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论称谓的元语言性质及元语用功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人际称谓是人际角色关系定位的主要符号标记。称谓系统中的称谓词如同公理系统中的初始元,在语言系统中充当元符号的角色;称谓符号不仅对人际关系、人类文化而且对人类言语行为给予了充分的解释和描写,从而使其在本质上具有元语言性质和元语用功能。研究称谓的这些特性,对进一步认识称谓现象的本质乃至人类语言的本质及使用规律提供了便利。  相似文献   

称呼的用法受民族传统、社会结构和集团意识的制约,不同群体之间为达到交际的目的,其使用的语言也必须随着社会而发展,适应时代的潮流,遵循时代的特点和特色,本旨在研究传统的俄罗斯明礼貌原则的同时,探讨了俄罗斯常用称呼的新趋向。  相似文献   

孙美玮 《海外英语》2012,(18):241-242
As the process of globalization moves on,cross-cultural communication has been a part of people’ s daily lives.It is quite important for people to know how to behave properly in many situations.The present study analyses the phenomena of pragmatic failure of address forms.The study may help enhance peoples’ awareness on polite address in cross-cultural communi cation and improve their communicative competence.Foreign language teachers can get implications for their teaching methods,paying more attention on cultural teaching.In addition,the author hopes that equal cultural communication and multi-cultural concept can be achieved.  相似文献   

每种语言都有其特定的称谓系统和使用规则。同一称呼语在不同文化中不一定能对等使用。由于在英汉文化中对教师的社会身分和教师这一职业有着不同的理解或解释倾向,汉语中的"老师"和与之相对应的英语单词"teacher"反应在称呼的行为方式上也就有所不同。  相似文献   

英语委婉语是一种特殊的语言现象,它是为实现特定的交际效果而产生的。英语委婉语的产生是人们社交的需要,是人们协调人际关系、达到社交目的的重要语言手段。在不同的语境下,英语委婉语具有不同的语用功能。人们可视其交际的需要,选择使用不同的英语委婉语。  相似文献   

齐洁梅 《海外英语》2012,(10):250-253
随着中国经济的飞速发展,在各个领域都可以感受到深刻的变化。越来越多的中国公司敞开怀抱,迎接全球化的挑战,以便做好与国外公司建立贸易关系的准备。在这种经济全球化的形势下,商务英语谈判起着非常重要的作用。一些学者已经注意到这一特殊文体,并对该文体语言做了一些语用学研究。但是,对于商务英语谈判还没有更全面的研究。"交际的主要目的之一是与他人进行互动:与他人建立和保持适当的社会关系"(Thompson,2000:38),这就是说,语言的交际功能是为了某一目的而间接的告诉他人某事,其目的或者是为了影响他人的态度或行为,或者是提供自己有而他人没有的信息,或是解释我们自己的态度或看法,或者是使他人为我们提供信息,等等。所以,商务英语谈判具有重要的作用,发挥着特定的人际功能。在该研究中,作者试图研究该文体语言的特点,运用了韩礼德的人际模式,从系统功能语法角度,对人际功能进行研究,从而说明了人际意义是如何从情态系统被实现的。24个商务英语谈判样本是从教材,网络和公司收集来的,这保证了样本材料的效度。为了使研究更加全面和详尽,作者定性和定量的对数据进行了分析,其中,定量分析用到了SPSS语言统计软件。经过分析,有如下发现:情态系统主要是由取值不同的情态动词来实现的,他们表示了不同的态度:信心,意愿和趋势。在经济全球化的形势下,该研究非常有意义。从理论来说,对商务英语谈判的人际意义研究可以对语篇分析的发展有启发作用。从现实意义来说,该研究又具有立竿见影的意义。商业活动在繁荣发展,一个成功的谈判可以使双方达成协议,从而使双方获益。此外,该研究也为商务英语语言和技能的教学提供了参考。  相似文献   

