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我国"体育"概念泛化的原因、弊端及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用献资料法、逻辑分析法对我国“体育”概念泛化的原因和弊端进行了多方面的深入分析.建议:在体育科研领域、社会生活、学校体育教学中要明确、统一并规范使用概念、术语.  相似文献   

教学相长作为《学记》中的教育范畴,对学与教之间相互关系的阐释最为经典,是“为己之学”在教育经典文本中的生动再现。以郑玄—孔颖达为代表的注疏之学和以荆公新学—陈澔为代表的义理之学,体现了以学为核心的教育话语体系下,教学相长范畴研究的儒学话语变迁。以《学记笺证》《学记研究》《〈礼记〉新读》为代表的学术专著,呈现了以教为核心的话语体系下,教学相长范畴研究的学科术语变迁。教育学类教材和论文主要从教学原则和教师成长规律两个方面来展开教学相长范畴研究。教学相长范畴中“为己之学”的为学旨趣、“弟子不必不如师”的师道观念和“好学”的师德修养,正是教学过程中形成良好师生关系的内在保障。教学相长范畴的当代价值就在于此。  相似文献   

话语贯穿政策制定和实施全过程,话语分析为教育政策过程的批判研究路径提供了一种实践可能。从界定“教育政策话语”与“教育政策话语分析”概念来看,话语分析方法是一种综合多种质性、量化研究方法的方法集合或统称。教育政策话语研究可依据中心议题区分为“问题导向型”与“核心政策型”,依据分析框架制定的不同取向区分为“自上而下”“自下而上”“相互调适”等三种研究路径。在归纳教育政策话语分析研究一般流程的基础上,当前教育政策话语分析研究工作需要从研究对象、方法恰切性以及资料收集等方面作出改进。  相似文献   

王建华 《考试周刊》2012,(14):100-101
教育理念是指导教育行为的思想观念和精神追求。只要有教育行为发生,就一定有教育理念在起作用。《体育与健康》新课程倡导“以人为本”,新的课堂教学及课堂教学艺术必须由以“知识技能传授”为中心转向“以人的发展”为中心。本文从课堂教学的生命性、发展性、生活性三个维度,即“教师应怎样教.学生应怎样学,师生关系应怎样相处”展开对课堂教学艺术的建构,以期对新课程平台上体育课堂教学艺术话语体系的重塑有所启示或启发。  相似文献   

教育政策精神分析是国外批判教育政策研究的新兴领域。基于拉康派精神分析理论,教育政策精神分析认为,政策科学和教育政策社会学混淆了政治“本体”与“本体论”,始终未能摆脱对政策的工具理性假设。教育政策精神分析指出,政治在本体论层面是一个空洞的能指,教育政策通过勾勒理想教育来服务政治的本体论运作。由于政治在本体论层面的不可能性,教育政策无法整体性地把握和抵达理想教育。基于此,教育政策精神分析主张关注教育政策的非工具层面,将目光从寻求更好的解决措施转向政策主体在真实、日常的政策实践中自我解放。在分析方法上,教育政策精神分析围绕主人话语、大学话语、歇斯底里者话语和分析师话语,将政策批判与主体解放合二为一,克服了传统批判研究简化政策复杂性和受制于时空情境的缺点。  相似文献   

中国现代诗学话语体系具有浓厚的西方特征,与中国古代诗学话语体系是两种完全不同的谱系,其术语、概念、范畴主要是从西方输入的。在如何对待中国古代诗学话语和当代先锋诗论话语方面,中国现代诗学存在着严重的缺陷和弊端。中国现代诗学不应该只是新诗理论,还应该包容古典诗学;不应该只是“现代”诗学,还应该包容“当代”诗学,特别是当代先锋诗歌理论。重建中国现代诗学,应该充分吸收中国古代诗学思想和当代诗论思想,使它既能够有效地言说古代诗歌现象,又能够有效地言说当代先锋诗歌现象。  相似文献   

本主要从体样式与批评话语两方面探讨了《人间词话》的体特点。在体样式上,《人间词话》表现出对传统“诗话”的继承、兼综与超越;在批评话语方面,王国维对传统的论范畴、术语进行了改造,试图创造出内涵明确,具有可操作性的批评范畴、批评术语,这些做法对当代中国学批评有着重大的启示。  相似文献   

身体话语(亦称“身体写作”、“躯体修辞学”等)是九十年代文学批评中一个频频出现的术语,其内涵与外延随着使用者的不同而呈现出颇多相异之处,为了更科学、更准确地界定和使用这个文学批评术语,本文从不同的角度对各种已有的界定或论说进行了梳理与综述。  相似文献   

