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Information systems research provides increasing evidence that women and men differ in their use of information technology. However, research has not sufficiently explained why these differences exist. Using the theory of reasoned action and social role theory, this paper investigates gender differences in people’s decisions about information sharing in the context of social networking sites (SNSs). We developed a comparative model of the information-sharing decision process across genders and theoretically explained why these differences exist. Data was collected from an online survey taken by American SNS users. We found that privacy risks, social ties, and commitment were more important in the formation of attitudes toward information sharing for women than men. Gender significantly moderates the relationship between people’s perceptions of information sharing and their intention to share information. This paper provides an enhanced understanding of gender differences in people’s decisions about sharing information on SNSs. It advances gender differences research into the use of newly emerged information technology and provides researchers insightful views of the role that gender plays in the social media era. Being aware of the research findings, practitioners may better engage their targeted stakeholders on SNSs and collect more useful information for business purposes.  相似文献   

基于已有研究,制度环境(正式制度)会影响创业者的创业认知脚本,而社会网络和文化价值观本身是一种非正式制度,会产生规范作用和模仿作用,进而对创业认知产生影响。从正式制度和非正式制度两个方面阐述制度理论对创业者创业认知的影响机制,构建研究模型。通过江苏省7个城市的实证研究发现,非正式制度特别是社会网络对创业者的创业认知的安排脚本、意愿脚本和能力脚本有正向作用。在我国,非正式制度对创业者的影响更重要。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]社会化问答社区的投票机制有利于信息消费者筛选高质量回答。本文以用户原创回答为研究对象,探讨影响知识分享用户感知有用性的影响因素。[方法/过程]以信息接受模型为基础,基于知乎社区71 495条回答,结合文本分析与负二项回归分析方法,从回答特征、回答质量和回答者特征3个方面探讨知识分享有用性的影响因素。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,回答特征(及时性、图片或引用)、回答质量(答案中心度、情感支持)、回答者特征(社会网络中心度、可信度)均对回答有用性投票具有正向影响。回答的语言多样性对回答有用性投票具有负向影响。本研究通过实证进行客观分析,有利于促进回答者贡献高质量回答并对社会化问答社区进行高质量的信息服务提供可行性建议。  相似文献   

张洁梅  马悦杰 《科研管理》2021,42(3):139-149
虚拟社区用户忠诚对于虚拟社区的长期可持续性发展尤为重要。本研究以知识分享行为(知识共享数量和质量)为中介变量,探讨社会资本(信任、社会联结性、共同愿景)和外部动机(互惠动机、声誉动机)对社区忠诚的作用机理,并通过结构方程模型进行验证。研究结果表明,信任和外部动机通过知识共享数量和质量对社区忠诚有显著正向影响,社会联结性仅通过知识共享数量对社区忠诚有显著影响;信任和外部动机对知识共享数量和质量有显著正向影响,社会联结性仅显著影响知识共享数量,而共同愿景对知识共享数量和质量均无显著影响;知识共享行为对社区忠诚有显著正向影响,并且知识共享质量对社区忠诚的影响更显著。该结论为企业重视虚拟社区用户知识分享行为从而吸引和留住虚拟社区用户提供了决策支持,为企业更好的运营虚拟社区并利用虚拟社区获得可持续发展提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is an IT service paradigm that can, if used meaningfully, enhance traditional health IT approaches and offer major benefits to the healthcare industry. However, its adoption by healthcare organizations has been accompanied by diverse challenges that could impede its meaningful use. Decisions about its adoption should be made after serious consideration of relevant industry-specific factors. Whereas the literature has focused on cloud computing adoption in general, the industrial specificities that influence the decision to adopt cloud computing in the healthcare context have yet to be systematically addressed. We reviewed empirical studies on both information systems and medical informatics to investigate the determinant factors of the cloud computing adoption decision in healthcare organizations and the industrial specificities of those factors. Based on the results of our review, we proposed a conceptual framework of cloud computing adoption studies in healthcare and made seven recommendations for related future research. Our research contributes to the theory by providing a comprehensive list of industry-specific factors that influence cloud computing adoption decisions in healthcare and explains their specificities for the healthcare industry. For practitioners, the identified factors serve as a checklist that informs healthcare organizations’ decision making regarding cloud computing adoption.  相似文献   

Contemporary information technologies such as social media have invigorated the way knowledge is shared within organizations to the extent that we have to rethink and reassess our understanding of the role and influence of technology in organizational processes and knowledge sharing. This paper uses the strategy as practice lens guided by the interpretivist philosophy to understand the influence of informal social media practices on knowledge sharing and work processes within an organization. The paper uses empirical evidence from the case study of a telecom organization in Tanzania to gain theoretical insight into informal social media practices and knowledge sharing. This research contributes to the Information Systems (IS) literature by asserting that organizational processes are achieved by mundane knowledge sharing mediated by informal social media use within the organization. Also, the study contributes to IS literature by highlighting how emerging informal practices are essential to daily processes within organizations.  相似文献   

