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我国体育传统项目学校研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对文献资料的搜集整理,对我国体育传统项目学校近年来的发展进行了简要回顾和分析,发现体育传统项目学校在管理体制、训练情况、人才的输送以及竞赛制度等方面存在着不少需要解决和完善的问题,对体育传统项目学校本身的研究也有待拓展。  相似文献   

随着全民健身计划的不断发展和学校体育改革的不断深入,对体育传统项目学校的发展提出了更高的要求,对探求梅州体育传统项目学校的可持续发展已是比较迫切的一项重大研究课题,本文通过采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等方法对梅州市体育传统项目学校的现状进行了调查和分析,结果显示,梅州市体育传统项目学校在管理体制、训练情况、场地设施和经费方面存在着不少问题并提出相应的对策,以促进梅州市体育传统项目的发展.  相似文献   

<正> 体育传统项目学校是指有着开展某项或两项体育运动项目的优良传统,即大多教师生经常参加该项活动,其运动技术水平在该地区占有明显优势的学校。五年过去了,体育传统项目学校的发展情况如何?有哪些经验?应当向何处去?本文通过对一个地区的情况回顾,就上述有关问题,谈点粗浅的看法。一、体育传统项目学校的优势几年的实践证明,传统校具有强大的生命力。其主要原因: 1.传统校有较好的文化学习条件,队员的学习有保证,参加训练能够得到家长和社会  相似文献   

随着全民健身计划的不断发展和学校体育改革的不断深入,对体育传统项目学校的发展提出了更高的要求。在基础部分业余体育训练中,体育传统项目学校又占有重大比例,因此,它的数量和发展状况从一定程度上可以反映基础部分业余体育训练工作的情况。为了更深入的了解临汾市体育传统项目学校的基本现状,本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法等研究方法,通过实地走访调查,针对其发展过程中在管理机制以及指导方向等方面的具体情况,发现临汾市体育传统项目学校在政策落实、经费投入、场地设施配备、师资力量、选拔与培养渠道以及学训矛盾等方面存在诸多问题与不足,并提出:临汾市体育与教育主管部门应加强合作,相互配合;加强体教结合,缓解学训矛盾;完善管理机制;加大经费的投入;改革现有的办学模式等符合临汾市体育传统项目学校发展的实际建议。  相似文献   

<正> 近几年,体育传统项目学校不断发展,对学校群众性体育活动的普及,学生体质的增强和学校运动技术水平的提高,起到了重要作用。为国家培养了大批体育后备人才,对发展体育和教育事业做出了积极的贡献。国家教委和国家体委对此做出了充分肯定。最近,两委联合下发的《关于开展课余体育训练,提高学校运动技术水平的规划》中明确指出“小学和中学阶段的课余体育训练工作,以办好体育传统项目学校为主要形式。”从1980年开始,湖南省创办了一批体育传统项目学校。1986年11月1日至12月1日省体委、省教委组织有关人员,按照《湖南省体育传统项目学校检查验收细则》,对全省124所省级体育传统项目学校进行了一次全面检查,本文就检查结果作如下的初步分析。  相似文献   

中国体育传统项目学校发展现状与管理机制研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
李相如 《体育科学》2006,26(6):16-27
通过对全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)的调查,对我国体育传统项目学校的基本现状进行分析与研究,探讨我国体育传统项目学校的发展规模、项目布局、为“奥运增光计划”的贡献、学校体育活动和业余训练、体育师资和教练员队伍、体育场地设施、运动员输送等基本状况和特征,研究了我国体育传统项目学校发展中的主要问题、运行模式和运行机制,提出了我国体育传统项目学校未来发展的目标与对策。  相似文献   