学界对于政治话语及其翻译的研究历来注重语用功能和社会属性的宏观描写,而缺乏从构词和句法等微观方面的本体研究。缩略型构词是中国政治话语短语术语的典型形式之一。在形态表征上,短语术语可以划分为三类:前重型术语、后重型术语和均重型术语。新创术语的重心重置导致了术语内部词汇词性转化和短语中心语转换。以中国政治话语中的短语术语为研究对象,从形式语言学视角考察中国政治话语新创术语在构词上的词性转化现象和在句法上的短语中心语转换现象及其驱动因素,梳理中国政治话语的术语定名特征,并结合对外话语体系建设探讨术语外译的基本规范。  相似文献   

学界对于政治话语及其翻译的研究历来注重语用功能和社会属性的宏观描写,而缺乏从构词和句法等微观方面的本体研究。缩略型构词是中国政治话语短语术语的典型形式之一。在形态表征上,短语术语可以划分为三类:前重型术语、后重型术语和均重型术语。新创术语的重心重置导致了术语内部词汇词性转化和短语中心语转换。以中国政治话语中的短语术语为研究对象,从形式语言学视角考察中国政治话语新创术语在构词上的词性转化现象和在句法上的短语中心语转换现象及其驱动因素,梳理中国政治话语的术语定名特征,并结合对外话语体系建设探讨术语外译的基本规范。  相似文献   

“生活·实践”教育在继承杜威“教育即生活”、美欧新教育运动以及中国近现代教育理论本土化探索成果精髓的基础上,充分汲取陶行知生活教育学说和马克思主义实践哲学理论精华,紧密结合习近平总书记实践育人重要论述,具有深厚的历史渊源和坚实的理论基础。其对当下落实“双减”政策,推进劳动教育,促进个体全面发展,培养符合未来社会所需人才以及构建中国特色教育学术话语体系具有深刻意义。  相似文献   

面对教育改革面临的诸多社会挑战,包括新冠疫情对美国教师队伍的冲击以及美国中小学教师队伍离职率高、缺乏多样性等问题,美国联邦政府将教师教育改革纳入其“重建更好”一揽子改革计划的重要组成部分。“公平”价值转向、从“缺陷”到“优势”的政策话语转变和弗雷泽三维社会公正理论构成了美国联邦政府教师改革政策的重要理论基础。美国联邦政府采取的教师教育改革措施主要包括:修改大学和高等教育的教师教育援助计划;实施“培植你自己”教师教育项目;完善一年制教师驻校培养模式;加大对少数族裔学校的资助力度;提高教师工资与专业发展水平。美国联邦政府的教师教育改革凸显了社会公平与多元种族和谐相处的政策价值导向,其政策机制体现了联邦政府协调角色的不断增强和市场化教师教育改革方式的适度消退。  相似文献   

This article analyses the uses and representations of the term “critical thinking” in the social science literature, based on a qualitative content analysis of titles, abstracts and keywords retrieved from the SCOPUS database for Germany, France and Russia over the last two decades. Our analysis focuses on how the use of the term “critical thinking” has increased over time, in which contexts the term is used and in which part of article texts it is used. Our findings are counterintuitive on several levels. First, the term “critical thinking” is seldom used in a pluri-disciplinary context. More commonly, it is used within specific discourses—notably education. Second, we found that it is mainly used instrumentally, rather than analytically. Third, most of the articles that use the term do not engage in actual critical analysis. There are also important geographic variation in the use of the term. In articles from Germany and Russia the term is used in similar ways—and differently in France. These nuances are difficult to analyse however, due to the different topics addressed, as well as author preferences. The use of the term “critical thinking” is diverse; indeed, at times weak and paradoxical. Finally, we discuss how editorial policy in academic journals possibly influences the discourse on critical thinking.  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织2021年11月面向全球发布了《一起重新构想我们的未来:为教育打造新的社会契约》报告。本研究以报告英文版为主要分析文本,结合霍布斯、洛克、卢梭、马克思和恩格斯等人关于社会契约的经典理论,解读其副标题“为教育打造新的社会契约”之意蕴,聚焦“教育需要何种新的社会契约”“新教育社会契约如何实现”以及“我国新教育社会契约的本土话语与实践”三个核心议题。本研究通过厘清社会契约的“旧传统”和“新注解”,发现该报告提出了一种不同于法学、经济学、政治学领域的社会契约概念,而是从教育学领域切入,探讨教育如何成为、如何建构、如何引领一种新的社会契约;强调从人类视角、生态视角和技术视角解读新教育社会契约的内涵及实现路径;择要分析教育学、课程、教学、教师、学校、学术科研机构、其他社会组织以及国家与非国家机构等教育要素与主体的变革方向;思考新教育社会契约对我国教育改革的启示。  相似文献   


