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文章研究了高铁酸盐氧化降解对氯苯酚的情况,通过考察高铁酸钾投加量、溶液初始pH和反应时间诸因素对氯苯酚的去除率和脱氯率的影响及降解产物的GC/MS分析,在此基础上对其降解反应机理进行了探讨。结果表明,增加K2FeO4投加量及延长反应时间均对反应有促进作用,溶液在酸性和碱性条件下降解效果明显优于中性条件。正交实验结果表明,在K2FeO4质量浓度为27.6mg/L,pH为3,氧化21.43mg/L的对氯苯酚溶液30min后,对氯苯酚CODCr去除率达到90.3%。  相似文献   

瓷器保护与修复工作中经常涉及清洗,清洗工作中最重要的是对瓷器污染物的认识。本文从污染物的定义、病害与污染物的关系、污染物的分类三个方面展开讨论。对污染物进行分类是为清洗工作准备的,因此,污染物分类方法必须具备实用性。本文对教学实践、实地考察、已发表文献中的大量修复案例进行统计、归纳、分析,发现各污染物名称在实际工作中容易产生混淆。为更好地指导清洗工作,合理地去除污染物,本文结合保护修复从业人员的清洗习惯,根据瓷器污染物六大基本信息:位置、状态、种类、物质、成因和对器物的影响,将纷繁的瓷器污染物名称以状态为主,兼顾位置、物质,并充分考虑俗称,对于特征特别明显的污染物独立成类的分类原则进行梳理分类,并给出在修复实践中去除不同类别污染物的清洗技术选项。  相似文献   

香港的绑架类型片是电影类型片中的一个典型,很多电影均取材于真实的绑架案件,电影中的警察部门和破案手法都是以现实案件为原型,对受众的认知和行为产生有效的结果,受众在潜移默化中形成绑架案的现实观和社会观。从传播学"培养"理论出发,用"制度分析"探讨绑架类电影产业链的制约性因素;用"讯息系统分析"研究绑架类电影对现实案件的加工和传达;用"培养分析"解析绑架类电影的正反效应;试图研究绑架类电影对社会和受众产生的影响。  相似文献   

研究证明,空气中的污染物会危害档案制成材料。档案制成材料由于自身的性质和受环境条件影响,会产生不利于耐久性的因素而需要采取保护措施,若采取的措施不当,就有可能污染周围环境。  相似文献   

研究证明,空气中的污染物会危害档案制成材料.档案制成材料由于自身的性质和受环境条件影响,会产生不利于耐久性的因素而需要采取保护措施,若采取的措施不当,就有可能污染周围环境.  相似文献   

扎根理论作为重要的质性研究方法,对解决档案学研究中的定性分析问题具有积极意义。近几年,扎根理论开始在国内档案学研究中产生热度,其应用主要分布于处理新生事物探索类问题、影响因素识别类问题和复杂现象分析类问题。理性地认识扎根理论,正确地运用扎根理论,未来将能更好地发挥扎根理论在档案学研究中的应用价值。  相似文献   

本文基于已有文献,总结归纳出对移动支付用户支付意愿产生显著影响的四类关键因素,并以支付宝钱包作为移动第三方支付的代表性平台,对四类因素进行实证检验.其中移动支付安全因素通过作用于使用态度从而直接产生影响;便捷因素则通过支付快捷与移动端便利性优势两方面对支付意愿产生积极作用;此外,场景构建丰富度及优惠方式通过改善移动支付应用与用户生活习惯的兼容性而显著增强用户的满意度,激发其消费意愿.  相似文献   

期刊作为一种独立的传播媒体,至今已有300多年历史。它以连续出版的形式.在特定领域对目标受众产生持续影响,从而成为重要的出版种类之一。按内容性质可分为社会科学类期刊、自然科学类期刊。每一类根据其性质可分为若干细类,如原创类、文摘类、学术专刊类等等.目前全国出版期刊数量万余种,读者群体更是庞大。近年来,由于期刊的语言失范、逻辑混乱、违背常识等错误时常发生,各类期刊的编校质量问题引起社会各界的极大关注.  相似文献   