The use of weblogs as an information and communication technology for knowledge sharing and creation is a novel social and organizational phenomenon. In this paper, we identify and explain contingency factors that influence the successful use of weblogs for knowledge sharing and creation. We start from the assumption that successful knowledge management requires the motivation of people to engage in knowledge-related communication. Based on a comparison of two antithetic cases, we identify and discuss four contingency factors that directly influence the motivational impact of weblogs on organizational knowledge sharing and creation.  相似文献   

Our study aims at shedding light on the innovative business strategies in the software sector and understanding better the economics that underlies the supply of Open Source Software (OSS). We use survey data collected from 170 Finnish software companies to investigate how different properties of software firms, such as size, age, intellectual capital, absorptive capacity, and ownership structure affect their decisions to base their business strategies on OSS supply or proprietary distribution of products and services.Our empirical findings indicate that the adoption of technologically advanced strategies requiring complex legal and managerial knowledge, such as the OSS supply strategy, demands relatively highly educated employees. The support for and development of an education system providing highly skilled people from different fields are essential for the firms’ successful adoption of innovative business strategies. We also find that market entrants have largely driven the OSS adoption, but there are no significant age-related differences in the adoption behavior of incumbent software firms.  相似文献   

A key element in the adoption of innovation is addressing the knowledge gap caused by its introduction in practice. This study examines the context in which information is searched, found and retrieved, reviewing previous related research work, especially in the area of cognitive information retrieval. As result of an extensive review of research literature on the adoption of online learning design systems in education and on information behaviour, the study proposes a social adoption of innovation model, which includes information systems and social networks, and features innovators and adopters of innovation that influence each other and participate simultaneously in the process of knowledge generation. The study also proposes two symbolic equations for general knowledge behaviour and general information seeking skills that reflect the contribution of multiple sources of information and the type of skills that are needed as part of the overall knowledge behaviour.  相似文献   

Effective knowledge exchange among software developers is crucial for the competitive performance of their organizations. Today, the constant pressure on businesses to continually innovate and the increasing capability of information technologies to facilitate broader and more distributed communication are driving organizations to leverage social media tools to improve performance. These tools, which have changed the way we share knowledge, enable people to connect, communicate, and collaborate. Research on knowledge sharing via social media is still in its early phases, with a comprehensive overview of the literature yet to be completed. Thus, using a systematic literature review approach, this study aims to map the current literature on the topic in relation to software development. Furthermore, this study highlights the findings of former research and identifies gaps in the literature. The study offers several insights for researchers and practitioners and proposes a future research agenda to strengthen knowledge in the field.  相似文献   

Sharing knowledge in inter-organizational relationships is one way to enhance strategic competitiveness. It is generally agreed that the development of close relationships facilitates such sharing among partners. This paper presents a research model comprises five research hypotheses with four constructs, including relationship orientation, institutional orientation, relational risk and knowledge sharing. This study develops a conceptual model that relational risk as a mediating construct to examine the inter-relationship effects that affect knowledge sharing and these relationships. We analyze data collected from 312 of the top 1000 Taiwanese manufacturing firms in 2011 listed in Business Weekly. The results of the empirical study suggest that the role played by relationship orientation and institutional orientation is critical in ensuring the inter-organizational knowledge sharing as it mitigates the relational risk in the process. The findings of the study provide practical insights into how supply chain members should reinforce their relational and institutional view of relational governance and manage relational risks so as to improve their collaborative behaviors and in turn achieve the competitive advantage of knowledge sharing for the supply chain as a whole.  相似文献   

    隐性知识为企业技术创新及可持续发展提供了支撑,共享、整合和利用企业内外部隐性知识的研究得到学者们的广泛关注,但现有文献对如何促进组织间隐性知识共享的关注甚少。本文选取中国东部地区的186家知识密集型企业为调查对象,探讨开放情境下核心企业的知识治理与组织间隐性知识共享的关系。研究发现:知识治理对组织间隐性知识共享具有正向影响,组织开放度在市场型和层级型知识治理对组织间隐性知识共享的影响中均具有显著的调节作用,但在社会型知识治理对组织间知识共享影响中的调节作用不显著。该研究可为企业在创新网络中获得基于知识治理的创新和竞争优势提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The social question and answer (Q&A) community provides people with an effective tool to obtain high-quality information. From the perspective of reciprocal determinism and value co-creation, this study aims to investigate the formation mechanism of high-quality knowledge in the community. We develop a model to investigate how cognitive factors and community technological factors influence users’ knowledge co-creation behavior, thereby influencing knowledge quality in the community. A survey of 382 knowledge contributors in a social Q&A community shows that knowledge self-efficacy, topic richness, personalized recommendation, and social interactivity have a positive impact on users' knowledge sharing and integration behavior, which subsequently affect the community’s knowledge quality. Moreover, users' ratings moderate the influence of knowledge sharing on knowledge quality. This research demonstrates the synergistic effect of people and technology in knowledge co-creation, thus advances literature about value co-creation and content quality in online communities.  相似文献   

