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当前我国稻谷和小麦库存充裕,口粮绝对安全;玉米库存相对不足,饲料粮保供压力凸显。各地政府粮食储备品种结构布局由粮食生产品种决定,这种现状造成我国粮食储备调控粮食市场的能力削弱,区域结构性缺粮矛盾突出。因此,调整粮食储备品种结构布局,缓解区域粮食市场供需矛盾,完善地方代储企业粮食储备激励契约,是政府粮食储备品种结构布局的优化策略。具体的政策建议包括全力抓好玉米生产、完善产销区粮食流通保障体系、完善政府粮食储备监督检查机制。  相似文献   

由于粮食产业的基础地位及其本身的弱质性等特点,需要政府加强对粮食产业的支持和保护.根据各阶段粮食政策目标的不同选择,我国政府出台了相应的粮食补贴政策措施.从福利经济学角度出发,以受益主体的变迁为主线,可以将我国的粮食补贴政策的演进过程分为对粮食消费者补贴、对粮食生产者间接补贴和粮食流通部门直接补贴并行、对粮食生产者直接补贴等三个阶段.粮食生产者作为弱势群体,在不同阶段粮食补贴政策的实施中,得到的少,付出的多.现阶段在保障国家粮食安全和促进农民增收的目标约束下,应加大对粮食生产者的补贴力度,优化和完善我国的粮食补贴政策.  相似文献   

1996年农业和农村经济发展的目标是:在保证农产品供给稳定增长和农产品市场稳定的前提下,努力使农民收入有一个较高的增长速度。为此,提出以下政策建议。 一、稳定农产品生产和市场,确保农产品有效供给 完善粮食购销政策,提高政府干预市场的能力。1996年粮食购销比较可行的选择是继续实行“保一块、放一块”的“双轨制”,即在保证政府能够稳定地掌握一定数量的粮食,以稳定粮食供给的前提下,放开粮食市场购销,促进粮食市场发育。针对当前粮食购销政策中存在的问题,建议1996年在三个方面进行完善:一是适当提高国家粮食定购价格,并严格控制粮食购销差价。目前粮食定购价与市场价差价过大的矛盾已很突出,这固然与政府调控粮食市场的能力不强有关,但不能  相似文献   

粮食生产具有特殊性和弱质性,对农业生产实行保护是世界各国普遍选择,为了在保证粮食安全的同时,有效增加农民收入,我国已从2002年开始改“保护价收购”政策为粮食直接补贴政策,应当说取得了很好的效果。但作为提高农民收入、提高农民种粮积极性的粮食补贴政策在运行中并不能完全达到政府的预期目标。为了保护和提高粮食综合生产能力,确保我国粮食安全,必须对现有粮食补贴政策进行改进。  相似文献   

粮食流通体制改革的核心,是废除“双轨制”,提高企业的经营效益,用市场化的手段实现对粮食生产的支持和对粮食消费的保障。在市场主体、市场体系、市场结构、市场规则、企业战略、政府职能等方面进行体制性和机制性的改革,建立企业完全市场经营,政府适当调控的运行体制;建立自主经营,自我约束的国有粮食企业经营机制;并配套建立市场化的农民利益保护机制,粮食安全保障机制;粮食产业化引导机制和粮食企业国有资产保值增值机制。我国粮食市场选择完全竞争的市场结构是不可取的,也是不现实的,粮食市场结构的现实选择应该是垄断竞争市场,垄断竞争市场从效率上讲,介于完全竞争与纯粹垄断之间,可以发挥竞争和垄断两个方面的优势。  相似文献   

通过对湖南宁乡县粮食生产及储备现状分析我国粮食安全存在的隐患,并提出积极构建私营网络、加强粮食市场监管力度、完善国家粮食储备制度以及严格实施耕地保护制度等政策是解决我国粮食安全问题的有效手段。  相似文献   

推进生产区粮食产业化经营的思路与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推进生产区粮食产业化,对提高粮食产出的比较效益和稳定粮食的有效供给有着重大意义,针对我国粮食产业发展状况,本提出:推进粮食产业化经营,要依托国有粮食企业,创新粮食产业化组织形式,培育和发展统一开放的粮食市场体系,健全政府的有效调控和合理引导。  相似文献   