在汉语和越南语的称谓语系统中,人称代词是差异最大的称谓形式。汉越人称代词一般都可以分成三类:第一人称、第二人称、第三人称。现代汉语最常见的人称代词有"你"、"我"、"他"、"她"及其复数形式。越南语人称代词有专用类和借用类,光专用人称代词就有十多个,其复数形式很复杂。在使用方面,汉越人称代词都受权势关系、礼貌原则的限制,但是受限制的程度不同。论文主要基于汉越人称代词形式和语用的分析指出两者的异同并提出汉越人称代词互译的一些建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,一方面人们的物质、精神生活水平越来越高,另一方面人与人之间的竞争也越来越激烈。这种竞争不单指知识水平方面,还包括语言能力、交际能力、组织能力等等。其中的人际交往能力已成为考量综合素质的一项非常重要的标准,在个人成长过程中所发挥的作用不容忽视,很多高校意识到它的重要性,已经在大学期间努力培养学生良好的人际交往能力,以此来提高他们的综合素质,增强竞争力。本文就以安徽矿业职业技术学院为例,对学生的人际交往情况及成因进行初步研究,并以此为突破点探讨这一问题对我院高职教育的启示。  相似文献   

Many researchers have pointed out that teachers’ interpersonal behaviour relates to students’ positive attitudes towards schooling. However, only few studies have examined whether students’ perceptions of their teachers’ interpersonal behaviour relates to students’ subject-related attitudes across different school subjects. In this study, it was investigated to what extent the interpersonal behaviours of secondary school teachers are perceived differently by the students as a function of the school subject being taught and whether such perceptions coincide with students’ attitudes towards the subject matter, after controlling for students’ achievement. To address these research questions, 2305 adolescent students (47.1% males; Mage = 17.85; SD = 1.09) from grades 9 to 11 and their teachers (N = 42; 38.1% males; mean years of teaching = 14.2; SD = 1.25) from one urban high school in Turkey were surveyed. The students completed the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction and attitude questions. Multilevel data analysis showed that Control related to positive attitudes among students in classes grouped under the science, and literature and language domains, but not in classes grouped under the arts and sports domain. Perceived Affiliation, on the other hand, was positively associated with all the four subject domains (science, social sciences, literature and language, and arts and sports). These results show the importance of taking a multidisciplinary perspective in in-service training programmes for secondary school science teachers as they emphasise the differential roles that control as an interpersonal behavioural style may play on students’ attitudes in certain subject matters.  相似文献   

语言所表达的人类社会活动都是有目的性的,人们通过语言相互交往并建立一定的人际关系.文章以韩礼德系统功能语法为理论基础,从语气系统和人称系统两个方面对建立业务关系类外贸英语信函这种语篇人际意义的实现进行了分析,结果表明,此类语篇中的语气和人称的使用充分体现了语言的人际功能,促进了双方良好业务关系的建立.  相似文献   

文化渗透在语言中,语言又反映了文化。称谓语便是其中的一个例子。中国的称谓语丰富多样,而在西方,人们对称谓语的使用却不像中国这样频繁。因此,称谓语的翻译也就因文化的不同而不同。在《红楼梦》这部文学巨著中,由于人物身份、地位的不同,称谓语各不相同。不同文化背景的翻译者在翻译的过程中会采取不同的方法来处理这些称谓语,比较两种版本的英译,可以让我们更清楚地了解文化差异对翻译称谓语的影响。  相似文献   

Euphemisms are a language phenomenon prevalent in the human society and an important means of coordinating interpersonal relationship through language.The use of euphemisms has a significant social function.Sociolinguistics focuses on people's language performance in daily life.Euphemisms are implicit,indirect or pleasant words expressing taboos or touchy things.They are unique expressing forms of language and culture.Therefore,studies of English euphemisms make for smooth communication,thus achievement of cultural communication between Chinese and westerners.  相似文献   