The theme of this article is adopted from the work of leadership experts Heifetz and Linsky, who described the need for organizational leaders to balance their time on the “dance floor” (managing tasks) with time viewing from the “balcony” (understanding the bigger picture). The physical education teacher education doctoral program faculty on many campuses would be well advised to periodically invest time distancing themselves from the daily rigors of research, teaching, and service to better understand the challenges and opportunities confronting their programs. Furthermore, faculty must be willing to critique their program and its strategic direction, eliminate ineffective practices that consume limited resources, and retain what is most important. The purpose of this article is to provide collective observations “from the balcony” for faculty working in physical education teacher education doctoral programs as a catalyst for discussion.  相似文献   

香港发生的非法“占领中环”和“反修例”风波,让我们不得不重新认识香港推行国民教育的必要性和紧迫性。香港的国民教育不仅要重视以文化为核心的中华民族认同教育,也要强调以宪法和基本法为核心的制度认同教育,还要加大国民教育中的历史认同比重,确保香港青少年能够对祖国的历史形成正确认知,增强国家责任感与民族归属感。通过对香港国民教育进行政策切入研究,梳理其发展脉络,辨析香港现行国民教育的缺失,并结合我国提出的“立德树人系统化落实机制”,从依法治教原则、中国特色社会主义教育督导体制机制、问责纠偏意识、特色“主题教育”、多元主体合力等多角度提出应对香港当前国民教育困境的建议。  相似文献   

A review of theoretical or conceptual writing on teacher education reveals numerous examples of the term “social justice” in discussions of preservice preparation. Despite this widespread use, little research documents if and how teacher education programs utilize the concept in their programs. This study examines how institutions that included “social justice” within their NCATE accreditation documents used the term in their articulation of program practices, goals, and values. Based on an extensive qualitative content analysis of NCATE conceptual frameworks, the authors assert that the social justice reform agenda is only weakly represented in accreditation artifacts and that there is little consensus on the enactment of social justice in teacher education, even among those programs that invoke the terminology.  相似文献   

The nature and value of “professionalism” has long been contested by both producers and consumers of policy. Most recently, governments have rewritten and redefined professionalism as compliance with externally imposed “standards.” This has been achieved by silencing the voices of those who inhabit the professional field of education. This article uses Foucauldian archaeology to excavate the enunciative field of professionalism by digging through the academic and institutional (political) archive, and in doing so identifies two key policy documents for further analysis. The excavation shows that while the voices of (academic) authority speak of competing discourses emerging, with professional standards promulgated as the mechanism to enhance professionalism, an alternative regime of truth identifies the privileged use of (managerial) voices from outside the field of education to create a discourse of compliance. There has long been a mismatch between the voices of authority on discourses around professionalism from the academic archive and those that count in contemporary and emerging Australian educational policy. In this article, we counter this mismatch and argue that reflexive educators’ regimes of truth are worthy of attention and should be heard and amplified.  相似文献   

This paper acknowledges that, in many contexts, the term ‘education for the environment’ has generated powerful images which have resonated with educators seeking empowerment for themselves and their students. We also acknowledge that it has enabled inquiry into socio‐political dimensions of environmental issues. However, we propose that this term has become a slogan and, as such, its use has been insufficiently problematised. We identify anomalies and inconsistencies associated with the use of ‘education for the environment.’ Further, we argue that the term is conceptually and linguistically flawed and that we may not need, or want, the structures that it imposes. In challenging, rather than casually accepting, this terminology, we seek to regenerate a fundamental dimension of the discourse within environmental education.  相似文献   

According to Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun, the former Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower, the most significant education policy in recent years in Hong Kong was undoubtedly the new academic structure commonly known as “334.” As schools, universities, and the community at large seemed to accept the new academic structure in principle, the areas of contention would mostly lie in the timing and details. Sparked by the suicides of two teachers, a wave of unprecedented protests and opposition against the government’s education policy followed, which led to the departure of the former Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun and the Secretary for Education and Manpower Arthur Li Kwok- cheung from the education portfolio. This situation suggests that something was wrong with the teachers’ working environment. This article aims to make sense of these discursive events through a critical discourse analysis of the “334” education policy with materials taken from documents, speeches, and press releases published by the government as well as newspaper articles drawn from South China Morning Post, which is a rich source of contested ideas. An eclectic approach is drawn from both “state-centered” and “policy cycle” perspectives synthesized and adopted for this article. Upon this contested terrain in which individual policy actors struggle to achieve the desired political outcomes, the intention of this article is to explore how the state and other interest groups acted, reacted, and interacted in the policy processes of the 334 Education Reform.  相似文献   

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