粮食直补是农业补贴政策的核心,在保障粮食安全、提高农民收入水平方面发挥着非常重要的导向性功能。本文从保障粮食安全、公平收入分配和弥补农业生产机会成本等多维视角诠释了粮食直补的理论基础与现实依据,并基于横截面数据的回归分析,从整体上检验了粮食直补政策传导机制的有效性;同时还运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)测算了2004年29个地区及2005年23个地区的粮食直补效率。结果显示:我国粮食直补效率不高的主要原因是技术无效率。  相似文献   

粮食补贴政策背景下粮食安全和农民增收的协同研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,在国内重视"三农"问题和国际粮食危机的两大背景下,我国对粮食补贴政策进行了根本性的调整,以实现保障国家粮食安全和促进农民增收的双重目标。但是,长期以来,我国粮食安全与农民增收之间存在着不和谐音符。我国农民种粮的机会成本增加及种粮利益较低,因此将农民增收放在首位成为关键。通过博弈分析可以发现,我国政府出台的以对农民直接支付为主的粮食补贴政策在解决二者的协同问题中扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法对现阶段我国有关农业人口、税收、土地、粮食补贴等政策进行了探讨分析。这些农业政策对有效发展我国农业生产、有序进行农业活动、提高农民生活质量和生活水平和建设现代化农业产业有积极地作用,但也带了了一定的负面效应和影响,主要有耕地荒废、农业剩余劳动力增加、补贴没有得到充分合理利用等现状。  相似文献   

市场机制下的农地规模经营以从事高效农业为目的,而直接补贴制度致使传统农业的规模经营成为可能。直接补贴制度所引致的传统农业规模经营并未实现确保国家粮食安全及农民整体收入增加之宏观调控的总体目标,反而产生了财政补贴的大量耗费、农民收入的再分配效应及农村不稳定隐患等不良后果。为了提高农地规模经营补贴制度的有效性,农地规模经营激励制度应变直接补贴制度为间接补贴制度。  相似文献   

政府规制是政府为了维护公众利益和纠正市场失灵而规范市场主体活动的行为。农民合作社是因提高农民组织化程度而具有广泛正外部效应的特殊市场主体,如何规范并推动其发展,是政府规制的重要议题。目前中国政府对农民专业合作社的规制中存在“规制失灵”现象:一方面,在规制政策执行层面,财政资金投向“重硬件,轻软件”,政府扶持过分强调“扶优扶强”,政府对合作社规范运行的规制不力,以及规制政策执行层面漏洞较多等问题,使政府规制的效率受损;另一方面,在规制政策供给层面,尚未建立有效的合作社运行监督机制,政策配套措施和实施细则出台滞后,以及农村金融政策和农业保险政策供给滞后等问题,都在制约着政府规制优化。  相似文献   

依据经济学分析可知,教育实习机会的正外部性导致了市场失灵,相对于高师院校的理想需求而言,教育实习机会供给短缺。而政府有效干预是解决这一问题的不可或缺的力量,通过政府补贴或政府规制,可以有效克服市场失灵,实现实习机会的理想供给,从而保证全体高师生的教育实习。  相似文献   

This paper examines experiences with ‘skills development’ in South Africa to contribute to broader debates about ‘skills’ and the relationships between vocational education and development. Numerous policy interventions and the creation of new institutions and systems for skills development in South Africa are widely seen as having failed to lead to an increase in numbers of skilled workers. I analyze some of the underlying reasons for this by considering South African policies and systems in the light of research in developed countries. The dominant view in South African media and policy circles is that a skills shortage, coupled with an inflexible labour market, are the leading causes of unemployment. This has led to a policy preoccupation with skills as part of a ‘self-help’ agenda, alongside policies such as wage subsidies and a reduction of protective legislation for young workers, instead of collective responsibility for social welfare. Skills policies have also been part of a policy paradigm which emphasized state regulation through qualification and quality assurance reform, with very little emphasis on building provision systems and on curriculum development. The South African experience exemplifies how difficult it is to develop robust and coherent skills development in the context of inadequate social security, high levels of job insecurity, and high levels of inequalities. It also demonstrates some of the weaknesses of so-called ‘market-led’ vocational education.  相似文献   