一、跨文化交流中的理解障碍 导致跨文化交流中理解障碍的因素大致可以分为两类:第一类是语言因素,第二类是非语言因素.语言在交流中的作用至关重要."语言是人类文化成长的契机和关键,其他文化现象的产生和存在都以语言为基础."①在跨文化交流中,双方至少有一方需要使用外语进行沟通,这时对于交流语的娴熟程度即成为双方顺畅交流的重要保障.然而,一方对交流语言掌握的程度不够,很容易造成另一方的误解.  相似文献   

贾瑞琪 《今传媒》2022,30(1):20-25
本文以用户持续使用理论(ECM-ISC)及消费者行为学相关理论作为支撑,采取问卷调查的研究方法,以大学生群体为调查对象,对影响新闻类APP用户持续使用意愿的因素进行了实证研究。研究表明,感知有用度、期望确认度、感知权威性、感知趣味性等要素在不同程度上直接或间接地对新闻类APP用户的使用满意度及持续使用意愿产生影响。当前,提高用户满意度,建立权威价值,强化忠诚用户群培养已经成为新闻类APP吸引受众的关键。  相似文献   

A new coating system for archeological bronze protection that consists of a primer coating and a top coating was prepared in this study. The primer coating was prepared by mixing water-based acrylic emulsion with 1,2,3-benzotriazole, and the ultraviolet (UV) light-resistant top coating was prepared by mixing water-based acrylic emulsion with nano-sized TiO2 and SiO2 particles. UV light resistance and visible light transmission, contact angle, corrosion resistance, and mechanical properties of the new coating system were investigated and the results showed that UV resistance, hydrophobicity, oleophobicity, glossiness, and corrosion resistance all were improved. Application of the new system on real archaeological bronzes showed that the coating film was colorless, odorless, transparent, soft low-lustre, removable, and the original appearance of the archaeological bronze was well maintained.  相似文献   

The requirements for paints used on outdoor sculpture and military vehicles are similar: overall protection for the underlying substrate, and the ability to withstand prolonged outdoor exposure and recurring physical contact. Aesthetic requirements are different but stringent for both categories of coatings and include maintaining appearance over time. Building on prior work undertaken by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) Army Research Laboratory (ARL) to modify military coating systems into a matte black paint suitable for outdoor sculpture, a long-term interdisciplinary collaboration is under way between the ARL, the Getty Conservation Institute, Mack Art Conservation, and NCP Coatings, that aims to develop and evaluate a wider range of robust paint systems with novel attributes for both the DoD and outdoor painted sculptures. For the latter, this includes coatings with a broader range of gloss, formulated with a much more varied palette. New low-gloss coatings used on military assets were used to paint sculptures by Alexander Calder, Tony Smith, and Louise Nevelson, designed to an aesthetic standard based on approved colour and gloss levels by the relevant artists’ foundations and estates, and formulated to enhance durability. These new coatings offer the ability to match or meet a range of artists’ aesthetic preferences, and to use a variety of polymeric flattening agents to control gloss levels, reduce marring, and eliminate volatile and hazardous pollutants. The use of low molecular weight (LMW) resins provides 4–8 hour pot life to assist in the application process. Compared to current resins, the LMW systems reduce organic solvent levels, are low viscosity, and permit far easier application. In addition, the replacement of typical pigments with low solar absorbing (LSA) pigmentation provides higher reflection which ‘shields’ the resin/binder system and reduces degradation. A particular advantage to conservators from this collaboration is that the coatings on DoD assets provide a convenient indicator of the paint's performance and durability. The outcome will be a unique coating system to provide enhanced durability and maintain the original coating properties for a period of 6–10 years.  相似文献   


A glow discharge in hydrogen gas can reduce silver tarnish back to silver. When a Daguerreotype is made an electrode of such a system, reduction takes only a few minutes. Many of the disadvantages of wet chemical methods are avoided.  相似文献   

