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该文从新制度经济学关于“制度安排”的有关理论及制度博弈理论出发,对美国高校学生事务管理制度安排的历史演进、各利益主体之间的博弈及正式制度与非正式制度等问题进行分析。  相似文献   

该文从新制度经济学关于"制度安排"的有关理论及制度博弈理论出发,对美国高校学生事务管理制度安排的历史演进、各利益主体之间的博弈及正式制度与非正式制度等问题进行分析.  相似文献   

当代西方经济学发展出现了若干新动向--新兴古典经济学、新经济地理学、行为与实验经济学、博弈论与信息经济学、新制度经济学与演化经济学等相继兴起.这些新动向代表经济学在多个领域的新发展,体现了时代发展对传统经济学的新要求.通过对这些新兴理论的分析与研究,可以对当代西方经济学的发展方向有一个清晰的认识.  相似文献   

制度:德育的资源——新制度经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新制度经济学基于有限理性、追求利益最大化、机会主义倾向的“新经济人”假设,建立了制度个人主义、成本——收益和均衡——非均衡三个方面的分析方法观。本文依据“新经济人”假设及其分析方法观,探讨了制度对德育的“交易费用”、德育的公益性、德育变革所产生的影响。合理的制度对于德育是一种“经济学”意义上的资源,能支持学校德育的变革与发展。  相似文献   

我国高等教育评估制度的改革,实际上是针对教育公共服务体系的又一次深刻的变革和制度变迁。文章基于新经济制度学制度变迁理论,以新制度经济学制度变迁的理论框架和方法为研究基点,以我国的高等教育评估发展演进和评估制度变迁为主线,对重建我国高等教育评估制度进行了思考。  相似文献   

新制度经济学的产权经济学认为产权不是指人与物之间的关系,而是指由物的存在及关于它们的使用所引起的人们互相认可的行为关系.新制度经济学认为,产权的起源显然与外部性的内在化有关.巴泽尔虽然没有明确使用"博弈"的概念来分析产权,但在它所举的案例中却充满着博弈论的分析.巴泽尔的产权理论是新制度经济学从"交易费用"到"博弈均衡"发展的一个重要转折点.  相似文献   

以科斯为代表的新制度经济学派是在新古典经济学基础上展开对制度及其在市场经济中作用的研究的。一方面,他们力图把制度因素引入经济分析,进一步揭示了主流经济学的片面性;另一方面,又在制度分析中沿用了新古典的理论和分析方法,扩展了主流经济学的理论框架和应用领域。 新制度经济学著述甚丰,目前已形成若干称谓的分支学科。但一般公认是以产权经济学为中心,因此,本文就以产权经济学为中心对新制度经济学理论进行评述。  相似文献   

会计准则研究中经常运用的新制度经济学理论主要是产权制度理论、交易费用理论等。文章试图从新制度经济学的角度来分析我国的会计准则的制定。  相似文献   

制度经济学的发展为教育制度的研究开创了新的理论范式,形成了以教育效能提升为目标,运用制度经济分析方法对教育制度所进行的独特研究,这就是一门新的学科——教育制度经济学。其在中国的教育变革背景下已赢得了广泛的研究氛围,必将进一步走向自己的学科高地,展开对教育制度创新、资产效能、交易成本以及公共选择等问题的新制度主义研究。  相似文献   

诺思作为新制度经济学的杰出代表,对制度及制度变迁有深入的研究。他在对古典经济学批判的基础上,形成了自己特有的理论体系。诺思的制度变迁理论研究,对我国的经济体制改革有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between religion and science education in the light of the cognitive sciences. We challenge the popular view that science and religion are compatible, a view that suggests that learning and understanding evolutionary theory has no effect on students?? religious beliefs and vice versa. We develop a cognitive perspective on how students manage to reconcile evolutionary theory with their religious beliefs. We underwrite the claim developed by cognitive scientists and anthropologists that religion is natural because it taps into people??s intuitive understanding of the natural world which is constrained by essentialist, teleological and intentional biases. After contrasting the naturalness of religion with the unnaturalness of science, we discuss the difficulties cognitive and developmental scientists have identified in learning and accepting evolutionary theory. We indicate how religious beliefs impede students?? understanding and acceptance of evolutionary theory. We explore a number of options available to students for reconciling an informed understanding of evolutionary theory with their religious beliefs. To conclude, we discuss the implications of our account for science and biology teachers.  相似文献   

进化博弈理论产生于20世纪80年代,是生态学理论与非合作博弈理论的完善结合,近十几年来倍受经济学、社会学与生态学理论界的重视,目前国内还没有全面、系统地阐述该理论的相关文献。该文以突变与选择两大机制为主线,系统地论述进化稳定策略与模仿者动态,在此基础上概述学者们的最新研究成果。  相似文献   