基于已有文献的回顾,归纳并重新界定农户间知识共享的内涵,建立农户间知识共享要素、过程、功能的三维度分析框架,包括分析农户间知识共享的主体、客体、信息渠道以及共享环境等要素;系统讨论农户间知识共享的知识溢出、知识学习、知识转移及知识创新过程;综合考察农户间知识共享行为推动农户技术采用,进而实现农业技术推广,完善农业产业链发展的积极作用。最后,结合三维分析框架和我国农业产业发展的新形势,提出四点具有潜力的研究方向,以期为后来研究者提供启示与指引。  相似文献   

刘虹  李煜 《现代情报》2021,40(10):73-83
[目的/意义] 从动机、机会、能力3个维度揭示学术社交网络用户知识共享意愿的影响因素。[方法/过程] 基于MOA理论,构建学术社交网络用户知识共享意愿影响因素模型,搜集数据并采用结构方程模型方法对模型研究假设进行验证。[结果/结论] 利他动机、声誉动机、社区认同动机、知识获取动机、信息质量、系统质量、自我效能对学术社交网络用户的知识共享意愿影响显著,社交关系动机、服务质量对学术社交网络用户的知识共享意愿影响并不显著。该模型对解释我国学术社交网络用户的知识共享意愿和指导学术社交平台建设具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于WIKI的群体知识共享与创新服务研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
焦玉英  袁静 《情报科学》2008,26(5):652-656
作为网络时代一种全新的知识共享与创新服务平台,wiki以其独特的知识共享功能,通过互动、协作、启发,促使个体知识创造上升到群体知识创新水平,并为群体知识创新的实现提供技术平台、知识源和知识场。本文分析了wiki平台提供的知识共享环境,提出了wiki服务平台上的知识共享与创新模型,并对群体创新的实现条件进行了分析。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】探讨网络问答社区中意见领袖的社会与知识分享行为特征,为问答社区的发展提供改进建 议。【方法/过程】以知乎“旅行”问答话题下活跃用户为研究对象,通过python爬取用户的个人信息,利用数理统计 和社会网络分析对意见领袖的社会及知识分享行为特征展开研究。【结果/结论】研究发现,社会特征是意见领袖开 展知识共享活动的先决条件,网络问答社区的发展离不开社区用户的多元化;意见领袖为问答社区内容生成主力, 知识分享行为广泛分布于意见领袖的信息活动中且其行为影响力突出;中心团体联合促进意见领袖间的知识分 享,领袖群体间知识分享互动频繁。【创新/局限】对于意见领袖的特征分析只建立在“旅行”这一问答话题,样本数 量偏低,后期将会对更多的问答话题进行研究,以期得出更精准的、普适性更强的结论。  相似文献   

皮圣雷  丁铭铭 《科研管理》2020,41(6):210-218
在线的C2C分享平台是目前分享经济的重要方向之一。一些C2C知识分享平台中采用对成员的评价机制作为鼓励分享行为的重要手段之一,但是在理论上评价机制与个体知识分享行为之间的关联机制却少有研究。本文通过内容分析和社会网络分析等方法,对国内一个咨询行业专业QQ群进行了大数据分析,实证探讨了系统评价和群内成员互评两种评价机制在成员的知识分享行为与个体知识网络中心性之间的调节效应。在实证分析的基础上,本文进一步根据系统评价和成员互评两种评价机制作用的异同将知识分享平台划分为应用型、创新型和合作型知识分享平台。  相似文献   

Social commerce sites (SCSs), a new model of social media, provide fertile ground for customers to communicate their opinions and exchange product- or service- related information. Given the significant opportunities related to the use of social media data for customers’ insight, we explore the factors driving information sharing behavior on SCSs. In this paper, we propose and empirically test a comprehensive theoretical model for customer information sharing behavior through analysis of online survey data as well as network and behavioral usage data of over four months from 1177 customers in a SCS. The research model was empirically validated with the use of both subjective and objective data in a longitudinal setting. Our results show that customer information sharing is influenced by both individual (i.e., reputation and the enjoyment of helping others) and social capital (i.e., out-degrees’ post, in-degrees’ feedback, customer expertise and reciprocity) factors. This study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the role of directed social network in customer information sharing behavior on SCSs. We believe that the results of our study offer important insights to the IS research and practice.  相似文献   

Online social networking has received increasing attention as a new phenomenon among online users. As Internet users utilize online social networking websites as a useful communication tool to maintain their social networks, this study explorers online social networking websites users’ knowledge sharing in particular. This study investigated the factors which influence knowledge contribution behaviors of social networking website users by sharing through user created contents with one another. By employing a socio-technical approach, this study discussed the roles of social system factors such as ethical culture, social tie, and a sense of belonging in online social network. Additionally, this study examined technical systems factors such as structural assurance of service providers and structural assurance of the Internet. The survey method was utilized in order to empirically test the research model. The research findings and contributions are discussed as well.  相似文献   

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