19世纪80年代以来美国食品加工技术的提高和食品市场的扩大使政府对食品市场进行管制成为必要。这种管制最先表现为各州制定了纯净食品法。然而州管制既不足以保护消费者,也不足以保护食品生产者。于是,在科学界的呼吁和媒体的宣传下,觉醒消费者开始大力推动联邦政府对食品市场进行管制,大型食品生产者利益集团在这方面态度也十分积极,最后促成了1906年《纯净食品与药物法》的出台,开始了联邦管制食品市场的新时代。  相似文献   

The current cost-plus natural gas pricing mechanism makes the gas price too low,resulting in a lot of consumer-side subsidies and over-consumed natural gas.This paper applies the price-gap approach and input-output analysis technology to quantitatively analyze both the direct and indirect effects on urban residents under the condition that natural gas subsidies are cancelled in China in 2007.It is shown that the gas price will increase by 33.3%-41.6%,and the residential consumption expenditure by 0.26%-0.33%.The low-income groups are mostly affected,so different subsidies should be implemented to make subsidies more efficient.  相似文献   

Far less is known about predictors of quality for family child care homes than for child care centers. The current study of 120 randomly-selected family child care providers in four Midwestern states examined distal, state policy-level variables (family child care regulations and the concentration of children cared for who received public child care subsidies, referred to as subsidy density), and proximal, provider-level variables (providers’ level of education and reported annual training hours) as influences on global quality and caregiver sensitivity. More regulation, lower subsidy density, higher levels of provider education and more training hours were associated with higher global quality in family child care homes. Lower subsidy density and higher provider education were associated with more sensitive caregiving, but no effects on sensitivity were observed for regulation and training hours. An interaction effect indicated that regulation moderated the relation between education and sensitivity; education was especially important for sensitive caregiving among providers low in regulation. In addition, after including all predictor variables in the model, significant mean differences between states were noted. Findings demonstrate that both policy-level variables and provider characteristics influence quality in family child care homes, and further, that they may interact to affect observed child care quality. Implications for state child care policies are discussed with emphasis on implications for quality of care for low-income children whose tuition is paid by public child care subsidies.  相似文献   

研究生教育是准公共产品,基于准公共产品第二种定义所提出的方案主张研究生学费定价和财政补贴可分立操作.研究生学费可首先单独建立在研究生教育是私人产品基础上,学费是学校根据学生需求和劳动力市场需求所确定的市场化价格,生均成本在市场中确定并且不高于学费;同时,针对不同学校、不同专业所产生的不同外部性,政府有针对性地单独用财政进行补贴以保证某种外部性的充足供给.竞争市场对私人收益和外部性的恰当反映成为确定学费与财政资助的依据.此方案将学费和生均成本决定权交给市场(学费等于生均成本),而将财政资助决定权保留给政府,财政资助成为对成本的分担.本文以比较的方法对美国华盛顿州正在实践中的宏观研究生学费定价政策进行了分析.  相似文献   

Redistributive taxation and education subsidies are common policies intended to foster education attendance of poor children. However, this paper shows that in an intergenerational framework, these policies can raise social mobility only for some investment situations but not in general. I also study the impact of both policies on the aggregate skill ratio and inequality. While redistributive taxation can raise social mobility but at the same time never reduces inequality, education subsidies can, under some conditions, achieve both simultaneously. Unfortunately, these conditions necessarily require a population in which the skill ratio is already quite high.  相似文献   

To examine whether state child care subsidy policies can combine goals of increasing maternal employment and increasing access to quality child care for children in low-income families, we studied one state's comprehensive policy, through a cross-sectional survey of 665 randomly selected families using centers, Head Starts, family child care homes, public school preschools or informal care, including a sample of families on the waitlist for child care subsidies. We found that, in Massachusetts, families receiving child care subsidies report greater access to child care, more affordable child care, and higher quality child care, than do similar families not receiving subsidies. Lower-income families not receiving subsidies can sometimes access affordable, quality child care through Head Start programs and public preschools, but, when they have to pay for care, they pay a significantly greater proportion of their income than do families receiving subsidies. We also found that families on the subsidy waitlist are at a particular disadvantage. Waitlist families have the greatest difficulty paying for care, the least access, and the poorest quality child care. While the child care subsidy policies benefited those families receiving subsidies, families outside the system still struggled to find and afford child care.  相似文献   

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