trinomial equation: education-research-innovation.  相似文献   

The world (Africa in particular) is in a progressive state of environmental crisis, caused by global warming, loss of biodiversity, human overpopulation, pollution, massive deforestation and desertification, urbanization and many other environmental problems and risk factors. For several commentators and theorists, part of the solution resides in the provision of pertinent and adequate education, including environmental education. The present paper briefly examines the history of environmental education, internationally and in South Africa, and some of its most prominent current trends and issues, before critiquing its general orientation. Arguing against what appears to lie at the heart of environmental education and literacy, namely anthropocentrism (ideas like "education for sustainable development"), the paper urges a radical rethinking of its central concerns and modus operandi, in terms of facilitating learning for the natural environment. In other words, in order to live up to its promise of contributing towards life beyond the twenty-first century, such learning must include the realization that nature matters in and for itself.  相似文献   

中学地理教学应关注学生的学习兴趣,在创设情境中体验、理解教学;关注学生的学习方式,在探究性学习过程中升华地理教学;关注学生的心理世界,在信息反馈中建立评价机制;关注学生的合作意识,在互动交流中注重全面发展.倡导学生主动参与、乐于参与、勤于动手,培养学生搜集、处理信息的能力,获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力与合作能力.  相似文献   

让学生动手操作,自主探究,有助于帮助学生理解和掌握抽象的数学知识,激发学习兴趣,开拓学生思维,促进学生创新能力的发展;也有助于培养学生的探索精神和解决实际问题的能力.  相似文献   

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