纸质文献在长期保存和使用过程中,由于年代久远,环境中灰尘颗粒的覆盖、霉菌滋生、气体侵蚀等因素,泥斑、水渍、霉斑、油斑等在所难免。有些污渍会污染纸张,附着于纸张表面或渗透到纤维内部,影响纸张寿命;有些遮盖字迹影响阅读。清洗纸质文献的就显得尤为重要,是修复工作中非常重要的一项内容,是修补、托裱等修复工作的前期工作。中国自古至今所使用的清洁方法比较单一,水洗是常用的方法。本文针对国内外近些年来清洁技术、设备的研究、发展及其应用,在分析对比各类清洁方法的基础上,针对不同的污染物类型介绍具有实操性的技术与方法,以便于指导实际工作,填补我国清洁设备与技术的空白。  相似文献   

现代科学信息交流的体系与服务模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍经典科学信息交流体系的几种Ⅰ型模式,提出科学信息交流体系的Ⅱ型模式。论述Ⅱ型模式的5种形式(私人交流、公共域或公共机构仓库、商业性左线出版、非商业性在线出版和作者付费开放出版),认为由于Ⅱ型模式业已形成,传统“纸”链文摘与索引服务模式(即Ⅰ型服务模式)已基本上被取代。  相似文献   


Lighting a cultural heritage artifact requires balancing visual perception with preventive conservation, by providing the best lighting (in terms of spectral distribution and quantity) to enable the viewer to appreciate details and color, while limiting photo-induced degradation. The paper outlines the methodology applied by a multi-disciplinary team while lighting the Shroud of Turin at its last public exhibition in 2015. The methodology considered the special requirements of the Shroud, including exposure to ultraviolet light, while providing appropriate display conditions that would meet audience expectations. The desired appearance (readability of the body image and color) was defined with the help of Shroud researchers and confirmed by subjective tests, while appropriate light levels for preservation were set in agreement with standard requirements and using knowledge of the degradation of linen in visible and UV light. The installation provided a controlled environment and a managed visitor route to the Shroud, assuring excellent perception of both details and color, with the lowest illuminance level about 15?lx.  相似文献   

介绍暨南大学珠海学院图书馆在ILASⅡ 2.0系统中影视资源的建设与管理。结合具体实践,详细描述数据库建库与著录、视频点播系统构建、检索与利用等一些技术问题的实现。  相似文献   

Air pollution is one of the environmental influences that degrade cultural heritage objects situated indoors. Other essential influences, such as temperature, relative humidity, and light are often well monitored. The presence of air pollutants is less often measured or included in risk assessment. The MEMORI® technology presented in this paper was developed as a tool for easy measurement and assessment of the general risk of degradation of heritage objects situated indoors due to indoor exposure to air pollutants. MEMORI dosimetry was performed in locations belonging to English Heritage and Tate (both located in London) and the National Archives of Norway in Oslo, to assess air quality. The related damage risk for collection objects and the protection offered by display and storage designs was assessed. A high level of acidic effect was observed inside a number of showcases, and a high level of oxidizing effect was observed in some room locations. Relatively simple mitigation measures, such as constructing tightly sealed showcases using low emitting materials, installing active carbon absorbing media inside a ‘microclimate’ frame, and using cardboard storage boxes for paper, significantly improved air quality. Overall, implementation of such measures is likely to improve the preservation of objects and reduce conservation costs.  相似文献   

文章以天津图书馆为例,对ILASⅡ连续出版物管理子系统在使用过程中存在的问题进行简要论述,并对该子系统的进一步完善提出改进建议,旨在与ILASⅡ用户共同探讨、相互交流,以促进系统的升级和完善。  相似文献   

通过分析MELINETSⅡ系统数据需求现状,指出MELINETSⅡ数据导出功能的缺陷,提出利用ODAC技术,在Delphi7.0环境下,通过二次开发解决MELINETSⅡ数据导出的思路和实现流程。对ODAC技术在开发过程中的连接数据库、调用存储过程、返回数据进行详细阐述,并以采访部门使用该技术顺利实现方便外采之目的,将MELINETSⅡ馆藏信息快捷、准确导入便携式数据采集器为例做介绍。  相似文献   

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