In this study, using multiple regression analysis, we aimed to explore the factors related to acceptance of evolutionary theory among preservice Turkish biology teachers using conceptual ecology for biological evolution as a theoretical lens. We aimed to determine the extent to which we can account for the variance in acceptance of evolutionary theory by using understanding of evolutionary theory, epistemological beliefs, thinking dispositions, and parents' educational level as independent variables. Preservice biology teachers' thinking dispositions, their understanding of evolutionary theory, and their parents' educational level are positively correlated with acceptance of evolutionary theory. We did not find any significant positive correlation between epistemological beliefs and acceptance of evolution because of low reliability coefficients of subscales of the epistemological beliefs instrument. Together they explained 10.5% of the variance. These results suggest that studying the relationship between acceptance of evolutionary theory and other related factors in a multivariate context is more informative than examining the relationship between acceptance of evolutionary theory and other factors in isolation. Our findings indicate that studying a controversial issue such as acceptance of evolutionary theory in a multivariate fashion, using conceptual ecology as a theoretical lens to interpret the findings, is informative. Our results suggest the inclusion of thinking dispositions in conceptual ecology for biological evolution. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 420–443, 2008  相似文献   

前达尔文时代的西方法理学就已存在某种朴素的法律进化思想,但直到19世纪进化论的确立才导致了进化法理学的诞生.早期研究主要集中于探讨法律进化理论,当前则侧重于进化论范式在具体法律问题中的应用以及一般进化法理学的构建等.尽管众多法学家认同法律进化的思想,但进化法理学作为一个法学流派却一直游离于西方法理学的中心地带之外.法律是一种文化现象,借鉴现代进化生物学在文化进化研究中取得的最新进展,构建基于文化进化的法律进化理论并以此为基础整合进化法理学,是进化法理学取得与其他进化社会科学类似成功的重要选择之一  相似文献   

进化心理学是近20年来西方心理学中出现的一种新的研究取向,这种研究取向的出现与历史上一直存在的进化论思想有着密切的联系。本文试图通过对阿纳克西曼德的朴素进化假说、恩培多克勒的宇宙循环理论、德谟克利特的原子论、亚里士多德的生物等级论、拉马克浪漫主义生物进化论、斯宾塞的普遍进化理论、达尔文的科学进化论等进化论思想进行分析和梳理,为进一步理解和掌握进化心理学提供帮助。  相似文献   

将人工免疫系统的克隆选择原理结合思维进化思想,提出了一种人工免疫进化计算模型。该模型中利用克隆选择原理对故障模式进行模式学习和识别,利用思维进化思想定义了免疫趋同算子和免疫异化算子来对抗体进行扩增和抑制。将其应用在模拟机组的状态识别,试验结果表明,所提出的模型对状态检测有较高的准确率。  相似文献   

Cognitive load theory has been concerned primarily with techniques that will facilitate the acquisition by students of knowledge previously generated by others and deemed to be important by society. The initial generation of that knowledge, a creative process, has been largely ignored. The recent expansion of cognitive load theory’s cognitive architectural base to incorporate evolutionary biological principles has opened the possibility of using the theory to consider the generation of knowledge as well as its transmission. It has been suggested that the logical base that underlies evolution by natural selection also underlies human cognitive architecture. The purpose of evolutionary theory is to explain the creation of new biological entities and processes. If human cognitive architecture is organized around the same principles, it should analogically be possible to explain knowledge generation. This paper will outline the relevant theoretical machinery, indicate data that support the theory, and indicate instructional procedures that, based on the theory, should facilitate creativity.  相似文献   

生物进化的思想经历了产生、确立及发展的过程,至今进化理论仍在完善之中。拉马克(JeanBaptisteLamarck,1744~1829)是第一个提出生物进化观点的学者。查理士·达尔文(CharlesRobertDarwin,1809~1882)提出了广为人们接受的自然选择学说。其他科学家不断地对生物进化的理论予以完善。  相似文献   

With the waning of influence of Piaget's theory and the shortcomings of information-processing perspectives of cognitive growth, cognitive developmentalists lack a common set of broad, overarching principles and assumptions—a metatheory—to guide their research. Development biology is suggested as metatheory for cognitive development. Although it is important for developmentalists to understand proximal biological causes (e.g., brain development), most important for such a metatheory is an evolutionary perspective. Some basic principles of evolutionary psychology are introduced, and examples of contemporary research and theory consistent with these ideas are provided.  相似文献   

For the purpose of this essay, I examine how evolutionary theory was treated and responded to in the American Museum of Natural History’s Hall of the Age of Man during the early 1900s. Specifically, I examine how the curatorial work of the museum’s president, Henry Fairfield Osborn, relied on the purported use of objectivity as a means by which to communicate the validity of evolutionary theory through the objects in his exhibit. But objectivity represented a resource for anti-evolution critics as well. To show this, I likewise examine how the Baptist pastor, John Roach Straton, responded to Osborn’s objects and purported use of objectivity in the Hall of the Age of Man and how he himself attempted to establish a different type of objectivity through pluralistic approaches to theories of origins. Established as a common value, objectivity ceased to be a simple discriminator between scientists and non-scientists within the debate over evolution. While issues over the teaching of evolutionary theory during this period are already well known, I show here that the controversy over evolutionary theory was not only an issue within public schools during the early 1900s, but also within the museum as an institute of public education and how the rhetorical role of objects and space were critical components of argument for both evolutionists and creationists.  相似文献   

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