佛山体育传统项目学校的现状研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过调查、文献资料等方法 ,对 1998~2 0 0 1年佛山市 33所体育传统项目学校的现状进行了调查 ,调查涉及到传统项目学校的学校基础工作、传统项目工作条件、工作状况、工作成效、竞赛制度等方面。旨在探讨体育传统项目学校的管理现状 ,为促进体育传统项目学校的发展 ,促进业余训练水平的提高 ,提供借鉴。  相似文献   

如果说,学校是为一个国家造就各种人材的基地,那么,学校体育就应当成为培养优秀运动选手,乃至产生未来世界冠军的摇篮。美国、东德、苏联等国近些年来竞技体育发展较快,许多项目在国际比赛中都名列前矛。这些家国的运动技术究竟为什么上得快?同学校体育有什么关系,他们的学校体育工作是怎样组织和开展的?这些问题想来是我国广大体育工作者所感兴趣和关心的。这里仅据收集到的资料,对有关情况作些简略介绍。通过这些资料,使人深切地感到,上述诸国的体育运动所以比较先进,除去科学研究以及物质条件外,他们十分重视学校体育,是取得优异成绩的重要原因之一。在学校体育工作方面,他们采取了许多有力措施。  相似文献   

于长菊 《山东体育科技》2005,27(3):91-92,104
以陕西省各级体育传统项目学校为研究对象,从其培养优秀运动员的数量、项目设置及场地设施情况入手进行调查研究,发现运动项目涉及面较狭窄,体育场馆设施欠缺,学校分布不均衡.认为加大投资力度、合理规划体育传统项目学校的布局、提高体育师资力量和尝试社会和学校联办的模式是解决体育传统学校目前问题的主要策略.  相似文献   

采用文献资料调研、调查和数理统计等方法对河南省体育传统项目学校状况进行了调查研究.结果表明:河南省体育传统项目学校的教学训练工作是卓有成效的,为河南省的体育事业做出了贡献.针对其教育改革与发展过程中存在的问题,提出了增加体育传统项目学校数目、合理调整布局和加强体育设施建设等建议.  相似文献   

体育新闻要充分发挥其传播功能,可读性是关键。可读性必须以真实性为前提,以准确性为基础,以生动性为保证。  相似文献   

体育市场是市场经济体制下的必然产物。文章在研究相关文献资料的基础上发现,近十几年来我国体育市场虽然取得了很大的发展,但还是存在着许多问题。文章针对当前体育市场发展的现状,提出新时期加强和完善体育市场的法制化管理的意见,旨在促进体育市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

野外体育产业若干理论问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对野外体育产业的理论体系进行了探究,并界定了野外体育及产业的概念,分析了其特点。为了使其理论更明晰,本研究又把野外体育与其它一些相关的体育活动了对比研究。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):291-307
This paper examines sport participation from an environmental perspective by considering the dynamic role of the sportscape (built-form and supporting infrastructure) in enabling, facilitating and promoting youth sport participation. Complementing recent work by Wicker et al. (2013), we conduct a case study of the ‘geography of sport’ in the Greater Toronto Area. In the process we introduce the concept of facility ‘gravitas’ to capture the attractiveness or ‘magnetism’ of sportscape entities and thereby acknowledge the multifaceted sets of environmental factors (including the bricks-and-mortar of facilities and the supporting mechanisms such as transportation, coaches and clubs) that influence sport participation. The results demonstrate that the geography of sport is not only about where sport venue built-forms are located, but also what types of sport infrastructure are available. To develop a better understanding of sport participation it is important to assess the capacity and quality of the sportscape along with other supporting structures and facilitators. The paper points to the implications for managers and policy makers from this perspective.  相似文献   