功能-认知视角能充分解释英语语态的语义、功能和使用。英语主动与被动语态在对概念结构的表达上各 不相同,在特定语域中实现各自的概念、人际和语篇功能。概念层面,主动与被动语态体现不同的认知意象;人际层面,语态选择体现说话人的交际目的;语篇层面,语态选择影响小句衔接、话题变换和信息焦点调整。另外,语态的使用与 动词和语篇类型也密切相关。  相似文献   

张桃桃 《海外英语》2012,(3):274-275
Politeness is a very important topic in modern linguistics. With the development of the study of linguistics, a lot of people lay the emphasis on the study of politeness language. It can be observed in all languages and cultures as a social phenomenon, which plays an important role in individuals’ linguistic behavior. But due to different culture, different politeness principles and other reasons, different peo ple have different understandings about the definition of politeness, and they deal with politeness in different ways. Through different study background, principle and theory, this paper focuses on the politeness language in English and Chinese culture caused the differences. Politeness languages are mainly expressed in the forms of address, greeting, congratulation, appreciation and apology . The biggest difference between English and Chinese is that the Chinese system is profusion and complicated, but the English one is quite simple. Age, income, marriage and religion, etc. are taboos in English and people in western countries like to talk about weather when they meet each other; greeting in Chinese almost includes different things about one’s life. Appreciation in Chinese is not used frequently. Peo ple do not often say "thank you" to their families or friends. Appreciation in English can be used among families, friends, and colleagues and so on. At the end of this thesis, a conclusion is drawn; limitations and some suggestions of the research are stated!  相似文献   

The complexity of young people’s strategic negotiation of sexual agency constitutes a challenge for professionals working in the area of sexuality education. This paper explores how comprehensive sexuality education can support young people to develop sexual agency in all its forms: embodied, bonded, narrative and moral. A first step is to base sexuality education on the recognition of the connectedness of young people to different people and to different sexual cultures. This implies that comprehensive sexuality education should provide the tools that can help young people in the process of taking up a position, forming an identity and embodying a sexual self within their own social and cultural context. Moreover, comprehensive sexuality education should not only be aimed at empowering individuals, but should also address different sexual cultures, gender norms and other social norms, to stimulate critical consciousness and collective agency, and thereby create an environment that enables and supports young people’s agency and diminishes inequality and restrictive norms.  相似文献   

基于元数据开发管理信息系统极大地提高了系统的开发效率。对以Delphi 7.0基于元数据开发管理信息系统的两种实现方式进行了论述和比较,探讨了基于元数据开发管理信息系统的主要优缺点。  相似文献   

合作原则和礼貌原则是语言交际中的两大原则。在国际商务活动中,人们使用商务英语时很容易误用模糊语、称呼、语态、语气和礼貌用语。只有遵循合作原则和礼貌原则并全面了解中西文化差异,人们才能避免语用失误,顺利沟通,达到交际的目的。  相似文献   

仿拟是为追求新颖别致、幽默诙谐等辞效目的,人们有意模仿所熟知的固有的语言实例而拟造出新语言形式的一种修辞手段。从仿体的形式来看,网络语言中的仿拟包括了仿词、仿语、仿句、仿篇四种类型。网络语言中之所以会大量使用仿拟,与仿拟主体(网民)求新求简的语用心理及其在构建网络话语文本中特殊的修辞效果有直接关系。  相似文献   

Mentoring programs for youth have become increasingly popular interventions and are generally effective in promoting protégés’ wellbeing and functioning. Building on recent efforts to understand the interpersonal mechanisms underlying mentoring relationships, the authors apply central concepts from attachment, social support and social learning theories and systematically compare the mentor’s role with the roles of other caregivers (parent, therapist, friend, teacher). The authors highlight similarities and differences between mentoring and these roles, and discuss interpersonal dynamics specific to each relationship that can be enacted in mentoring. It is argued that the uniqueness of mentoring rests on mentors’ ability flexibly to transverse these different roles to some degree, without embodying any. Consequently, the authors underscore the existence of different profiles of mentoring relationships and suggest that these might address diverse protégés’ needs. This view serves to articulate specific recommendations for research and practice in light of protégé heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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