The Australian coaching workplace (to be referred to as the State Institute of Sport; SIS) under consideration in this study employs significant numbers of full-time performance sport coaches and can be accurately characterized as a genuine workplace. Through a consideration of the interaction between what the workplace (SIS) affords the individual and the agency of the individual SIS coaches, it is possible to gain an understanding how high performance sport coaches learn in the workplace. Analysis of data collected by means of semi-structured interviews with a group of coaches (n=6) and administrators (n=6), revealed that coaches learned through a variety of sources both within and outside of (but often influenced by) the SIS. In addition, there were a range of factors such as the working climate and the physical environment that were reported to have an impact on the learning of the coaches (structure). In keeping with Billett's (2006) theorizing, aspects of the individuals' agency (e.g. passion for the sport, drive to be the best) were also found to be critical to the learning in the workplace.  相似文献   

谢翊 《福建体育科技》2006,25(6):1-2,12
运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,利用广告传播学、市场营销学的相关原理,探讨国内外体育广告的发展现状,分析了体育广告的价值转移性、投资赞助性、表现多样性的发展特征,提出了体育广告的发展策略,为体育广告理论研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Most Australian sport stakeholders not only believe that government regulation is a good thing, but also assume that intervention in the drug-use problem will improve sport's social outcomes and operational integrity. In this paper we examine the regulation of illicit drug use in Australian sport through an interrogation of two cases: the Australian Football League and the National Rugby League. Using Pierre Bourdieu's conceptual frames of social field, capital, and habitus, we aim to secure a clearer understanding of the drivers of Australian sport's illicit drug regulations by (1) identifying those stakeholders who set the drug regulation agenda, (2) revealing the values and dispositions that underpin these regulations, and (3) explaining how dominant stakeholders go about sustaining their position and marginalising those stakeholders with opposing drug regulation claims. Our results show that Australian sport's drug-use regulations are driven by a set of values and dispositions that views sport as an instrument for shaping the character of its participants, and drugs as a threat to sport's moral fabric and good standing. The dominant stakeholders, comprising the Commonwealth Government, its sport agencies, and the major governing bodies for sport, imposed these values and dispositions on peripheral stakeholders by designing a drugs-in-sport social field that yielded capital and power to only those participants who endorsed these values and dispositions. Peripheral stakeholders – including players, their agents, and drug-treatment professionals – who mostly shared different values and dispositions, were sidelined, and denied the opportunity of adding to their already limited supplies of capital, power, and policy making influence.  相似文献   


Disordered eating in athletes is an issue of concern given its prevalence and links with negative health outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine female athletes’ perceived vulnerabilities to the development of disordered eating. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 female, competitive athletes from a variety of sports who self-reported disordered eating behaviours. The results confirm previous research that sport's emphasis on the body and appearance is a factor of vulnerability. Personal qualities of perfectionism, achievement-motivation, self-absorption, competitiveness and self-control, were also described as vulnerabilities to disordered eating behaviours. The participants’ abilities to tolerate pain and to enjoy hunger pains also reportedly increased their vulnerability to disordered eating. It is suggested that the qualities valued by competitive sport may also be potential factors of vulnerability to disordered eating. The findings are discussed in terms of recommendations for future research and practice.  相似文献   

糖作为运动过程中基本能源物质,其重要性不仅体现在耐力运动上,对于其他运动项目而言,合理的补糖也可提高运动成绩。对补糖对各运动项目的影响及实践中补糖的应用作一综述,以便更深入地研究糖与运动之间的关系。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(5):479-491
Collaborative governance has its origins in public administration and relates to cross-sector collaboration between parties who, by working together, may achieve common goals and more optimum outcomes than by working in isolation. The purpose of this paper is to explore the utility of collaborative governance as a relevant theoretical underpinning upon which to base future sport governance research focussed on the federal model of governance. To do this, we draw on an integrative framework of collaborative governance from the public administration literature to identify relevant research questions instructive for new research directions in sport governance. We offer evidence indicating that the federal model of sport governance is the type of network well-suited to the adoption of a collaborative governance regime but conclude there are barriers and challenges that could inhibit its implementation. The outcome of our work is a research agenda to guide research and theory development that may enhance our understanding of collaborative governance in sport, and of the barriers to its adoption and how they may be overcome.  相似文献   

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